Mountain Subsequences
Problem Description
Coco is a beautiful ACMer girl living in a very beautiful mountain. There are many trees and flowers on the mountain, and there are many animals and birds also. Coco like the mountain so much that she now name some letter sequences as Mountain Subsequences.
A Mountain Subsequence is defined as following:
1. If the length of the subsequence is n, there should be a max value letter, and the subsequence should like this, a1 < ...< ai < ai+1 < Amax > aj > aj+1 > ... > an
2. It should have at least 3 elements, and in the left of the max value letter there should have at least one element, the same as in the right.
3. The value of the letter is the ASCII value.
Given a letter sequence, Coco wants to know how many Mountain Subsequences exist.
For each case there is a number n (1<= n <= 100000) which means the length of the letter sequence in the first line, and the next line contains the letter sequence.
Please note that the letter sequence only contain lowercase letters.
Example Input
Example Output
aba, aca, bca, abca
a1 < ...< ai < ai+1 < Amax > aj > aj+1 > ... > an
条件的个数,dr[i]表示第i个位置右边满足条件的个数。当然,我们可以发现,dp[s[i]] = (dl[i] + 1),s[i]= c;
1表示s[i]单独一个时满足的情况,dl[i]表示他左边的满足的各种情况加上s[i] 后满足的情况。
a1 < ...< ai < ai+1 < Amax > aj > aj+1 > ... > an
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> #include <string.h> #include <cmath> #include <stdlib.h> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <set> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> using namespace std; int n; const int maxn=100010; char s[maxn]; int dp[maxn];///dp[i]是以第i个字母结尾的递增子序列的个数(子序列的长度>=2) int has[27];///has[i]是以字母'a'+i结尾的递增子序列的个数(子序列的长度>=1,等于1的情况就是它本身) const int mod=2012; ///对于dp数组,枚举每个位置作为最高峰, 从左到右求一遍,再从右到左求一遍, 则以该位置作为最高峰符合题意的串 ///的个数为 dp[i]*dp[i’] , 最终答案为每个位置累加。 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF) { scanf("%s",s); long long ans=0; memset(has,0,sizeof(has)); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { int id=s[i]-'a'; dp[i]=0; for(int j=0;j<id;j++) dp[i]=(dp[i]+has[j])%mod; has[id]= ( has[id]+dp[i]+1 ) %mod; } memset(has,0,sizeof(has)); long long sum;//相当于上头的dp数组。 for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { int id=s[i]-'a'; sum=0; for(int j=0;j<id;j++) sum=( sum+has[j] ) %mod; has[id]= ( has[id]+sum+1 ) % mod ; ans=( ans+sum*dp[i] ) % mod; } cout<<ans<<endl; } return 0; }
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <vector> #include <bitset> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <numeric> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; #define inf 0x7fffffff #define read freopen("in.txt","r",stdin) #define write freopen("out.txt","w",stdout) #define maxn 100010 #define MOD 2012 int dx[4]= {-1,1,0,0}; int dy[4]= {0,0,-1,1}; //up down left right char ss[maxn]; int dp[maxn][30],dp2[maxn][30];///dp[i][j]代表前i个单词权值小于等于j的上升序列方案数,dp2同理,只不过是反过来 int main() { //read; int n; while(~scanf("%d",&n)) { scanf("%s",ss); memset(dp,0,sizeof(dp)); memset(dp2,0,sizeof(dp2)); ///---------正向---------- for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) { int t=ss[i-1]-'a'+1; dp[i][t]=1; ///自身算作一个 for(int j=1; j<t; ++j) dp[i][t] = ( dp[i][t] + dp[i-1][j] ) % MOD; ///加上前一个字符为结尾的 for(int j=1; j<=26; ++j) dp[i][j] = ( dp[i][j] + dp[i-1][j] ) % MOD; } for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) for(int j=1; j<=26; ++j) dp[i][j]=(dp[i][j]+dp[i][j-1])%MOD; ///--------逆向--------- for(int i=n; i>0; --i) { int t=ss[i-1]-'a'+1; dp2[i][t]=1; for(int j=1; j<t; ++j) dp2[i][t]=(dp2[i][t]+dp2[i+1][j])%MOD; for(int j=1; j<=26; ++j) dp2[i][j]=(dp2[i][j]+dp2[i+1][j])%MOD; } for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) for(int j=1; j<=26; ++j) dp2[i][j]=(dp2[i][j]+dp2[i][j-1])%MOD; ///--------求和-------- int ans=0; for(int i=2; i<n; ++i) { int t=ss[i-1]-'a'+1; ans=(ans+dp[i-1][t-1]*dp2[i+1][t-1])%MOD; } printf("%d ",ans); } return 0; }
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <vector> #include <bitset> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <numeric> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; #define inf 0x7fffffff #define lson l,m,rt<<1 #define rson m+1,r,rt<<1|1 #define root 1,26,1 #define maxn 100005 #define maxm 30 #define MOD 2012 int dx[4]={-1,1,0,0}; int dy[4]={0,0,-1,1};//up down left right bool inmap(int x,int y,int n,int m){if(x<1||x>n||y<1||y>m)return false;return true;} int hashmap(int x,int y,int m){return (x-1)*m+y;} int sum[maxm<<2]; void pushup(int rt) { sum[rt]=(sum[rt<<1]+sum[rt<<1|1])%MOD; return ; } void build(int l,int r,int rt) { if(l==r) { sum[rt]=0; return ; } int m=(l+r)>>1; build(lson); build(rson); pushup(rt); } void update(int p,int v,int l,int r,int rt) { if(l==r) { sum[rt]=(sum[rt]+v)%MOD; return ; } int m=(l+r)>>1; if(p<=m)update(p,v,lson); else update(p,v,rson); pushup(rt); } int query(int l1,int r1,int l,int r,int rt) { if(l1<=l&&r1>=r) return sum[rt]; int m=(l+r)>>1,ans=0; if(l1<=m)ans=(ans+query(l1,r1,lson))%MOD; if(r1>m)ans=(ans+query(l1,r1,rson))%MOD; return ans; } char ss[maxn]; int tot[maxn][2]; int main() { //read; int n; while(~scanf("%d",&n)) { scanf("%s",ss+1); memset(tot,0,sizeof(tot)); build(root); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) { int p=ss[i]-'a'+1,t; if(p==1)t=1; else t=query(1,p-1,root)+1; update(p,t,root); tot[i][0]=(t-1+MOD)%MOD; } build(root); for(int i=n;i>0;--i) { int p=ss[i]-'a'+1,t; if(p==1)t=1; else t=query(1,p-1,root)+1; update(p,t,root); tot[i][1]=(t-1+MOD)%MOD; } int ans=0; for(int i=2;i<n;++i) ans=(ans+tot[i][0]*tot[i][1])%MOD; printf("%d ",ans); } return 0; }