• erlang r19里面的mnesia_ext

    r19据说支持了mnesia_ext,终于可以给那个恶心2gb limit的mnesia换存储引擎了


    ./otp_build all -a ~/dev/erlang/r19
    ./Install ~/dev/erlang/r19

    关于mnesia_ext,r19说是有了,但是怎么做,没有文档,也没有资料,最后在otp的pull request里面找



    再次google mnesia_ext,找到下面这个



    grep -nr  "mnesia:create_schema" ./


    mnesia:create_schema([node()], [{backend_types, [{pg, mnesia_pg}]}]),




    grep -nr "module(mnesia_backend_type)" ./



    %% %CopyrightBegin%
    %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2015. All Rights Reserved.
    %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    %% You may obtain a copy of the License at
    %%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    %% limitations under the License.
    %% %CopyrightEnd%
    %% Behaviour definition for mnesia backend types.
    %% Note that mnesia considers all callbacks mandatory!!
    behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
         {add_aliases, 1},         % (Aliases) -> ok
         {check_definition, 4},    % (TypeAlias, Tab, Nodes, Properties) -> ok
         {close_table, 2},         % (TypeAlias, Tab) -> ok
         {create_table, 3},        % (TypeAlias, Tab, Properties) -> ok
         {delete, 3},              % (TypeAlias, Tab, Key) -> true | ok
         {delete_table, 2},        % (TypeAlias, Tab) -> ok
         {first, 2},               % (TypeAlias, Tab) -> Key::Term | '$end_of_table'
         {fixtable, 3},            % (TypeAlias, Tab, Bool) -> ok | true
         {last, 2},                % (TypeAlias, Tab) -> Key::Term | '$end_of_table'
         {index_is_consistent,3},  % (TypeAlias, IxTag, Bool) -> ok
         {init_backend, 0},        % () -> ok
         {info, 3},                % (TypeAlias, Tab, Item) -> Term
         {insert, 3},              % (TypeAlias, Tab, Object) -> ok
         {lookup, 3},              % (TypeAlias, Tab, Key) -> [Objects]
         {is_index_consistent,2},  % (TypeAlias, IxTag) -> Bool
         {load_table, 4},          % (TypeAlias, Tab, Reason, CsList) -> ok
         {match_delete, 3},        % (TypeAlias, Tab, Pattern) -> ok
         {next, 3},                % (TypeAlias, Tab, Key) -> Key::Term | '$end_of_table'
         {prev, 3},                % (TypeAlias, Tab, Key) -> Key::Term | '$end_of_table'
         {receiver_first_message, 4}, % (Sender, FirstMsg, Alias, Tab) -> {Size, State}
         {receive_data, 5},        % (Data, Alias, Name, Sender, State) -> {more, State} | {{more, Msg}, State}
         {receive_done, 4},        % (Alias, Tab, Sender, State) -> ok
         {real_suffixes, 0},       % () -> [FileSuffix]
         {remove_aliases, 1},      % (Aliases) -> ok
         {repair_continuation, 2}, % (Continuation, MatchSpec) -> Continuation
         {select, 1},              % (Continuation) -> {[Match], Continuation'} | '$end_of_table'
         {select, 3},              % (TypeAlias, Tab, Pattern) -> {[Match], Continuation'} | '$end_of_table'
         {select, 4},              % (TypeAlias, Tab, MatchSpec, Limit) {[Match], Continuation'} | '$end_of_table'
         {sender_init, 4},         % (TypeAlias, Tab, LoadReason, Pid) ->
                        % {standard, Init(), Chunk()} | {Init(), Chunk()}
         {semantics, 2},           % (TypeAlias, storage | types | index_fun | index_types) ->
                        % ram_copies | disc_copies, set | ordered_set | bag, fun(), ordered | bag
         {slot, 3},                % (TypeAlias, Tab, Pos) -> '$end_of_table' | Objects | {error, Reason}
         {sync_close_table, 2},    % (TypeAlias, Tab) -> ok
         {tmp_suffixes, 0},        % () -> [FileSuffix]
         {update_counter, 4},      % (TypeAlias, Tab, Counter, Val) -> NewVal
         {validate_key, 6},        % (TypeAlias, Tab, RecName, Arity, Type, Key) -> {RecName, Arity, Type}
         {validate_record, 6}      % (TypeAlias, Tab, RecName, Arity, Type, Obj) -> {RecName, Arity, Type}
    %% -type tab() :: atom().
    %% -type alias() :: atom().
    %% -type rec_name() :: atom().
    %% -type type() :: set | bag | ordered_set.
    %% -type proplist() :: [{atom(), any()}].
    %% -type key() :: any().
    %% -type db_object() :: tuple().
    %% -type matchspec() :: ets:match_spec().
    %% -type limit() :: integer() | infinity.
    %% -type cont_fun() :: any().
    %% -type cont() :: '$end_of_table' | cont_fun().
    %% -callback check_definition(alias(), tab(), [node()], proplist()) -> ok.
    %% -callback create_table(alias(), tab(), proplist()) -> tab().
    %% -callback load_table(alias(), tab(), any()) -> ok.
    %% -callback delete_table(alias(), tab()) -> ok.
    %% -callback first(alias(), tab()) -> key().
    %% -callback last(alias(), tab()) -> key().
    %% -callback next(alias(), tab(), key()) -> key().
    %% -callback prev(alias(), tab(), key()) -> key().
    %% -callback insert(alias(), tab(), db_object()) -> ok.
    %% -callback lookup(alias(), tab(), key()) -> [db_object()].
    %% -callback delete(alias(), tab(), key()) -> ok.
    %% -callback update_counter(alias(), tab(), key(), integer()) -> integer().
    %% -callback select(cont()) -> {list(), cont()}.
    %% -callback select(alias(), tab(), matchspec()) -> list() | '$end_of_table'.
    %% -callback select(alias(), tab(), matchspec(), limit()) -> {list(), cont()}.
    %% -callback slot(alias(), tab(), integer()) -> key().
    %% -callback validate_key(alias(), tab(), rec_name(), arity(), type(), key()) ->
    %%     {rec_name(), arity(), type()}.
    %% -callback validate_record(alias(),tab(),rec_name(),arity(),type(),db_obj()) ->
    %%     {rec_name(), arity(), type()}.
    %% -callback repair_continuation(cont(), matchspec()) -> cont().


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ziyouchutuwenwu/p/5622882.html
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