• 第十六天


    select employee_id, job_id from employees

    union all

    select employee_id, job_id from job_history; // 两个查询取交集

    select employee_id, job_id from employees


    select employee_id, job_id from job_history;

    select employee_id, job_id from employees


    select employee_id, job_id from job_history;

    select employee_id from employees


    select employee_id from job_history;

    DML (增删改) 可以回滚

    SQL> create table my_emp as select * from employees; //快速复制一张已有的表,只有本身数据,没有附加结构。

    SQL> create table avg_sal as select department_id, avg(salary) avg_sal from employees group by department_id;

    SQL> create table my_emp as select * from employees where 1=0; //复制一张空的表结构,没有数据。

    SQL> create table my_emp as select last_name, salary from employees where department_id=50;

    // select查询的结果插入新建立的表中。

    SQL> insert into my_emp select * from employees;  


    SQL> update my_emp set salary=salary*1.1;

    SQL> update my_emp set salary=salary*1.1 where department_id=50;

    SQL> update my_emp set salary=salary*1.1, commission_pct=0.5 where employee_id=197;


    SQL> delete from my_emp where employee_id=197;

    SQL> delete from my_emp where department_id=50;

    SQL> delete from my_emp;

    DDL (创建、删除、修改表) 不可回滚


    SQL> create table t1(x char(10), y varchar2(10));

    SQL> insert into t1 values('x', 'y');

    SQL> select dump(x), dump(y) from t1;


    SQL> create table t1(x number(5,2), y number(5));

    SQL> insert into t1 values (123.45, 12345);

    SQL> insert into t1 values (12.345, 12345);

    SQL> insert into t1 values (12.345, 123.45);

    SQL> select * from t1;

    SQL> insert into t1 values (12.345, 112345);


    SQL> create table t1(a date, b timestamp, c timestamp with time zone, d timestamp with local time zone);

    SQL> insert into t1 values (sysdate, systimestamp, systimestamp, systimestamp);

    SQL> alter session set time_zone='+9:00';

    SQL> select * from t1;


    SQL> alter table t1 add(e char(10));

    SQL> alter table t1 drop(e);

    SQL> alter table t1 modify(d not null);


    字段(列):not null, check(salary>0)

    行与行:primary key, unique

    表与表之间:foreign key

    例  :

    create table dept (

        deptno int constraint dept_deptno_pk primary key,

        dname varchar2(20) constraint dept_dname_nn not null);

    create table emp (

        empno int constraint emp_empno_pk primary key,

        ename varchar2(20) constraint emp_ename_nn not null,

        email varchar2(50) constraint emp_email_uq unique,

        salary int constraint emp_salary_ck check(salary>0),

        deptno int constraint emp_deptno_fk references dept(deptno))

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zxk666/p/7270527.html
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