• 每日一库:Zepto.js

    介绍:Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use Zepto.

    即zepto是一个适合移动开发,和jq api兼容的迷你js库


    内部的实现基本步骤如下 $(selector, context)=>zepto.init(selector, context)=>zepto.Z (dom, selector)=>dom.__proto__= zepto.Z.prototype


    View Code
    var Zepto = (function() {
     var undefined, 
        emptyArray = [],
        slice = emptyArray.slice,
        document = window.document,
        elementDisplay = {}, //存放元素的显示方式 比如{'div':'block','table':'table-block'}
        classCache = {}, //存class正则表达式
        getComputedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle,
        cssNumber = { 'column-count': 1, 'columns': 1, 'font-weight': 1, 'line-height': 1,'opacity': 1, 'z-index': 1, 'zoom': 1 },
        fragmentRE = /^\s*<(\w+|!)[^>]*>/, //文本片段
        // Used by `$.zepto.init` to wrap elements, text/comment nodes, document,
        // and document fragment node types.
        elementTypes = [1, 3, 8, 9, 11],
        adjacencyOperators = [ 'after', 'prepend', 'before', 'append' ], //adjacency 邻接
        table = document.createElement('table'),
        tableRow = document.createElement('tr'),
        containers = { //对应的包装元素
          'tr': document.createElement('tbody'),
          'tbody': table, 
          'thead': table, 
          'tfoot': table,
          'td': tableRow, 
          'th': tableRow,
          '*': document.createElement('div')
        readyRE = /complete|loaded|interactive/,
        classSelectorRE = /^\.([\w-]+)$/,
        idSelectorRE = /^#([\w-]+)$/,
        tagSelectorRE = /^[\w-]+$/,
        toString = ({}).toString,
        zepto = {},
        tempParent = document.createElement('div')
      function isFunction(value) { return toString.call(value) == "[object Function]" }
      function isObject(value) { return value instanceof Object }
      function isArray(value) { return value instanceof Array }
      function likeArray(obj) { return typeof obj.length == 'number' }
      function isPlainObject(value) { //是否纯对象
        var key, ctor
        if (toString.call(value) !== "[object Object]") return false
        ctor = (isFunction(value.constructor) && value.constructor.prototype) //伪造的constructor和constructor.prototype
        if (!ctor || !hasOwnProperty.call(ctor, 'isPrototypeOf')) return false
        for (key in value);
        return key === undefined || hasOwnProperty.call(value, key) //console.log(isPlainObject({a:'a'}));=>true
      //compact 压紧,(使)坚实;把…弄紧密,把…弄结实;使(文体)简洁,简化;变紧密,变结实
      function compact(array) { return array.filter(function(item){ return item !== undefined && item !== null }) } //过滤undefined null
      function flatten(array) { return array.length > 0 ? [].concat.apply([], array) : array } //console.log(flatten([1,[3,4],[5,[6,7]]])); //扁平化
      camelize = function(str){ return str.replace(/-+(.)?/g, function(match, chr){ return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '' }) }
      function dasherize(str) { //破折号
        return str.replace(/::/g, '/') //??
               .replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2')
               .replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2')
               .replace(/_/g, '-')
      uniq = function(array){ return array.filter(function(item, idx){ return array.indexOf(item) == idx }) }
      function classRE(name) {
        return name in classCache ?
          classCache[name] : (classCache[name] = new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + name + '(\\s|$)'))
      function maybeAddPx(name, value) { //是否要加'px'
        return (typeof value == "number" && !cssNumber[dasherize(name)]) ? value + "px" : value
     //cssNumber = { 'column-count': 1, 'columns': 1, 'font-weight': 1, 'line-height': 1,'opacity': 1, 'z-index': 1, 'zoom': 1 },
      function defaultDisplay(nodeName) { //获取默认display方式
        var element, display
        if (!elementDisplay[nodeName]) {
          element = document.createElement(nodeName)
          display = getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue("display")
          display == "none" && (display = "block")  //如果是none就存为block,什么元素会默认display=‘none’?
          elementDisplay[nodeName] = display
        return elementDisplay[nodeName]
      zepto.matches = function(element, selector) { //元素是否匹配某一个选择器
        if (!element || element.nodeType !== 1) return false
        var matchesSelector = element.webkitMatchesSelector || element.mozMatchesSelector ||
                              element.oMatchesSelector || element.matchesSelector
        if (matchesSelector) return matchesSelector.call(element, selector)
        // fall back to performing a selector:
        var match, parent = element.parentNode, temp = !parent
        if (temp) (parent = tempParent).appendChild(element)
        match = ~zepto.qsa(parent, selector).indexOf(element)
        temp && tempParent.removeChild(element)
        return match
      // `$.zepto.fragment` takes a html string and an optional tag name
      // to generate DOM nodes nodes from the given html string.
      // The generated DOM nodes are returned as an array.
      // This function can be overriden in plugins for example to make
      // it compatible with browsers that don't support the DOM fully.
      zepto.fragment = function(html, name) { //    fragmentRE = /^\s*<(\w+|!)[^>]*>/, //文本片段 <td>aaa</td>
        if (name === undefined) name = fragmentRE.test(html) && RegExp.$1
        if (!(name in containers)) name = '*'
        var container = containers[name]
        container.innerHTML = '' + html
        return $.each(slice.call(container.childNodes), function(){ 
      // `$.zepto.Z` swaps out the prototype of the given `dom` array
      // of nodes with `$.fn` and thus supplying all the Zepto functions
      // to the array. Note that `__proto__` is not supported on Internet
      // Explorer. This method can be overriden in plugins.
      zepto.Z = function(dom, selector) {
        dom = dom || []
        dom.__proto__ = arguments.callee.prototype  //important
        dom.selector = selector || ''  
        return dom
      // `$.zepto.isZ` should return `true` if the given object is a Zepto
      // collection. This method can be overriden in plugins.
      zepto.isZ = function(object) {
        return object instanceof zepto.Z
      // `$.zepto.init` is Zepto's counterpart to jQuery's `$.fn.init` and  counterpart配对物;副本;相对物;极相似的人或物
      // takes a CSS selector and an optional context (and handles various
      // special cases).
      // This method can be overriden in plugins.
      zepto.init = function(selector, context) {
        // If nothing given, return an empty Zepto collection
        if (!selector) return zepto.Z()
        // If a function is given, call it when the DOM is ready
        else if (isFunction(selector)) return $(document).ready(selector)
        // If a Zepto collection is given, juts return it
        else if (zepto.isZ(selector)) return selector
        else {
          var dom
          // normalize array if an array of nodes is given
          if (isArray(selector)) dom = compact(selector)
          // if a JavaScript object is given, return a copy of it
          // this is a somewhat peculiar option, but supported by //peculiar 奇怪的,古怪的;异常的;特有的,特殊的
          // jQuery so we'll do it, too
          else if (isPlainObject(selector))
            dom = [$.extend({}, selector)], selector = null
          // wrap stuff like `document` or `window`
          else if (elementTypes.indexOf(selector.nodeType) >= 0 || selector === window)
            dom = [selector], selector = null
          // If it's a html fragment, create nodes from it
          else if (fragmentRE.test(selector))
            dom = zepto.fragment(selector.trim(), RegExp.$1), selector = null
          // If there's a context, create a collection on that context first, and select
          // nodes from there
          else if (context !== undefined) return $(context).find(selector)
          // And last but no least, if it's a CSS selector, use it to select nodes.
          else dom = zepto.qsa(document, selector)
          // create a new Zepto collection from the nodes found
          return zepto.Z(dom, selector)
      // `$` will be the base `Zepto` object. When calling this
      // function just call `$.zepto.init, whichs makes the implementation
      // details of selecting nodes and creating Zepto collections
      // patchable in plugins.
      $ = function(selector, context){
        return zepto.init(selector, context)
      // Copy all but undefined properties from one or more
      // objects to the `target` object.
      $.extend = function(target){
        slice.call(arguments, 1).forEach(function(source) {
          for (key in source)
            if (source[key] !== undefined)
              target[key] = source[key]
        return target
      // `$.zepto.qsa` is Zepto's CSS selector implementation which
      // uses `document.querySelectorAll` and optimizes for some special cases, like `#id`.
      // This method can be overriden in plugins.
      zepto.qsa = function(element, selector){ //上下文 选择器字符串 qsa querySelectorAll  返回一个数组
        var found
        return (element === document && idSelectorRE.test(selector)) ?
          ( (found = element.getElementById(RegExp.$1)) ? [found] : emptyArray ) :
          (element.nodeType !== 1 && element.nodeType !== 9) ? emptyArray :
            classSelectorRE.test(selector) ? element.getElementsByClassName(RegExp.$1) :
            tagSelectorRE.test(selector) ? element.getElementsByTagName(selector) :
      $.isFunction = isFunction
      $.isObject = isObject
      $.isArray = isArray
      $.isPlainObject = isPlainObject
      $.inArray = function(elem, array, i){
        return emptyArray.indexOf.call(array, elem, i)
      $.trim = function(str) { return str.trim() }
      // plugin compatibility
      $.uuid = 0
      $.map = function(elements, callback){
        var value, values = [], i, key
        if (likeArray(elements))
          for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            value = callback(elements[i], i)
            if (value != null) values.push(value)
          for (key in elements) {
            value = callback(elements[key], key)
            if (value != null) values.push(value)
        return flatten(values)
      $.each = function(elements, callback){
        var i, key
        if (likeArray(elements)) {
          for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
            if (callback.call(elements[i], i, elements[i]) === false) return elements
        } else {
          for (key in elements)
            if (callback.call(elements[key], key, elements[key]) === false) return elements
        return elements
      function filtered(nodes, selector) {
        return selector === undefined ? $(nodes) : $(nodes).filter(selector)
      function funcArg(context, arg, idx, payload) {
       return isFunction(arg) ? arg.call(context, idx, payload) : arg
      // Define methods that will be available on all
      // Zepto collections
      $.fn = {
        // Because a collection acts like an array
        // copy over these useful array functions.
        forEach: emptyArray.forEach,
        reduce: emptyArray.reduce,
        push: emptyArray.push,
        indexOf: emptyArray.indexOf,
        concat: emptyArray.concat,
        // `map` and `slice` in the jQuery API work differently
        // from their array counterparts
        map: function(fn){
          return $.map(this, function(el, i){ return fn.call(el, i, el) })
        slice: function(){
          return $(slice.apply(this, arguments))
        ready: function(callback){
          if (readyRE.test(document.readyState)) callback($)
          else document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ callback($) }, false)
          return this
        get: function(idx){
          return idx === undefined ? slice.call(this) : this[idx]
        toArray: function(){ return this.get() },
        size: function(){
          return this.length
        remove: function(){ //移除自身
          return this.each(function(){
            if (this.parentNode != null)
        each: function(callback){
          this.forEach(function(el, idx){ callback.call(el, idx, el) })
          return this
        filter: function(selector){
          return $([].filter.call(this, function(element){
            return zepto.matches(element, selector)
        add: function(selector,context){
          return $(uniq(this.concat($(selector,context))))
        is: function(selector){
          return this.length > 0 && zepto.matches(this[0], selector)
        not: function(selector){
          var nodes=[]
          if (isFunction(selector) && selector.call !== undefined)
              if (!selector.call(this,idx)) nodes.push(this)
          else {
            var excludes = typeof selector == 'string' ? this.filter(selector) :
              (likeArray(selector) && isFunction(selector.item)) ? slice.call(selector) : $(selector)
              if (excludes.indexOf(el) < 0) nodes.push(el)
          return $(nodes)
        eq: function(idx){
          return idx === -1 ? this.slice(idx) : this.slice(idx, + idx + 1)
        first: function(){
          var el = this[0]
          return el && !isObject(el) ? el : $(el)
        last: function(){
          var el = this[this.length - 1]
          return el && !isObject(el) ? el : $(el)
        find: function(selector){
          var result
          if (this.length == 1) result = zepto.qsa(this[0], selector)
          else result = this.map(function(){ return zepto.qsa(this, selector) })
          return $(result)
        closest: function(selector, context){
          var node = this[0]
          while (node && !zepto.matches(node, selector))
            node = node !== context && node !== document && node.parentNode
          return $(node)
        parents: function(selector){
          var ancestors = [], nodes = this
          while (nodes.length > 0)
            nodes = $.map(nodes, function(node){
              if ((node = node.parentNode) && node !== document && ancestors.indexOf(node) < 0) {
                return node
          return filtered(ancestors, selector)
        parent: function(selector){
          return filtered(uniq(this.pluck('parentNode')), selector)
        children: function(selector){
          return filtered(this.map(function(){ return slice.call(this.children) }), selector)
        siblings: function(selector){
          return filtered(this.map(function(i, el){
            return slice.call(el.parentNode.children).filter(function(child){ return child!==el })
          }), selector)
        empty: function(){
          return this.each(function(){ this.innerHTML = '' })
        // `pluck` is borrowed from Prototype.js 采,摘;拔掉;鼓起(勇气等);弹(乐器) 勇气,精神;内脏
        pluck: function(property){
          return this.map(function(){ return this[property] })
        show: function(){
          return this.each(function(){
            this.style.display == "none" && (this.style.display = null)
            if (getComputedStyle(this, '').getPropertyValue("display") == "none")
              this.style.display = defaultDisplay(this.nodeName)
        replaceWith: function(newContent){
          return this.before(newContent).remove()
        wrap: function(newContent){
          return this.each(function(){
        wrapAll: function(newContent){
          if (this[0]) {
            $(this[0]).before(newContent = $(newContent))
          return this
        unwrap: function(){
          return this
        clone: function(){
          return $(this.map(function(){ return this.cloneNode(true) }))
        hide: function(){
          return this.css("display", "none")
        toggle: function(setting){
          return (setting === undefined ? this.css("display") == "none" : setting) ? this.show() : this.hide()
        prev: function(){ return $(this.pluck('previousElementSibling')) },
        next: function(){ return $(this.pluck('nextElementSibling')) },
        html: function(html){
          return html === undefined ?
            (this.length > 0 ? this[0].innerHTML : null) :
              var originHtml = this.innerHTML
              $(this).empty().append( funcArg(this, html, idx, originHtml) )
        text: function(text){
          return text === undefined ?
            (this.length > 0 ? this[0].textContent : null) :
            this.each(function(){ this.textContent = text })
        attr: function(name, value){
          var result
          return (typeof name == 'string' && value === undefined) ?
            (this.length == 0 || this[0].nodeType !== 1 ? undefined :
              (name == 'value' && this[0].nodeName == 'INPUT') ? this.val() :
              (!(result = this[0].getAttribute(name)) && name in this[0]) ? this[0][name] : result
            ) :
              if (this.nodeType !== 1) return
              if (isObject(name)) for (key in name) this.setAttribute(key, name[key])
              else this.setAttribute(name, funcArg(this, value, idx, this.getAttribute(name)))
        removeAttr: function(name){
          return this.each(function(){ if (this.nodeType === 1) this.removeAttribute(name) })
        prop: function(name, value){
          return (value === undefined) ?
            (this[0] ? this[0][name] : undefined) :
              this[name] = funcArg(this, value, idx, this[name])
        data: function(name, value){
          var data = this.attr('data-' + dasherize(name), value)
          return data !== null ? data : undefined
        val: function(value){
          return (value === undefined) ?
            (this.length > 0 ? this[0].value : undefined) :
              this.value = funcArg(this, value, idx, this.value)
        offset: function(){
          if (this.length==0) return null
          var obj = this[0].getBoundingClientRect()
          return {
            left: obj.left + window.pageXOffset,
            top: obj.top + window.pageYOffset,
            height: obj.height
        css: function(property, value){
          if (value === undefined && typeof property == 'string')
            return (
              this.length == 0
                ? undefined
                : this[0].style[camelize(property)] || getComputedStyle(this[0], '').getPropertyValue(property))
          var css = ''
          for (key in property)
            if(typeof property[key] == 'string' && property[key] == '')
              this.each(function(){ this.style.removeProperty(dasherize(key)) })
              css += dasherize(key) + ':' + maybeAddPx(key, property[key]) + ';'
          if (typeof property == 'string')
            if (value == '')
              this.each(function(){ this.style.removeProperty(dasherize(property)) })
              css = dasherize(property) + ":" + maybeAddPx(property, value)
          return this.each(function(){ this.style.cssText += ';' + css })
        index: function(element){
          return element ? this.indexOf($(element)[0]) : this.parent().children().indexOf(this[0])
        hasClass: function(name){
          if (this.length < 1) return false
          else return classRE(name).test(this[0].className)
        addClass: function(name){
          return this.each(function(idx){
            classList = []
            var cls = this.className, newName = funcArg(this, name, idx, cls)
              if (!$(this).hasClass(klass)) classList.push(klass)
            }, this)
            classList.length && (this.className += (cls ? " " : "") + classList.join(" "))
        removeClass: function(name){
          return this.each(function(idx){
            if (name === undefined)
              return this.className = ''
            classList = this.className
            funcArg(this, name, idx, classList).split(/\s+/g).forEach(function(klass){
              classList = classList.replace(classRE(klass), " ")
            this.className = classList.trim()
        toggleClass: function(name, when){
          return this.each(function(idx){
            var newName = funcArg(this, name, idx, this.className)
            ;(when === undefined ? !$(this).hasClass(newName) : when) ?
              $(this).addClass(newName) : $(this).removeClass(newName)
      // Generate the `width` and `height` functions
      ;['width', 'height'].forEach(function(dimension){
        $.fn[dimension] = function(value){
          var offset, Dimension = dimension.replace(/./, function(m){ return m[0].toUpperCase() })
          if (value === undefined) return this[0] == window ? window['inner' + Dimension] : //get
            this[0] == document ? document.documentElement['offset' + Dimension] :
            (offset = this.offset()) && offset[dimension]
          else return this.each(function(idx){ //set
            var el = $(this)
            el.css(dimension, funcArg(this, value, idx, el[dimension]()))
      function insert(operator, target, node) {
        var parent = (operator % 2) ? target : target.parentNode
        parent ? parent.insertBefore(node,
          !operator ? target.nextSibling :      // after
          operator == 1 ? parent.firstChild :   // prepend
          operator == 2 ? target :              // before
          null) :                               // append
      function traverseNode(node, fun) {
        for (var key in node.childNodes) traverseNode(node.childNodes[key], fun)
      // Generate the `after`, `prepend`, `before`, `append`,
      // `insertAfter`, `insertBefore`, `appendTo`, and `prependTo` methods.
      adjacencyOperators.forEach(function(key, operator) {
        $.fn[key] = function(){
          // arguments can be nodes, arrays of nodes, Zepto objects and HTML strings
          var nodes = $.map(arguments, function(n){ return isObject(n) ? n : zepto.fragment(n) })
          if (nodes.length < 1) return this
          var size = this.length, copyByClone = size > 1, inReverse = operator < 2
          return this.each(function(index, target){
            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
              var node = nodes[inReverse ? nodes.length-i-1 : i]
              traverseNode(node, function(node){
                if (node.nodeName != null && node.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'SCRIPT' && (!node.type || node.type === 'text/javascript'))
                  window['eval'].call(window, node.innerHTML)
              if (copyByClone && index < size - 1) node = node.cloneNode(true)
              insert(operator, target, node)
        $.fn[(operator % 2) ? key+'To' : 'insert'+(operator ? 'Before' : 'After')] = function(html){
          return this
      zepto.Z.prototype = $.fn
      // Export internal API functions in the `$.zepto` namespace
      zepto.camelize = camelize
      zepto.uniq = uniq
      $.zepto = zepto
      return $
    // If `$` is not yet defined, point it to `Zepto`
    window.Zepto = Zepto
    '$' in window || (window.$ = Zepto)
      var $$ = $.zepto.qsa, handlers = {}, _zid = 1, specialEvents={}
      specialEvents.click = specialEvents.mousedown = specialEvents.mouseup = specialEvents.mousemove = 'MouseEvents'
      function zid(element) {
        return element._zid || (element._zid = _zid++)
      function findHandlers(element, event, fn, selector) {
        event = parse(event)
        if (event.ns) var matcher = matcherFor(event.ns)
        return (handlers[zid(element)] || []).filter(function(handler) {
          return handler
            && (!event.e  || handler.e == event.e)
            && (!event.ns || matcher.test(handler.ns))
            && (!fn       || zid(handler.fn) === zid(fn))
            && (!selector || handler.sel == selector)
      function parse(event) {
        var parts = ('' + event).split('.')
        return {e: parts[0], ns: parts.slice(1).sort().join(' ')}
      function matcherFor(ns) {
        return new RegExp('(?:^| )' + ns.replace(' ', ' .* ?') + '(?: |$)')
      function eachEvent(events, fn, iterator){
        if ($.isObject(events)) $.each(events, iterator)
        else events.split(/\s/).forEach(function(type){ iterator(type, fn) })
      function add(element, events, fn, selector, getDelegate, capture){
        capture = !!capture
        var id = zid(element), set = (handlers[id] || (handlers[id] = []))
        eachEvent(events, fn, function(event, fn){
          var delegate = getDelegate && getDelegate(fn, event),
            callback = delegate || fn
          var proxyfn = function (event) {
            var result = callback.apply(element, [event].concat(event.data))
            if (result === false) event.preventDefault()
            return result
          var handler = $.extend(parse(event), {fn: fn, proxy: proxyfn, sel: selector, del: delegate, i: set.length})
          element.addEventListener(handler.e, proxyfn, capture)
      function remove(element, events, fn, selector){
        var id = zid(element)
        eachEvent(events || '', fn, function(event, fn){
          findHandlers(element, event, fn, selector).forEach(function(handler){
            delete handlers[id][handler.i]
            element.removeEventListener(handler.e, handler.proxy, false)
      $.event = { add: add, remove: remove }
      $.proxy = function(fn, context) {
        if ($.isFunction(fn)) {
          var proxyFn = function(){ return fn.apply(context, arguments) }
          proxyFn._zid = zid(fn)
          return proxyFn
        } else if (typeof context == 'string') {
          return $.proxy(fn[context], fn)
        } else {
          throw new TypeError("expected function")
      $.fn.bind = function(event, callback){
        return this.each(function(){
          add(this, event, callback)
      $.fn.unbind = function(event, callback){
        return this.each(function(){
          remove(this, event, callback)
      $.fn.one = function(event, callback){
        return this.each(function(i, element){
          add(this, event, callback, null, function(fn, type){
            return function(){
              var result = fn.apply(element, arguments)
              remove(element, type, fn)
              return result
      var returnTrue = function(){return true},
          returnFalse = function(){return false},
          eventMethods = {
            preventDefault: 'isDefaultPrevented',
            stopImmediatePropagation: 'isImmediatePropagationStopped',
            stopPropagation: 'isPropagationStopped'
      function createProxy(event) {
        var proxy = $.extend({originalEvent: event}, event)
        $.each(eventMethods, function(name, predicate) {
          proxy[name] = function(){
            this[predicate] = returnTrue
            return event[name].apply(event, arguments)
          proxy[predicate] = returnFalse
        return proxy
      // emulates the 'defaultPrevented' property for browsers that have none
      function fix(event) {
        if (!('defaultPrevented' in event)) {
          event.defaultPrevented = false
          var prevent = event.preventDefault
          event.preventDefault = function() {
            this.defaultPrevented = true
      $.fn.delegate = function(selector, event, callback){
        var capture = false
        if(event == 'blur' || event == 'focus'){
            event = event == 'blur' ? 'focusout' : event == 'focus' ? 'focusin' : event
            capture = true
        return this.each(function(i, element){
          add(element, event, callback, selector, function(fn){
            return function(e){
              var evt, match = $(e.target).closest(selector, element).get(0)
              if (match) {
                evt = $.extend(createProxy(e), {currentTarget: match, liveFired: element})
                return fn.apply(match, [evt].concat([].slice.call(arguments, 1)))
          }, capture)
      $.fn.undelegate = function(selector, event, callback){
        return this.each(function(){
          remove(this, event, callback, selector)
      $.fn.live = function(event, callback){
        $(document.body).delegate(this.selector, event, callback)
        return this
      $.fn.die = function(event, callback){
        $(document.body).undelegate(this.selector, event, callback)
        return this
      $.fn.on = function(event, selector, callback){
        return selector == undefined || $.isFunction(selector) ?
          this.bind(event, selector) : this.delegate(selector, event, callback)
      $.fn.off = function(event, selector, callback){
        return selector == undefined || $.isFunction(selector) ?
          this.unbind(event, selector) : this.undelegate(selector, event, callback)
      $.fn.trigger = function(event, data){
        if (typeof event == 'string') event = $.Event(event)
        event.data = data
        return this.each(function(){
          // items in the collection might not be DOM elements
          // (todo: possibly support events on plain old objects)
          if('dispatchEvent' in this) this.dispatchEvent(event)
      // triggers event handlers on current element just as if an event occurred,
      // doesn't trigger an actual event, doesn't bubble
      $.fn.triggerHandler = function(event, data){
        var e, result
        this.each(function(i, element){
          e = createProxy(typeof event == 'string' ? $.Event(event) : event)
          e.data = data
          e.target = element
          $.each(findHandlers(element, event.type || event), function(i, handler){
            result = handler.proxy(e)
            if (e.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) return false
        return result
      // shortcut methods for `.bind(event, fn)` for each event type
      ;('focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick '+
      'mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout '+
      'change select keydown keypress keyup error').split(' ').forEach(function(event) {
        $.fn[event] = function(callback){ return this.bind(event, callback) }
      ;['focus', 'blur'].forEach(function(name) {
        $.fn[name] = function(callback) {
          if (callback) this.bind(name, callback)
          else if (this.length) try { this.get(0)[name]() } catch(e){}
          return this
      $.Event = function(type, props) {
        var event = document.createEvent(specialEvents[type] || 'Events'), bubbles = true
        if (props) for (var name in props) (name == 'bubbles') ? (bubbles = !!props[name]) : (event[name] = props[name])
        event.initEvent(type, bubbles, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)
        return event
    ;(function($, undefined){
      var prefix = '',
        vendors = { Webkit: 'webkit', Moz: '', O: 'o', ms: 'MS' },
        document = window.document, 
        testEl = document.createElement('div'),
        supportedTransforms = /^((translate|rotate|scale)(X|Y|Z|3d)?|matrix(3d)?|perspective|skew(X|Y)?)$/i,
        clearProperties = {}
      function downcase(str) { return str.toLowerCase() }
      function normalizeEvent(name) { return eventPrefix ? eventPrefix + name : downcase(name) }
      $.each(vendors, function(vendor, event){
        if (testEl.style[vendor + 'TransitionProperty'] !== undefined) {
          prefix = '-' + downcase(vendor) + '-'
          eventPrefix = event
          return false
      clearProperties[prefix + 'transition-property'] =
      clearProperties[prefix + 'transition-duration'] =
      clearProperties[prefix + 'transition-timing-function'] =
      clearProperties[prefix + 'animation-name'] =
      clearProperties[prefix + 'animation-duration'] = ''
      $.fx = {
        off: (eventPrefix === undefined && testEl.style.transitionProperty === undefined),
        cssPrefix: prefix,
        transitionEnd: normalizeEvent('TransitionEnd'),
        animationEnd: normalizeEvent('AnimationEnd')
      $.fn.animate = function(properties, duration, ease, callback){
        if ($.isObject(duration))
          ease = duration.easing, callback = duration.complete, duration = duration.duration
        if (duration) duration = duration / 1000
        return this.anim(properties, duration, ease, callback)
      $.fn.anim = function(properties, duration, ease, callback){
        var transforms, cssProperties = {}, key, that = this, wrappedCallback, endEvent = $.fx.transitionEnd
        if (duration === undefined) duration = 0.4
        if ($.fx.off) duration = 0
        if (typeof properties == 'string') {
          // keyframe animation
          cssProperties[prefix + 'animation-name'] = properties
          cssProperties[prefix + 'animation-duration'] = duration + 's'
          endEvent = $.fx.animationEnd
        } else {
          // CSS transitions
          for (key in properties)
            if (supportedTransforms.test(key)) {
              transforms || (transforms = [])
              transforms.push(key + '(' + properties[key] + ')')
            else cssProperties[key] = properties[key]
          if (transforms) cssProperties[prefix + 'transform'] = transforms.join(' ')
          if (!$.fx.off && typeof properties === 'object') {
            cssProperties[prefix + 'transition-property'] = Object.keys(properties).join(', ')
            cssProperties[prefix + 'transition-duration'] = duration + 's'
            cssProperties[prefix + 'transition-timing-function'] = (ease || 'linear')
        wrappedCallback = function(event){
          if (typeof event !== 'undefined') {
            if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) return // makes sure the event didn't bubble from "below"
            $(event.target).unbind(endEvent, arguments.callee)
          callback && callback.call(this)
        if (duration > 0) this.bind(endEvent, wrappedCallback)
        setTimeout(function() {
          if (duration <= 0) setTimeout(function() {
            that.each(function(){ wrappedCallback.call(this) })
          }, 0)
        }, 0)
        return this
      testEl = null
      var jsonpID = 0,
          isObject = $.isObject,
          document = window.document,
          rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
          scriptTypeRE = /^(?:text|application)\/javascript/i,
          xmlTypeRE = /^(?:text|application)\/xml/i,
          jsonType = 'application/json',
          htmlType = 'text/html',
          blankRE = /^\s*$/
      // trigger a custom event and return false if it was cancelled
      function triggerAndReturn(context, eventName, data) {
        var event = $.Event(eventName)
        $(context).trigger(event, data)
        return !event.defaultPrevented
      // trigger an Ajax "global" event
      function triggerGlobal(settings, context, eventName, data) {
        if (settings.global) return triggerAndReturn(context || document, eventName, data)
      // Number of active Ajax requests
      $.active = 0
      function ajaxStart(settings) {
        if (settings.global && $.active++ === 0) triggerGlobal(settings, null, 'ajaxStart')
      function ajaxStop(settings) {
        if (settings.global && !(--$.active)) triggerGlobal(settings, null, 'ajaxStop')
      // triggers an extra global event "ajaxBeforeSend" that's like "ajaxSend" but cancelable
      function ajaxBeforeSend(xhr, settings) {
        var context = settings.context
        if (settings.beforeSend.call(context, xhr, settings) === false ||
            triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxBeforeSend', [xhr, settings]) === false)
          return false
        triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxSend', [xhr, settings])
      function ajaxSuccess(data, xhr, settings) {
        var context = settings.context, status = 'success'
        settings.success.call(context, data, status, xhr)
        triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxSuccess', [xhr, settings, data])
        ajaxComplete(status, xhr, settings)
      // type: "timeout", "error", "abort", "parsererror"
      function ajaxError(error, type, xhr, settings) {
        var context = settings.context
        settings.error.call(context, xhr, type, error)
        triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxError', [xhr, settings, error])
        ajaxComplete(type, xhr, settings)
      // status: "success", "notmodified", "error", "timeout", "abort", "parsererror"
      function ajaxComplete(status, xhr, settings) {
        var context = settings.context
        settings.complete.call(context, xhr, status)
        triggerGlobal(settings, context, 'ajaxComplete', [xhr, settings])
      // Empty function, used as default callback
      function empty() {}
      $.ajaxJSONP = function(options){
        var callbackName = 'jsonp' + (++jsonpID),
          script = document.createElement('script'),
          abort = function(){
            if (callbackName in window) window[callbackName] = empty
            ajaxComplete('abort', xhr, options)
          xhr = { abort: abort }, abortTimeout
        if (options.error) script.onerror = function() {
        window[callbackName] = function(data){
          delete window[callbackName]
          ajaxSuccess(data, xhr, options)
        script.src = options.url.replace(/=\?/, '=' + callbackName)
        if (options.timeout > 0) abortTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
            ajaxComplete('timeout', xhr, options)
          }, options.timeout)
        return xhr
      $.ajaxSettings = {
        // Default type of request
        type: 'GET',
        // Callback that is executed before request
        beforeSend: empty,
        // Callback that is executed if the request succeeds
        success: empty,
        // Callback that is executed the the server drops error
        error: empty,
        // Callback that is executed on request complete (both: error and success)
        complete: empty,
        // The context for the callbacks
        context: null,
        // Whether to trigger "global" Ajax events
        global: true,
        // Transport
        xhr: function () {
          return new window.XMLHttpRequest()
        // MIME types mapping
        accepts: {
          script: 'text/javascript, application/javascript',
          json:   jsonType,
          xml:    'application/xml, text/xml',
          html:   htmlType,
          text:   'text/plain'
        // Whether the request is to another domain
        crossDomain: false,
        // Default timeout
        timeout: 0
      function mimeToDataType(mime) {
        return mime && ( mime == htmlType ? 'html' :
          mime == jsonType ? 'json' :
          scriptTypeRE.test(mime) ? 'script' :
          xmlTypeRE.test(mime) && 'xml' ) || 'text'
      function appendQuery(url, query) {
        return (url + '&' + query).replace(/[&?]{1,2}/, '?')
      // serialize payload and append it to the URL for GET requests
      function serializeData(options) {
        if (isObject(options.data)) options.data = $.param(options.data)
        if (options.data && (!options.type || options.type.toUpperCase() == 'GET'))
          options.url = appendQuery(options.url, options.data)
      $.ajax = function(options){
        var settings = $.extend({}, options || {})
        for (key in $.ajaxSettings) if (settings[key] === undefined) settings[key] = $.ajaxSettings[key]
        if (!settings.crossDomain) settings.crossDomain = /^([\w-]+:)?\/\/([^\/]+)/.test(settings.url) &&
          RegExp.$2 != window.location.host
        var dataType = settings.dataType, hasPlaceholder = /=\?/.test(settings.url)
        if (dataType == 'jsonp' || hasPlaceholder) {
          if (!hasPlaceholder) settings.url = appendQuery(settings.url, 'callback=?')
          return $.ajaxJSONP(settings)
        if (!settings.url) settings.url = window.location.toString()
        var mime = settings.accepts[dataType],
            baseHeaders = { },
            protocol = /^([\w-]+:)\/\//.test(settings.url) ? RegExp.$1 : window.location.protocol,
            xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(), abortTimeout
        if (!settings.crossDomain) baseHeaders['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
        if (mime) {
          baseHeaders['Accept'] = mime
          if (mime.indexOf(',') > -1) mime = mime.split(',', 2)[0]
          xhr.overrideMimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType(mime)
        if (settings.contentType || (settings.data && settings.type.toUpperCase() != 'GET'))
          baseHeaders['Content-Type'] = (settings.contentType || 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
        settings.headers = $.extend(baseHeaders, settings.headers || {})
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
          if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
            var result, error = false
            if ((xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status == 304 || (xhr.status == 0 && protocol == 'file:')) {
              dataType = dataType || mimeToDataType(xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type'))
              result = xhr.responseText
              try {
                if (dataType == 'script')    (1,eval)(result)
                else if (dataType == 'xml')  result = xhr.responseXML
                else if (dataType == 'json') result = blankRE.test(result) ? null : JSON.parse(result)
              } catch (e) { error = e }
              if (error) ajaxError(error, 'parsererror', xhr, settings)
              else ajaxSuccess(result, xhr, settings)
            } else {
              ajaxError(null, 'error', xhr, settings)
        var async = 'async' in settings ? settings.async : true
        xhr.open(settings.type, settings.url, async)
        for (name in settings.headers) xhr.setRequestHeader(name, settings.headers[name])
        if (ajaxBeforeSend(xhr, settings) === false) {
          return false
        if (settings.timeout > 0) abortTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
            xhr.onreadystatechange = empty
            ajaxError(null, 'timeout', xhr, settings)
          }, settings.timeout)
        // avoid sending empty string (#319)
        xhr.send(settings.data ? settings.data : null)
        return xhr
      $.get = function(url, success){ return $.ajax({ url: url, success: success }) }
      $.post = function(url, data, success, dataType){
        if ($.isFunction(data)) dataType = dataType || success, success = data, data = null
        return $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: data, success: success, dataType: dataType })
      $.getJSON = function(url, success){
        return $.ajax({ url: url, success: success, dataType: 'json' })
      $.fn.load = function(url, success){
        if (!this.length) return this
        var self = this, parts = url.split(/\s/), selector
        if (parts.length > 1) url = parts[0], selector = parts[1]
        $.get(url, function(response){
          self.html(selector ?
            $(document.createElement('div')).html(response.replace(rscript, "")).find(selector).html()
            : response)
          success && success.call(self)
        return this
      var escape = encodeURIComponent
      function serialize(params, obj, traditional, scope){
        var array = $.isArray(obj)
        $.each(obj, function(key, value) {
          if (scope) key = traditional ? scope : scope + '[' + (array ? '' : key) + ']'
          // handle data in serializeArray() format
          if (!scope && array) params.add(value.name, value.value)
          // recurse into nested objects
          else if (traditional ? $.isArray(value) : isObject(value))
            serialize(params, value, traditional, key)
          else params.add(key, value)
      $.param = function(obj, traditional){
        var params = []
        params.add = function(k, v){ this.push(escape(k) + '=' + escape(v)) }
        serialize(params, obj, traditional)
        return params.join('&').replace('%20', '+')
    //Touch events
      var touch = {}, touchTimeout
      function parentIfText(node){
        return 'tagName' in node ? node : node.parentNode
      function swipeDirection(x1, x2, y1, y2){
        var xDelta = Math.abs(x1 - x2), yDelta = Math.abs(y1 - y2)
        return xDelta >= yDelta ? (x1 - x2 > 0 ? 'Left' : 'Right') : (y1 - y2 > 0 ? 'Up' : 'Down')
      var longTapDelay = 750, longTapTimeout
      function longTap(){
        longTapTimeout = null
        if (touch.last) {
          touch = {}
      function cancelLongTap(){
        if (longTapTimeout) clearTimeout(longTapTimeout)
        longTapTimeout = null
        var now, delta
        $(document.body).bind('touchstart', function(e){
          now = Date.now()
          delta = now - (touch.last || now)
          touch.el = $(parentIfText(e.touches[0].target))
          touchTimeout && clearTimeout(touchTimeout)
          touch.x1 = e.touches[0].pageX
          touch.y1 = e.touches[0].pageY
          if (delta > 0 && delta <= 250) touch.isDoubleTap = true
          touch.last = now
          longTapTimeout = setTimeout(longTap, longTapDelay)
        }).bind('touchmove', function(e){
          touch.x2 = e.touches[0].pageX
          touch.y2 = e.touches[0].pageY
        }).bind('touchend', function(e){
          // double tap (tapped twice within 250ms)
          if (touch.isDoubleTap) {
            touch = {}
          // swipe
          } else if ((touch.x2 && Math.abs(touch.x1 - touch.x2) > 30) ||
                     (touch.y2 && Math.abs(touch.y1 - touch.y2) > 30)) {
            touch.el.trigger('swipe') &&
              touch.el.trigger('swipe' + (swipeDirection(touch.x1, touch.x2, touch.y1, touch.y2)))
            touch = {}
          // normal tap
          } else if ('last' in touch) {
            touchTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
              touchTimeout = null
              touch = {}
            }, 250)
        }).bind('touchcancel', function(){
          if (touchTimeout) clearTimeout(touchTimeout)
          if (longTapTimeout) clearTimeout(longTapTimeout)
          longTapTimeout = touchTimeout = null
          touch = {}
      ;['swipe', 'swipeLeft', 'swipeRight', 'swipeUp', 'swipeDown', 'doubleTap', 'tap', 'singleTap', 'longTap'].forEach(function(m){
        $.fn[m] = function(callback){ return this.bind(m, callback) }
    ;(function ($) {
      $.fn.serializeArray = function () {
        var result = [], el
        $( Array.prototype.slice.call(this.get(0).elements) ).each(function () {
          el = $(this)
          var type = el.attr('type')
          if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'fieldset' &&
            !this.disabled && type != 'submit' && type != 'reset' && type != 'button' &&
            ((type != 'radio' && type != 'checkbox') || this.checked))
              name: el.attr('name'),
              value: el.val()
        return result
      $.fn.serialize = function () {
        var result = []
        this.serializeArray().forEach(function (elm) {
          result.push( encodeURIComponent(elm.name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(elm.value) )
        return result.join('&')
      $.fn.submit = function (callback) {
        if (callback) this.bind('submit', callback)
        else if (this.length) {
          var event = $.Event('submit')
          if (!event.defaultPrevented) this.get(0).submit()
        return this
    ;(function($){ //浏览器嗅探
      function detect(ua){
        var os = this.os = {}, 
          browser = this.browser = {},
          webkit = ua.match(/WebKit\/([\d.]+)/),
          android = ua.match(/(Android)\s+([\d.]+)/),
          ipad = ua.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/),
          iphone = !ipad && ua.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/),
          webos = ua.match(/(webOS|hpwOS)[\s\/]([\d.]+)/),
          touchpad = webos && ua.match(/TouchPad/),
          kindle = ua.match(/Kindle\/([\d.]+)/),
          silk = ua.match(/Silk\/([\d._]+)/),
          blackberry = ua.match(/(BlackBerry).*Version\/([\d.]+)/)
        // todo clean this up with a better OS/browser
        // separation. we need to discern between multiple //看出;理解,了解;识别,辨别
        // browsers on android, and decide if kindle fire in
        // silk mode is android or not
        if (browser.webkit = !!webkit) browser.version = webkit[1]
        if (android) os.android = true, os.version = android[2]
        if (iphone) os.ios = os.iphone = true, os.version = iphone[2].replace(/_/g, '.')
        if (ipad) os.ios = os.ipad = true, os.version = ipad[2].replace(/_/g, '.')
        if (webos) os.webos = true, os.version = webos[2]
        if (touchpad) os.touchpad = true
        if (blackberry) os.blackberry = true, os.version = blackberry[2]
        if (kindle) os.kindle = true, os.version = kindle[1]
        if (silk) browser.silk = true, browser.version = silk[1]
        if (!silk && os.android && ua.match(/Kindle Fire/)) browser.silk = true
      detect.call($, navigator.userAgent)
      // make available to unit tests
      $.__detect = detect
          opacity: 0.25, 
          left: '200px',
          color: '#abcdef',
          rotateZ: '65deg', 
          translate3d: '0,30px,0'


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    复制订阅服务器和 AlwaysOn 可用性组 (SQL Server)
    Cors Http 访问控制
    fair scheduler配置
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhuzf/p/Zepto.html
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