• 嵌入式Linux之Eclipse开发环境搭建



    • 硬件使用jlink,在ubuntu下使用JLINKGDBserver和arm-linux-gdb (我们使用这种);
    • 硬件使用openJTAG, 在ubuntu下使用openOCD和arm-linux-gdb;
    • 硬件使用jlink,在ubuntu下使用openOCD和arm-linux-gdb;




    一、安装Eclipse IDE

    1.1 安装jdk



    Orcale登录账号:2696671285@qq.com  登录密码:Oracle123。


    mv /work/sambashare/jdk-7u4-linux-x64.tar.gz /opt/tools
    cd /opt/tools
    tar -zvxf jdk-7u4-linux-x64.tar.gz  -C /usr/java

    配置/ /etc/profile:

    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_04 
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin:$PATH 

    执行source /etc/profile ,使立即生效即可

    1.2 安装eclipse



    mv /work/sambashare/eclipse-linuxtools-indigo-SR2-incubation-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz  /opt/tools
    cd /opt/tools
    tar -zvxf eclipse-linuxtools-indigo-SR2-incubation-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz -C /usr/local


    mkdir jre
    cd jre
    ln -s /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_04/jre/bin bin

    1.3 运行eclipse


    cd /usr/local/eclipse
    sudo ./eclipse 


    1.4 eclipse安装C/C++ Embedded CDT

    打开eclipse,Help -> Install New Software 




    2.1  配置编译器

    新建一个项目,file -> new ->C/C++ project ,这里项目名称我叫led:

    然后一直Next直至安装完成。如果led目录下已经有源文件,则这些文件会 被自动加入工程中。

    右键项目led -> properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Setting将下面三处gcc、as改为arm-linux-gcc、arm-linux-as:

    2.2 添加项目代码

    如果想导入已经存在的文件,选择菜单项File -> Import…,然后选择File System作为文件来源。



    /*  初始化系统时钟 FCLK = 400MHz,HCLK = 100MHz, PCLK = 50MHz, UPLL=48MHz  */
    .EQU     LOCKTIME,     0x4c000000
    .EQU     MPLLCON,      0x4c000004
    .EQU     UPLLCON,      0x4c000008
    .EQU     CLKDIVN,      0x4c000014
    .EQU     M_MDIV,       92       /* @Fin=12M  UPLL=400M  */
    .EQU     M_PDIV,       1
    .EQU     M_SDIV,       1
    .EQU     U_MDIV,       56        /* @Fin=12M  UPLL=48M  */
    .EQU     U_PDIV,       2
    .EQU     U_SDIV,       2
    .EQU     DIVN_UPLL,    0         /* FCLK:HCLK:PCLK=1:4:8 */
    .EQU      HDIVN,        2
    .EQU     PDIVN,        1
    .EQU     CLKDIVN_VAL, ((DIVN_UPLL<<3) | HDIVN <<1 | PDIVN)
    .EQU     UPLLCON_VAL, ((U_MDIV<<12) | (U_PDIV<<4) | U_SDIV)
    .EQU     MPLLCON_VAL, ((M_MDIV << 12) | (M_PDIV << 4) | M_SDIV)
    /* 关闭开门狗(关闭门狗中断,以及看门狗计数器,禁止复位信号输出)    */
    .EQU   WTCON,    0x53000000    /* 看门狗控制寄存器地址 #define等价于标准汇编里的EQU 用来定义常量 */
    .global _start
        /*  关闭看门狗 */        
        bl  disable_watchdog
        /*  设置系统时钟 */
        bl system_clock_init 
        /* 初始化栈 */
        bl stack_init
        /* 跳到main函数执行 */
        bl main     
        b loop
            ldr  r0,=WTCON             /*  伪指令加载WTCON值到r0  */
            mov  r1,#0x00
            str  r1,[r0]               /*  把[WTCON]内存单元清零  */           
            mov  pc,lr
        /* 设置Lock Time  */
        ldr r0,=LOCKTIME
        ldr r1,=0xffffffff  
        str r1,[r0]
        /* 设置分频系数 */
        ldr r0,=CLKDIVN
        ldr r1,=CLKDIVN_VAL
        str r1,[r0]
        /* 设置UPLL */
        ldr r0,=UPLLCON  
        ldr r1,=UPLLCON_VAL
        str r1, [r0]  
        /* 设置MPLL */
        ldr r0,=MPLLCON
        ldr r1,=MPLLCON_VAL
        str r1,[r0]
            /* CPU改为异步总线模式 */
        mrc p15,0,r1,c1,c0,0
        orr r1,r1,#0xC0000000
        mcr p15,0,r1,c1,c0,0
        mov pc,lr
    /* 设置栈 自动分辨是nor flash 启动还是nand flash启动 */
    /* 先将一个数写道0地址,然后读出来判断跟写入的值是否一样;跟写入的一样则是nand flash启动,跟写入的值不一样则是nor flash 启动 */
        mov r1, #0
        ldr r0, [r1]                /* 读出原来的值备份 */
        str r1, [r1]                /* 0->[0] */ 
        ldr r2, [r1]                /* r2=[0] */
        cmp r1, r2                  /* r1==r2? 如果相等表示是NAND启动 */
        ldr sp, =0x40000000+0x1000         /* 先假设是nor启动 */
        moveq sp, #0x1000              /* nand启动, 将栈设置在4k处 */
        streq r0, [r1]              /* 恢复原来的值 */
        mov pc,lr
    View Code


    /*GPIO registers*/
    #define GPBCON              (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x56000010)
    #define GPBDAT              (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x56000014)
    void delay(int tim){
    int main(){
        /* 清零 */
        GPBCON &= ~(0x03 << 10);
        /* 设置为output */
        GPBCON |= (0x01 << 10);
            /* 将 GPB5 输出低电平 */
            GPBDAT &= ~(1<<5);
            /* 将 GPB5 输出高电平 */
            GPBDAT |= (1<<5);
        return 0;
    View Code


    all:start.o main.o
        # 链接
        arm-linux-ld -Ttext 0x00000000  -o main.elf $^
        # 转为bin  -S 不从源文件中复制重定位信息和符号信息到目标文件中
        arm-linux-objcopy -O binary -S main.elf main.bin
        # 反汇编 -D反汇编所有段 
        arm-linux-objdump -D main.elf > main.dis
    %.o : %.S
        arm-linux-gcc -g -c $^
    %.o : %.c
        arm-linux-gcc -g -c $^
    .PHONY: clean
        rm *.o *.elf *.bin *.dis
    View Code


    当采用NOR FLASH启动时,0x40000000~0x40001000为片内SRAM 4KB的地址空间。

    当采用NANDFLASH启动时,0x00000000~0x00001000为片内SRAM 4KB的地址空间。


    2.3 配置调试器



    选择Eclipse菜单栏上的小蜘蛛->Debug configurations:



    # connect to the J-Link gdb server
    target remote localhost:2331
    # Set JTAG speed to 30 kHz
    monitor endian little
    monitor speed 30
    # Reset the target
    monitor reset
    monitor sleep 10
    # CPU core initialization (to be done by user)
    # Set the processor mode
    monitor reg cpsr = 0xd3
    #config MMU 配置MMU
    #flush v3/v4 cache
    monitor cp15 7, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0
    #/* flush v4 TLB  协处理器*/
    monitor cp15 8, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0
    #disable MMU stuff and caches
    monitor cp15 1, 0, 0, 0 =0x1002
    #Peri port setup
    monitor cp15 15, 2, 0, 4 = 0x70000013
    #disable watchdog kangear 关闭看门狗
    monitor MemU32 0x53000000  =  0x00000000
    monitor sleep 10
    #disable interrupt kangear 关闭中断
    monitor MemU32 0x4A000008  =  0xffffffff
    monitor MemU32 0x4A00001C  =  0x7fff
    #set clock 
    #initialize system clocks --- locktime register
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000000 = 0xFF000000
    #initialize system clocks --- clock-divn register
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000014 = 0x5            #CLKDVIN_400_148
    #initialize system clocks --- mpll register
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000004 = 0x7f021    #default clock
    #config sdram
    monitor MemU32 0x53000000 0x00000000  
    monitor MemU32 0x4A000008 0xFFFFFFFF  
    monitor MemU32 0x4A00001C 0x000007FF  
    monitor MemU32 0x53000000 0x00000000  
    monitor MemU32 0x56000050 0x000055AA  
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000014 0x00000007  
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000000 0x00FFFFFF  
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000004 0x00061012  
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000008 0x00040042  
    monitor MemU32 0x48000000 0x22111120  
    monitor MemU32 0x48000004 0x00002F50  
    monitor MemU32 0x48000008 0x00000700  
    monitor MemU32 0x4800000C 0x00000700  
    monitor MemU32 0x48000010 0x00000700  
    monitor MemU32 0x48000014 0x00000700  
    monitor MemU32 0x48000018 0x0007FFFC  
    monitor MemU32 0x4800001C 0x00018005  
    monitor MemU32 0x48000020 0x00018005  
    monitor MemU32 0x48000024 0x008E0459  
    monitor MemU32 0x48000028 0x00000032  
    monitor MemU32 0x4800002C 0x00000030  
    monitor MemU32 0x48000030 0x00000030 
    # Setup GDB for faster downloads
    #set remote memory-write-packet-size 1024
    monitor speed auto
    break _start


    2.4 eclipse使用Makefile编译

    右击项目Make Targets->Create->名称填上Makefile中的target:

    再次执行Make targets->Build进行编译。

    2.5 启动JLinkGDBServer


    PC级串口通过Jlink连接到Mini2440开发板,并且Mini2440调到NOR FLASH启动;

    要先运行 ./JLinkGDBServer,就是要先运行jlink服务;

    cd /usr/local/JLink_Linux_V434a/

    如果我们不想每次都通过命令行启动JLinkGDBServer,我们可以配置Eclipse的外部工具,点击图标,选择External Tools Configurations:



    2.6 Mini2440开发板联调

    点击Project -> Build All,编译效果和在命令行运行make all命令一样。注意:取消掉Project里面的自动编译Build Automatically


    调试器启动后,eclipse 会启动arm-linux-gdb,并执行Commands中命令进行Mini2440初始化,并将代码下载到开发板上,JLinkGDBServer和arm-linux-gdb控制台会输出调试信息如下,分别如下:

    SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.34a
    JLinkARM.dll V4.34a (DLL compiled Aug 31 2011 11:51:40)
    Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
    J-Link connected
    Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Nov 28 2014 13:44:46
    Hardware: V8.00
    Feature(s): RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDB
    J-Link found 1 JTAG device, Total IRLen = 4
    JTAG ID: 0x0032409D (ARM9)
    Connected to
    Reading all registers
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0xEA000014)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0xFFFFFFFC (Data = 0x00000000)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0xEA000014)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0xFFFFFFFC (Data = 0x00000000)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0xEA000014)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0xFFFFFFFC (Data = 0x00000000)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0xEA000014)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0xFFFFFFFC (Data = 0x00000000)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0xEA000014)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0xEA000014)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0xEA000014)
    Target endianess set to "little endian"
    JTAG speed set to 30 kHz
    Resetting target
    Sleep 10ms
    Writing register (CPSR = 0x000000D3)
    Writing CP15 register (7,7,0,0 = 0x00000000)
    Writing CP15 register (8,7,0,0 = 0x00000000)
    Writing CP15 register (1,0,0,0 = 0x00001002)
    Writing CP15 register (15,2,0,4 = 0x70000013)
    Writing 0x00000000 @ address 0x53000000
    Sleep 10ms
    Writing 0xFFFFFFFF @ address 0x4A000008
    Writing 0x00007FFF @ address 0x4A00001C
    Writing 0xFF000000 @ address 0x4C000000
    Writing 0x00000005 @ address 0x4C000014
    Writing 0x0007F021 @ address 0x4C000004
    Writing 0x00000000 @ address 0x53000000
    Writing 0xFFFFFFFF @ address 0x4A000008
    Writing 0x000007FF @ address 0x4A00001C
    Writing 0x00000000 @ address 0x53000000
    Writing 0x000055AA @ address 0x56000050
    Writing 0x00000007 @ address 0x4C000014
    Writing 0x00FFFFFF @ address 0x4C000000
    Writing 0x00061012 @ address 0x4C000004
    Writing 0x00040042 @ address 0x4C000008
    Writing 0x22111120 @ address 0x48000000
    Writing 0x00002F50 @ address 0x48000004
    Writing 0x00000700 @ address 0x48000008
    Writing 0x00000700 @ address 0x4800000C
    Writing 0x00000700 @ address 0x48000010
    Writing 0x00000700 @ address 0x48000014
    Writing 0x0007FFFC @ address 0x48000018
    Writing 0x00018005 @ address 0x4800001C
    Writing 0x00018005 @ address 0x48000020
    Writing 0x008E0459 @ address 0x48000024
    Writing 0x00000032 @ address 0x48000028
    Writing 0x00000030 @ address 0x4800002C
    Writing 0x00000030 @ address 0x48000030
    Select auto JTAG speed (8000 kHz)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0xEA000014)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x30000004 (Data = 0xA00A0425)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x30000004 (Data = 0xA00A0425)
    Downloading 396 bytes @ address 0x30000000
    Writing register (PC = 0x30000000)
    Remote debugging using localhost:2331
    target remote localhost:2331
    0x00000000 in ?? ()
    Target endianess set to "little endian"
    monitor endian little
    monitor speed 30
    JTAG speed set to 30 kHz
    monitor reset
    Resetting target
    monitor sleep 10
    Sleep 10ms
    monitor reg cpsr = 0xd3
    Writing register (CPSR = 0x000000D3)
    monitor cp15 7, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0
    Writing CP15 register (7,7,0,0 = 0x00000000)
    monitor cp15 8, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0
    Writing CP15 register (8,7,0,0 = 0x00000000)
    monitor cp15 1, 0, 0, 0 =0x1002
    Writing CP15 register (1,0,0,0 = 0x00001002)
    monitor cp15 15, 2, 0, 4 = 0x70000013
    Writing CP15 register (15,2,0,4 = 0x70000013)
    monitor MemU32 0x53000000  =  0x00000000
    Writing 0x00000000 @ address 0x53000000
    monitor sleep 10
    Sleep 10ms
    monitor MemU32 0x4A000008  =  0xffffffff
    Writing 0xFFFFFFFF @ address 0x4A000008
    monitor MemU32 0x4A00001C  =  0x7fff
    Writing 0x00007FFF @ address 0x4A00001C
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000000 = 0xFF000000
    Writing 0xFF000000 @ address 0x4C000000
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000014 = 0x5            #CLKDVIN_400_148
    Writing 0x00000005 @ address 0x4C000014
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000004 = 0x7f021    #default clock
    Writing 0x0007F021 @ address 0x4C000004
    monitor MemU32 0x53000000 0x00000000  
    Writing 0x00000000 @ address 0x53000000
    monitor MemU32 0x4A000008 0xFFFFFFFF  
    Writing 0xFFFFFFFF @ address 0x4A000008
    monitor MemU32 0x4A00001C 0x000007FF  
    Writing 0x000007FF @ address 0x4A00001C
    monitor MemU32 0x53000000 0x00000000  
    Writing 0x00000000 @ address 0x53000000
    monitor MemU32 0x56000050 0x000055AA  
    Writing 0x000055AA @ address 0x56000050
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000014 0x00000007  
    Writing 0x00000007 @ address 0x4C000014
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000000 0x00FFFFFF  
    Writing 0x00FFFFFF @ address 0x4C000000
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000004 0x00061012  
    Writing 0x00061012 @ address 0x4C000004
    monitor MemU32 0x4C000008 0x00040042  
    Writing 0x00040042 @ address 0x4C000008
    monitor MemU32 0x48000000 0x22111120  
    Writing 0x22111120 @ address 0x48000000
    monitor MemU32 0x48000004 0x00002F50  
    Writing 0x00002F50 @ address 0x48000004
    monitor MemU32 0x48000008 0x00000700  
    Writing 0x00000700 @ address 0x48000008
    monitor MemU32 0x4800000C 0x00000700  
    Writing 0x00000700 @ address 0x4800000C
    monitor MemU32 0x48000010 0x00000700  
    Writing 0x00000700 @ address 0x48000010
    monitor MemU32 0x48000014 0x00000700  
    Writing 0x00000700 @ address 0x48000014
    monitor MemU32 0x48000018 0x0007FFFC  
    Writing 0x0007FFFC @ address 0x48000018
    monitor MemU32 0x4800001C 0x00018005  
    Writing 0x00018005 @ address 0x4800001C
    monitor MemU32 0x48000020 0x00018005  
    Writing 0x00018005 @ address 0x48000020
    monitor MemU32 0x48000024 0x008E0459  
    Writing 0x008E0459 @ address 0x48000024
    monitor MemU32 0x48000028 0x00000032  
    Writing 0x00000032 @ address 0x48000028
    monitor MemU32 0x4800002C 0x00000030  
    Writing 0x00000030 @ address 0x4800002C
    monitor MemU32 0x48000030 0x00000030 
    Writing 0x00000030 @ address 0x48000030
    monitor speed auto
    Select auto JTAG speed (8000 kHz)
    break _start
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x30000004: file start.S, line 29.
    Loading section .text, size 0x18c lma 0x30000000
    Start address 0x30000000, load size 396
    Transfer rate: 77 KB/sec, 396 bytes/write.


    此时,我们就可以使用Eclipse继续调试代码了,点击【F5】是"Step Into" ,【F6】是"Step Over"。

    如果想查看内存和寄存器信息,点击window -> Show View:

    2.7 arm-linux-gdb调试



    3.1 导入项目

    新建工程,选择新建一个已存在源文件的工程File -> New Project -> Makefile project with Existing Code

    注意:这里的源文件目录必须是在工作目录下的另外一个目录,比如工作目录是"/work/sambashare/project/eclipse_workspace",那么Existing Code Location的目录为不能和工作目录相同,必须是别的目录,或者是工作目录下的一个子目录,比如"/work/sambashare/project/eclipse_workspace/led/"或者是"//work/sambashare/project/4.uart/"



    3.2 中文乱码

    如果项目中文乱码。右键项目 -> Properties -> Resource -> Text file encoding,输入GBK:

    3.3 led代码下载


    [1] 关于在Ubuntu安装JLink驱动的最简便方法

    [2] 在s3c2440上用GDB调试linux内核

    [3] eclipse linux驱动交叉调试环境的制作

    [4]基于Deepin 搭建嵌入式开发环境 eclipse+arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2

    [5]ubuntu上 eclipse+arm-linux-gcc+jlink+s3c2440a开发环境搭建



  • 相关阅读:
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    hdu 2149+hdu 1846(巴什博弈)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zyly/p/14915461.html
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