#3.1 names=['lpr','tjl','gnl','by','dqy']; print(names[0]); print(names[1]); print(names[2]); print(names[3]); print(names[4]); #3.2 print(names[0]+",Hello!"); print(names[1]+",Hello!"); print(names[2]+",Hello!"); print(names[3]+",Hello!"); print(names[4]+",Hello!"); #3.3 transport=['bike','high-way','bus','taxi','plane']; print("I would like to own a "+transport[0]); print("I would like to own a "+transport[1]); print("I would like to own a "+transport[2]); print("I would like to own a "+transport[3]); print("I would like to own a "+transport[4]); #3.4 friends=['by','xdy','lyx']; print("Hello,"+friends[0]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); print("Hello,"+friends[1]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); print("Hello,"+friends[2]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); #3.5 print(friends[1]+" cannot come here for dinner!"); friends[1]='dqy'; print("Hello,"+friends[0]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); print("Hello,"+friends[1]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); print("Hello,"+friends[2]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); #3.6 print("Hello,my friends!I have got a bigger desk for dinner just now,let's invent more 3 fridens!"); friends.insert(0,'lpr'); friends.insert(2,'nsx'); friends.append('gj'); print("Hello,"+friends[0]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); print("Hello,"+friends[1]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); print("Hello,"+friends[2]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); print("Hello,"+friends[3]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); print("Hello,"+friends[4]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); print("Hello,"+friends[5]+"! I would like to invent you to have dinner with me!"); #3.7 print("Sorry,I could only invent 2 friends for dinner!"); sorry=friends.pop(); print(sorry+",I am so sorry that you can't have dinner with me tonight!"); sorry=friends.pop(); print(sorry+",I am so sorry that you can't have dinner with me tonight!"); sorry=friends.pop(); print(sorry+",I am so sorry that you can't have dinner with me tonight!"); sorry=friends.pop(); print(sorry+",I am so sorry that you can't have dinner with me tonight!"); print("-----------------------------------------"); print(friends[-1]+",you can have dinner here,enjoy yourselves!"); print(friends[-2]+",you can have dinner here,enjoy yourselves!"); print("-----------------------------------------"); del friends[0]; del friends[0]; print(friends);
#3.8 dreamPlace=['Tokyo','Xiamen','Linzhi','London','Paris']; print(dreamPlace); #此处注意,sorted()函数的调用方式是把列表名作为参数传给sorted print(sorted(dreamPlace)); print(sorted(dreamPlace,reverse=True)); #注意此处的reverse()函数的返回值不可以用变量接收 dreamPlace.reverse(); print(dreamPlace); dreamPlace.reverse(); print(dreamPlace); dreamPlace.sort(); print(dreamPlace); dreamPlace.sort(reverse=True); print(dreamPlace); #3.9 print(dreamPlace[10]);