自变量:LB - FHR baseline (beats per minute)
AC - # of accelerations per second
FM - # of fetal movements per second
UC - # of uterine contractions per second
DL - # of light decelerations per second
DS - # of severe decelerations per second
DP - # of prolongued decelerations per second
ASTV - percentage of time with abnormal short term variability
MSTV - mean value of short term variability
ALTV - percentage of time with abnormal long term variability
MLTV - mean value of long term variability
Width - width of FHR histogram
Min - minimum of FHR histogram
Max - Maximum of FHR histogram
Nmax - # of histogram peaks
Nzeros - # of histogram zeros
Mode - histogram mode
Mean - histogram mean
Median - histogram median
Variance - histogram variance
Tendency - histogram tendency
CLASS - FHR pattern class code (1 to 10)
NSP - fetal state class code (N=normal; S=suspect; P=pathologic)
1.十折交叉验证 概念(百度百科)
英文名叫做10-fold cross-validation,用来测试算法准确性。是常用的测试方法。将数据集分成十分,轮流将其中9份作为训练数据,1份作为测试数据,进行试验。每次试验都会得出相应的正确率(或差错率)。10次的结果的正确率(或差错率)的平均值作为对算法精度的估计,一般还需要进行多次10折交叉验证(例如10次10折交叉验证),再求其均值,作为对算法准确性的估计。
Fold=function(Z=10,w,D,seed=7777){ n=nrow(w) d=1:n dd=list() e=levels(w[,D]) T=length(e) set.seed(seed) for(i in 1:T){ d0=d[w[,D]==e[i]] j=length(d0) ZT=rep(1:Z,ceiling(j/Z))[1:j] id=cbind(sample(ZT,length(ZT)),d0) dd[[i]]=id} mm=list() for(i in 1:Z){u=NULL; for(j in 1:T)u=c(u,dd[[j]][dd[[j]][,1]==i,2]) mm[[i]]=u} return(mm)}
#读入数据 w=read.csv("CTG.NAOMIT.csv") #因子化最后三个哑元变量 F=21:23 #三个分类变量的列数 for(i in F) w[,i]=factor(w[,i]) D=23 #因变量的位置 Z=10 #折数 n=nrow(w)#行数 mm=Fold(Z,w,D,8888)
library(rpart.plot) (a=rpart(NSP~.,w))#用决策树你和全部数据并打印输出 rpart.plot(a,type=2,extra=4)
x :
An rpart object. The only required argument.
Type of plot. Five possibilities:
0 The default. Draw a split label at each split and a node label at each leaf.
1 Label all nodes, not just leaves. Similar to text.rpart's all=TRUE.
2 Like 1 but draw the split labels below the node labels. Similar to the plots in the CART book.
3 Draw separate split labels for the left and right directions.
4 Like 3 but label all nodes, not just leaves. Similar to text.rpart's fancy=TRUE. See also clip.right.labs.
extra :
Display extra information at the nodes. Possible values:
0 No extra information (the default).
1 Display the number of observations that fall in the node (per class for class objects; prefixed by the number of events for poisson and exp models). Similar to text.rpart's use.n=TRUE.
2 Class models: display the classification rate at the node, expressed as the number of correct classifications and the number of observations in the node. Poisson and exp models: display the number of events.
3 Class models: misclassification rate at the node, expressed as the number of incorrect classifications and the number of observations in the node.
4 Class models: probability per class of observations in the node (conditioned on the node, sum across a node is 1).
5 Class models: like 4 but do not display the fitted class.
6 Class models: the probability of the second class only. Useful for binary responses.
7 Class models: like 6 but do not display the fitted class.
8 Class models: the probability of the fitted class.
9 Class models: the probabilities times the fraction of observations in the node (the probability relative to all observations, sum across all leaves is 1).
Controls the shape of the branch lines. Specify a value between 0 (V shaped branches) and 1 (square shouldered branches). Default is if(fallen.leaves) 1 else .2.
digits :
The number of significant digits in displayed numbers. Default 2.