• 自动构建表单


    1. 第一步定义类
       /// <summary>
          /// 链接
          /// </summary>
          public class Link : WidgetBase {
              /// <summary>
              /// 链接名称
              /// </summary>
              [Display(Name = "链接名称")]
              [Field(ListShow = true, EditShow = true, ControlsType = ControlsType.TextBox)]
              [Required(ErrorMessage = "链接名称不能为空")]
              [StringLength(20, ErrorMessage = "链接名称不能操作20个字符")]
              public string Name { get; set; }
              /// <summary>
              /// 链接URL
              /// </summary>
              [Display(Name = "URL")]
              [Field(ListShow = true, EditShow = true, ControlsType = ControlsType.TextBox)]
              [Required(ErrorMessage = "链接不能为空")]
              public string Url { get; set; }
              /// <summary>
              /// 图标
              /// </summary>
              [Display(Name = "图标")]
              [Field(ListShow = false, EditShow = true, ControlsType = ControlsType.TextBox)]
              public string Icon { get; set; }
              /// <summary>
              /// 打开方式
              /// </summary>
              [Display(Name = "打开方式")]
              [Field(ListShow = true, EditShow = true, ControlsType = ControlsType.DropdownList, DataSource = "ZKCloud.Core.Theme.Domain.Enums.Target")]
              public Target Target { get; set; }
              /// <summary>
              /// 链接字体颜色
              /// </summary>
              [Display(Name = "颜色")]
              [Field(ListShow = false, EditShow = true, ControlsType = ControlsType.Color)]
              public string Color { get; set; } = "#666666";
              /// <summary>
              /// 链接标题
              /// </summary>
              [Display(Name = "链接标题")]
              [Field(ListShow = false, EditShow = true, ControlsType = ControlsType.TextBox)]
              public string Title { get; set; }
      View Code
    2. 在cshtml文件中设置 ViewData["propertys"]
        Type t = Type.GetType(ViewData["Type"].ToString());
          ClassPropertyAttribute typeclassProperty = t.GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttribute<ClassPropertyAttribute>();
          ClassDescription configDescription = new ClassDescription(t);
          var propertys = configDescription.Propertys.Where(r => r.PropertyAttribute.EditShow == true);

    3. 引用ClassControl
      ViewData["propertys"] = propertys;
      @await Html.AdminWidget("Core", "Common/ClassControl", ViewData)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zkcloud/p/5662299.html
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