• Startup.A51说明(上)


    下面的代码中的用<>表示的含义说明都包含在上面的表格之中。该表格在Keil的help文档中输入Configuration Wizard即可找到。 





    ;  This file is part of the C51 Compiler package

    ;  Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Keil Elektronik GmbH and Keil Software, Inc.

    ;  Version 8.01

    ;  *** <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ***


    ;  STARTUP.A51:  This code is executed after processor reset.

    ;  To translate this file use A51 with the following invocation:

    ;     A51 STARTUP.A51

    ;  To link the modified STARTUP.OBJ file to your application use the following

    ;  Lx51 invocation:

    ;     Lx51 your object file list, STARTUP.OBJ  controls


    ;  User-defined <h> Power-On Initialization of Memory

    ;  With the following EQU statements the initialization of memory

    ;  at processor reset can be defined:

    ; <o> IDATALEN: IDATA memory size <0x0-0x100>

    ;     <i> Note: The absolute start-address of IDATA memory is always 0

    ;     <i>       The IDATA space overlaps physically the DATA and BIT areas.

    IDATALEN        EQU     80H

    ; <o> XDATASTART: XDATA memory start address <0x0-0xFFFF>

    ;     <i> The absolute start address of XDATA memory

    XDATASTART      EQU     0    

    ; <o> XDATALEN: XDATA memory size <0x0-0xFFFF>

    ;     <i> The length of XDATA memory in bytes.

    XDATALEN        EQU     0     

    ; <o> PDATASTART: PDATA memory start address <0x0-0xFFFF>

    ;     <i> The absolute start address of PDATA memory

    PDATASTART      EQU     0H


    ; <o> PDATALEN: PDATA memory size <0x0-0xFF>

    ;     <i> The length of PDATA memory in bytes.

    PDATALEN        EQU     0H




    ;<h> Reentrant Stack Initialization


    ;  The following EQU statements define the stack pointer for reentrant

    ;  functions and initialized it:


    ; <h> Stack Space for reentrant functions in the SMALL model.

    ;  <q> IBPSTACK: Enable SMALL model reentrant stack

    ;     <i> Stack space for reentrant functions in the SMALL model.

    IBPSTACK        EQU     0       ; set to 1 if small reentrant is used.

    ;  <o> IBPSTACKTOP: End address of SMALL model stack <0x0-0xFF>

    ;     <i> Set the top of the stack to the highest location.

    IBPSTACKTOP     EQU     0xFF +1     ; default 0FFH+1 

    ; </h>


    ; <h> Stack Space for reentrant functions in the LARGE model.     

    ;  <q> XBPSTACK: Enable LARGE model reentrant stack

    ;     <i> Stack space for reentrant functions in the LARGE model.

    XBPSTACK        EQU     0       ; set to 1 if large reentrant is used.

    ;  <o> XBPSTACKTOP: End address of LARGE model stack <0x0-0xFFFF>

    ;     <i> Set the top of the stack to the highest location.

    XBPSTACKTOP     EQU     0xFFFF +1   ; default 0FFFFH+1

    ; </h>


    ; <h> Stack Space for reentrant functions in the COMPACT model.   

    ;  <q> PBPSTACK: Enable COMPACT model reentrant stack

    ;     <i> Stack space for reentrant functions in the COMPACT model.

    PBPSTACK        EQU     0       ; set to 1 if compact reentrant is used.


    ;   <o> PBPSTACKTOP: End address of COMPACT model stack <0x0-0xFFFF>

    ;     <i> Set the top of the stack to the highest location.

    PBPSTACKTOP     EQU     0xFF +1     ; default 0FFH+1 

    ; </h>



    ;  Memory Page for Using the Compact Model with 64 KByte xdata RAM

    ;  <e>Compact Model Page Definition

    ;  <i>Define the XDATA page used for PDATA variables.

    ;  <i>PPAGE must conform with the PPAGE set in the linker invocation.

    ; Enable pdata memory page initalization

    PPAGEENABLE     EQU     0       ; set to 1 if pdata object are used.

    ; <o> PPAGE number <0x0-0xFF>

    ; <i> uppermost 256-byte address of the page used for PDATA variables.

    PPAGE           EQU     0

    ; <o> SFR address which supplies uppermost address byte <0x0-0xFF>

    ; <i> most 8051 variants use P2 as uppermost address byte

    PPAGE_SFR       DATA    0A0H

    ; </e>


    ; Standard SFR Symbols

    ACC     DATA    0E0H

    B       DATA    0F0H

    SP      DATA    81H

    DPL     DATA    82H

    DPH     DATA    83H

                    NAME    ?C_STARTUP


    ?STACK          SEGMENT   IDATA

                    RSEG    ?STACK

                    DS      1

                    EXTRN CODE (?C_START)

                    PUBLIC  ?C_STARTUP

                    CSEG    AT      0


                    RSEG    ?C_C51STARTUP


    IF IDATALEN <> 0

                    MOV     R0,#IDATALEN - 1

                    CLR     A

    IDATALOOP:      MOV     @R0,A

                    DJNZ    R0,IDATALOOP


    IF XDATALEN <> 0

                    MOV     DPTR,#XDATASTART

                    MOV     R7,#LOW (XDATALEN)

      IF (LOW (XDATALEN)) <> 0

                    MOV     R6,#(HIGH (XDATALEN)) +1


                    MOV     R6,#HIGH (XDATALEN)


                    CLR     A


                    INC     DPTR

                    DJNZ    R7,XDATALOOP

                    DJNZ    R6,XDATALOOP



                    MOV     PPAGE_SFR,#PPAGE


    IF PDATALEN <> 0

                    MOV     R0,#LOW (PDATASTART)

                    MOV     R7,#LOW (PDATALEN)

                    CLR     A

    PDATALOOP:      MOVX    @R0,A

                    INC     R0

                    DJNZ    R7,PDATALOOP


    IF IBPSTACK <> 0


                    MOV     ?C_IBP,#LOW IBPSTACKTOP


    IF XBPSTACK <> 0


                    MOV     ?C_XBP,#HIGH XBPSTACKTOP

                    MOV     ?C_XBP+1,#LOW XBPSTACKTOP


    IF PBPSTACK <> 0


                    MOV     ?C_PBP,#LOW PBPSTACKTOP


                    MOV     SP,#?STACK-1

    ; This code is required if you use L51_BANK.A51 with Banking Mode 4

    ;<h> Code Banking

    ; <q> Select Bank 0 for L51_BANK.A51 Mode 4

    #if 0  

    ;     <i> Initialize bank mechanism to code bank 0 when using L51_BANK.A51 with Banking Mode 4.


                    CALL    ?B_SWITCH0      ; init bank mechanism to code bank 0



                    LJMP    ?C_START



     STARTUP.A51:  This code is executed after processor reset.  即该code 是在处理器复位之后执行的。其主要完成的作用就是清理RAM.设置堆栈等.而在执行完start.a51后跳转到用户的主函数部分.这一部分的代码可以在你的程序中的主函数的前面会看到。

    NOMOD51 (代码中的第一行)(在help文档中输入NOMOD51即可看到相关的说明解释)


    The NOMOD51 directive suppresses pre-definition of 8051 SFR names. This directive must be used when a customer-specific SFR definition file is included.


    ; This file is part of the C51 Compiler package

    ; Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Keil Elektronik GmbH and Keil Software, Inc.


    ; STARTUP.A51: This code is executed after processor reset.

    ; STARTUP.A51: STARTUP.A51文件的代码在处理器复位后执行

    ; To translate this file use A51 with the following invocation:

    ;   用下面的命令行语句调用A51进行编译产生目标文件

    ;     A51 STARTUP.A51


    ; To link the modified STARTUP.OBJ file to your application use the following

    ; BL51 invocation:

    ;   用下面的命令行语句调用BL51连接器把STARTUP.OBJ目标文件连接到程序代码中

    ;     BL51 <your object file list>, STARTUP.OBJ <controls>



    ; User-defined Power-On Initialization of Memory

    ; 用户自定义上电后需要初始化的储存区域

    ; With the following EQU statements the initialization of memory

    ; at processor reset can be defined:

    ; 使用下列EQU伪指令,初始化后的存储区域在单片机复位后生效

    ; <o> IDATALEN: IDATA memory size <0x0-0x100>

    ;     <i> Note: The absolute start-address of IDATA memory is always 0

    ;     <i>      The IDATA space overlaps physically the DATA and BIT areas.

    ;  IDATA 空间范围 0-0x100;

    ; 翻译:IDATA内存的绝对启始地址总为0

    ;  IDATA 区在物理空间区中已经包括了DATA区(直接寻址区)以及 BIT区 (位寻址区)。

    IDATALEN   EQU   80H   ; the length of IDATA memory in bytes.

    ; IDATA(间接寻址区)其起始地址固定为0;




    ; Reentrant Stack Initilization

    ; 重入堆栈初始化

    ; The following EQU statements define the stack pointer for reentrant

    ; functions and initialized it:

    ; 下面的EQU语句定义重入函数的堆栈指针并初始化它

    ; Stack Space for reentrant functions in the SMALL model.

    ; SMALL模式下的重入函数的堆栈空间

    IBPSTACK        EQU     0       ; set to 1 if small reentrant is used.


    IBPSTACKTOP     EQU     0FFH+1 ; set top of stack to highest location+1.





    ; Page Definition for Using the Compact Model with 64 KByte xdata RAM

    ; 使用COMPACT模式时为64KB的XDATA RAM定义页

    ; The following EQU statements define the xdata page used for pdata

    ; variables. The EQU PPAGE must conform with the PPAGE control used

    ; in the linker invocation.

    ; 下面的EQU语句定义PDATA变量的使用了XDATA页

    PPAGEENABLE     EQU     0       ; set to 1 if pdata object are used.



    PPAGE           EQU     0       ; define PPAGE number.


    PPAGE_SFR       DATA    0A0H    ; SFR that supplies uppermost address byte


    ; (most 8051 variants use P2 as uppermost address byte)

    ; (大多数8051变量要用P2的最高地址字节)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zxqwolf/p/2842883.html
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