• UDP通信接收端,接收二维数组,内容为0与1

       1:  using System;
       2:  using System.Net;
       3:  using System.Net.Sockets;
       4:  using System.Text;
       7:  public class UDPListener
       8:  {
       9:      private const int listenPort = 5050;
      10:      private const int Height = 200;
      11:      private const int Width = 100;
      12:      private static void StartListener()
      13:      {
      14:          bool[,] test = new bool[Height, Width];   //二维数组的定义方式
      15:          byte[,] test1 = new byte[Height, Width];
      16:          UdpClient listener = new UdpClient(listenPort);    //本机侦听的端口号实例化。
      17:          IPEndPoint groupEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, listenPort); //实例化
      19:          try   
      20:          {
      21:              long m = 0;
      22:              int n = 0;             //必须为int型,不然会造成溢出。不能为byte,byte就255.
      23:              int i = 0,j = 0;
      24:              while (true)
      25:              {
      26:                  n = 0;
      27:                  Console.WriteLine("Waiting for broadcast");
      28:                  byte[] bytes = listener.Receive(ref groupEP);
      29:                  for (i = 0; i < Height; i++)
      30:                  {
      31:                      for (j = 0; j < Width; j++)
      32:                      {
      33:                          test[i, j] = BitConverter.ToBoolean(bytes,n); //将读到的bytes转换为bool类型的数据,即ture 和  false。
      34:                          n++;
      35:                          if (test[i, j] == true)    //将此true 和  false的数组转为只有0与1存在的数组。
      36:                              test1[i,j] = 1;
      37:                          else
      38:                              test1[i,j] = 0;
      39:                      }
      40:                  }
      41:                  for (i = 0; i < Height; i++)
      42:                  {
      43:                      for (j = 0; j < Width; j++)
      44:                      {
      45:                          Console.Write(test1[i,j]) ;     //调用控制台程序输出即可。
      46:                      }
      47:                      Console.WriteLine();
      48:                  }
      50:                  //Console.WriteLine("Received broadcast from {0} : {1}  hava received {2} times 
      51:                  //    groupEP.ToString(),Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length),m);
      52:              }
      54:          }
      55:          catch (Exception e)
      56:          {
      57:              Console.WriteLine(e.ToString());
      58:          }
      59:          //finally
      60:          //{
      61:          //    //listener.Close();
      62:          //}
      63:      }
      65:      public static int Main()
      66:      {
      67:          StartListener();
      69:          return 0;
      70:      }
      71:  }




       1:  #include <Winsock2.h>
       2:  #pragma comment(lib,"WS2_32.lib")
       3:  #include <stdio.h>
       4:  #include<iostream>
       5:  #include <string> 
       6:  #include<vector>
       7:  using namespace std;
       8:  //服务器端口号为5050
       9:  #define DEFAULT_PORT 5050
      10:  //缓冲区长度
      11:  #define DATA_BUFFER 1024
      13:  void main(int argc,char *argv[])
      14:  {
      17:      /*matrix.Num = 1;
      18:      //matrix.point = new Point[2];
      19:      memset(&matrix,0,sizeof(matrix));
      20:      matrix.point[0].x = 1;
      21:      matrix.point[0].y = 2;
      22:      matrix.point[0].value = 3;
      23:      matrix.point[0].U = 4;    
      24:      matrix.point[1].x = 5;
      25:      matrix.point[1].y = 6;
      26:      matrix.point[1].value = 7;
      27:      matrix.point[1].U = 8;
      28:      int n = 2;
      29:      int len = 2*sizeof(Point)+2;
      30:      vector<char> str(len);//声明变长数组
      31:      //char* str = new char[n];
      32:      //memset(&str,0,sizeof(str));//将str,赋值0,长度为sizeof
      33:      memcpy(&str,(char*)&matrix,len);//将matrix里面的值,赋值给str,长度sizeof。与上面刚好相反。
      35:      //char *buffer=(char *)&matrix;
      36:                */
      38:      WSADATA wsaData;
      39:      SOCKET sClient;
      40:      int iPort=5050;
      41:      //服务器地址长度
      42:      int iLen;
      43:      //接收数据的缓冲
      44:      int iSend;
      45:      int    iRecv;
      46:      //要发送给服务器的信息
      47:      char send_buf[]="I am a client.";
      48:      //接收数据的缓冲区
      49:      char recv_buf[DATA_BUFFER];
      50:      //服务器端地址
      51:      struct sockaddr_in ser;
      52:      //处理命令行中
      53:      //接收数据的缓冲区初始化
      54:      memset(recv_buf,0,sizeof(recv_buf));
      55:      if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsaData)!=0)
      56:      {
      57:          printf("Failed to load Winsock.
      58:          return;
      59:      }
      60:      char map[10][20];
      61:      for(int i = 0;i < 10;i++)
      62:          for(int j = 0;j < 20;j++)
      63:             map[i][j] = 1;
      65:      map[0][0] = 0;   //  for test 
      66:      map[0][1] = 0;
      67:      map[0][2] = 0;
      68:      //map[0][1] = 0;
      69:      //for(int i = 0;i < 10;i++)
      70:      //    for(int j = 0;j < 20;j++)    

    71: // sendData.obs[i][j] = map[i][j]; //那时候想着把二维数组封装在结构体里面,然后将结构体作为一个对象,通过UDP发送过去。

      72:    //后来发现完全没必要,数组本身我们也可以理解为一个对象,直接发送即可。
      73:      //建立服务器端地址
      74:      ser.sin_family=AF_INET;
      75:      ser.sin_port=htons(iPort);
      76:      ser.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr("");
      77:      //建立客户端数据报套接口
      78:      sClient=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
      79:      long k=0;
      80:      while (1)
      81:      {
      82:          if(sClient==INVALID_SOCKET)
      83:          {
      84:              printf("socket()Failed:%d
      85:              return;
      86:          } 
      87:          //向服务器发送数据 
      88:          Sleep(5);//暂停一秒
      89:                             iSend=sendto(sClient,(char*)&map,sizeof(map),0,(struct sockaddr*)&ser,iLen);
      90:          k=k+1;
      91:          if(iSend==SOCKET_ERROR)
      92:          {
      93:              printf("sendto()Failed:%d
      94:              return;
      95:          }
      96:          else if(iSend==0)
      97:              return;
      98:          else
      99:              printf("sendto()succeeded. have sent %d times 
     101:          //从服务器接收数据
     102:          //iRecv=recvfrom(sClient,recv_buf,sizeof(recv_buf),0,(struct sockaddr*)&ser,&iLen);
     103:          //if(iRecv==SOCKET_ERROR)
     104:          //{
     105:          //    printf("recvfrom()Failed.:%d
     106:          //    return;
     107:          //}
     108:          //else if(iRecv==0)
     109:          //    return;
     110:          //else
     111:          //{
     112:          //    //显示从服务器收到的信息
     113:          //    printf("recvfrom():%s
     114:          //    printf("---------------------------
     115:          //}
     117:      }
     118:      closesocket(sClient);
     119:      WSACleanup();
     120:  }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhuxuekui/p/3516805.html
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