• Timer


    Good evening everyone,I’m Jason,I’m pleasured to be the Timer tonight .this is my first time to take a role as Timer in toastmaster.As a good speaker should express your thought and finish your speech in a specific[spə'sɪfɪk] time

    Tonight my duty is to help you to develop this skill and ensure our meeting to operate on schedule

    As you can see,in my hand,I have three different color panels.

    In table topic and other roles speech,when you have 1 minute left,I will put on the green panel,when you have 30 seconds left,I will put on  the yellow panel.when your time is end,I will put on the red panel.

    In prepared speech,when I put on the green panel,this means that you have 2 minutes to finish your speech,

    When I put on the yellow panel,this means that you have 1 minute to finish your speech,when I put on the red panel ,that means your speech is time up.

    If you timeout 30 seconds,I will ring the bell,you should end your speech at once

    At the end of meeting,I will present a report .

    Thank you.



    Hello,I’m the Timer,I have record the time that every speakers took,most of the speakers finish their speech on time,but someone’s speech are timeout,and someone’s speech are short.

    xx,xx finish your speech on time,

    Xx, xx speech is  timeout

    Xx ,xx speech is short,you can speak more content in your speech.


    Mentor和general evaluators给我的建议




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zjypp/p/3121143.html
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