• 纯真IP数据库解析Delphi D10.1下正常使用


      1 unit   Net.IPLocation;
      3 interface
      5 uses System.Classes, System.SysUtils, Winapi.WinSock, Vcl.Forms,
      6   System.Math, System.SyncObjs;
      8 type
      9   TIPLocation = class(TObject)
     10   private
     11     QQWryFileName: string;
     12     QQWryFileStream: TBufferedFileStream;
     13     QQWryFileSize: Cardinal;
     14     IPRecordNum: Cardinal;
     15     FirstIPIndexOffset, LastIPIndexOffset: Cardinal;
     16     FLock: TCriticalSection;
     18     function GetQQWryFileName: string;
     19     function GetQQWryFileSize: Cardinal;
     20     function GetIPRecordNum: Cardinal;
     21     function GetQQWryDate: TDate;
     22     function GetQQWryDataFrom: string;
     23     function GetIPLocation(IPLocationOffset: Cardinal): TStringlist;
     24     function GetIPMsg(IPRecordID: Cardinal): TStringlist;
     25     function GetIPRecordID(IP: string): Cardinal;
     26     function GetIPValue(IP: string): Cardinal;
     27   public
     28     constructor Create(cQQWryFileName: string);
     29     destructor Destroy; override;
     30     function GetLocation(IP: string): String;
     31   end;
     33 function IPLocation: TIPLocation;
     35 implementation
     37 var
     38   __IPLocation: TIPLocation;
     40 function IPLocation: TIPLocation;
     41 begin
     42   if __IPLocation = nil then
     43     __IPLocation := TIPLocation.Create(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) +
     44       'qqwry.dat');
     46   Result := __IPLocation;
     47 end;
     49 { TIPLocation }
     51 constructor TIPLocation.Create(cQQWryFileName: string);
     52 begin
     53   inherited Create;
     54   FLock := TCriticalSection.Create;
     55   QQWryFileName := cQQWryFileName;
     56   QQWryFileStream := TBufferedFileStream.Create(QQWryFileName,
     57     fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite, 0);
     58   QQWryFileSize := QQWryFileStream.Size;
     59   QQWryFileStream.Read(FirstIPIndexOffset, 4);
     60   QQWryFileStream.Read(LastIPIndexOffset, 4);
     61   IPRecordNum := (LastIPIndexOffset - FirstIPIndexOffset) div 7 + 1;
     62 end;
     64 destructor TIPLocation.Destroy;
     65 begin
     67   QQWryFileStream.Free;
     68   FLock.Free;
     69   inherited Destroy;
     70 end;
     72 function TIPLocation.GetIPLocation(IPLocationOffset: Cardinal): TStringlist;
     73 const
     74   // 实际信息字串存放位置的重定向模式
     75   REDIRECT_MODE_1 = 1;
     76   REDIRECT_MODE_2 = 2;
     77 var
     78   RedirectMode: byte;
     79   CountryFirstOffset, CountrySecondOffset: Cardinal;
     80   CountryMsg, AreaMsg: string;
     81   //
     82   function ReadString(StringOffset: Cardinal): ansistring;
     83   var
     84     ReadByte: ansichar;
     85   begin
     86     Result := '';
     87     QQWryFileStream.Seek(StringOffset, soFromBeginning);
     88     QQWryFileStream.Read(ReadByte, 1);
     89     while ord(ReadByte) <> 0 do
     90     begin
     91       Result := Result + ReadByte;
     92       QQWryFileStream.Read(ReadByte, 1);
     93     end;
     94   end;
     95 //
     96   function ReadArea(AreaOffset: Cardinal): ansistring;
     97   var
     98     ModeByte: byte;
     99     ReadAreaOffset: Cardinal;
    100   begin
    101     ReadAreaOffset := 0;
    102     QQWryFileStream.Seek(AreaOffset, soFromBeginning);
    103     QQWryFileStream.Read(ModeByte, 1);
    104     if (ModeByte = REDIRECT_MODE_1) or (ModeByte = REDIRECT_MODE_2) then
    105     begin
    106       QQWryFileStream.Read(ReadAreaOffset, 3);
    107       if ReadAreaOffset = 0 then
    108         Result := '未知地区'
    109       else
    110         Result := ReadString(ReadAreaOffset);
    111     end
    112     else
    113     begin
    114       Result := ReadString(AreaOffset);
    115     end;
    116   end;
    118 begin
    119   CountryFirstOffset := 0;
    120   CountrySecondOffset := 0;
    121   // 跳过4个字节,该4字节内容为该条IP信息里IP地址段中的终止IP值
    122   QQWryFileStream.Seek(IPLocationOffset + 4, soFromBeginning);
    123   // 读取国家信息的重定向模式值
    124   QQWryFileStream.Read(RedirectMode, 1);
    125   // 重定向模式1的处理
    126   if RedirectMode = REDIRECT_MODE_1 then
    127   begin
    128     // 模式值为1,则后3个字节的内容为国家信息的重定向偏移值
    129     QQWryFileStream.ReadData(CountryFirstOffset, 3);
    130     // 进行重定向
    131     QQWryFileStream.Seek(CountryFirstOffset, soFromBeginning);
    132     // 第二次读取国家信息的重定向模式
    133     QQWryFileStream.Read(RedirectMode, 1);
    134     // 第二次重定向模式为模式2的处理
    135     if RedirectMode = REDIRECT_MODE_2 then
    136     begin
    137       // 后3字节的内容即为第二次重定向偏移值
    138       QQWryFileStream.ReadData(CountrySecondOffset, 3);
    139       // 读取第二次重定向偏移值下的字符串值,即为国家信息
    140       CountryMsg := ReadString(CountrySecondOffset);
    141       // 若第一次重定向模式为1,进行重定向后读取的第二次重定向模式为2,
    142       // 则地区信息存放在第一次国家信息偏移值的后面
    143       QQWryFileStream.Seek(CountryFirstOffset + 4, soFromBeginning);
    144       // 第二次重定向模式不是模式2的处理
    145     end
    146     else
    147     begin
    148       CountryMsg := ReadString(CountryFirstOffset);
    149     end;
    150     // 在重定向模式1下读地区信息值
    151     AreaMsg := ReadArea(QQWryFileStream.Position);
    152     // 重定向模式2的处理
    153   end
    154   else if RedirectMode = REDIRECT_MODE_2 then
    155   begin
    156     QQWryFileStream.ReadData(CountrySecondOffset, 3);
    157     CountryMsg := ReadString(CountrySecondOffset);
    158     AreaMsg := ReadArea(IPLocationOffset + 8);
    159     // 不是重定向模式的处理,存放的即是IP地址信息
    160   end
    161   else
    162   begin
    163     CountryMsg := ReadString(QQWryFileStream.Position - 1);
    164     AreaMsg := ReadArea(QQWryFileStream.Position);
    165   end;
    166   Result := TStringlist.Create;
    167   Result.Add(CountryMsg);
    168   Result.Add(AreaMsg);
    169 end;
    171 function TIPLocation.GetIPMsg(IPRecordID: Cardinal): TStringlist;
    172 var
    173   aryStartIP: array [1 .. 4] of byte;
    174   strStartIP: string;
    175   EndIPOffset: Cardinal;
    176   aryEndIP: array [1 .. 4] of byte;
    177   strEndIP: string;
    178   i: integer;
    179 begin
    180   EndIPOffset := 0;
    182   // 根据记录ID号移到该记录号的索引处
    183   QQWryFileStream.Seek(FirstIPIndexOffset + (IPRecordID - 1) * 7,
    184     soFromBeginning);
    185   // 索引的前4个字节为起始IP地址
    186   QQWryFileStream.Read(aryStartIP, 4);
    187   // 后3个字节是内容区域的偏移值
    188   // QQWryFileStream.Read(EndIPOffset, 3);
    189   QQWryFileStream.ReadData(EndIPOffset, 3);
    190   // 移至内容区域
    191   QQWryFileStream.Seek(EndIPOffset, soFromBeginning);
    192   // 内容区域的前4个字节为终止IP地址
    193   QQWryFileStream.Read(aryEndIP, 4);
    195   // 将起止IP地址转换为点分的形式
    196   strStartIP := '';
    197   for i := 4 downto 1 do
    198   begin
    199     if i <> 1 then
    200       strStartIP := strStartIP + IntToStr(aryStartIP[i]) + '.'
    201     else
    202       strStartIP := strStartIP + IntToStr(aryStartIP[i]);
    203   end;
    204   strEndIP := '';
    205   for i := 4 downto 1 do
    206   begin
    207     if i <> 1 then
    208       strEndIP := strEndIP + IntToStr(aryEndIP[i]) + '.'
    209     else
    210       strEndIP := strEndIP + IntToStr(aryEndIP[i]);
    211   end;
    212   Result := TStringlist.Create;
    213   Result.Add(strStartIP);
    214   Result.Add(strEndIP);
    215   // 获取该条记录下的IP地址信息
    216   // 以下三者是统一的:①内容区域的偏移值 ②终止IP地址的存放位置 ③国家信息紧接在终止IP地址存放位置后
    217   Result.AddStrings(GetIPLocation(EndIPOffset));
    218 end;
    220 function TIPLocation.GetIPRecordID(IP: string): Cardinal;
    221   function SearchIPRecordID(IPRecordFrom, IPRecordTo, IPValue: Cardinal)
    222     : Cardinal;
    223   var
    224     CompareIPValue1, CompareIPValue2: Cardinal;
    225   begin
    226     Result := 0;
    227     CompareIPValue1 := 0;
    228     CompareIPValue2 := 0;
    229     QQWryFileStream.Seek(FirstIPIndexOffset + ((IPRecordTo - IPRecordFrom) div 2
    230       + IPRecordFrom - 1) * 7, soFromBeginning);
    231     QQWryFileStream.Read(CompareIPValue1, 4);
    232     QQWryFileStream.Seek(FirstIPIndexOffset + ((IPRecordTo - IPRecordFrom) div 2
    233       + IPRecordFrom) * 7, soFromBeginning);
    234     QQWryFileStream.Read(CompareIPValue2, 4);
    235     // 找到了
    236     if (IPValue >= CompareIPValue1) and (IPValue < CompareIPValue2) then
    237     begin
    238       Result := (IPRecordTo - IPRecordFrom) div 2 + IPRecordFrom;
    239     end
    240     else
    241       // 后半段找
    242       if IPValue > CompareIPValue1 then
    243       begin
    244         Result := SearchIPRecordID((IPRecordTo - IPRecordFrom) div 2 +
    245           IPRecordFrom + 1, IPRecordTo, IPValue);
    246       end
    247       else
    248         // 前半段找
    249         if IPValue < CompareIPValue1 then
    250         begin
    251           Result := SearchIPRecordID(IPRecordFrom, (IPRecordTo - IPRecordFrom)
    252             div 2 + IPRecordFrom - 1, IPValue);
    253         end;
    254   end;
    256 begin
    257   Result := SearchIPRecordID(1, GetIPRecordNum, GetIPValue(IP));
    258 end;
    260 function TIPLocation.GetIPRecordNum: Cardinal;
    261 begin
    262   Result := IPRecordNum;
    263 end;
    265 function TIPLocation.GetIPValue(IP: string): Cardinal;
    266 var
    267   tsIP: TStringlist;
    268   i: integer;
    269   function SplitStringToStringlist(aString: string; aSplitChar: string)
    270     : TStringlist;
    271   begin
    272     Result := TStringlist.Create;
    273     while pos(aSplitChar, aString) > 0 do
    274     begin
    275       Result.Add(copy(aString, 1, pos(aSplitChar, aString) - 1));
    276       aString := copy(aString, pos(aSplitChar, aString) + 1,
    277         length(aString) - pos(aSplitChar, aString));
    278     end;
    279     Result.Add(aString);
    280   end;
    282 begin
    283   tsIP := SplitStringToStringlist(IP, '.');
    284   Result := 0;
    285   for i := 3 downto 0 do
    286   begin
    287     Result := Result + StrToInt(tsIP[i]) * trunc(power(256, 3 - i));
    288   end;
    289 end;
    291 function TIPLocation.GetLocation(IP: string): String;
    292 begin
    293   FLock.Enter;
    294   try
    295     Result := GetIPMsg(GetIPRecordID(IP))[2];
    296   finally
    297     FLock.Leave;
    298   end;
    299 end;
    301 function TIPLocation.GetQQWryDataFrom: string;
    302 begin
    303   Result := GetIPMsg(GetIPRecordNum)[2];
    304 end;
    306 function TIPLocation.GetQQWryDate: TDate;
    307 var
    308   DateString: string;
    309 begin
    310   DateString := GetIPMsg(GetIPRecordNum)[3];
    311   DateString := copy(DateString, 1, pos('IP数据', DateString) - 1);
    312   DateString := StringReplace(DateString, '', '-',
    313     [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
    314   DateString := StringReplace(DateString, '', '-',
    315     [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
    316   DateString := StringReplace(DateString, '', '-',
    317     [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
    318   Result := StrToDate(DateString);
    319 end;
    321 function TIPLocation.GetQQWryFileName: string;
    322 begin
    323   Result := QQWryFileName;
    324 end;
    326 function TIPLocation.GetQQWryFileSize: Cardinal;
    327 begin
    328   Result := QQWryFileSize;
    329 end;
    331 initialization
    333 finalization
    335 if __IPLocation <> nil then
    336   __IPLocation.Free;
    338 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhunian/p/6530934.html
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