• UVA 10497

    Children are always sweet but they can sometimes make you feel bitter. In this problem, you will see
    how Tintin, a five year’s old boy, creates trouble for his parents. Tintin is a joyful boy and is always
    busy in doing something. But what he does is not always pleasant for his parents. He likes most to play
    with household things like his father’s wristwatch or his mother’s comb. After his playing he places it
    in some other place. Tintin is very intelligent and a boy with a very sharp memory. To make things
    worse for his parents, he never returns the things he has taken for playing to their original places.
    Think about a morning when Tintin has managed to ‘steal’ three household objects. Now, in how
    many ways he can place those things such that nothing is placed in their original place. Tintin does not
    like to give his parents that much trouble. So, he does not leave anything in a completely new place;
    he merely permutes the objects.
    There will be several test cases. Each will have a positive integer less than or equal to 800 indicating
    the number of things Tintin has taken for playing. Each integer will be in a line by itself. The input
    is terminated by a ‘-1’ (minus one) in a single line, which should not be processed.
    For each test case print an integer indicating in how many ways Tintin can rearrange the things he has
    Sample Input
    Sample Output

    题意:一个小孩,趁家长不在,拿家里的n个 家具玩,玩了之后放回,而且好坏,一定不是原来的位置(每个都不是),问你有多少种放法

    题解:设dp[i]表示  放回i个的方法数,那么  dp[i] = (i-1)*(dp[i-1]+dp[i-2]);


    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <queue>
    #include <map>
    #include <set>
    #include <stack>
    using namespace std ;
    #define mem(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))
    #define pb push_back
    #define fi first
    #define se second
    #define MP make_pair
    typedef long long ll;
    const int N = 800+100;
    const int M = 1000001;
    const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    const ll MOD = 1000000000;
    #define MAX_L 20005 //最大长度,可以修改
    class bign
        int len, s[MAX_L];//数的长度,记录数组
        bign(const char*);
        bool sign;//符号 1正数 0负数
        string toStr() const;//转化为字符串,主要是便于输出
        friend istream& operator>>(istream &,bign &);//重载输入流
        friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &,bign &);//重载输出流
        bign operator=(const char*);
        bign operator=(int);
        bign operator=(const string);
        bool operator>(const bign &) const;
        bool operator>=(const bign &) const;
        bool operator<(const bign &) const;
        bool operator<=(const bign &) const;
        bool operator==(const bign &) const;
        bool operator!=(const bign &) const;
        bign operator+(const bign &) const;
        bign operator++();
        bign operator++(int);
        bign operator+=(const bign&);
        bign operator-(const bign &) const;
        bign operator--();
        bign operator--(int);
        bign operator-=(const bign&);
        bign operator*(const bign &)const;
        bign operator*(const int num)const;
        bign operator*=(const bign&);
        bign operator/(const bign&)const;
        bign operator/=(const bign&);
        bign operator%(const bign&)const;//取模(余数)
        bign factorial()const;//阶乘
        bign Sqrt()const;//整数开根(向下取整)
        bign pow(const bign&)const;//次方
        void clean();
    #define max(a,b) a>b ? a : b
    #define min(a,b) a<b ? a : b
        memset(s, 0, sizeof(s));
        len = 1;
        sign = 1;
    bign::bign(const char *num)
        *this = num;
    bign::bign(int num)
        *this = num;
    string bign::toStr() const
        string res;
        res = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            res = (char)(s[i] + '0') + res;
        if (res == "")
            res = "0";
        if (!sign&&res != "0")
            res = "-" + res;
        return res;
    istream &operator>>(istream &in, bign &num)
        string str;
        return in;
    ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, bign &num)
        return out;
    bign bign::operator=(const char *num)
        memset(s, 0, sizeof(s));
        char a[MAX_L] = "";
        if (num[0] != '-')
            strcpy(a, num);
            for (int i = 1; i < strlen(num); i++)
                a[i - 1] = num[i];
        sign = !(num[0] == '-');
        len = strlen(a);
        for (int i = 0; i < strlen(a); i++)
            s[i] = a[len - i - 1] - 48;
        return *this;
    bign bign::operator=(int num)
        char temp[MAX_L];
        sprintf(temp, "%d", num);
        *this = temp;
        return *this;
    bign bign::operator=(const string num)
        const char *tmp;
        tmp = num.c_str();
        *this = tmp;
        return *this;
    bool bign::operator<(const bign &num) const
        if (sign^num.sign)
            return num.sign;
        if (len != num.len)
            return len < num.len;
        for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (s[i] != num.s[i])
                return sign ? (s[i] < num.s[i]) : (!(s[i] < num.s[i]));
        return !sign;
    bool bign::operator>(const bign&num)const
        return num < *this;
    bool bign::operator<=(const bign&num)const
        return !(*this>num);
    bool bign::operator>=(const bign&num)const
        return !(*this<num);
    bool bign::operator!=(const bign&num)const
        return *this > num || *this < num;
    bool bign::operator==(const bign&num)const
        return !(num != *this);
    bign bign::operator+(const bign &num) const
        if (sign^num.sign)
            bign tmp = sign ? num : *this;
            tmp.sign = 1;
            return sign ? *this - tmp : num - tmp;
        bign result;
        result.len = 0;
        int temp = 0;
        for (int i = 0; temp || i < (max(len, num.len)); i++)
            int t = s[i] + num.s[i] + temp;
            result.s[result.len++] = t % 10;
            temp = t / 10;
        result.sign = sign;
        return result;
    bign bign::operator++()
        *this = *this + 1;
        return *this;
    bign bign::operator++(int)
        bign old = *this;
        return old;
    bign bign::operator+=(const bign &num)
        *this = *this + num;
        return *this;
    bign bign::operator-(const bign &num) const
        bign b=num,a=*this;
        if (!num.sign && !sign)
            return b-a;
        if (!b.sign)
            return a+b;
        if (!a.sign)
            return b;
        if (a<b)
            bign c=(b-a);
            return c;
        bign result;
        result.len = 0;
        for (int i = 0, g = 0; i < a.len; i++)
            int x = a.s[i] - g;
            if (i < b.len) x -= b.s[i];
            if (x >= 0) g = 0;
                g = 1;
                x += 10;
            result.s[result.len++] = x;
        return result;
    bign bign::operator * (const bign &num)const
        bign result;
        result.len = len + num.len;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < num.len; j++)
                result.s[i + j] += s[i] * num.s[j];
        for (int i = 0; i < result.len; i++)
            result.s[i + 1] += result.s[i] / 10;
            result.s[i] %= 10;
        result.sign = !(sign^num.sign);
        return result;
    bign bign::operator*(const int num)const
        bign x = num;
        bign z = *this;
        return x*z;
    bign bign::operator*=(const bign&num)
        *this = *this * num;
        return *this;
    bign bign::operator /(const bign&num)const
        bign ans;
        ans.len = len - num.len + 1;
        if (ans.len < 0)
            ans.len = 1;
            return ans;
        bign divisor = *this, divid = num;
        divisor.sign = divid.sign = 1;
        int k = ans.len - 1;
        int j = len - 1;
        while (k >= 0)
            while (divisor.s[j] == 0) j--;
            if (k > j) k = j;
            char z[MAX_L];
            memset(z, 0, sizeof(z));
            for (int i = j; i >= k; i--)
                z[j - i] = divisor.s[i] + '0';
            bign dividend = z;
            if (dividend < divid) { k--; continue; }
            int key = 0;
            while (divid*key <= dividend) key++;
            ans.s[k] = key;
            bign temp = divid*key;
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                temp = temp * 10;
            divisor = divisor - temp;
        ans.sign = !(sign^num.sign);
        return ans;
    bign bign::operator/=(const bign&num)
        *this = *this / num;
        return *this;
    bign bign::operator%(const bign& num)const
        bign a = *this, b = num;
        a.sign = b.sign = 1;
        bign result, temp = a / b*b;
        result = a - temp;
        result.sign = sign;
        return result;
    bign bign::pow(const bign& num)const
        bign result = 1;
        for (bign i = 0; i < num; i++)
            result = result*(*this);
        return result;
    bign bign::factorial()const
        bign result = 1;
        for (bign i = 1; i <= *this; i++)
            result *= i;
        return result;
    void bign::clean()
        if (len == 0) len++;
        while (len > 1 && s[len - 1] == '')
    bign bign::Sqrt()const
        if(*this<0)return -1;
        if(*this<=1)return *this;
        bign l=0,r=*this,mid;
        return l;
    bign dp[N];
    void init() {
        dp[1] = 0;
        dp[2] = 1;
        bign tmp = 2;
        for(int i=3;i<=800;i=i+1) {
            dp[i] = (tmp)*(dp[i-1] + dp[i-2]);
    int main() {
        int n;
        while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF) {
            if(n==-1) break;
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zxhl/p/5086138.html
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