• appium 爬取微信的相册内容(不知什么时候能写完)

    # crowl wechat through appium
    from appium import webdriver
    from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
    from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC 
    from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
    import time
    server = "http://localhost:4723/wd/hub" # http setting
    # appium desired_cap settings
    desired_capabilities = {
        "platformName":"Android", # Android platform
        "platformVersion":"8.1.0", # Android version
        "deviceName":"bc0896140804", # the phone name
        "appPackage":"com.tencent.mm", # the appPackage name
        "appActivity":".ui.LauncherUI ", # appActivity name  ,the first time seems that i copy others code .
        "autoGrantPermissions":True, # permissioin
        "unicodeKeyboard":True, # can input chinese
    driver = webdriver.Remote(server, desired_capabilities) # connect phone
    wait = WebDriverWait(driver,50) # wait 50ms
    login = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "com.tencent.mm:id/drp"))) # wait until we find specific ID
    login.click() # lick the button
    inputPhoneNumber = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID,"com.tencent.mm:id/ji"))) # wait until we find spocific ID
    inputPhoneNumber.send_keys("13063161774") # input number to the input field
    nextButton = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "com.tencent.mm:id/ast"))) # wait until we find specific button
    nextButton.click() # click the button
    inputPassword = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,'//*[@resource-id="com.tencent.mm:id/czc"]/android.widget.EditText'))) # wait until we find specific button
    inputPassword.send_keys("emotion1") # input content to the input field
    nextButton1 = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "com.tencent.mm:id/ast"))) # wait until we find specific button
    nextButton1.click() # click the button
    time.sleep(20) # sleep 30 seconds
    chooseYes = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID,"com.tencent.mm:id/au_"))) # find the Yes button
    chooseYes.click() # click the button
    time.sleep(20) # wait 30 minutes 
    chooseMe = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,'//*[@resource-id="com.tencent.mm:id/bh"]//android.widget.RelativeLayout[4]'))) # find the fourth element which has the same class and has no id, so first find father if then, find the special class element by XPATH. notice the quotation mark
    # 上面一行为关键一行,have two questions 
    # 第一点://*[@resource-id="com.tencent.mm:id/bh"]//android.widget.RelativeLayout,这一行后面为什么不能加上[@class=],按理说android.widget.RelativeLayout并不是标签。
    chooseMe.click() # click the button
    # choosePhotoAlbum = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID,"com.tencent.mm:id/kl")))  # find the photo album button
    # above line is the fist ID(钱包这个选项),because id can be duplicated. this button is not the right button
    # the button can run succussfully, it proved that we can click the button even thouthg the view show that the button is not clickable.
    # it prove that monitor.bat is not completely right
    choosePhotoAlbum = wait.until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH,'//*[@resource-id="com.tencent.mm:id/kl"]')))[2]
    # oh my god 居然这种方式可行,you should notice the code wait.until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH,'//*[@resource-id="com.tencent.mm:id/kl"]')))[2]
    # use this code we can select element through quantation, also you should know that using By.ID[3] is not correct ,i do not know why.
    # and using EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH,'//*[@resource-id="com.tencent.mm:id/kl"]'))[2]) is not correct eithor, because the position of the quantation is not correct 
    choosePhotoAlbum.click() # click the button
    print(11111111111111111111) # 只是验证程序的进程
    time.sleep(10) # sometimes the phone is very slow , wait the phone refresh.
    downloadInformation = wait.until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.ID,"com.tencent.mm:id/mi"))) # find elements which contains text
    # and the number of tags which contains text is two
    print(2222222222222222) # 只是验证程序的进程
    resultList = [] # create a empty list 
    for i in downloadInformation:
        word = i.get_attribute("text") # obtain the text in every tag
        resultList.append(word) # add the text to the list
    # com.tencent.mm:id/jv
    # com.tencent.mm:id/mi 有表情
    # com.tencent.mm:id/jv 只有表情
    # com.tencent.mm:id/jv 基本上就只有这两个

    第一个坑:要安装上python,安装上selenium,安装上appium, 以上三个都是基于python的。其次安装appium客户端,安装


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zijidefengge/p/12020104.html
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