• HDU 2544 最短路——简单的模板题 dijkstra

      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<cstdlib>
      5 using namespace std;
      7 const int Max = 100000001;
      9 struct N
     10 {
     11     int v,w;
     12     N *next;
     13 }*head[110];
     15 void init(int n)
     16 {
     17     for(int i = 1;i <= n; i++)
     18     {
     19         head[i] = (struct N *)malloc(sizeof(struct N));
     20         head[i]->v = head[i]->w  = -1;
     21         head[i]->next = NULL;
     22     }
     23 }
     25 void link(int u,int v,int w)
     26 {
     27     N *p1,*p2,*p;
     28     for(p1 = head[u],p2 = head[u]->next; p2 != NULL; p1 = p1->next,p2 = p2->next)
     29     {
     30         if(p2->v == v)
     31         {
     32             if(p2->w > w)
     33                 p2->w = w;
     34             return;
     35         }
     36         if(p1->v < v && v < p2->v)
     37         {
     38             p = (struct N *)malloc(sizeof(struct N));
     39             p->v = v;
     40             p->w = w;
     41             p->next = p1->next;
     42             p1->next = p;
     43             return;
     44         }
     45     }
     46     p = (struct N *)malloc(sizeof(struct N));
     47     p->v = v;
     48     p->w = w;
     49     p->next = NULL;
     50     p1->next = p;
     51     return;
     52 }
     54 int mark[1000];
     56 void find(int n)
     57 {
     58     int q[10001],t;
     59     int s,e,i;
     60     for(i = 1;i <= n; i++)
     61         mark[i] = Max;
     62     N *p;
     63     for(s = 0,e = 0,p = head[1]->next; p != NULL; p = p->next)
     64     {
     65         q[e++] = p->v;
     66         mark[p->v] = p->w;
     68     }
     69     while(s != e)
     70     {
     71         t = q[s];
     72         s++;
     73         for(p = head[t]->next; p != NULL; p = p->next)
     74         {
     75             if(mark[t] + p->w < mark[p->v])
     76             {
     77                 mark[p->v] = mark[t] + p->w;
     78                 q[e++] = p->v;
     80             }
     81         }
     82     }
     83 }
     85 int main()
     86 {
     87     int n,m,i,u,v,w,t;
     88     while(scanf("%d %d",&n,&m) != EOF && (m||n) )
     89     {
     90         init(n);
     91         for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
     92         {
     93             scanf("%d %d %d",&u,&v,&w);
     94             link(v,u,w);
     95             link(u,v,w);
     96         }
     97         find(n);
     98         printf("%d\n",mark[n]);
     99     }
    100     return 0;
    101 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zmx354/p/3041163.html
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