• linux驱动移植platform总线设备驱动



    1.1 linux驱动的分离(总线驱动模型)

    我们知道linux操作系统可以运行在各种SOC上,比如我们熟知的SOC芯片S3C2440 S3C6410和S5PV210等,由于处理器芯片的不同,那么就会导致即使对于同一硬件设备,其驱动程序也会略有不同,这就造成内核代码很冗余。




    当然,这只是对于 I2C 下的 MPU6050 这个设备,实际情况下,I2C 下肯定会挂载很多设备,根据这个思路,我们可以得到框架为:




    1.2 platform驱动模型



    这里需要注意的是,platform 总线是区别于 USB、SPI、I2C 这些总线的虚拟总线。说它虚拟是因为 SOC 与一些外设如 LED、定时器、蜂鸣器是通过内存的寻址空间来进行寻址的,所以 CPU 与这些设备通信压根就不需要总线,那么硬件上也就没有这样一个总线。但内核有对这些设备做统一管理的需求,所以就对这些直接通过内存寻址的设备虚拟了一条 platform 总线,所有直接通过内存寻址的设备都映射到这条虚拟总线上。

    platform 总线的优点:

    • 通过 platform 总线,可以遍历所有挂载在 platform 总线上的设备;
    • 设备和驱动的分离,通过 platform 总线,设备和驱动是分开注册的,因为有 probe 函数,可以随时检测与设备匹配的驱动,匹配成功就会把这个驱动向内核注册;
    • 一个驱动可供同类的几个设备使用,这个功能的实现是因为驱动注册过程中有一个遍历设备的操作。 


    2.1 platform总线定义

    在linux 设备模型中,总线由bus_type 结构表示,我们所用的 I2C、SPI、USB 都是用这个结构体来定义的。该结构体定义在 include/linux/device.h文件中:

     * struct bus_type - The bus type of the device
     * @name:       The name of the bus.
     * @dev_name:   Used for subsystems to enumerate devices like ("foo%u", dev->id).
     * @dev_root:   Default device to use as the parent.
     * @bus_groups: Default attributes of the bus.
     * @dev_groups: Default attributes of the devices on the bus.
     * @drv_groups: Default attributes of the device drivers on the bus.
     * @match:      Called, perhaps multiple times, whenever a new device or driver
     *              is added for this bus. It should return a positive value if the
     *              given device can be handled by the given driver and zero
     *              otherwise. It may also return error code if determining that
     *              the driver supports the device is not possible. In case of
     *              -EPROBE_DEFER it will queue the device for deferred probing.
     * @uevent:     Called when a device is added, removed, or a few other things
     *              that generate uevents to add the environment variables.
     * @probe:      Called when a new device or driver add to this bus, and callback
     *              the specific driver's probe to initial the matched device.
     * @remove:     Called when a device removed from this bus.
     * @shutdown:   Called at shut-down time to quiesce the device.
     * @online:     Called to put the device back online (after offlining it).
     * @offline:    Called to put the device offline for hot-removal. May fail.
     * @suspend:    Called when a device on this bus wants to go to sleep mode.
     * @resume:     Called to bring a device on this bus out of sleep mode.
     * @num_vf:     Called to find out how many virtual functions a device on this
     *              bus supports.
     * @dma_configure:      Called to setup DMA configuration on a device on
     *                      this bus.
     * @pm:         Power management operations of this bus, callback the specific
     *              device driver's pm-ops.
     * @iommu_ops:  IOMMU specific operations for this bus, used to attach IOMMU
     *              driver implementations to a bus and allow the driver to do
     *              bus-specific setup
     * @p:          The private data of the driver core, only the driver core can
     *              touch this.
     * @lock_key:   Lock class key for use by the lock validator
     * @need_parent_lock:   When probing or removing a device on this bus, the
     *                      device core should lock the device's parent.
     * A bus is a channel between the processor and one or more devices. For the
     * purposes of the device model, all devices are connected via a bus, even if
     * it is an internal, virtual, "platform" bus. Buses can plug into each other.
     * A USB controller is usually a PCI device, for example. The device model
     * represents the actual connections between buses and the devices they control.
     * A bus is represented by the bus_type structure. It contains the name, the
     * default attributes, the bus' methods, PM operations, and the driver core's
     * private data.
    struct bus_type {
            const char              *name;
            const char              *dev_name;
            struct device           *dev_root;
            const struct attribute_group **bus_groups;
            const struct attribute_group **dev_groups;
            const struct attribute_group **drv_groups;
            int (*match)(struct device *dev, struct device_driver *drv);
            int (*uevent)(struct device *dev, struct kobj_uevent_env *env);
            int (*probe)(struct device *dev);
            int (*remove)(struct device *dev);
            void (*shutdown)(struct device *dev);
            int (*online)(struct device *dev);
            int (*offline)(struct device *dev);
            int (*suspend)(struct device *dev, pm_message_t state);
            int (*resume)(struct device *dev);
            int (*num_vf)(struct device *dev);
            int (*dma_configure)(struct device *dev);
            const struct dev_pm_ops *pm;
            const struct iommu_ops *iommu_ops;
            struct subsys_private *p;
            struct lock_class_key lock_key;
            bool need_parent_lock;


    • name:总线名称;
    • bus_groups:总线属性;
    • dev_groups:该总线上所有设备的默认属性;
    • drv_groups:该总线上所有驱动的默认属性;
    • match:当有新的设备或驱动添加到总线上时match函数被调用,如果设备和驱动可以匹配,返回0;
    • uevent:当一个设备添加、移除或添加环境变量时,函数调用;
    • probe:当有新设备或驱动添加时,probe函数调用,并且回调该驱动的probe函数来初始化相关联的设备;
    • remove:设备移除时调用remove函数;
    • shutdown:设备关机时调用shutdown函数;
    • suspend:设备进入睡眠时调用suspend函数;
    • resume:设备唤醒时调用resume函数;
    • pm:总线的电源管理选项,并回调设备驱动的电源管理模块;

    platform 总线是 bus_type 类型的全局变量,这个变量已经被 linux 内核赋值好了,其结构体成员对应的函数也已经在内核里面写好,定义在drivers/base/platform.c:

    struct bus_type platform_bus_type = {
            .name           = "platform",
            .dev_groups     = platform_dev_groups,
            .match          = platform_match,
            .uevent         = platform_uevent,
            .dma_configure  = platform_dma_configure,
            .pm             = &platform_dev_pm_ops,

    这里我们重点关注platform匹配函数platform_match 即可。

    2.2 platform设备和驱动匹配

    platform_bus_type 中的 platform_match 就是我们前面所说的做驱动和设备匹配的函数,不同的总线对应的 match 函数肯定不一样,这个我们不用管,内核都会写好。我们所用的 platform 总线对应的 match 函数是 platform_match 函数,该函数定义在drivers/base/platform.c:

     * platform_match - bind platform device to platform driver.
     * @dev: device.
     * @drv: driver.
     * Platform device IDs are assumed to be encoded like this:
     * "<name><instance>", where <name> is a short description of the type of
     * device, like "pci" or "floppy", and <instance> is the enumerated
     * instance of the device, like '0' or '42'.  Driver IDs are simply
     * "<name>".  So, extract the <name> from the platform_device structure,
     * and compare it against the name of the driver. Return whether they match
     * or not.
    static int platform_match(struct device *dev, struct device_driver *drv)
            struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);
            struct platform_driver *pdrv = to_platform_driver(drv);
            /* When driver_override is set, only bind to the matching driver */
            if (pdev->driver_override)
                    return !strcmp(pdev->driver_override, drv->name);
            /* Attempt an OF style match first */
            if (of_driver_match_device(dev, drv))
                    return 1;
            /* Then try ACPI style match */
            if (acpi_driver_match_device(dev, drv))
                    return 1;
            /* Then try to match against the id table */
            if (pdrv->id_table)
                    return platform_match_id(pdrv->id_table, pdev) != NULL;
            /* fall-back to driver name match */
            return (strcmp(pdev->name, drv->name) == 0);


    • 将设备转为平台设备类型;
    • 将驱动转为平台驱动类型;
    • 调用of_driver_match_device进行设备树OF类型匹配;
    • 调用acpi_driver_match_device进行ACPI类型匹配;
    • 如果设置值了pdrv->id_table,进行id_table匹配;
    • 最后比较platform的驱动和设备里面的name信息;

    通过对上面匹配函数的一个简单分析,我们知道匹配函数做匹配的顺序是先匹配设备树,然后匹配 id_table 表,然后才是匹配name字段。对于支持设备树的 Linux 版本,我们一上来做设备树匹配就完事,不支持设备树时,我们就得定义 platform 设备,再用id_tabale表或name匹配,一般情况下都是选用name匹配。

    2.3 platform总线注册


    • start_kernel-> rest_init ->kernel_init-> do_basic_setup -> driver_init-> platform_bus_init;


    int __init platform_bus_init(void)
            int error;
            error = device_register(&platform_bus);
            if (error) {
                    return error;
            error =  bus_register(&platform_bus_type);
            if (error)
            return error;



    root@zhengyang:/work/sambashare/linux-5.2.8# ls /sys/bus/platform/
    devices  drivers  drivers_autoprobe  drivers_probe  uevent


    root@zhengyang:/work/sambashare/linux-5.2.8# ls /sys/bus/platform/devices/
    ACPI0003:00  Fixed MDIO bus.0  pcspkr                  PNP0001:00  reg-dummy
    alarmtimer   i8042             platform-framebuffer.0  PNP0800:00  serial8250
    root@zhengyang:/work/sambashare/linux-5.2.8# ls /sys/bus/platform/drivers
    acpi-fan            clk-lpt           ehci-platform   parport_pc          syscon                  uart-sccnxp
    alarmtimer          clk-pmc-atom      gpio-clk        poweroff-restart    tpm_tis                 vesa-framebuffer
    amd_gpio            crystal_cove_pwm  i2c_designware  rc5t583-gpio        tps6586x-gpio           virtio-mmio
    byt_gpio            dwc2              i8042           reg-dummy           tps65910-gpio
    cannonlake-pinctrl  dw-pcie           lp_gpio         serial8250          tps68470-gpio
    charger-manager     e820_pmem         ohci-platform   simple-framebuffer  tps68470_pmic_opregion
    cherryview-pinctrl  efi-framebuffer   palmas-gpio     sram                twl4030-audio


    3.1 platform驱动定义

    在linux 设备模型中,platform驱动由platform_driver 结构表示,该结构体定义在 include/linux/platform_device.h文件中:

    struct platform_driver {
            int (*probe)(struct platform_device *);
            int (*remove)(struct platform_device *);
            void (*shutdown)(struct platform_device *);
            int (*suspend)(struct platform_device *, pm_message_t state);
            int (*resume)(struct platform_device *);
            struct device_driver driver;
            const struct platform_device_id *id_table;
            bool prevent_deferred_probe;


    • probe:当驱动和硬件信息匹配成功之后,就会调用probe函数,驱动所有的资源的注册和初始化全部放在probe函数中;
    • remove:硬件信息被移除了,或者驱动被卸载了,全部要释放,释放资源的操作就放在该函数中;
    • driver:驱动基类,内核维护的所有的驱动必须包含该成员,通常driver->name用于和设备进行匹配;
    • id_table:往往一个驱动可能能同时支持多个硬件,这些硬件的名字都放在该结构体数组中;


    struct platform_device_id {
            char name[PLATFORM_NAME_SIZE];
            kernel_ulong_t driver_data;

    platform_driver中driver是一个驱动基类,相当于驱动具有的最基础的属性,driver是struct device_driver类型,定义在include/linux/device.h文件中:

     * struct device_driver - The basic device driver structure
     * @name:       Name of the device driver.
     * @bus:        The bus which the device of this driver belongs to.
     * @owner:      The module owner.
     * @mod_name:   Used for built-in modules.
     * @suppress_bind_attrs: Disables bind/unbind via sysfs.
     * @probe_type: Type of the probe (synchronous or asynchronous) to use.
     * @of_match_table: The open firmware table.
     * @acpi_match_table: The ACPI match table.
     * @probe:      Called to query the existence of a specific device,
     *              whether this driver can work with it, and bind the driver
     *              to a specific device.
     * @remove:     Called when the device is removed from the system to
     *              unbind a device from this driver.
     * @shutdown:   Called at shut-down time to quiesce the device.
     * @suspend:    Called to put the device to sleep mode. Usually to a
     *              low power state.
     * @resume:     Called to bring a device from sleep mode.
     * @groups:     Default attributes that get created by the driver core
     *              automatically.
     * @pm:         Power management operations of the device which matched
     *              this driver.
     * @coredump:   Called when sysfs entry is written to. The device driver
     *              is expected to call the dev_coredump API resulting in a
     *              uevent.
     * @p:          Driver core's private data, no one other than the driver
     *              core can touch this.
     * The device driver-model tracks all of the drivers known to the system.
     * The main reason for this tracking is to enable the driver core to match
     * up drivers with new devices. Once drivers are known objects within the
     * system, however, a number of other things become possible. Device drivers
     * can export information and configuration variables that are independent
     * of any specific device.
    struct device_driver {
            const char              *name;
            struct bus_type         *bus;
            struct module           *owner;
            const char              *mod_name;      /* used for built-in modules */
            bool suppress_bind_attrs;       /* disables bind/unbind via sysfs */
            enum probe_type probe_type;
            const struct of_device_id       *of_match_table;
            const struct acpi_device_id     *acpi_match_table;
            int (*probe) (struct device *dev);
            int (*remove) (struct device *dev);
            void (*shutdown) (struct device *dev);
            int (*suspend) (struct device *dev, pm_message_t state);
            int (*resume) (struct device *dev);
            const struct attribute_group **groups;
            const struct dev_pm_ops *pm;
            void (*coredump) (struct device *dev);
            struct driver_private *p;

    driver中of_match_table也是一个匹配表,这个匹配表是platform总线给驱动和设备做匹配时使用设备树匹配时用的,也是一个数组,数组元素都为 of_device_id 类型,该类型结构体定义在include/linux/mod_devicetable.h文件中:

    struct of_device_id {
        char name[32];
        char type[32];
        char compatible[128];   /* 使用设备树匹配时就是把设备节点的 compatible 属性值和 of_match_table 中
                                   每个项目的这个 compatible 作比较,如果有相等的就表示设备和驱动匹配成功 */
        const void *data;

    3.2 platform驱动注册

    用platform_driver 结构体定义好platform驱动后,用platform_driver_register函数向linux内核注册platform驱动,函数定义在drivers/base/platform.c:

     * __platform_driver_register - register a driver for platform-level devices
     * @drv: platform driver structure
     * @owner: owning module/driver
    int __platform_driver_register(struct platform_driver *drv,
                                    struct module *owner)
            drv->driver.owner = owner;
            drv->driver.bus = &platform_bus_type;
            drv->driver.probe = platform_drv_probe;
            drv->driver.remove = platform_drv_remove;
            drv->driver.shutdown = platform_drv_shutdown;
            return driver_register(&drv->driver);



    • 将platform驱动添加到platform总线上;
    • 遍历platform总线上的所有platform设备,然后进行驱动和设备匹配;
    • 匹配成功后最终会执行platform驱动的probe函数,过程中的驱动基类driver的probe函数和 platform_drv_probe 函数都是达到这个目的的中转函数而已。

    3.3 platform驱动卸载


     * platform_driver_unregister - unregister a driver for platform-level devices
     * @drv: platform driver structure
    void platform_driver_unregister(struct platform_driver *drv)



    如果我们用的 Linux 版本支持设备树,那就在设备树中去描述设备,如果不支持设备树,就要定义好 platform 设备。


    • 总线下的匹配函数match在做匹配时是先设备树匹配,然后id_table表匹配,然后才是 name 字段匹配;
    • 支持设备树时,直接在设备树节点里面改设备信息,内核启动时会自动遍历设备树节点,匹配成功就会自动生成一个platform_device,给下一步来使用。不是设备树的话,这个platform_device就是由开发者来写。

    这里我们先不用设备树,自己来定义 platform 设备。

    4.1 platform设备定义

    在linux 设备模型中,platform设备由platform_device结构表示,该结构体定义在 include/linux/platform_device.h文件中:

    struct platform_device {
            const char      *name;
            int             id;
            bool            id_auto;
            struct device   dev;
            u32             num_resources;
            struct resource *resource;
            const struct platform_device_id *id_entry;
            char *driver_override; /* Driver name to force a match */
            /* MFD cell pointer */
            struct mfd_cell *mfd_cell;
            /* arch specific additions */
            struct pdev_archdata    archdata;


    • name:设备的名字,需要和platform驱动里的name一样,否则就无法匹配到对应驱动;
    • id:设备id,插入总线下相同name的设备编号(一个驱动可以有多个设备),如果只有一个设备的话填-1;
    • dev:设备基类,内核维护的所有的设备必须包含该成员,其中成员platform_data,是个void *类型,可以给平台driver提供各种数据(比如:GPIO引脚等等);
    • num_resources:资源的数目;
    • resource:资源,该设备的资源描述,由struct resource(include/linux/ioport.h)结构抽象;

    其中struct resource结构也是我们platform平台设备的重点,用于存放设备的资源信息,如IO地址、中断号等。定义如下:

     * Resources are tree-like, allowing
     * nesting etc..
    struct resource {
            resource_size_t start; //起始资源,如果是地址的话,必须是物理地址
            resource_size_t end;   //结束资源,如果是地址的话,必须是物理地址
            const char *name;      //资源名
            unsigned long flags;   //资源的标志  //比如IORESOURCE_MEM,表示地址资源, IORESOURCE_IRQ表示中断引脚... ...
            unsigned long desc;
            struct resource *parent, *sibling, *child; //资源拓扑指针父、兄、子,可以构成链表

    4.2 platform设备注册


     * platform_device_register - add a platform-level device
     * @pdev: platform device we're adding
    int platform_device_register(struct platform_device *pdev)
            return platform_device_add(pdev);


     * platform_device_add - add a platform device to device hierarchy
     * @pdev: platform device we're adding
     * This is part 2 of platform_device_register(), though may be called
     * separately _iff_ pdev was allocated by platform_device_alloc().
    int platform_device_add(struct platform_device *pdev)
            int i, ret;
            if (!pdev)
                    return -EINVAL;
            if (!pdev->dev.parent)
                    pdev->dev.parent = &platform_bus;
            pdev->dev.bus = &platform_bus_type;
            switch (pdev->id) {
                    dev_set_name(&pdev->dev, "%s.%d", pdev->name,  pdev->id);
            case PLATFORM_DEVID_NONE:
                    dev_set_name(&pdev->dev, "%s", pdev->name);
            case PLATFORM_DEVID_AUTO:
                     * Automatically allocated device ID. We mark it as such so
                     * that we remember it must be freed, and we append a suffix
                     * to avoid namespace collision with explicit IDs.
                    ret = ida_simple_get(&platform_devid_ida, 0, 0, GFP_KERNEL);
                    if (ret < 0)
                            goto err_out;
                    pdev->id = ret;
                    pdev->id_auto = true;
                    dev_set_name(&pdev->dev, "%s.%d.auto", pdev->name, pdev->id);
            for (i = 0; i < pdev->num_resources; i++) {
                    struct resource *p, *r = &pdev->resource[i];
                    if (r->name == NULL)
                            r->name = dev_name(&pdev->dev);
                    p = r->parent;
                    if (!p) {
                            if (resource_type(r) == IORESOURCE_MEM)
                                    p = &iomem_resource;
                            else if (resource_type(r) == IORESOURCE_IO)
                                    p = &ioport_resource;
                    if (p) {
                            ret = insert_resource(p, r);
                            if (ret) {
                                    dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to claim resource %d: %pR\n", i, r);
                                    goto failed;
            pr_debug("Registering platform device '%s'. Parent at %s\n",
                     dev_name(&pdev->dev), dev_name(pdev->dev.parent));
            ret = device_add(&pdev->dev);
            if (ret == 0)
                    return ret;
            if (pdev->id_auto) {
                    ida_simple_remove(&platform_devid_ida, pdev->id);
                    pdev->id = PLATFORM_DEVID_AUTO;
            while (--i >= 0) {
                    struct resource *r = &pdev->resource[i];
                    if (r->parent)
            return ret;

    platform_device_add内部调用了device_add 来进行添加设备,关于device_add 函数下一篇我们会详细介绍:

    这里简单介绍一下device_add 函数执行流程:

    • 将platform设备添加到platform总线上;
    • 遍历platform总线上的所有platform驱动,然后进行驱动和设备匹配;
    • 匹配成功后最终会执行platform驱动的probe函数;

    4.3 platform设备卸载


     * platform_device_unregister - unregister a platform-level device
     * @pdev: platform device we're unregistering
     * Unregistration is done in 2 steps. First we release all resources
     * and remove it from the subsystem, then we drop reference count by
     * calling platform_device_put().
    void platform_device_unregister(struct platform_device *pdev)


     * platform_device_del - remove a platform-level device
     * @pdev: platform device we're removing
     * Note that this function will also release all memory- and port-based
     * resources owned by the device (@dev->resource).  This function must
     * _only_ be externally called in error cases.  All other usage is a bug.
    void platform_device_del(struct platform_device *pdev)
            int i;
            if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(pdev)) {
                    if (pdev->id_auto) {
                            ida_simple_remove(&platform_devid_ida, pdev->id);
                            pdev->id = PLATFORM_DEVID_AUTO;
                    for (i = 0; i < pdev->num_resources; i++) {
                            struct resource *r = &pdev->resource[i];
                            if (r->parent)
     * platform_device_put - destroy a platform device
     * @pdev: platform device to free
     * Free all memory associated with a platform device.  This function must
     * _only_ be externally called in error cases.  All other usage is a bug.
    void platform_device_put(struct platform_device *pdev)
            if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(pdev))






    5.1 LED硬件资源

    查看Mini2440原理图、S3C2440数据手册,了解如何点亮LED。在Mini2440裸机开发之点亮LED中我们已经介绍了Mini2440 LED1~LED4的接线方式,以及寄存器的设置,这里简单说一下,就不具体介绍了:

    • LED1~LED4对应引脚GPB5~GPB8,以点亮LED1为例;
    • 配置控制寄存器GPBCON(0x56000010)的bit[11:10]=01,使GPB5引脚为输出模式;
    • 配置数据寄存器GPBDAT(0x56000014)的bit5=0,使GPB5引脚输出低电平;

    5.2 platform设备


    #include <linux/module.h>
    #include <linux/fs.h>
    #include <linux/platform_device.h>
     * 设备资源
    static struct resource led_resources[] = {
        [0] = {
            .start = 0x56000010,    // GPBCON寄存器4个字节
            .end = 0x56000013,
            .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM,   // 表示地址资源
        [1] = {
             .start =  5,             //表示GPB第几个引脚开始
             .end = 8,                 //结束引脚
             .flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ,  //表示中断资源
    /* 注销设备时,调用 */
    static void led_release(struct device * dev)
        printk("call %s\n",__func__);
     * platform设备
    static struct platform_device led_device = {
        .name = "led_test",
        .id = -1,
        .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(led_resources),
        .resource = led_resources,
        .dev = {
            .release = led_release,
     * platform设备模块入口
    static int led_dev_init(void)
       // platform设备注册
       int err = platform_device_register(&led_device);
       if (err)
           printk("platform device registered failed\n");
           printk("platform device registered successfully\n");
       return 0;
     * platform设备模块出口
    static void __exit led_dev_exit(void)
        printk("platform device unregistered\n");
        // platform设备卸载


    5.3 platform驱动

    #include <linux/module.h>
    #include <linux/fs.h>
    #include <linux/cdev.h>
    #include <linux/io.h>
    #include <linux/uaccess.h>
    #include <linux/platform_device.h>
    #include <linux/device.h>
    /* GPB寄存器 */
    static volatile unsigned long *gpbcon = NULL;
    static volatile unsigned long *gpbdata = NULL;
    /* 保存操作结构体的字符设备 */
    static struct cdev led_cdev;
    /* 设备类 */
    static struct class *led_cls;
    /* 字符设备编号 */
    static dev_t devid;
    /* led引脚 */
    static int start_pin;
    static int end_pin;
    /* GPB5~GPB8配置为输出 */
    static int led_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
        int i;
            *gpbcon &= ~(0x01 << (i*2));
            *gpbcon |= (0x01 << (i*2));
        return 0;
    /* 点亮/熄灭 LED01~LED4 */
    static ssize_t led_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
        int val,i;
        copy_from_user(&val, buf, count);   // 用户空间到内核空间传递数据
        printk("value %d",val);
        if(val == 1)
            /* 点亮 */
                *gpbdata &= ~(0x01 << i);
            /* 熄灭 */
                *gpbdata |= (0x01 << i);
        return 0;
    static struct file_operations led_fops = {
        .owner  =   THIS_MODULE,
        .open   =   led_open,
        .write  =   led_write,
     * 当驱动和硬件信息匹配成功之后,就会调用probe函数,驱动所有的资源的注册和初始化全部放在probe函数中
    static int led_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
        struct resource *res;
        int err;
        struct device *dev;
        printk("led_probe, found led\n");
        /* 获取platform设备某个资源 */
        res = platform_get_resource(pdev,IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
        /* 用来将I/O内存资源的物理地址映射到核心虚地址空间 */
        gpbcon = (volatile unsigned long *)ioremap(res->start, res->end - res->start + 1);
        gpbdata = gpbcon + 1;
        res = platform_get_resource(pdev,IORESOURCE_IRQ, 0);
        start_pin = res->start;
        end_pin = res->end;
         /* 动态分配字符设备编号: (major,0) */
        err = alloc_chrdev_region(&devid, 0, 1,"led");
            printk("register_chrdev_region error\n");
            return err;
            printk("register_chrdev_region ok\n");
         /* 初始化字符设备,并将字符设备添加到系统 */
         cdev_init(&led_cdev, &led_fops);
         cdev_add(&led_cdev, devid, 1);
        /* 创建类,它会在sys目录下创建/sys/class/led这个类  */
         led_cls = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "led");
             printk("class_create erro\n");
             return -1;
            printk("class_create ok\n");
         /* 在/sys/class/led下创建led设备,然后mdev通过这个自动创建/dev/led这个设备节点 */
         dev = device_create(led_cls, NULL, devid, NULL, "led");
             printk("device_create error\n");
             return -1;
             printk("device_create ok\n");
         return 0;
     * 硬件信息被移除了,或者驱动被卸载了,全部要释放,释放资源的操作就放在该函数中
    static int led_remove(struct platform_device * pdev)
        printk("led_remove, remove led\n");
        /* 注销虚拟地址 */
        /* 注销类、以及类设备 /sys/class/led会被移除*/
        device_destroy(led_cls, devid);
        /* 删除设备,卸载注册的设备编号 */
        unregister_chrdev_region(devid, 1);
        return 0;
     * platform驱动
    static struct platform_driver led_driver = {
        .probe = led_probe,
        .remove = led_remove,
        .driver = {
            .name = "led_test",   // 必须和platform设备的.name相同
     * platform驱动模块入口
    static int led_drv_init(void)
       // platform驱动注册
       int err = platform_driver_register(&led_driver);
       if (err) {
              printk("platform driver registered failed\n");
       } else {
              printk("platform driver registered successfully\n");
       return err;
     * platform驱动模块出口
    static void __exit led_drv_exit(void)
        printk("platform driver unregistered\n");
        // platform驱动卸载


    • 编写要注册的led驱动:platform_drive结构体;
    • 编写file_opertions结构体,以及成员函数(.open、.write)、.probe函数;
    • 当驱动和设备都insmod加载后,然后bus总线会匹配成功,就进入.probe函数;
    • 在.probe函数中便使用platform_get_resource函数获取LED的地址和引脚,后动态分配字符设备编号,并注册字符设备和设备节点/dev/led;
    • 如果驱动与设备已联系起来,当卸载驱动/设备时,就会调用.remove函数,在这里主要做一些清理工作,防止内存泄漏;


    struct resource * platform_get_resource(struct platform_device *dev, unsigned int type,unsigned int num);


    • *dev :指向某个platform device设备;

    • type::取的资源类型;

    • num::type资源下的第几个资源(从0开始);

    5.4 Makefile

    KERN_DIR :=/work/sambashare/linux-5.2.8
        make -C $(KERN_DIR) M=`pwd` modules 
        make -C $(KERN_DIR) M=`pwd` modules clean
        rm -rf modules.order
    obj-m += led_dev.o
    obj-m += led_drv.o



    6.1 main.c

    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    void print_usage(char *file)
        printf("%s <dev> <on|off>\n",file);
        printf("eg. \n");
        printf("%s /dev/led on\n", file);
        printf("%s /dev/led off\n", file);
    int main(int argc,char **argv)
        int fd;
        int val;
        char *filename;
        if (argc != 3){
            return 0;
        filename = argv[1];
        fd = open(filename,O_RDWR);
        if(fd == -1){
            printf("can't open %s!\n",filename);
            return 0;
       if (!strcmp("on", argv[2])){
            // 亮灯
            val = 1;
            printf("%s on!\n",filename);
            write(fd, &val, 4);
        }else if (!strcmp("off", argv[2])){
            // 灭灯
            val = 0;
            printf("%s off!\n",filename);
            write(fd, &val, 4);
        return 0;

    6.2 Makefile

        arm-linux-gcc -march=armv4t -o main main.c
        rm -rf *.o main



    7.1 编译驱动


    cd /work/sambashare/drivers/10.platform_led_dev
    cp /work/sambashare/drivers/10.platform_led_dev/led_dev.ko /work/nfs_root/rootfs
    cp /work/sambashare/drivers/10.platform_led_dev/led_drv.ko /work/nfs_root/rootfs


    [root@zy:/]# insmod led_dev.ko
    led_dev: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
    platform device registered successfully
    [root@zy:/]# insmod led_drv.ko
    led_probe, found led
    register_chrdev_region ok
    class_create ok
    device_create ok
    platform driver registered successfully


    [root@zy:/]# ls /dev/led -l
    crw-rw----    1 0        0         249,   0 Jan  1 00:00 /dev/led


    [root@zy:/]# ls /sys/bus/platform -l
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:15 devices
    drwxr-xr-x   30 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:00 drivers
    -rw-r--r--    1 0        0             4096 Jan  1 00:15 drivers_autoprobe
    --w-------    1 0        0             4096 Jan  1 00:15 drivers_probe
    --w-------    1 0        0             4096 Jan  1 00:15 uevent


    [root@zy:/sys/bus/platform]# ls -l devices
    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    alarmtimer    ->    ../../../devices/platform/alarmtimer
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    dm9000    ->    ../../../devices/platform/dm9000
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:18    led_test    ->    ../../../devices/platform/led_test
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2410-lcd    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c2410-lcd
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2410-ohci    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c2410-ohci
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2410-wdt    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c2410-wdt   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2440-i2c.0    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c2440-i2c.0   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2440-nand    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c2440-nand   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2440-uart.0    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c2440-uart.0   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2440-uart.1    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c2440-uart.1   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2440-uart.2    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c2440-uart.2   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c24xx-iis    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c24xx-iis   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c24xx_led.0    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c24xx_led.0   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c24xx_led.1    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c24xx_led.1   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c24xx_led.2    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c24xx_led.2   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c24xx_led.3    ->    ../../../devices/platform/s3c24xx_led.3   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    serial8250    ->    ../../../devices/platform/serial8250   
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    snd-soc-dummy    ->    ../../../devices/platform/snd-soc-dummy   


    [root@zy:/sys/bus/platform]# ls -l drivers
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    alarmtimer   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    dm9000   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    gpio-clk   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:22    led_test   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    of_fixed_clk   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    of_fixed_factor_clk   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    pata_platform   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    pwrseq_emmc   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    pwrseq_simple   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c-adc   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c-i2c   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c-rtc   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c-sdi   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2410-lcd   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2410-ohci   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2410-wdt   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c2412-lcd   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c24xx-dclk   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c24xx-dma   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    s3c24xx-nand   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    samsung-pwm   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    samsung-uart   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    serial8250   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    simtec-i2c   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    sm501   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    sm501-fb   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    sm501-usb   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    snd-soc-dummy   
    drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0                0 Jan  1 00:17    soc-audio   

    7.2 编译测试应用程序


    cd test
    cp ./main /work/nfs_root/rootfs


    ./main /dev/led on
    ./main /dev/led off



    7.3 卸载LED驱动


    [root@zy:/]# lsmod
    led_drv 2643 0 - Live 0xbf004000 (O)
    led_dev 1568 0 - Live 0xbf000000 (O)


    [root@zy:/]# rmmod led_dev
    platform device unregistered
    led_remove, remove led
    call led_release
    [root@zy:/]# rmmod led_drv
    platform driver unregistered


    Young / s3c2440_project[drivers]



    [2]一张图掌握 Linux platform 平台设备驱动框架




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