• Spring 缓存注解解析过程

    Spring 缓存注解解析过程

    通过 SpringCacheAnnotationParser 的 parseCacheAnnotations 方法解析指定方法或类上的缓存注解,
    @Cacheable 注解将被解析为 CacheableOperation 操作,
    @CachePut 注解将被解析为 CachePutOperation 操作,
    @CacheEvict 注解将被解析为 CacheEvictOperation 操作。


     *  启用Spring以注解驱动的缓存管理功能
    public @interface EnableCaching {
         *  是否启用 CGLIB 类代理,默认是 JDK 动态代理
        boolean proxyTargetClass() default false;
         *  指示如何应用缓存通知,默认是 JDK Proxy
        AdviceMode mode() default AdviceMode.PROXY;
         *  当多个 Adviser 将通知织入连接点时,缓存通知的优先级
        int order() default Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE;
     *  在类级别设置共享的缓存配置信息
     * @since 4.1
    public @interface CacheConfig {
         *  默认缓存名称
        String[] cacheNames() default {};
         *  默认的键生成器 bean 名称
         *  org.springframework.cache.interceptor.KeyGenerator
        String keyGenerator() default "";
         *  默认的缓存管理器 bean 名称
         *  org.springframework.cache.CacheManager
        String cacheManager() default "";
         *  默认的缓存解析器 bean 名称
         *  org.springframework.cache.interceptor.CacheResolver
        String cacheResolver() default "";
     *  表明类中单个方法【作用于方法】或所有方法的返回值【作用于类】能被缓存
    @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
    public @interface Cacheable {
         *  cacheNames 别名
        String[] value() default {};
         *  关联缓存名称数组
         * @since 4.2
        String[] cacheNames() default {};
         *  动态计算缓存键的 SpEL 表达式
        String key() default "";
         *  缓存键生成器 bean 名称
        String keyGenerator() default "";
         *  缓存管理器 bean 名称
        String cacheManager() default "";
         *  缓存解析器 bean 名称
        String cacheResolver() default "";
         *  缓存操作的生效条件【SpEL 表达式】,不指定默认生效
        String condition() default "";
         *  否决方法缓存的条件【SpEL 表达式】,默认不匹配【返回 true 表示不缓存】
        String unless() default "";
         *  多线程调用方法时,是否执行同步调用
         * <ol>
         * <li>{@link #unless()} is not supported</li>
         * <li>Only one cache may be specified</li>
         * <li>No other cache-related operation can be combined</li>
         * </ol>
         * @since 4.3
        boolean sync() default false;
     *  指定的方法调用或类中所有方法调用,需要执行 CachePut 操作将结果值进行缓存
    @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
    public @interface CachePut {
         *  cacheNames 别名
        String[] value() default {};
         *  关联缓存名称数组
         * @since 4.2
        String[] cacheNames() default {};
         *  动态计算缓存键的 SpEL 表达式
        String key() default "";
         *  缓存键生成器 bean 名称
        String keyGenerator() default "";
         *  缓存管理器 bean 名称
        String cacheManager() default "";
         *  缓存解析器 bean 名称
        String cacheResolver() default "";
         *  缓存操作的生效条件【SpEL 表达式】,不指定默认生效
        String condition() default "";
         *  否决方法缓存的条件【SpEL 表达式】,默认不匹配【返回 true 表示不缓存】
         *  @since 3.2
        String unless() default "";
     *  指定的方法调用或所有方法调用,需要执行一个缓存清除操作。
    @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
    public @interface CacheEvict {
         *  cacheNames 别名
        String[] value() default {};
         *  关联缓存名称数组
         * @since 4.2
        String[] cacheNames() default {};
         *  动态计算缓存键的 SpEL 表达式
        String key() default "";
         *  缓存键生成器 bean 名称
        String keyGenerator() default "";
         *  缓存管理器 bean 名称
        String cacheManager() default "";
         *  缓存解析器 bean 名称
        String cacheResolver() default "";
         *  缓存操作的生效条件【SpEL 表达式】,不指定默认生效
        String condition() default "";
         *  是否删除缓存中的所有条目,默认只删除缓存键关联的条目
        boolean allEntries() default false;
         *  缓存清除操作是否需要在方法调用前执行
        boolean beforeInvocation() default false;


     *  用于解析缓存注解的策略接口
    public interface CacheAnnotationParser {
         *  基于注释类型解析指定类的缓存定义
        Collection<CacheOperation> parseCacheAnnotations(Class<?> type);
         *  基于注释类型解析指定方法的缓存定义
        Collection<CacheOperation> parseCacheAnnotations(Method method);
     *  用于解析  @Caching、@Cacheable、@CacheEvict、@CachePut 注解的解析器
    public class SpringCacheAnnotationParser implements CacheAnnotationParser, Serializable {
         *  缓存注解操作集合
        private static final Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> CACHE_OPERATION_ANNOTATIONS = new LinkedHashSet<>(8);
        static {
         *  解析指定类上的缓存注解
        public Collection<CacheOperation> parseCacheAnnotations(Class<?> type) {
            // 创建默认的缓存配置
            final DefaultCacheConfig defaultConfig = new DefaultCacheConfig(type);
            return parseCacheAnnotations(defaultConfig, type);
         *  解析指定方法上的缓存注解
        public Collection<CacheOperation> parseCacheAnnotations(Method method) {
            // 创建默认的缓存配置
            final DefaultCacheConfig defaultConfig = new DefaultCacheConfig(method.getDeclaringClass());
            return parseCacheAnnotations(defaultConfig, method);
         *  基于默认的缓存配置解析缓存注解
        private Collection<CacheOperation> parseCacheAnnotations(DefaultCacheConfig cachingConfig, AnnotatedElement ae) {
            final Collection<CacheOperation> ops = parseCacheAnnotations(cachingConfig, ae, false);
            if (ops != null && ops.size() > 1) {
                // 如果发现多于 1 个缓存操作,则类中的缓存操作覆盖接口中的缓存操作
                final Collection<CacheOperation> localOps = parseCacheAnnotations(cachingConfig, ae, true);
                if (localOps != null) {
                    return localOps;
            return ops;
         *  解析指定注解元素上的缓存注解
         * @param cachingConfig 缓存配置
         * @param ae    注解元素
         * @param localOnly 是否只解析当前类中的缓存注解【缓存注解也可以在接口上使用】
        private Collection<CacheOperation> parseCacheAnnotations(DefaultCacheConfig cachingConfig, AnnotatedElement ae,
                boolean localOnly) {
            // 读取所有的缓存注解
            final Collection<? extends Annotation> anns = localOnly
                    ? AnnotatedElementUtils.getAllMergedAnnotations(ae, CACHE_OPERATION_ANNOTATIONS)
                            : AnnotatedElementUtils.findAllMergedAnnotations(ae, CACHE_OPERATION_ANNOTATIONS);
            if (anns.isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            final Collection<CacheOperation> ops = new ArrayList<>(1);
            // 解析 Cacheable 注解
            anns.stream().filter(ann -> ann instanceof Cacheable)
            .forEach(ann -> ops.add(parseCacheableAnnotation(ae, cachingConfig, (Cacheable) ann)));
            // 解析 CacheEvict 注解
            anns.stream().filter(ann -> ann instanceof CacheEvict)
            .forEach(ann -> ops.add(parseEvictAnnotation(ae, cachingConfig, (CacheEvict) ann)));
            // 解析 CachePut 注解
            anns.stream().filter(ann -> ann instanceof CachePut)
            .forEach(ann -> ops.add(parsePutAnnotation(ae, cachingConfig, (CachePut) ann)));
            // 解析 Caching 注解
            anns.stream().filter(ann -> ann instanceof Caching)
            .forEach(ann -> parseCachingAnnotation(ae, cachingConfig, (Caching) ann, ops));
            return ops;
        private CacheableOperation parseCacheableAnnotation(AnnotatedElement ae, DefaultCacheConfig defaultConfig,
                Cacheable cacheable) {
            final CacheableOperation.Builder builder = new CacheableOperation.Builder();
            // 操作名称为注解元素的字符串表示
            // 尝试写入默认值
            final CacheableOperation op = builder.build();
             * 验证缓存操作
             * key 和 keyGenerator 不可同时配置
             * cacheManager 和 cacheResolver 不可同时配置
            validateCacheOperation(ae, op);
            return op;
        private CacheEvictOperation parseEvictAnnotation(AnnotatedElement ae, DefaultCacheConfig defaultConfig,
                CacheEvict cacheEvict) {
            final CacheEvictOperation.Builder builder = new CacheEvictOperation.Builder();
            final CacheEvictOperation op = builder.build();
            validateCacheOperation(ae, op);
            return op;
        private CacheOperation parsePutAnnotation(AnnotatedElement ae, DefaultCacheConfig defaultConfig,
                CachePut cachePut) {
            final CachePutOperation.Builder builder = new CachePutOperation.Builder();
            final CachePutOperation op = builder.build();
            validateCacheOperation(ae, op);
            return op;
        private void parseCachingAnnotation(AnnotatedElement ae, DefaultCacheConfig defaultConfig, Caching caching,
                Collection<CacheOperation> ops) {
            final Cacheable[] cacheables = caching.cacheable();
            for (final Cacheable cacheable : cacheables) {
                ops.add(parseCacheableAnnotation(ae, defaultConfig, cacheable));
            final CacheEvict[] cacheEvicts = caching.evict();
            for (final CacheEvict cacheEvict : cacheEvicts) {
                ops.add(parseEvictAnnotation(ae, defaultConfig, cacheEvict));
            final CachePut[] cachePuts = caching.put();
            for (final CachePut cachePut : cachePuts) {
                ops.add(parsePutAnnotation(ae, defaultConfig, cachePut));
         * Validates the specified {@link CacheOperation}.
         * <p>Throws an {@link IllegalStateException} if the state of the operation is
         * invalid. As there might be multiple sources for default values, this ensure
         * that the operation is in a proper state before being returned.
         * @param ae the annotated element of the cache operation
         * @param operation the {@link CacheOperation} to validate
        private void validateCacheOperation(AnnotatedElement ae, CacheOperation operation) {
            if (StringUtils.hasText(operation.getKey()) && StringUtils.hasText(operation.getKeyGenerator())) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid cache annotation configuration on '" + ae.toString()
                + "'. Both 'key' and 'keyGenerator' attributes have been set. "
                + "These attributes are mutually exclusive: either set the SpEL expression used to"
                + "compute the key at runtime or set the name of the KeyGenerator bean to use.");
            if (StringUtils.hasText(operation.getCacheManager()) && StringUtils.hasText(operation.getCacheResolver())) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid cache annotation configuration on '" + ae.toString()
                + "'. Both 'cacheManager' and 'cacheResolver' attributes have been set. "
                + "These attributes are mutually exclusive: the cache manager is used to configure a"
                + "default cache resolver if none is set. If a cache resolver is set, the cache manager"
                + "won't be used.");
        public boolean equals(Object other) {
            return this == other || other instanceof SpringCacheAnnotationParser;
        public int hashCode() {
            return SpringCacheAnnotationParser.class.hashCode();
         *  为给定的缓存操作集提供默认配置
        private static class DefaultCacheConfig {
             *  目标类型
            private final Class<?> target;
             *  缓存名称
            private String[] cacheNames;
             *  键生成器名称
            private String keyGenerator;
             *  缓存管理器名称
            private String cacheManager;
             *  缓存解析器名称
            private String cacheResolver;
             *  是否已经初始化
            private boolean initialized = false;
            public DefaultCacheConfig(Class<?> target) {
                this.target = target;
             * Apply the defaults to the specified {@link CacheOperation.Builder}.
            public void applyDefault(CacheOperation.Builder builder) {
                if (!initialized) {
                    // 查找目标类型上的 CacheConfig 注解配置,如果存在则写入默认配置
                    final CacheConfig annotation = AnnotatedElementUtils.findMergedAnnotation(target, CacheConfig.class);
                    if (annotation != null) {
                        cacheNames = annotation.cacheNames();
                        keyGenerator = annotation.keyGenerator();
                        cacheManager = annotation.cacheManager();
                        cacheResolver = annotation.cacheResolver();
                    initialized = true;
                // 指定注解未设置缓存名称 && 默认配置不为 null && 写入默认配置
                if (builder.getCacheNames().isEmpty() && cacheNames != null) {
                // 指定注解未指定键和键生成器 && 默认配置不为 null && 写入键生成器
                if (!StringUtils.hasText(builder.getKey()) && !StringUtils.hasText(builder.getKeyGenerator())
                        && StringUtils.hasText(keyGenerator)) {
                // 未指定缓存管理器和缓存解析器,则默认的 cacheResolver 优先级高于 cacheManager
                if (StringUtils.hasText(builder.getCacheManager()) || StringUtils.hasText(builder.getCacheResolver())) {
                    // One of these is set so we should not inherit anything
                } else if (StringUtils.hasText(cacheResolver)) {
                } else if (StringUtils.hasText(cacheManager)) {


     *  所有缓存操作必须实现的基本接口
    public interface BasicOperation {
         *  返回与此操作关联的所有缓存名称
        Set<String> getCacheNames();
     *  缓存操作基础类
    public abstract class CacheOperation implements BasicOperation {
         *  操作名称
        private final String name;
         *  关联缓存名称
        private final Set<String> cacheNames;
         *  缓存键
        private final String key;
         *  缓存键生成器名称
        private final String keyGenerator;
         *  缓存管理器名称
        private final String cacheManager;
         *  缓存解析器名称
        private final String cacheResolver;
         *  缓存条件
        private final String condition;
         *  操作的字符串表示
        private final String toString;
     *  对应于 @Cacheable 注解的操作
    public class CacheableOperation extends CacheOperation {
         *  缓存条件
        private final String unless;
         *  此操作是否是同步的
        private final boolean sync;
     *  对应于 @CacheEvict 注解的操作
    public class CacheEvictOperation extends CacheOperation {
         *  是否删除缓存中的所有条目
        private final boolean cacheWide;
         *  是否在目标方法调用之前执行
        private final boolean beforeInvocation;
     * 对应于 @CachePut 注解的操作
    public class CachePutOperation extends CacheOperation {
         *  缓存条件
        private final String unless;


     * 被 CacheInterceptor 使用的缓存操作源
    public interface CacheOperationSource {
         *  获取目标类中指定方法的所有缓存操作
        Collection<CacheOperation> getCacheOperations(Method method, @Nullable Class<?> targetClass);
     *  带兜底策略的缓存操作源,缓存注解解析顺序如下
     * 1. specific target method;
     * 2. target class;
     * 3. declaring method;
     * 4. declaring class/interface.
    public abstract class AbstractFallbackCacheOperationSource implements CacheOperationSource {
         * Canonical value held in cache to indicate no caching attribute was
         * found for this method and we don't need to look again.
        private static final Collection<CacheOperation> NULL_CACHING_ATTRIBUTE = Collections.emptyList();
        protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
         *  缓存操作的缓存
        private final Map<Object, Collection<CacheOperation>> attributeCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(1024);
         *  确定此方法调用的缓存属性
        public Collection<CacheOperation> getCacheOperations(Method method, @Nullable Class<?> targetClass) {
            if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {
                return null;
            // 创建缓存键
            final Object cacheKey = getCacheKey(method, targetClass);
            // 读取操作缓存
            final Collection<CacheOperation> cached = attributeCache.get(cacheKey);
            // 1)如果存在则直接返回
            if (cached != null) {
                return cached != NULL_CACHING_ATTRIBUTE ? cached : null;
            else {
                // 2)解析指定方法上的缓存操作并缓存
                final Collection<CacheOperation> cacheOps = computeCacheOperations(method, targetClass);
                if (cacheOps != null) {
                    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                        logger.trace("Adding cacheable method '" + method.getName() + "' with attribute: " + cacheOps);
                    attributeCache.put(cacheKey, cacheOps);
                else {
                    attributeCache.put(cacheKey, NULL_CACHING_ATTRIBUTE);
                return cacheOps;
         * Determine a cache key for the given method and target class.
         * <p>Must not produce same key for overloaded methods.
         * Must produce same key for different instances of the same method.
         * @param method the method (never {@code null})
         * @param targetClass the target class (may be {@code null})
         * @return the cache key (never {@code null})
        protected Object getCacheKey(Method method, @Nullable Class<?> targetClass) {
            return new MethodClassKey(method, targetClass);
        private Collection<CacheOperation> computeCacheOperations(Method method, @Nullable Class<?> targetClass) {
            // 是否只解析 public 方法的缓存注解【默认 false】
            if (allowPublicMethodsOnly() && !Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {
                return null;
             *  The method may be on an interface, but we need attributes from the target class.
             *  If the target class is null, the method will be unchanged.
            final Method specificMethod = AopUtils.getMostSpecificMethod(method, targetClass);
            // 1)First try is the method in the target class.
            Collection<CacheOperation> opDef = findCacheOperations(specificMethod);
            if (opDef != null) {
                return opDef;
            // 2)Second try is the caching operation on the target class.
            opDef = findCacheOperations(specificMethod.getDeclaringClass());
            if (opDef != null && ClassUtils.isUserLevelMethod(method)) {
                return opDef;
            if (specificMethod != method) {
                // Fallback is to look at the original method.
                opDef = findCacheOperations(method);
                if (opDef != null) {
                    return opDef;
                // Last fallback is the class of the original method.
                opDef = findCacheOperations(method.getDeclaringClass());
                if (opDef != null && ClassUtils.isUserLevelMethod(method)) {
                    return opDef;
            return null;
        protected abstract Collection<CacheOperation> findCacheOperations(Class<?> clazz);
        protected abstract Collection<CacheOperation> findCacheOperations(Method method);
        protected boolean allowPublicMethodsOnly() {
            return false;
    public class AnnotationCacheOperationSource extends AbstractFallbackCacheOperationSource implements Serializable {
         *  是否只解析 public 方法,默认为 true
        private final boolean publicMethodsOnly;
         *  缓存注解解析器
        private final Set<CacheAnnotationParser> annotationParsers;
        public AnnotationCacheOperationSource() {
        public AnnotationCacheOperationSource(boolean publicMethodsOnly) {
            this.publicMethodsOnly = publicMethodsOnly;
            annotationParsers = Collections.singleton(new SpringCacheAnnotationParser());
        public AnnotationCacheOperationSource(CacheAnnotationParser annotationParser) {
            publicMethodsOnly = true;
            Assert.notNull(annotationParser, "CacheAnnotationParser must not be null");
            annotationParsers = Collections.singleton(annotationParser);
        public AnnotationCacheOperationSource(CacheAnnotationParser... annotationParsers) {
            publicMethodsOnly = true;
            Assert.notEmpty(annotationParsers, "At least one CacheAnnotationParser needs to be specified");
            this.annotationParsers = new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(annotationParsers));
        public AnnotationCacheOperationSource(Set<CacheAnnotationParser> annotationParsers) {
            publicMethodsOnly = true;
            Assert.notEmpty(annotationParsers, "At least one CacheAnnotationParser needs to be specified");
            this.annotationParsers = annotationParsers;
        protected Collection<CacheOperation> findCacheOperations(Class<?> clazz) {
            return determineCacheOperations(parser -> parser.parseCacheAnnotations(clazz));
        protected Collection<CacheOperation> findCacheOperations(Method method) {
            return determineCacheOperations(parser -> parser.parseCacheAnnotations(method));
         *  解析缓存注解并转换为 CacheOperation
        protected Collection<CacheOperation> determineCacheOperations(CacheOperationProvider provider) {
            Collection<CacheOperation> ops = null;
            for (final CacheAnnotationParser annotationParser : annotationParsers) {
                final Collection<CacheOperation> annOps = provider.getCacheOperations(annotationParser);
                if (annOps != null) {
                    if (ops == null) {
                        ops = annOps;
                    else {
                        final Collection<CacheOperation> combined = new ArrayList<>(ops.size() + annOps.size());
                        ops = combined;
            return ops;
        protected boolean allowPublicMethodsOnly() {
            return publicMethodsOnly;
        public boolean equals(Object other) {
            if (this == other) {
                return true;
            if (!(other instanceof AnnotationCacheOperationSource)) {
                return false;
            final AnnotationCacheOperationSource otherCos = (AnnotationCacheOperationSource) other;
            return annotationParsers.equals(otherCos.annotationParsers) &&
                    publicMethodsOnly == otherCos.publicMethodsOnly;
        public int hashCode() {
            return annotationParsers.hashCode();
        protected interface CacheOperationProvider {
             *  返回指定缓存解析解析成功的缓存操作
            Collection<CacheOperation> getCacheOperations(CacheAnnotationParser parser);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhuxudong/p/10322597.html
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