• CH Round #48





     1 type cp=record
     2      x,y:double;
     3      end;
     4 var a:array[0..200] of cp;
     5     i,j,k,n,ans:longint;
     6 function cross(a,b,c:cp):double;
     7  begin
     8    cross:=(b.x-a.x)*(c.y-a.y)-(c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y);
     9  end;
    10 procedure init;
    11  begin
    12    readln(n);
    13    for i:=1 to n do readln(a[i].x,a[i].y);
    14  end;
    15 procedure main;
    16  begin
    17    ans:=0;
    18    for i:=1 to n do
    19     for j:=i+1 to n do
    20      for k:=j+1 to n do
    21       begin
    22       if cross(a[i],a[j],a[k])<>0 then inc(ans);
    23       end;
    24    writeln(ans);
    25  end;
    27 begin
    28   init;
    29   main;
    30 end.                         
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            这一道题比较好做,因为只有4和7两个数,由裴蜀定理我们知道 (4,7)=1 所以仅有4和7是可以组合出所有的整数的,



            发现前面有的可以4和7组合出来 比如15,但有的就组合不出来,如13


            i) x mod 4=0 直接全用4即可

            ii)  x mod 4=1 我们可以用3个7,剩下的全用4,因为这样的数最小是21

            iii)x mod 4=2 我们用2个7,剩下的全用4

            iiii)x mod 4=3 我们用1个7,剩下的全用4




     1 var v,a,b,c,f:array[-100..2000000] of int64;
     2     i,n:longint;
     3     ans,m,tmp:int64;
     4 function max(x,y:int64):int64;
     5  begin
     6  if x>y then exit(x) else exit(y);
     7  end;
     8 procedure sort(l,r:longint);
     9  var i,j,x,y:longint;
    10  begin
    11  i:=l;j:=r;x:=b[(i+j)>>1];
    12  repeat
    13   while b[i]<x do inc(i);
    14   while b[j]>x do dec(j);
    15   if i<=j then
    16    begin
    17    y:=a[i];a[i]:=a[j];a[j]:=y;
    18    y:=b[i];b[i]:=b[j];b[j]:=y;
    19    inc(i);dec(j);
    20    end;
    21  until i>j;
    22  if i<r then sort(i,r);
    23  if j>l then sort(l,j);
    24  end;
    25 procedure init;
    26  begin
    27   readln(n,m);
    28   for i:=1 to n do readln(a[i],b[i]);
    29   sort(1,n);
    30  end;
    31 procedure main;
    32  begin
    33   b[0]:=0;c[0]:=0;
    34   for i:=1 to n do
    35    if b[i]-b[i-1]>=18 then c[i]:=c[i-1]+18
    36    else c[i]:=c[i-1]+b[i]-b[i-1];
    37   fillchar(v,sizeof(v),0);
    38   for i:=1 to n do inc(v[c[i]],a[i]);
    39   f[0]:=1;
    40   for i:=4 to c[n] do
    41    begin
    42    tmp:=max(f[i-4],f[i-7]);
    43    if tmp=0 then continue;
    44    f[i]:=tmp+v[i];
    45    end;
    46   ans:=0;
    47   for i:=0 to c[n] do ans:=max(ans,f[i]);
    48   writeln(ans-1);
    49  end;
    51 begin
    52   init;
    53   main;
    54 end.     
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      1 type cp=record
      2      x,y,id,idx:longint;
      3      z:char;
      4      end;
      5 var a,b:array[0..150000] of cp;
      6     now,dir,n,m,i,x,y,tmp:longint;
      7     c:array[0..150000] of longint;
      8     dist,t:int64;
      9     ans:cp;
     11 function cmp1(a,b:cp):boolean;
     12  begin
     13  if a.x=b.x then exit(a.y<b.y) else exit(a.x<b.x);
     14  end;
     15 function cmp2(a,b:cp):boolean;
     16  begin
     17  if a.y=b.y then exit(a.x<b.x) else exit(a.y<b.y);
     18  end;
     19 procedure sort1(l,r:longint);
     20  var i,j:longint;x,y:cp;
     21  begin
     22  i:=l;j:=r;x:=a[(i+j)>>1];
     23  repeat
     24   while cmp1(a[i],x) do inc(i);
     25   while cmp1(x,a[j]) do dec(j);
     26   if i<=j then
     27    begin
     28    y:=a[i];a[i]:=a[j];a[j]:=y;
     29    inc(i);dec(j);
     30    end;
     31  until i>j;
     32  if i<r then sort1(i,r);
     33  if j>l then sort1(l,j);
     34  end;
     35 procedure sort2(l,r:longint);
     36  var i,j:longint;x,y:cp;
     37  begin
     38  i:=l;j:=r;x:=b[(i+j)>>1];
     39  repeat
     40   while cmp2(b[i],x) do inc(i);
     41   while cmp2(x,b[j]) do dec(j);
     42   if i<=j then
     43    begin
     44    y:=b[i];b[i]:=b[j];b[j]:=y;
     45    inc(i);dec(j);
     46    end;
     47  until i>j;
     48  if i<r then sort2(i,r);
     49  if j>l then sort2(l,j);
     50  end;
     51 procedure init;
     52  begin
     53  readln(n,m,t);
     54  for i:=1 to n do begin readln(a[i].x,a[i].y,a[i].z,a[i].z);a[i].id:=i;end;
     55  for i:=1 to n do b[i]:=a[i];
     56  sort1(1,n);
     57  sort2(1,n);
     58  for i:=1 to n do c[a[i].id]:=i;
     59  for i:=1 to n do b[i].idx:=c[b[i].id];
     60  for i:=1 to n do c[b[i].id]:=i;
     61  for i:=1 to n do a[i].idx:=c[a[i].id];
     62  a[n+1].x:=maxlongint;a[n+1].y:=maxlongint;
     63  a[0].x:=maxlongint;a[0].y:=maxlongint;
     64  b[n+1]:=a[n+1];b[0]:=a[0];
     65  end;
     66 procedure main;
     67  begin
     68   x:=0;y:=0;
     69   for i:=1 to n do if (b[i].y=0) and (b[i].x>0) then begin now:=i;break;end;
     70   if now=0 then
     71      begin
     72      writeln(t,' ',0);exit;
     73      end;
     74   dir:=3;dist:=b[now].x;ans:=b[now];
     75   while true do
     76    begin
     77     if dir=3 then
     78      begin
     79       if b[now].z='/' then
     80         begin
     81         dir:=2;
     82         now:=b[now].idx;
     83         tmp:=now+1;
     84         if a[tmp].x<>a[now].x then break;
     85         if dist+abs(a[tmp].y-a[now].y)>t then break
     86         else inc(dist,abs(a[tmp].y-a[now].y));
     87         now:=tmp;ans:=a[now];
     88         end
     89       else
     90         begin
     91          dir:=4;
     92          now:=b[now].idx;
     93          tmp:=now-1;
     94          if a[tmp].x<>a[tmp].x then break;
     95          if dist+abs(a[tmp].y-a[now].y)>t then break
     96          else inc(dist,abs(a[tmp].y-a[now].y));
     97          now:=tmp;ans:=a[now];
     98         end;
     99      end;
    100     if dir=2 then
    101       begin
    102        if a[now].z='/' then
    103          begin
    104           dir:=3;
    105           now:=a[now].idx;
    106           tmp:=now+1;
    107           if b[tmp].y<>b[now].y then break;
    108           if dist+abs(b[tmp].x-b[now].x)>t then break
    109           else inc(dist,abs(b[tmp].x-b[now].x));
    110           now:=tmp;ans:=b[now];
    111          end
    112        else
    113          begin
    114           dir:=1;
    115           now:=a[now].idx;
    116           tmp:=now-1;
    117           if b[tmp].y<>b[now].y then break;
    118           if dist+abs(b[tmp].x-b[now].x)>t then break
    119           else inc(dist,abs(b[tmp].x-b[now].x));
    120           now:=tmp;ans:=b[now];
    121          end;
    122       end;
    123     if dir=1 then
    124        begin
    125         if b[now].z='/' then
    126           begin
    127            dir:=4;
    128            now:=b[now].idx;
    129            tmp:=now-1;
    130            if a[tmp].x<>a[now].x then break;
    131            if dist+abs(a[tmp].y-a[now].y)>t then break
    132            else inc(dist,abs(a[tmp].y-a[now].y));
    133            now:=tmp;ans:=a[now];
    134           end
    135         else
    136           begin
    137            dir:=2;
    138            now:=b[now].idx;
    139            tmp:=now+1;
    140            if a[tmp].x<>a[now].x then break;
    141            if dist+abs(a[tmp].y-a[now].y)>t then break
    142            else inc(dist,abs(a[tmp].y-a[now].y));
    143            now:=tmp;ans:=a[now];
    144           end;
    145        end;
    146     if dir=4 then
    147       begin
    148        if a[now].z='/' then
    149          begin
    150           dir:=1;
    151           now:=a[now].idx;
    152           tmp:=now-1;
    153           if b[tmp].y<>b[now].y then break;
    154           if dist+abs(b[tmp].x-b[now].x)>t then break
    155           else inc(dist,abs(b[tmp].x-b[now].x));
    156           now:=tmp;ans:=b[now];
    157          end
    158        else
    159          begin
    160           dir:=3;
    161           now:=a[now].idx;
    162           tmp:=now+1;
    163           if b[tmp].y<>b[now].y then break;
    164           if dist+abs(b[tmp].x-b[now].x)>t then break
    165            else inc(dist,abs(b[tmp].x-b[now].x));
    166           now:=tmp;ans:=b[now];
    167          end;
    168       end;
    169    end;
    170  if dir=1 then writeln(ans.x-(t-dist),' ',ans.y);
    171  if dir=2 then writeln(ans.x,' ',ans.y+(t-dist));
    172  if dir=3 then writeln(ans.x+(t-dist),' ',ans.y);
    173  if dir=4 then writeln(ans.x,' ',ans.y-(t-dist));
    174  end;
    175 procedure spj;
    176  begin
    177  if a[1].y<>0 then writeln(t,' ',0)
    178  else if a[1].x<0 then writeln(t,' ',0)
    179  else if a[1].z='/' then writeln(a[1].x,' ',t-a[1].x)
    180  else writeln(a[1].x,' ',a[1].x-t);
    181  end;
    183 begin
    184   init;
    185   if n=1 then spj else main;
    186 end.                            
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      1 #include <cstdio>
      2 #include <cstring>
      3 #include <algorithm>
      4 #define UU 0
      5 #define LL 1
      6 #define DD 2
      7 #define RR 3
      8 //LeftTurn = 1
      9 //RightTurn = 3
     10 const int dx[4] = {0, -1, 0, 1};
     11 const int dy[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0};
     12 #define f(x, y, z) for(int x = (y); x <= (z); ++x)
     13 #define f2(x, y, z) for(int x = (y), asdf = (z); x <= asdf; ++x)
     14 using std::min;
     15 using std::abs;
     17 int N; long long T;
     18 struct mir{int x, y; long long dr;} xm[400086], ym[400086];
     19 inline bool byx(const mir &a, const mir &b){
     20     return a.x < b.x || (a.x == b.x && a.y < b.y);
     21 }
     22 inline bool byy(const mir &a, const mir &b){
     23     return a.y < b.y || (a.y == b.y && a.x < b.x);
     24 }
     25 inline bool operator ==(const mir &a, const mir &b){
     26     return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;
     27 }
     29 inline mir *findxless(const mir a){
     30     int l = 0, r = N + 1;
     31     while(l < r){
     32         int m = ((l + r) >> 1) + 1;
     33         if(xm[m] == a) return xm + m;
     34         else if(byx(xm[m], a)) l = m; else r = m - 1;
     35     }
     36     if(l < 1 || l > N || xm[l].x != a.x) return NULL;
     37     return xm + l;
     38 }
     39 inline mir *findxmore(const mir a){
     40     int l = 0, r = N + 1;
     41     while(l < r){
     42         int m = (l + r) >> 1;
     43         if(xm[m] == a) return xm + m;
     44         else if(byx(a, xm[m])) r = m; else l = m + 1;
     45     }
     46     if(l < 1 || l > N || xm[l].x != a.x) return NULL;
     47     return xm + l;
     48 }
     49 inline mir *findyless(const mir a){
     50     int l = 0, r = N + 1;
     51     while(l < r){
     52         int m = ((l + r) >> 1) + 1;
     53         if(ym[m] == a) return ym + m;
     54         else if(byy(ym[m], a)) l = m; else r = m - 1;
     55     }
     56     if(l < 1 || l > N || ym[l].y != a.y) return NULL;
     57     return ym + l;
     58 }
     59 inline mir *findymore(const mir a){
     60     int l = 0, r = N + 1;
     61     while(l < r){
     62         int m = (l + r) >> 1;
     63         if(ym[m] == a) return ym + m;
     64         else if(byy(a, ym[m])) r = m; else l = m + 1;
     65     }
     66     if(l < 1 || l > N || ym[l].y != a.y) return NULL;
     67     return ym + l;
     68 }
     70 int main(){
     71     scanf("%d%*d%I64d", &N, &T); long long iT = T;
     72     f(i, 1, N){
     73         int cx, cy; char buf[4];
     74         scanf("%d%d%s", &cx, &cy, buf);
     75         xm[i].x = ym[i].x = cx;
     76         xm[i].y = ym[i].y = cy;
     77         if(buf[0] == '/'){
     78             xm[i].dr = 3; ym[i].dr = 1;
     79         }else{
     80             xm[i].dr = 1; ym[i].dr = 3;
     81         }
     82     }
     83     xm[0] = (mir) {-1000000008, -1000000008, 0};
     84     ym[0] = (mir) {-1000000008, -1000000008, 0};
     85     xm[N + 1] = (mir) {1000000008, 1000000008, 0};
     86     ym[N + 1] = (mir) {1000000008, 1000000008, 0};
     87     std::sort(xm + 1, xm + N + 1, byx);
     88     std::sort(ym + 1, ym + N + 1, byy);
     89     int cx = 0, cy = 0, cr = RR;
     90     for(;;){
     91         // printf("C %d %d = %d
    ", cx, cy, cr);
     92         mir *res;
     93         if(cr == UU) res = findxmore((mir) {cx, cy + 1});
     94         else if(cr == LL) res = findyless((mir) {cx - 1, cy});
     95         else if(cr == DD) res = findxless((mir) {cx, cy - 1});
     96         else res = findymore((mir) {cx + 1, cy});
     97         if(res){
     98             if(cy == 0 && res->y == 0 && cx < 0 && res->x > 0) T %= (iT - T - cx);
     99             int dis = abs(res->x - cx) + abs(res->y - cy);
    100             if(dis < T){
    101                 cx = res->x; cy = res->y; cr = (cr + res->dr) % 4; T -= (long long) dis;
    102             }else{
    103                 printf("%I64d %I64d
    ", (long long) cx + T * (long long) dx[cr], (long long) cy + T * (long long) dy[cr]);
    104                 return 0;
    105             }
    106         }else{
    107             printf("%I64d %I64d
    ", (long long) cx + T * (long long) dx[cr], (long long) cy + T * (long long) dy[cr]);
    108             return 0;
    109         }
    110     }
    111     return 0;
    112 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zyfzyf/p/3916323.html
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