• (OK) install NS-3 NS3

    dnf install gcc gcc-c++ python python-devel mercurial bzr gsl gsl-devel gtk2 gtk2-devel gdb valgrind doxygen graphviz ImageMagick python-sphinx dia texlive texlive-latex

    dnf install flex bison tcpdump sqlite sqlite-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel uncrustify openmpi openmpi-devel boost-devel goocanvas-devel graphviz graphviz-devel

    dnf install python-setuptools

    dnf install python-kiwi pygoocanvas cmake glibc-devel.i686 glibc-devel.x86_64

    dnf install p7zip*

    dnf install http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

    dnf install unrar

    easy_install pygraphviz

    [root@localhost bake]# pwd

    [root@localhost bake]# ls
    bake  bakeconf.xml  bakefile.xml  bake.py  doc  examples  generate-binary.py  source  test  TODO
    [root@localhost bake]#

    [root@localhost bake]# ./bake.py check
     > Python - OK
     > GNU C++ compiler - OK
     > Mercurial - OK
     > CVS - OK
     > GIT - OK
     > Bazaar - OK
     > Tar tool - OK
     > Unzip tool - OK
     > Unrar tool - OK
     > 7z  data compression utility - OK
     > XZ data compression utility - OK
     > Make - OK
     > cMake - OK
     > patch tool - OK
     > autoreconf tool - OK

     > Path searched for tools: /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin /usr/lib64/ccache /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /root/bin bin

    [root@localhost bake]# ./bake.py configure -e ns-3.25

    [root@localhost bake]# ./bake.py download
     >> Downloading gccxml-ns3 (target directory:gccxml) - OK
     >> Searching for system dependency qt4 - OK
     >> Searching for system dependency g++ - OK
     >> Searching for system dependency setuptools - OK
     >> Searching for system dependency pygoocanvas - OK
     >> Searching for system dependency pygraphviz - OK
     >> Searching for system dependency python-dev - OK
     >> Downloading pygccxml - OK
     >> Downloading netanim-3.107 - OK
     >> Downloading pybindgen-0.17.0.post49+ng0e4e3bc (target directory:pybindgen) - OK
     >> Downloading ns-3.25 - OK
    [root@localhost bake]#

    //Python API Scanning Support   : not enabled (Missing 'pygccxml' Python module)
    pip install pygccxml

    //PyViz visualizer              : not enabled (Missing python modules: pygraphviz)
    dnf install python-devel gnome-python2 gnome-python2-gnomedesktop gnome-python2-rsvg graphviz-python pygoocanvas python-kiwi
    dnf install graphviz-devel
    easy_install pygraphviz

    Using a Tarball

    download ns-allinone-3.25.tar.bz2

    [root@localhost ns-allinone-3.25]# pwd
    [root@localhost ns-allinone-3.25]#

    ./build.py --enable-examples --enable-tests
    ./build.py --enable-examples --enable-tests --with-openflow

    # Build NetAnim
    Entering directory `netanim-3.107'
     =>  qmake -v
    Could not find qmake in the default path
     =>  qmake-qt4 -v
    QMake version 2.01a
    Using Qt version 4.8.7 in /usr/lib64
    qmake-qt4 found
     =>  qmake-qt4 NetAnim.pro
     =>  make
    make: Nothing to be done for 'first'.
    Leaving directory `netanim-3.107'
    # Building examples (by user request)
    # Building tests (by user request)
    # Build NS-3
    Entering directory `./ns-3.25'
     =>  /usr/bin/python waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests --with-pybindgen ../pybindgen-0.17.0.post49+ng0e4e3bc
    Setting top to                           : /opt/tools/network_simulators/ns3/ns-allinone-3.25/ns-3.25
    Setting out to                           : /opt/tools/network_simulators/ns3/ns-allinone-3.25/ns-3.25/build
    Checking for 'gcc' (C compiler)          : /usr/lib64/ccache/gcc
    Checking for cc version                  : 5.3.1
    Checking for 'g++' (C++ compiler)        : /usr/lib64/ccache/g++
    Checking for compilation flag -Wl,--soname=foo support : ok
    Checking for program 'python'                          : /usr/bin/python
    Checking for python version                            : (2, 7, 11, 'final', 0)
    python-config                                          : /usr/bin/python-config
    Asking python-config for pyembed '--cflags --libs --ldflags' flags : yes
    Testing pyembed configuration                                      : yes
    Asking python-config for pyext '--cflags --libs --ldflags' flags   : yes
    Testing pyext configuration                                        : yes
    Checking for compilation flag -fvisibility=hidden support          : ok
    Checking for compilation flag -Wno-array-bounds support            : ok
    Checking for pybindgen location                                    : ../pybindgen-0.17.0.post49+ng0e4e3bc (given)
    Checking for python module 'pybindgen'                             : 0.17.0.post49+ng0e4e3bc
    Checking for pybindgen version                                     : 0.17.0.post49+ng0e4e3bc
    Checking for code snippet                                          : yes
    Checking for types uint64_t and unsigned long equivalence          : no
    Checking for code snippet                                          : no
    Checking for types uint64_t and unsigned long long equivalence     : yes
    Checking for the apidefs that can be used for Python bindings      : gcc-LP64
    Checking for internal GCC cxxabi                                   : complete
    Checking for python module 'pygccxml'                              : not found
    Checking boost includes                                            : 1_58
    Checking boost libs                                                : ok
    Checking for boost linkage                                         : ok
    Checking for click location                                        : not found
    Checking for program 'pkg-config'                                  : /usr/bin/pkg-config
    Checking for 'gtk+-2.0' >= 2.12                                    : yes
    Checking for 'libxml-2.0' >= 2.7                                   : yes
    Checking for type uint128_t                                        : not found
    Checking for type __uint128_t                                      : yes
    Checking high precision implementation                             : 128-bit integer (default)
    Checking for header stdint.h                                       : yes
    Checking for header inttypes.h                                     : yes
    Checking for header sys/inttypes.h                                 : not found
    Checking for header sys/types.h                                    : yes
    Checking for header sys/stat.h                                     : yes
    Checking for header dirent.h                                       : yes
    Checking for header stdlib.h                                       : yes
    Checking for header signal.h                                       : yes
    Checking for header pthread.h                                      : yes
    Checking for header stdint.h                                       : yes
    Checking for header inttypes.h                                     : yes
    Checking for header sys/inttypes.h                                 : not found
    Checking for library rt                                            : yes
    Checking for header sys/ioctl.h                                    : yes
    Checking for header net/if.h                                       : yes
    Checking for header net/ethernet.h                                 : yes
    Checking for header linux/if_tun.h                                 : yes
    Checking for header netpacket/packet.h                             : yes
    Checking for NSC location                                          : not found
    Checking for OpenFlow location                                     : not found
    Checking for 'sqlite3'                                             : yes
    Checking for header linux/if_tun.h                                 : yes
    Checking for python module 'gtk'                                   : ok
    Checking for python module 'goocanvas'                             : 0.14.1
    Checking for python module 'pygraphviz'                            : not found
    Checking for program 'sudo'                                        : /usr/bin/sudo
    Checking for program 'valgrind'                                    : /usr/bin/valgrind
    Checking for 'gsl'                                                 : yes
    python-config                                                      : /usr/bin/libgcrypt-config
    Checking for libgcrypt                                             : yes
    Checking for compilation flag -Wno-error=deprecated-d... support   : ok
    Checking for compilation flag -Wno-error=deprecated-d... support   : ok
    Checking for compilation flag -fstrict-aliasing support            : ok
    Checking for compilation flag -fstrict-aliasing support            : ok
    Checking for compilation flag -Wstrict-aliasing support            : ok
    Checking for compilation flag -Wstrict-aliasing support            : ok
    Checking for program 'doxygen'                                     : /usr/bin/doxygen
    ---- Summary of optional NS-3 features:
    Build profile                 : debug
    Build directory               :
    Python Bindings               : enabled
    Python API Scanning Support   : not enabled (Missing 'pygccxml' Python module)
    BRITE Integration             : not enabled (BRITE not enabled (see option --with-brite))
    NS-3 Click Integration        : not enabled (nsclick not enabled (see option --with-nsclick))
    GtkConfigStore                : enabled
    XmlIo                         : enabled
    Threading Primitives          : enabled
    Real Time Simulator           : enabled
    File descriptor NetDevice     : enabled
    Tap FdNetDevice               : enabled
    Emulation FdNetDevice         : enabled
    PlanetLab FdNetDevice         : not enabled (PlanetLab operating system not detected (see option --force-planetlab))
    Network Simulation Cradle     : not enabled (NSC not found (see option --with-nsc))
    MPI Support                   : not enabled (option --enable-mpi not selected)
    NS-3 OpenFlow Integration     : not enabled (OpenFlow not enabled (see option --with-openflow))
    SQlite stats data output      : enabled
    Tap Bridge                    : enabled
    PyViz visualizer              : not enabled (Missing python modules: pygraphviz)
    Use sudo to set suid bit      : not enabled (option --enable-sudo not selected)
    Build tests                   : enabled
    Build examples                : enabled
    GNU Scientific Library (GSL)  : enabled
    Gcrypt library                : enabled
    'configure' finished successfully (9.068s)
     =>  /usr/bin/python waf build
    Waf: Entering directory `/opt/tools/network_simulators/ns3/ns-allinone-3.25/ns-3.25/build'

    Waf: Leaving directory `/opt/tools/network_simulators/ns3/ns-allinone-3.25/ns-3.25/build'
    Build commands will be stored in build/compile_commands.json
    'build' finished successfully (9m30.922s)

    Modules built:
    antenna                   aodv                      applications              
    bridge                    buildings                 config-store              
    core                      csma                      csma-layout               
    dsdv                      dsr                       energy                    
    fd-net-device             flow-monitor              internet                  
    internet-apps             lr-wpan                   lte                       
    mesh                      mobility                  mpi                       
    netanim (no Python)       network                   nix-vector-routing        
    olsr                      point-to-point            point-to-point-layout     
    propagation               sixlowpan                 spectrum                  
    stats                     tap-bridge                test (no Python)          
    topology-read             traffic-control           uan                       
    virtual-net-device        visualizer                wave                      
    wifi                      wimax                     

    Modules not built (see ns-3 tutorial for explanation):
    brite                     click                     openflow                  

    Leaving directory `./ns-3.25'
    [root@localhost ns-allinone-3.25]#


    cd ns-3.25

    Waf: Entering directory `/opt/tools/network_simulators/ns3/ns-allinone-3.25/ns-3.25/build'
    Waf: Leaving directory `/opt/tools/network_simulators/ns3/ns-allinone-3.25/ns-3.25/build'
    Build commands will be stored in build/compile_commands.json
    'build' finished successfully (8.337s)

    Modules built:
    antenna                   aodv                      applications              
    bridge                    buildings                 config-store              
    core                      csma                      csma-layout               
    dsdv                      dsr                       energy                    
    fd-net-device             flow-monitor              internet                  
    internet-apps             lr-wpan                   lte                       
    mesh                      mobility                  mpi                       
    netanim (no Python)       network                   nix-vector-routing        
    olsr                      point-to-point            point-to-point-layout     
    propagation               sixlowpan                 spectrum                  
    stats                     tap-bridge                test (no Python)          
    topology-read             traffic-control           uan                       
    virtual-net-device        visualizer                wave                      
    wifi                      wimax                     

    Modules not built (see ns-3 tutorial for explanation):
    brite                     click                     openflow                  

    PASS: TestSuite attributes
    PASS: TestSuite callback
    PASS: TestSuite build-profile
    PASS: TestSuite command-line
    PASS: TestSuite global-value
    PASS: TestSuite config
    PASS: TestSuite int64x64
    PASS: TestSuite object-name-service
    PASS: TestSuite object
    PASS: TestSuite ptr
    PASS: TestSuite event-garbage-collector
    PASS: TestSuite sample
    PASS: TestSuite simulator
    PASS: TestSuite timer
    PASS: TestSuite time
    PASS: TestSuite traced-callback
    PASS: TestSuite watchdog
    PASS: TestSuite type-traits
    PASS: TestSuite hash
    PASS: TestSuite type-id
    PASS: TestSuite basic-data-calculators
    PASS: TestSuite average
    PASS: TestSuite double-probe
    PASS: TestSuite buffer
    PASS: TestSuite drop-tail-queue
    PASS: TestSuite error-model
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-address
    PASS: TestSuite packetbb-test-suite
    PASS: TestSuite random-number-generators
    PASS: TestSuite packet-metadata
    PASS: TestSuite pcap-file
    PASS: TestSuite sequence-number
    PASS: TestSuite packet-socket-apps
    PASS: TestSuite rocketfuel-topology-reader
    PASS: TestSuite li-ion-energy-source
    PASS: TestSuite basic-energy-harvester
    PASS: TestSuite mobility
    PASS: TestSuite mobility-trace
    PASS: TestSuite mobility-ns2-trace-helper
    PASS: TestSuite steady-state-rwp-mobility-model
    PASS: TestSuite waypoint-mobility-model
    PASS: TestSuite geo-to-cartesian
    PASS: TestSuite rand-cart-around-geo
    PASS: TestSuite devices-uan
    PASS: TestSuite uan-energy-model
    PASS: TestSuite propagation-loss-model
    PASS: TestSuite okumura-hata
    PASS: TestSuite itu-r-1411-los
    PASS: TestSuite threaded-simulator
    PASS: TestSuite kun-2600-mhz
    PASS: TestSuite itu-r-1411-nlos-over-rooftop
    PASS: TestSuite buildings-helper
    PASS: TestSuite building-position-allocator
    PASS: TestSuite buildings-pathloss-test
    PASS: TestSuite buildings-shadowing-test
    PASS: TestSuite wifi-block-ack
    PASS: TestSuite devices-wifi-dcf
    PASS: TestSuite devices-wifi-tx-duration
    PASS: TestSuite power-rate-adaptation-wifi
    PASS: TestSuite devices-wifi
    PASS: TestSuite aggregation-wifi
    PASS: TestSuite wifi-error-rate-models
    PASS: TestSuite red-queue-disc
    PASS: TestSuite codel-queue-disc
    PASS: TestSuite global-route-manager-impl
    PASS: TestSuite devices-point-to-point
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-address-generator
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-address-helper
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-list-routing
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-packet-info-tag
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-raw
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-header
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-fragmentation
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-forwarding
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-protocol
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-static-routing
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-global-routing
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-extension-header
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-list-routing
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-packet-info-tag
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-protocol
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-raw
    PASS: TestSuite pfifo-fast-queue-disc
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-timestamp
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-wscaling
    PASS: TestSuite tcp
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-option
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-header
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-slow-start-test
    PASS: TestSuite random-variable-stream-generators
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-cong-avoid-test
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-fast-retr-test
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-rto-test
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-highspeed-test
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-hybla-test
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-zero-window-test
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-pkts-acked-test
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-bytes-in-flight-test
    PASS: TestSuite udp
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-address-generator
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-rtt-estimation-test
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-dual-stack
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-fragmentation
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-forwarding
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-address-helper
    PASS: TestSuite ipv6-ripng
    PASS: TestSuite rtt-estimator
    PASS: TestSuite ipv4-rip
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-endpoint-bug2211-test
    PASS: TestSuite tcp-datasentcb
    PASS: TestSuite sixlowpan-hc1
    PASS: TestSuite wave-mac-extension
    PASS: TestSuite wifi-80211p-ocb
    PASS: TestSuite sixlowpan-iphc
    PASS: TestSuite sixlowpan-fragmentation
    PASS: TestSuite routing-olsr
    PASS: TestSuite routing-olsr-header
    PASS: TestSuite wimax-mac-messages
    PASS: TestSuite wimax-tlv
    PASS: TestSuite routing-olsr-regression
    PASS: TestSuite wimax-service-flow
    PASS: TestSuite wimax-ss-mac-layer
    PASS: TestSuite wimax-phy-layer
    PASS: TestSuite wimax-fragmentation
    PASS: TestSuite devices-mesh-dot11s
    PASS: TestSuite devices-mesh
    PASS: TestSuite wimax-qos
    PASS: TestSuite devices-mesh-flame
    PASS: TestSuite devices-mesh-flame-regression
    PASS: TestSuite histogram
    PASS: TestSuite routing-dsr
    PASS: TestSuite devices-mesh-dot11s-regression
    PASS: TestSuite routing-dsdv
    PASS: TestSuite udp-client-server
    PASS: TestSuite aodv-routing-id-cache
    PASS: TestSuite routing-aodv
    PASS: TestSuite routing-aodv-loopback
    PASS: TestSuite angles
    PASS: TestSuite degrees-radians
    PASS: TestSuite isotropic-antenna-model
    PASS: TestSuite cosine-antenna-model
    PASS: TestSuite parabolic-antenna-model
    PASS: TestSuite spectrum-interference
    PASS: TestSuite spectrum-value
    PASS: TestSuite routing-aodv-regression
    PASS: TestSuite spectrum-converter
    PASS: TestSuite waveform-generator
    PASS: TestSuite tv-helper-distribution
    PASS: TestSuite lte-downlink-sinr
    PASS: TestSuite lte-uplink-sinr
    PASS: TestSuite tv-spectrum-transmitter
    PASS: TestSuite spectrum-ideal-phy
    PASS: TestSuite packet
    PASS: TestSuite lte-link-adaptation
    PASS: TestSuite lte-interference
    PASS: TestSuite lte-rr-ff-mac-scheduler
    PASS: TestSuite lte-pf-ff-mac-scheduler
    PASS: TestSuite lte-fdmt-ff-mac-scheduler
    PASS: TestSuite lte-tdmt-ff-mac-scheduler
    PASS: TestSuite lte-tta-ff-mac-scheduler
    PASS: TestSuite lte-fdbet-ff-mac-scheduler
    PASS: TestSuite lte-tdbet-ff-mac-scheduler
    PASS: TestSuite lte-fdtbfq-ff-mac-scheduler
    PASS: TestSuite lte-tdtbfq-ff-mac-scheduler
    PASS: TestSuite lte-earfcn
    PASS: TestSuite lte-spectrum-value-helper
    PASS: TestSuite lte-pathloss-model
    PASS: TestSuite lte-rlc-header
    PASS: TestSuite lte-rlc-um-transmitter
    PASS: TestSuite lte-rlc-am-transmitter
    PASS: TestSuite lte-rlc-um-e2e
    PASS: TestSuite epc-gtpu
    PASS: TestSuite eps-tft-classifier
    PASS: TestSuite epc-s1u-downlink
    PASS: TestSuite epc-s1u-uplink
    PASS: TestSuite lte-rlc-am-e2e
    PASS: TestSuite lte-antenna
    PASS: TestSuite lte-epc-e2e-data
    PASS: TestSuite lte-pss-ff-mac-scheduler
    PASS: TestSuite lte-mimo
    PASS: TestSuite lte-phy-error-model
    PASS: TestSuite lte-cqa-ff-mac-scheduler
    PASS: TestSuite lte-rrc
    PASS: TestSuite test-asn1-encoding
    PASS: TestSuite lte-ue-measurements
    PASS: TestSuite lte-harq
    PASS: TestSuite lte-x2-handover
    PASS: TestSuite lte-ue-measurements-piecewise-1
    PASS: TestSuite lte-cell-selection
    PASS: TestSuite lte-handover-delay
    PASS: TestSuite lte-ue-measurements-handover
    PASS: TestSuite lte-handover-target
    PASS: TestSuite lte-ue-measurements-piecewise-2
    PASS: TestSuite lte-downlink-power-control
    PASS: TestSuite lte-uplink-power-control
    PASS: TestSuite lte-test-deactivate-bearer
    PASS: TestSuite lte-interference-fr
    PASS: TestSuite animation-interface
    PASS: TestSuite lr-wpan-ack
    PASS: TestSuite lr-wpan-clear-channel-assessment
    PASS: TestSuite lr-wpan-collision
    PASS: TestSuite lr-wpan-energy-detection
    PASS: TestSuite lr-wpan-error-model
    PASS: TestSuite lr-wpan-packet
    PASS: TestSuite lr-wpan-plme-pd-sap
    PASS: TestSuite lr-wpan-spectrum-value-helper
    PASS: TestSuite lte-x2-handover-measures
    PASS: TestSuite csma-system
    SKIP: TestSuite ns3-tcp-cwnd
    SKIP: TestSuite ns3-tcp-interoperability
    PASS: TestSuite lte-cqi-generation
    PASS: TestSuite ns3-tcp-no-delay
    PASS: TestSuite ns3-tcp-loss
    PASS: TestSuite ns3-tcp-socket
    SKIP: TestSuite nsc-tcp-loss
    PASS: TestSuite ns3-tcp-state
    PASS: TestSuite ns3-wifi-interference
    PASS: TestSuite traced-callback-typedef
    PASS: TestSuite traced-value-callback
    PASS: Example examples/udp/udp-echo
    PASS: TestSuite ns3-wifi-msdu-aggregator
    PASS: Example examples/tcp/star
    PASS: Example examples/tcp/tcp-star-server
    PASS: Example examples/tcp/tcp-large-transfer
    PASS: TestSuite adaptive-red-queue-disc
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/mixed-wireless
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/multirate --totalTime=0.3s --rateManager=ns3::AarfcdWifiManager
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/multirate --totalTime=0.3s --rateManager=ns3::AmrrWifiManager
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/multirate --totalTime=0.3s --rateManager=ns3::CaraWifiManager
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/multirate --totalTime=0.3s --rateManager=ns3::IdealWifiManager
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/multirate --totalTime=0.3s --rateManager=ns3::MinstrelWifiManager
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/multirate --totalTime=0.3s --rateManager=ns3::OnoeWifiManager
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/multirate --totalTime=0.3s --rateManager=ns3::RraaWifiManager
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/wifi-simple-adhoc
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/wifi-ap --verbose=0
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/wifi-simple-infra
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/wifi-simple-adhoc-grid
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/wifi-simple-interference
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/wifi-wired-bridging
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/power-adaptation-distance --manager=ns3::ParfWifiManager --outputFileName=parf --steps=5 --stepsSize=10
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/ofdm-ht-validation
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/ofdm-validation
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/ofdm-vht-validation
    PASS: Example examples/tcp/tcp-variants-comparison
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/power-adaptation-distance --manager=ns3::AparfWifiManager --outputFileName=aparf --steps=5 --stepsSize=10
    PASS: Example examples/traffic-control/traffic-control
    PASS: Example examples/realtime/realtime-udp-echo
    PASS: Example examples/tutorial/first
    PASS: Example examples/tutorial/hello-simulator
    PASS: Example examples/tutorial/second
    PASS: Example examples/tutorial/third
    PASS: Example examples/tutorial/fourth
    PASS: Example examples/tutorial/fifth
    PASS: Example examples/tutorial/sixth
    PASS: Example examples/tutorial/seventh
    PASS: Example examples/routing/dynamic-global-routing
    PASS: Example examples/routing/global-injection-slash32
    PASS: Example examples/routing/global-routing-slash32
    PASS: Example examples/routing/mixed-global-routing
    PASS: Example examples/routing/simple-alternate-routing
    PASS: Example examples/routing/simple-global-routing
    PASS: Example examples/routing/simple-routing-ping6
    PASS: Example examples/routing/static-routing-slash32
    PASS: Example examples/naming/object-names
    PASS: Example examples/stats/wifi-example-sim
    PASS: Example examples/ipv6/icmpv6-redirect
    PASS: Example examples/ipv6/ping6
    PASS: Example examples/ipv6/radvd
    PASS: Example examples/ipv6/radvd-two-prefix
    PASS: Example examples/ipv6/test-ipv6
    PASS: Example examples/error-model/simple-error-model
    PASS: Example examples/energy/energy-model-example
    PASS: Example src/aodv/examples/aodv
    PASS: Example src/bridge/examples/csma-bridge
    PASS: Example src/bridge/examples/csma-bridge-one-hop
    PASS: Example src/buildings/examples/buildings-pathloss-profiler
    PASS: Example src/config-store/examples/config-store-save
    PASS: Example src/core/examples/main-callback
    PASS: Example src/core/examples/sample-simulator
    PASS: Example src/core/examples/main-ptr
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/wifi-tcp
    PASS: Example src/core/examples/sample-random-variable
    PASS: Example src/csma/examples/csma-broadcast
    PASS: Example src/csma/examples/csma-multicast
    PASS: Example src/csma/examples/csma-one-subnet
    PASS: Example src/csma/examples/csma-packet-socket
    PASS: Example src/csma/examples/csma-ping
    PASS: Example src/csma/examples/csma-raw-ip-socket
    PASS: Example src/energy/examples/li-ion-energy-source
    PASS: Example src/energy/examples/rv-battery-model-test
    PASS: Example src/fd-net-device/examples/dummy-network
    PASS: Example src/core/examples/main-random-variable
    PASS: Example src/internet/examples/main-simple
    PASS: Example src/lr-wpan/examples/lr-wpan-data
    PASS: Example src/fd-net-device/examples/fd2fd-onoff
    PASS: Example src/lr-wpan/examples/lr-wpan-error-model-plot
    PASS: Example src/lr-wpan/examples/lr-wpan-packet-print
    PASS: Example src/lr-wpan/examples/lr-wpan-phy-test
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-cqi-threshold
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-dual-stripe
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-dual-stripe --simTime=0.0 --nApartmentsX=1 --homeEnbDeploymentRatio=0.5 --nMacroEnbSites=0 --macroUeDensity=0 --nBlocks=1
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-dual-stripe --epc=1 --simTime=0.0 --nApartmentsX=1 --homeEnbDeploymentRatio=0.5 --nMacroEnbSites=0 --macroUeDensity=0 --nBlocks=1
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-dual-stripe --simTime=0.01
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-dual-stripe --epc=1 --simTime=0.01
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-dual-stripe --epc=1 --useUdp=0 --simTime=0.01
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-dual-stripe --epc=1 --fadingTrace=../../src/lte/model/fading-traces/fading_trace_EPA_3kmph.fad --simTime=0.01
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-dual-stripe --nBlocks=1  --nMacroEnbSites=0 --macroUeDensity=0 --homeEnbDeploymentRatio=1 --homeEnbActivationRatio=1 --homeUesHomeEnbRatio=2 --macroEnbTxPowerDbm=0 --simTime=0.01
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-dual-stripe --nMacroEnbSites=0 --macroUeDensity=0 --nBlocks=1 --nApartmentsX=4 --nMacroEnbSitesX=0 --homeEnbDeploymentRatio=1 --homeEnbActivationRatio=1 --macroEnbTxPowerDbm=0 --epcDl=1 --epcUl=0 --epc=1 --numBearersPerUe=4 --homeUesHomeEnbRatio=15 --simTime=0.01
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-fading
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-intercell-interference --simTime=0.1
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-pathloss-traces
    PASS: Example src/lr-wpan/examples/lr-wpan-error-distance-plot
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-profiling
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-profiling --simTime=0.1 --nUe=2 --nEnb=5 --nFloors=0
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-rlc-traces
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-rem
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-profiling --simTime=0.1 --nUe=3 --nEnb=6 --nFloors=1
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-rem-sector-antenna
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-simple
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-simple-epc
    PASS: Example src/lte/examples/lena-x2-handover
    PASS: Example src/mobility/examples/main-grid-topology
    PASS: Example src/mesh/examples/mesh
    PASS: Example src/mobility/examples/main-random-topology
    PASS: Example src/mobility/examples/main-random-walk
    PASS: Example src/netanim/examples/star-animation
    PASS: Example src/netanim/examples/grid-animation
    PASS: Example src/netanim/examples/dumbbell-animation
    PASS: Example src/network/examples/main-packet-header
    PASS: Example src/network/examples/main-packet-tag
    PASS: Example src/nix-vector-routing/examples/nix-simple
    PASS: Example src/olsr/examples/simple-point-to-point-olsr
    PASS: Example src/netanim/examples/wireless-animation
    PASS: Example src/spectrum/examples/adhoc-aloha-ideal-phy
    PASS: Example src/spectrum/examples/adhoc-aloha-ideal-phy-with-microwave-oven
    PASS: Example src/spectrum/examples/adhoc-aloha-ideal-phy-matrix-propagation-loss-model
    PASS: Example src/stats/examples/double-probe-example
    PASS: Example src/stats/examples/file-aggregator-example
    PASS: Example src/stats/examples/file-helper-example
    PASS: Example src/stats/examples/gnuplot-aggregator-example
    PASS: Example src/stats/examples/gnuplot-helper-example
    PASS: Example src/uan/examples/uan-rc-example
    PASS: Example src/propagation/examples/main-propagation-loss
    PASS: Example src/virtual-net-device/examples/virtual-net-device
    PASS: Example src/wave/examples/wave-simple-80211p
    PASS: Example src/wave/examples/wave-simple-device
    PASS: Example src/wimax/examples/wimax-simple
    PASS: Example src/wimax/examples/wimax-ipv4
    PASS: Example src/wimax/examples/wimax-multicast
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/wifi-ap.py
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/mixed-wireless.py
    PASS: Example examples/tutorial/first.py
    PASS: Example examples/routing/simple-routing-ping6.py
    PASS: Example src/bridge/examples/csma-bridge.py
    PASS: Example src/core/examples/sample-simulator.py
    PASS: Example src/uan/examples/uan-cw-example
    PASS: Example src/flow-monitor/examples/wifi-olsr-flowmon.py
    PASS: Example examples/wireless/mixed-bg-network
    PASS: TestSuite lte-frequency-reuse
    356 of 359 tests passed (356 passed, 3 skipped, 0 failed, 0 crashed, 0 valgrind errors)
    List of SKIPped tests:
    [root@localhost ns-3.25]#


    Building with Waf
    Up to this point, we have used either the build.py script, or the bake tool, to get started with building ns-3. These tools are useful for building ns-3 and supporting libraries, and they call into the ns-3 directory to call the Waf build tool to do the actual building. Most users quickly transition to using Waf directly to configure and build ns-3. So, to proceed, please change your working directory to the ns-3 directory that you have initially built.
    [root@localhost ns-3.25]# pwd
    [root@localhost ns-3.25]#

    ./waf clean
    ./waf --build-profile=optimized --enable-examples --enable-tests configure

    ./waf --help
    ./test.py -c core
    ./waf --run hello-simulator

    // ./waf clean
    // ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests
    // ./waf clean
    // ./waf configure --build-profile=optimized --enable-examples --enable-tests

    ./waf clean
    ./waf configure --build-profile=debug --enable-examples --enable-tests     //use this command
    ./waf     //build the debug versions of the ns-3 programs, will take a long time

    [root@localhost ns-3.25]# pwd
    [root@localhost ns-3.25]#

    cp examples/tutorial/first.cc scratch/myfirst.cc
    ./waf     //Now build your first example script using waf
    ./waf --run scratch/myfirst
    [root@localhost ns-3.25]# ./waf --run scratch/myfirst
    Waf: Entering directory `/opt/tools/network_simulators/ns3/ns-allinone-3.25/ns-3.25/build'
    Waf: Leaving directory `/opt/tools/network_simulators/ns3/ns-allinone-3.25/ns-3.25/build'
    Build commands will be stored in build/compile_commands.json
    'build' finished successfully (2.072s)
    At time 2s client sent 1024 bytes to port 9
    At time 2.00369s server received 1024 bytes from port 49153
    At time 2.00369s server sent 1024 bytes to port 49153
    At time 2.00737s client received 1024 bytes from port 9
    [root@localhost ns-3.25]#

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ztguang/p/12646634.html
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