但是官方对psr4,对php7 php8似乎没有升级的意思,用的比较多就是 selector 选择器
现在使用的laravel8 php8的框架,所以一直没有做更改,我其实比较不接受
composer require owner888/phpspider
提示一堆psr4不兼容问题,确实有点强迫症,我就直接把selector 直接单独提取出来,试了下竟然没问题,可以单独使用
经过测试php 7.1 7.2 7.3 8.0都是运行OK的,挺好的,可以自己去拿出来,这里贴出来一个,如果需要curl客户端可以使用 GuzzleHttpClient; 特别是你在使用laravel本身都是集成的
<?php namespace AppUtils; use DOMDocument; use DOMXpath; use Exception; class Selector { /** * 版本号 * @var string */ const VERSION = '1.0.2'; public static $dom = null; public static $dom_auth = ''; public static $xpath = null; public static $error = null; public static function select($html, $selector, $selector_type = 'xpath') { if (empty($html) || empty($selector)) { return false; } $selector_type = strtolower($selector_type); if ($selector_type == 'xpath') { return self::_xpath_select($html, $selector); } elseif ($selector_type == 'regex') { return self::_regex_select($html, $selector); } elseif ($selector_type == 'css') { return self::_css_select($html, $selector); } } public static function remove($html, $selector, $selector_type = 'xpath') { if (empty($html) || empty($selector)) { return false; } $remove_html = ""; $selector_type = strtolower($selector_type); if ($selector_type == 'xpath') { $remove_html = self::_xpath_select($html, $selector, true); } elseif ($selector_type == 'regex') { $remove_html = self::_regex_select($html, $selector, true); } elseif ($selector_type == 'css') { $remove_html = self::_css_select($html, $selector, true); } $html = str_replace($remove_html, "", $html); return $html; } /** * xpath选择器 * * @param mixed $html * @param mixed $selector * @return void * @author seatle <seatle@foxmail.com> * @created time :2016-10-26 12:53 */ private static function _xpath_select($html, $selector, $remove = false) { if (!is_object(self::$dom)) { self::$dom = new DOMDocument(); } // 如果加载的不是之前的HTML内容,替换一下验证标识 if (self::$dom_auth != md5($html)) { self::$dom_auth = md5($html); @self::$dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $html); self::$xpath = new DOMXpath(self::$dom); } //libxml_use_internal_errors(true); //self::$dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">'.$html); //$errors = libxml_get_errors(); //if (!empty($errors)) //{ //print_r($errors); //exit; //} $elements = @self::$xpath->query($selector); if ($elements === false) { self::$error = "the selector in the xpath("{$selector}") syntax errors"; // 不应该返回false,因为isset(false)为true,更不能通过 !$values 去判断,因为!0为true,所以这里只能返回null //return false; return null; } $result = array(); if (!is_null($elements)) { foreach ($elements as $element) { // 如果是删除操作,取一整块代码 if ($remove) { $content = self::$dom->saveXml($element); } else { $nodeName = $element->nodeName; $nodeType = $element->nodeType; // 1.Element 2.Attribute 3.Text //$nodeAttr = $element->getAttribute('src'); //$nodes = util::node_to_array(self::$dom, $element); //echo $nodes['@src']." "; // 如果是img标签,直接取src值 if ($nodeType == 1 && in_array($nodeName, array('img'))) { $content = $element->getAttribute('src'); } // 如果是标签属性,直接取节点值 elseif ($nodeType == 2 || $nodeType == 3 || $nodeType == 4) { $content = $element->nodeValue; } else { // 保留nodeValue里的html符号,给children二次提取 $content = self::$dom->saveXml($element); //$content = trim(self::$dom->saveHtml($element)); $content = preg_replace(array("#^<{$nodeName}.*>#isU", "#</{$nodeName}>$#isU"), array('', ''), $content); } } $result[] = $content; } } if (empty($result)) { return null; } // 如果只有一个元素就直接返回string,否则返回数组 return count($result) > 1 ? $result : $result[0]; } /** * css选择器 * * @param mixed $html * @param mixed $selector * @return void * @author seatle <seatle@foxmail.com> * @created time :2016-10-26 12:53 */ private static function _css_select($html, $selector, $remove = false) { $selector = self::css_to_xpath($selector); //echo $selector." "; //exit(" "); return self::_xpath_select($html, $selector, $remove); // 如果加载的不是之前的HTML内容,替换一下验证标识 //if (self::$dom_auth['css'] != md5($html)) //{ //self::$dom_auth['css'] = md5($html); //phpQuery::loadDocumentHTML($html); //} //if ($remove) //{ //return phpQuery::pq($selector)->remove(); //} //else //{ //return phpQuery::pq($selector)->html(); //} } /** * 正则选择器 * * @param mixed $html * @param mixed $selector * @return void * @author seatle <seatle@foxmail.com> * @created time :2016-10-26 12:53 */ private static function _regex_select($html, $selector, $remove = false) { if (@preg_match_all($selector, $html, $out) === false) { self::$error = "the selector in the regex("{$selector}") syntax errors"; return null; } $count = count($out); $result = array(); // 一个都没有匹配到 if ($count == 0) { return null; } // 只匹配一个,就是只有一个 () elseif ($count == 2) { // 删除的话取匹配到的所有内容 if ($remove) { $result = $out[0]; } else { $result = $out[1]; } } else { for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) { // 如果只有一个元素,就直接返回好了 $result[] = count($out[$i]) > 1 ? $out[$i] : $out[$i][0]; } } if (empty($result)) { return null; } return count($result) > 1 ? $result : $result[0]; } public static function find_all($html, $selector) { } public static function css_to_xpath($selectors) { $queries = self::parse_selector($selectors); $delimiter_before = false; $xquery = ''; foreach ($queries as $s) { // TAG $is_tag = preg_match('@^[w|||-]+$@', $s) || $s == '*'; if ($is_tag) { $xquery .= $s; } // ID else if ($s[0] == '#') { if ($delimiter_before) { $xquery .= '*'; } // ID用精确查询 $xquery .= "[@id='" . substr($s, 1) . "']"; } // CLASSES else if ($s[0] == '.') { if ($delimiter_before) { $xquery .= '*'; } // CLASS用模糊查询 $xquery .= "[contains(@class,'" . substr($s, 1) . "')]"; } // ATTRIBUTES else if ($s[0] == '[') { if ($delimiter_before) { $xquery .= '*'; } // strip side brackets $attr = trim($s, ']['); // attr with specifed value if (mb_strpos($s, '=')) { $value = null; list($attr, $value) = explode('=', $attr); $value = trim($value, "'""); if (self::is_regexp($attr)) { // cut regexp character $attr = substr($attr, 0, -1); $xquery .= "[@{$attr}]"; } else { $xquery .= "[@{$attr}='{$value}']"; } } // attr without specified value else { $xquery .= "[@{$attr}]"; } } // ~ General Sibling Selector else if ($s[0] == '~') { } // + Adjacent sibling selectors else if ($s[0] == '+') { } // PSEUDO CLASSES else if ($s[0] == ':') { } // DIRECT DESCENDANDS else if ($s == '>') { $xquery .= '/'; $delimiter_before = 2; } // ALL DESCENDANDS else if ($s == ' ') { $xquery .= '//'; $delimiter_before = 2; } // ERRORS else { exit("Unrecognized token '$s'"); } $delimiter_before = $delimiter_before === 2; } return $xquery; } /** * @access private */ public static function parse_selector($query) { $query = trim(preg_replace('@s+@', ' ', preg_replace('@s*(>|\+|~)s*@', '\1', $query))); $queries = array(); if (!$query) { return $queries; } $special_chars = array('>', ' '); $special_chars_mapping = array(); $strlen = mb_strlen($query); $class_chars = array('.', '-'); $pseudo_chars = array('-'); $tag_chars = array('*', '|', '-'); // split multibyte string // http://code.google.com/p/phpquery/issues/detail?id=76 $_query = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i++) { $_query[] = mb_substr($query, $i, 1); } $query = $_query; // it works, but i dont like it... $i = 0; while ($i < $strlen) { $c = $query[$i]; $tmp = ''; // TAG if (self::is_char($c) || in_array($c, $tag_chars)) { while (isset($query[$i]) && (self::is_char($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $tag_chars))) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } $queries[] = $tmp; } // IDs else if ($c == '#') { $i++; while (isset($query[$i]) && (self::is_char($query[$i]) || $query[$i] == '-')) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } $queries[] = '#' . $tmp; } // SPECIAL CHARS else if (in_array($c, $special_chars)) { $queries[] = $c; $i++; // MAPPED SPECIAL MULTICHARS // } else if ( $c.$query[$i+1] == '//') { // $return[] = ' '; // $i = $i+2; } // MAPPED SPECIAL CHARS else if (isset($special_chars_mapping[$c])) { $queries[] = $special_chars_mapping[$c]; $i++; } // COMMA else if ($c == ',') { $i++; while (isset($query[$i]) && $query[$i] == ' ') { $i++; } } // CLASSES else if ($c == '.') { while (isset($query[$i]) && (self::is_char($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $class_chars))) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } $queries[] = $tmp; } // ~ General Sibling Selector else if ($c == '~') { $space_allowed = true; $tmp .= $query[$i++]; while (isset($query[$i]) && (self::is_char($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $class_chars) || $query[$i] == '*' || ($query[$i] == ' ' && $space_allowed) )) { if ($query[$i] != ' ') { $space_allowed = false; } $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } $queries[] = $tmp; } // + Adjacent sibling selectors else if ($c == '+') { $space_allowed = true; $tmp .= $query[$i++]; while (isset($query[$i]) && (self::is_char($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $class_chars) || $query[$i] == '*' || ($space_allowed && $query[$i] == ' ') )) { if ($query[$i] != ' ') $space_allowed = false; $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } $queries[] = $tmp; } // ATTRS else if ($c == '[') { $stack = 1; $tmp .= $c; while (isset($query[++$i])) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; if ($query[$i] == '[') { $stack++; } else if ($query[$i] == ']') { $stack--; if (!$stack) { break; } } } $queries[] = $tmp; $i++; } // PSEUDO CLASSES else if ($c == ':') { $stack = 1; $tmp .= $query[$i++]; while (isset($query[$i]) && (self::is_char($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $pseudo_chars))) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } // with arguments ? if (isset($query[$i]) && $query[$i] == '(') { $tmp .= $query[$i]; $stack = 1; while (isset($query[++$i])) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; if ($query[$i] == '(') { $stack++; } else if ($query[$i] == ')') { $stack--; if (!$stack) { break; } } } $queries[] = $tmp; $i++; } else { $queries[] = $tmp; } } else { $i++; } } if (isset($queries[0])) { if (isset($queries[0][0]) && $queries[0][0] == ':') { array_unshift($queries, '*'); } if ($queries[0] != '>') { array_unshift($queries, ' '); } } return $queries; } public static function is_char($char) { return preg_match('@w@', $char); } /** * 模糊匹配 * ^ 前缀字符串 * * 包含字符串 * $ 后缀字符串 * @access private */ protected static function is_regexp($pattern) { return in_array( $pattern[mb_strlen($pattern) - 1], array('^', '*', '$') ); } }
use GuzzleHttpClient; use AppUtilsSelector; class SpiderService extends BaseService { /** * @param int $page * http://kaijiang.zhcw.com/zhcw/html/ssq/list_1.html */ public static function getSsq(int $page) { // phpinfo(); // die; $client = new Client(); $body = $client->get('http://kaijiang.zhcw.com/zhcw/html/ssq/list_1.html'); $html = (string)$body->getBody(); //pp($data); $data = Selector::select($html, "table"); pp($data); }