• 《zw版·Halcon-delphi系列原创教程》 Halcon分类函数007, match,图像匹配

    《zw版·Halcon-delphi系列原创教程》 Halcon分类函数007, match,图像匹配


    • :: 用符号“**”,替换:“procedure”
    • :: 用大写字母“X”,替换:“IHUntypedObjectX”
    • :: 省略了字符:“const”、“OleVariant”

    【示例】 说明


    procedure AddNoiseWhiteContourXld( const Contours: IHUntypedObjectX; out NoisyContours: IHUntypedObjectX; NumRegrPoints: OleVariant; Amp: OleVariant);


    ** AddNoiseWhiteContourXld( Contours: X; out NoisyContours: X; NumRegrPoints, Amp);

      1 ** BestMatch( Image: X; TemplateID, MaxError, SubPixel, out Row, out Column, out Error); 
      2 说明,  best_match,寻找一个模板和一个图像的最佳匹配。
      4 ** BestMatchMg( Image: X; TemplateID, MaxError, SubPixel, NumLevels, WhichLevels, out Row, out Column, out Error); 
      5 说明,  best_match_mg,在金字塔中寻找最佳灰度值匹配。
      7 ** BestMatchPreMg( ImagePyramid: X; TemplateID, MaxError, SubPixel, NumLevels, WhichLevels, out Row, out Column, out Error); 
      8 说明,  best_match_pre_mg,在预生成的金字塔中寻找最佳灰度值匹配。
     10 ** BestMatchRot( Image: X; TemplateID, AngleStart, AngleExtend, MaxError, SubPixel, out Row, out Column, out Angle, out Error); 
     11 说明,  best_match_rot,寻找一个模板和一个旋转图像的最佳匹配。
     13 ** BestMatchRotMg( Image: X; TemplateID, AngleStart, AngleExtend, MaxError, SubPixel, NumLevels, out Row, out Column, out Angle, out Error); 
     14 说明,  best_match_rot_mg,寻找一个模板和一个旋转金字塔的最佳匹配。
     16 ** ClearAllSurfaceMatchingResults; 
     17 说明,  清除所有表面匹配数据
     19 ** ClearSurfaceMatchingResult( SurfaceMatchingResultID); 
     20 说明,  清除表面匹配数据
     22 ** ExhaustiveMatch( Image: X; RegionOfInterest: X; ImageTemplate: X; out ImageMatch: X; Mode); 
     23 说明,  exhaustive_match,模板和图像的匹配。
     25 ** ExhaustiveMatchMg( Image: X; ImageTemplate: X; out ImageMatch: X; Mode, Level, Threshold); 
     26 说明,  exhaustive_match_mg,在一个分辨率塔式结构中匹配模板和图像。
     28 ** FastMatch( Image: X; out Matches: X; TemplateID, MaxError); 
     29 说明,  fast_match,寻找一个模板和一个图像的所有好的匹配。
     31 ** FastMatchMg( Image: X; out Matches: X; TemplateID, MaxError, NumLevel); 
     32 说明,  fast_match_mg,在金字塔中寻找所有好的灰度值匹配。
     34 ** FindAnisoShapeModel( Image: X; ModelID, AngleStart, AngleExtent, ScaleRMin, ScaleRMax, ScaleCMin, ScaleCMax, MinScore, NumMatches, MaxOverlap, SubPixel, NumLevels, Greediness, out Row, out Column, out Angle, out ScaleR, out ScaleC, out Score); 
     35 说明,  find_aniso_shape_model,在一个图像中找出一个各向异性尺度不变轮廓的最佳匹配。
     37 ** FindAnisoShapeModels( Image: X; ModelIDs, AngleStart, AngleExtent, ScaleRMin, ScaleRMax, ScaleCMin, ScaleCMax, MinScore, NumMatches, MaxOverlap, SubPixel, NumLevels, Greediness, out Row, out Column, out Angle, out ScaleR, out ScaleC, out Score, out Model); 
     38 说明,  find_aniso_shape_models,找出多重各向异性尺度不变轮廓模型的最佳匹配。
     40 ** FindCalibDescriptorModel( Image: X; ModelID, DetectorParamName, DetectorParamValue, DescriptorParamName, DescriptorParamValue, MinScore, NumMatches, CamParam, ScoreType, out Pose, out Score); 
     41 说明,  检测校准描述模型
     43 ** FindComponentModel( Image: X; ComponentModelID, RootComponent, AngleStartRoot, AngleExtentRoot, MinScore, NumMatches, MaxOverlap, IfRootNotFound, IfComponentNotFound, PosePrediction, MinScoreComp, SubPixelComp, NumLevelsComp, GreedinessComp, out ModelStart, out ModelEnd, out Score, out RowComp, out ColumnComp, out AngleComp, out ScoreComp, out ModelComp); 
     44 说明,  find_component_model,在一个图像中找出一个组件模型的最佳匹配。
     46 ** FindLocalDeformableModel( Image: X; out ImageRectified: X; out VectorField: X; out DeformedContours: X; ModelID, AngleStart, AngleExtent, ScaleRMin, ScaleRMax, ScaleCMin, ScaleCMax, MinScore, NumMatches, MaxOverlap, NumLevels, Greediness, ResultType, ParamName, ParamValue, out Score, out Row, out Column);
     48 ** FindNccModel( Image: X; ModelID, AngleStart, AngleExtent, MinScore, NumMatches, MaxOverlap, SubPixel, NumLevels, out Row, out Column, out Angle, out Score); 
     49 说明,  find_ncc_model,找出一个图像中的一个NCC模型的最佳匹配。
     51 ** FindPlanarCalibDeformableModel( Image: X; ModelID, AngleStart, AngleExtent, ScaleRMin, ScaleRMax, ScaleCMin, ScaleCMax, MinScore, NumMatches, MaxOverlap, NumLevels, Greediness, ParamName, ParamValue, out Pose, out CovPose, out Score); 
     52 说明,  检测校准平面变形模型
     54 ** FindPlanarUncalibDeformableModel( Image: X; ModelID, AngleStart, AngleExtent, ScaleRMin, ScaleRMax, ScaleCMin, ScaleCMax, MinScore, NumMatches, MaxOverlap, NumLevels, Greediness, ParamName, ParamValue, out HomMat2d, out Score); 
     55 说明,  检测无校准平面变形模型
     57 ** FindScaledShapeModel( Image: X; ModelID, AngleStart, AngleExtent, ScaleMin, ScaleMax, MinScore, NumMatches, MaxOverlap, SubPixel, NumLevels, Greediness, out Row, out Column, out Angle, out Scale, out Score); 
     58 说明,  find_scaled_shape_model,在一个图像中找出一个尺度不变轮廓模型的最佳匹配。
     60 ** FindScaledShapeModels( Image: X; ModelIDs, AngleStart, AngleExtent, ScaleMin, ScaleMax, MinScore, NumMatches, MaxOverlap, SubPixel, NumLevels, Greediness, out Row, out Column, out Angle, out Scale, out Score, out Model); 
     61 说明,  find_scaled_shape_models,找出多重尺度不变轮廓模型的最佳匹配。
     63 ** FindShapeModel( Image: X; ModelID, AngleStart, AngleExtent, MinScore, NumMatches, MaxOverlap, SubPixel, NumLevels, Greediness, out Row, out Column, out Angle, out Score); 
     64 说明,  find_shape_model,在一个图像中找出一个轮廓模型的最佳匹配。
     66 ** FindShapeModels( Image: X; ModelIDs, AngleStart, AngleExtent, MinScore, NumMatches, MaxOverlap, SubPixel, NumLevels, Greediness, out Row, out Column, out Angle, out Score, out Model); 
     67 说明,  find_shape_models,找出多重轮廓模型的最佳匹配。
     69 ** FindSurfaceModel( SurfaceModelID, ObjectModel3D, RelSamplingDistance, KeyPointFraction, MinScore, ReturnResultHandle, GenParamName, GenParamValue, out Pose, out Score, out SurfaceMatchingResultID); 
     70 说明,  找出表面模型
     72 ** FindUncalibDescriptorModel( Image: X; ModelID, DetectorParamName, DetectorParamValue, DescriptorParamName, DescriptorParamValue, MinScore, NumMatches, ScoreType, out HomMat2d, out Score); 
     73 说明,  找出无校准平面变形模型
     75 ** GetFoundComponentModel( out FoundComponents: X; ComponentModelID, ModelStart, ModelEnd, RowComp, ColumnComp, AngleComp, ScoreComp, ModelComp, ModelMatch, MarkOrientation, out RowCompInst, out ColumnCompInst, out AngleCompInst, out ScoreCompInst); 
     76 说明,  get_found_component_model,返回一个组件模型的一个创建例子的组件。
     78 ** GetSurfaceMatchingResult( SurfaceMatchingResultID, ResultName, ResultIndex, out ResultValue); 
     79 说明,  获取表面匹配结果
     81 ** MatchEssentialMatrixRansac( Image1: X; Image2: X; Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, CamMat1, CamMat2, GrayMatchMethod, MaskSize, RowMove, ColMove, RowTolerance, ColTolerance, Rotation, MatchThreshold, EstimationMethod, DistanceThreshold, RandSeed, out EMatrix, out CovEMat, out Error, out Points1, out Points2); 
     82 说明,  按RANSA算法匹配矩阵
     84 ** MatchFourierCoeff( RealCoef1, ImaginaryCoef1, RealCoef2, ImaginaryCoef2, MaxCoef, Damping, out Distance); 
     85 说明,  match_fourier_coeff,两个元组的相似性。
     87 ** MatchFunct1DTrans( Function1, Function2, Border, Params, UseParams, out Params, out ChiSquare, out Covar); 
     88 说明,  match_funct_1d_trans,计算两个函数传递参数。
     90 ** MatchFundamentalMatrixDistortionRansac( Image1: X; Image2: X; Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, GrayMatchMethod, MaskSize, RowMove, ColMove, RowTolerance, ColTolerance, Rotation, MatchThreshold, EstimationMethod, DistanceThreshold, RandSeed, out FMatrix, out Kappa, out Error, out Points1, out Points2); 
     91 说明,  按RANSA算法匹配矩阵,有失真度参数
     93 ** MatchFundamentalMatrixRansac( Image1: X; Image2: X; Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, GrayMatchMethod, MaskSize, RowMove, ColMove, RowTolerance, ColTolerance, Rotation, MatchThreshold, EstimationMethod, DistanceThreshold, RandSeed, out FMatrix, out CovFMat, out Error, out Points1, out Points2); 
     94 说明,  按RANSA算法匹配矩阵,基本匹配
     96 ** MatchRelPoseRansac( Image1: X; Image2: X; Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, CamPar1, CamPar2, GrayMatchMethod, MaskSize, RowMove, ColMove, RowTolerance, ColTolerance, Rotation, MatchThreshold, EstimationMethod, DistanceThreshold, RandSeed, out RelPose, out CovRelPose, out Error, out Points1, out Points2); 
     97 说明,  按RANSA算法匹配相对位置
     99 ** ProjMatchPointsDistortionRansac( Image1: X; Image2: X; Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, GrayMatchMethod, MaskSize, RowMove, ColMove, RowTolerance, ColTolerance, Rotation, MatchThreshold, EstimationMethod, DistanceThreshold, RandSeed, out HomMat2d, out Kappa, out Error, out Points1, out Points2); 
    100 说明,  Ransac算法节点投影失真计算
    102 ** ProjMatchPointsDistortionRansacGuided( Image1: X; Image2: X; Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, GrayMatchMethod, MaskSize, HomMat2dGuide, KappaGuide, DistanceTolerance, MatchThreshold, EstimationMethod, DistanceThreshold, RandSeed, out HomMat2d, out Kappa, out Error, out Points1, out Points2); 
    103 说明,  Ransac引导算法节点投影失真计算
    105 ** ProjMatchPointsRansac( Image1: X; Image2: X; Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, GrayMatchMethod, MaskSize, RowMove, ColMove, RowTolerance, ColTolerance, Rotation, MatchThreshold, EstimationMethod, DistanceThreshold, RandSeed, out HomMat2d, out Points1, out Points2); 
    106 说明,  Ransac算法,投影节点匹配
    108 ** ProjMatchPointsRansacGuided( Image1: X; Image2: X; Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, GrayMatchMethod, MaskSize, HomMat2dGuide, DistanceTolerance, MatchThreshold, EstimationMethod, DistanceThreshold, RandSeed, out HomMat2d, out Points1, out Points2); 
    109 说明,  Ransac引导算法,投影节点匹配
    111 ** RefineSurfaceModelPose( SurfaceModelID, ObjectModel3D, InitialPose, MinScore, ReturnResultHandle, GenParamName, GenParamValue, out Pose, out Score, out SurfaceMatchingResultID); 
    112 说明,  细化表面模型
    114 ** SelectMatchingLines( RegionIn: X; out RegionLines: X; AngleIn, DistIn, LineWidth, Thresh, out AngleOut, out DistOut); 
    115 说明,  select_matching_lines,选取HNF中线的集合中匹配区域最好的线。
    117 ** TupleRegexpMatch( Data, Expression, out Matches); 
    118 说明,  tuple_regexp_match,利用公式提取子链。
    120 ** TupleRegexpTest( Data, Expression, out NumMatches); 
    121 说明,  tuple_regexp_test,测试一个字符串是否满足一个规则公式的要求。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ziwang/p/4876804.html
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