1IEnumerable <T> 是一个接口,通过该接口,可以使用 foreach 语句来枚举泛型集合类。泛型集合类支持 IEnumerable<T>,就像非泛型集合类(如 ArrayList)支持 IEnumerable。
2在 LINQ 查询中,最先使用 from 子句的目的是引入数据源 (customers) 和范围变量,范围变量类似于 foreach 循环中的迭代变量,但在查询表达式中,实际上不发生迭代。其他范围变量可由 let 子句引入。
在下面的示例中,以两种方式使用了 let:
使查询只能对范围变量 word 调用一次 ToLower。如果不使用 let,则必须在 where 子句的每个谓词中调用 ToLower。
class LetSample1
static void Main()
string[] strings =
"A penny saved is a penny earned.",
"The early bird catches the worm.",
"The pen is mightier than the sword."
// Split the sentence into an array of words
// and select those whose first letter is a vowel.
var earlyBirdQuery =
from sentence in strings
let words = sentence.Split(' ')
from word in words
let w = word.ToLower()
where w[0] == 'a' || w[0] == 'e'
|| w[0] == 'i' || w[0] == 'o'
|| w[0] == 'u'
select word;
// Execute the query.
foreach (var v in earlyBirdQuery)
Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\" starts with a vowel", v);
// Keep the console window open in debug mode.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
/* Output:
"A" starts with a vowel
"is" starts with a vowel
"a" starts with a vowel
"earned." starts with a vowel
"early" starts with a vowel
"is" starts with a vowel
对于非泛型数据源(如 ArrayList),必须显式类型化范围变量。
下面的示例演示一个对 ArrayList 的简单查询。请注意,此示例在代码调用 Add 方法时使用对象初始值设定项,但这不是必需的。
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
namespace NonGenericLINQ
public class Student
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public int[] Scores { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ArrayList arrList = new ArrayList();
new Student
FirstName = "Svetlana", LastName = "Omelchenko", Scores = new int[] { 98, 92, 81, 60 }
new Student
FirstName = "Claire", LastName = "O’Donnell", Scores = new int[] { 75, 84, 91, 39 }
new Student
FirstName = "Sven", LastName = "Mortensen", Scores = new int[] { 88, 94, 65, 91 }
new Student
FirstName = "Cesar", LastName = "Garcia", Scores = new int[] { 97, 89, 85, 82 }
var query = from Student student in arrList
where student.Scores[0] > 95
select student;
foreach (Student s in query)
Console.WriteLine(s.LastName + ": " + s.Scores[0]);
// Keep the console window open in debug mode.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
/* Output:
Omelchenko: 98
Garcia: 97
基本查询操作 (LINQ)
var queryLondonCustomers3 = from cust in customers where cust.City == "London" orderby cust.Name ascending select cust;
// queryCustomersByCity is an IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, Customer>>
var queryCustomersByCity =
from cust in customers
group cust by cust.City;
// customerGroup is an IGrouping<string, Customer>
foreach (var customerGroup in queryCustomersByCity)
foreach (Customer customer in customerGroup)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", customer.Name);
from order in Customer.Orders...
select 子句生成查询结果并指定每个返回的元素的“形状”或类型。例如,您可以指定结果包含的是整个 Customer 对象、仅一个成员、成员的子集,还是某个基于计算或新对象创建的完全不同的结果类型。当 select 子句生成除源元素副本以外的内容时,该操作称为“投影”。使用投影转换数据是 LINQ 查询表达式的一种强大功能。