• 借助WebService实现多线程上传文件





    public bool UploadFileData( string FileName, int StartPosition, byte[] bData )


        string strFullName = Server.MapPath( "Uploads" ) + @""" + FileName;

        FileStream fs = null;



            fs = new FileStream( strFullName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate,

                FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write );


        catch( IOException err )


            Session["ErrorMessage"] = err.Message;

            return false;


        using( fs )


            fs.Position = StartPosition;

            fs.Write( bData, 0, bData.Length );


        return true;






        public delegate void UploadFileData( string FileName, int StartPos, byte[] bData );


        /// FileThread: a class for sub-thread


        sealed class FileThread


            private int nStartPos;

            private int nTotalBytes;

            private string strFileName;

            public static UploadFileData UploadHandle;


            /// Constructor


            ///<param name="StartPos"></param>

            ///<param name="TotalBytes"></param>

            ///<param name="FileName"></param>

            public FileThread( int StartPos, int TotalBytes, string FileName )


                //Init thread variant

                nStartPos = StartPos;

                nTotalBytes = TotalBytes;

                strFileName = FileName;

                //Only for debug

                Debug.WriteLine( string.Format( "File name:{0} position: {1} total byte:{2}",

                    strFileName, nStartPos, nTotalBytes ) );



            /// Sub-thread entry function


            ///<param name="stateinfo"></param>

            public void UploadFile( object stateinfo )


                int nRealRead, nBufferSize;

                const int BUFFER_SIZE = 10240;

                using( FileStream fs = new FileStream( strFileName,

                           FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,

                           FileShare.Read ) )


                    string sName = strFileName.Substring( strFileName.LastIndexOf( """" ) + 1 );

                    byte[] bBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];//Init 10k buffer

                    fs.Position = nStartPos;

                    nRealRead = 0;



                        nBufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;

                        if( nRealRead + BUFFER_SIZE > nTotalBytes )

                            nBufferSize = nTotalBytes - nRealRead;

                        nBufferSize = fs.Read( bBuffer, 0, nBufferSize );

                        if( nBufferSize == BUFFER_SIZE )

                            UploadHandle( sName,

                                nRealRead + nStartPos,

                                bBuffer );

                        else if( nBufferSize > 0 )


                            //Copy data

                            byte[] bytData = new byte[nBufferSize];

                            Array.Copy( bBuffer,0, bytData, 0, nBufferSize );

                            UploadHandle( sName,

                                nRealRead + nStartPos,

                                bytData );


                        nRealRead += nBufferSize;


                    while( nRealRead < nTotalBytes );


                //Release signal

                ManualResetEvent mr = stateinfo as ManualResetEvent;

                if( mr != null )






        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo( txtFileName.Text );

        if( fi.Exists )


            btnUpload.Enabled = false;//Avoid upload twice

            //Init signals

            ManualResetEvent[] events = new ManualResetEvent[5];

            //Devide blocks

            int nTotalBytes = (int)( fi.Length / 5 );

            forint i = 0; i < 5; i++ )


                events[i] = new ManualResetEvent( false );

                FileThread thdSub = new FileThread(

                    i * nTotalBytes,

                    ( fi.Length - i * nTotalBytes ) > nTotalBytes ? nTotalBytes:(int)( fi.Length - i * nTotalBytes ),

                    fi.FullName );

                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( new WaitCallback( thdSub.UploadFile ), events[i] );


            //Wait for threads finished

            WaitHandle.WaitAll( events );

            //Reset button status

            btnUpload.Enabled = true;









    //--------------------------- Multi-thread Upload Demo ---------------------------------------




    //---File:          frmUpload


    //---Description:   The multi-thread upload form file to demenstrate howto use multi-thread to


    //                  upload files


    //---Author:        Knight


    //---Date:          Oct.12, 2006




    //---------------------------{Multi-thread Upload Demo}---------------------------------------


    using System;


    using System.Drawing;


    using System.Collections;


    using System.ComponentModel;


    using System.Windows.Forms;


    using System.Data;


    namespace CSUpload




        using System.IO;


        using System.Diagnostics;


        using System.Threading;


        using WSUploadFile;//Web-service reference namespace




        /// Summary description for Form1.




        public class frmUpload : System.Windows.Forms.Form




            private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox txtFileName;


            private System.Windows.Forms.Button btnBrowse;


            private System.Windows.Forms.Button btnUpload;




            /// Required designer variable.




            private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;


            public frmUpload()






                // Required for Windows Form Designer support








                // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call








            /// Clean up any resources being used.




            protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )




                if( disposing )




                    if (components != null)










                base.Dispose( disposing );




            #region Windows Form Designer generated code




            /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify


            /// the contents of this method with the code editor.




            private void InitializeComponent()




                this.txtFileName = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();


                this.btnBrowse = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();


                this.btnUpload = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();






                // txtFileName




                this.txtFileName.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 24);


                this.txtFileName.Name = "txtFileName";


                this.txtFileName.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(248, 20);


                this.txtFileName.TabIndex = 0;


                this.txtFileName.Text = "";




                // btnBrowse




                this.btnBrowse.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(272, 24);


                this.btnBrowse.Name = "btnBrowse";


                this.btnBrowse.TabIndex = 1;


                this.btnBrowse.Text = "&Browse...";


                this.btnBrowse.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnBrowse_Click);




                // btnUpload




                this.btnUpload.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(272, 56);


                this.btnUpload.Name = "btnUpload";


                this.btnUpload.TabIndex = 2;


                this.btnUpload.Text = "&Upload";


                this.btnUpload.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnUpload_Click);




                // frmUpload




                this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);


                this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(370, 111);








                this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;


                this.MaximizeBox = false;


                this.Name = "frmUpload";


                this.Text = "Upload";


                this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.frmUpload_Load);










            /// The main entry point for the application.




            static void Main()




                Application.Run(new frmUpload());




            private FileUpload myUpload = new FileUpload();


            private void UploadData( string FileName, int StartPos, byte[] bData )




                //Call web service upload


                myUpload.UploadFileData( FileName, StartPos, bData );




            private void btnUpload_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)




                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo( txtFileName.Text );


                if( fi.Exists )




                    btnUpload.Enabled = false;//Avoid upload twice


                    //Init signals


                    ManualResetEvent[] events = new ManualResetEvent[5];


                    //Devide blocks


                    int nTotalBytes = (int)( fi.Length / 5 );


                    forint i = 0; i < 5; i++ )




                        events[i] = new ManualResetEvent( false );


                        FileThread thdSub = new FileThread(


                            i * nTotalBytes,


                            ( fi.Length - i * nTotalBytes ) > nTotalBytes ? nTotalBytes:(int)( fi.Length - i * nTotalBytes ),


                            fi.FullName );


                        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( new WaitCallback( thdSub.UploadFile ), events[i] );




                    //Wait for threads finished


                    WaitHandle.WaitAll( events );


                    //Reset button status


                    btnUpload.Enabled = true;








            private void frmUpload_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)




                FileThread.UploadHandle = new UploadFileData( this.UploadData );




            private void btnBrowse_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)




                if( fileOpen.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK )


                    txtFileName.Text = fileOpen.FileName;




            private OpenFileDialog fileOpen = new OpenFileDialog();






        public delegate void UploadFileData( string FileName, int StartPos, byte[] bData );




        /// FileThread: a class for sub-thread




        sealed class FileThread




            private int nStartPos;


            private int nTotalBytes;


            private string strFileName;


            public static UploadFileData UploadHandle;




            /// Constructor




            ///<param name="StartPos"></param>


            ///<param name="TotalBytes"></param>


            ///<param name="FileName"></param>


            public FileThread( int StartPos, int TotalBytes, string FileName )




                //Init thread variant


                nStartPos = StartPos;


                nTotalBytes = TotalBytes;


                strFileName = FileName;


                //Only for debug


                Debug.WriteLine( string.Format( "File name:{0} position: {1} total byte:{2}",


                    strFileName, nStartPos, nTotalBytes ) );






            /// Sub-thread entry function




            ///<param name="stateinfo"></param>


            public void UploadFile( object stateinfo )




                int nRealRead, nBufferSize;


                const int BUFFER_SIZE = 10240;


                using( FileStream fs = new FileStream( strFileName,


                           FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,


                           FileShare.Read ) )




                    string sName = strFileName.Substring( strFileName.LastIndexOf( """" ) + 1 );


                    byte[] bBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];//Init 10k buffer


                    fs.Position = nStartPos;


                    nRealRead = 0;






                        nBufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;


                        if( nRealRead + BUFFER_SIZE > nTotalBytes )


                            nBufferSize = nTotalBytes - nRealRead;


                        nBufferSize = fs.Read( bBuffer, 0, nBufferSize );


                        if( nBufferSize == BUFFER_SIZE )


                            UploadHandle( sName,


                                nRealRead + nStartPos,


                                bBuffer );


                        else if( nBufferSize > 0 )




                            //Copy data


                            byte[] bytData = new byte[nBufferSize];


                            Array.Copy( bBuffer,0, bytData, 0, nBufferSize );


                            UploadHandle( sName,


                                nRealRead + nStartPos,


                                bytData );




                        nRealRead += nBufferSize;




                    while( nRealRead < nTotalBytes );




                //Release signal


                ManualResetEvent mr = stateinfo as ManualResetEvent;


                if( mr != null )










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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhwl/p/2392064.html
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