• 说说M451的例程库的说明

    Directory Information

    Document   Driver reference manual and reversion history.

    Library         Driver header and source files.

    SampleCode  Driver sample code.

    ThirdParty     Library from third party

    1 Document Information

    Revision History.pdf    Show all the revision history about specific BSP.

    CMSIS.html                 Describe all of the information of CMSIS library, including CMSIS-CORE,                                     CMSIS-DSP, CMSIS-RTOS API and CMSIS-SVD.

    NuMicro M451 Series Driver Reference Guide.chm    Describe the definition, input and output                                                                                       of each API.

    Library Information

    CMSIS            CMSIS definitions by ARM® Corp.

    Device            CMSIS compliant device header file.

    StdDriver        All peripheral driver header and source files.

    SmartcardLib  Library for CCID smart card reader.

    UsbHostLib     Library for USB Host.

    NuEdu             Library for NuEdu board.

    Sample Code Information

    CardReader    CCID[1] smart card reader sample code.

    FreeRTOS     Simple FreeRTOS™ demo code.

    Hard_Fault_Sample    Show hard fault information when hard fault happened.

    Nu-LB-M451           Sample code for M451 learning board.

    NuTiny-SDK-M451   Sample code for M451 Tiny Board.

    Template              Software Development Template.

    Semihost       Show how to debug with semi-host message print.

    RegBased     The sample code able to access control registers directly.

    NuEdu          Sample code for M451 NuEdu Evaluation Board.

    StdDriver      M451 Series Driver Samples

    1. Circuit card interface device (CCID) is USB device that interface with integrated circuit cards.

    4 SampleCodeNu-LB-M451

    ADC_Knob              Demonstrate how to use EADC to measure voltage which is controlled by variable resistor and show conversion result on LED and TFT-LCD.

    CAN_NormalMode_TxRx   Demonstrate how to transmit or receive message in Normal mode of CAN. This sample code needs to work with  another Nu-LB-M451 board.

    I2C_EEPROM        Demonstrate how to access EEPROM through the I2C interface and print test results.

    I2C_MPU6050      Demonstrate how to access MPS6050 and display relative information on TFT LCD panel.

    I2S_NAU8822      Configure SPI1 as I2S Slave mode and demonstrate how I2S works in Slave mode with NAU8822 and play a sound.

    IR_NEC               Demonstrate remote control function based on NEC IR (Infrared receiver) protocol and display relative information on TFT LCD panel when system receives                              data from NEC IR.

    SPI_Flash           Demonstrate how to read from and write to SPI Flash.

    SPI_TFT_LCD      Demonstrate how to display an image on TFT LCD panel via the SPI interface.

    SPI_TFT_LCD_String    Demonstrate how to print a message on TFT LCD panel via the SPI interface.

    StartKit                    Demonstrate how to display an image and print a message on TFT LCD panel via the SPI interface. 

    USBD_HID_Mouse       Demonstrate how to implement a USB mouse device. The mouse cursor will move automatically when the mouse device is connected to PC by USB.

    USBD_MassStorage_SDcard Demonstrate how to use a SD card as storage to implement a USB Mass-Storage device.


    LED   Toggle PC.9 to turn on / off the board LED.


    Demonstrate how to set GPIO pin mode and use pin data output control 7

    Segment. Smpl_Basic01_ACMP
    Demonstrate how ACMP[1] works with internal band-gap voltage.

    Demonstrate how to use ADC to measure variable resistor and change the LED brightness with PWM according to the ADC conversion results.

    Demonstrate how to set GPIO pin mode and detect pin input signal. Smpl_Basic01_CRC_CRC8
    Implement CRC in CRC-8 mode with CRC write data reverse function and get the CRC checksum result.

    Demonstrate how to access EEPROM through I2C interface and print the test results on PC via NUCOM1 port of the NuEdu-Basic01 board.

    Demonstrate a simple IAP function to show three independent programs including main routine, independent interrupt handler and updating or switching to another program with IAP function. Smpl_Basic01_FMC_ISP
    Demonstrate LDROM updated through ISP function by branching to LDROM by software reset, and show debug messages via UART.

    Demonstrate remote control function based on NEC IR protocol and changes LED display via NuEdu-EVB-NUC240 and NuEdu-Basci01 boards when system receives data of NEC IR.

    Demonstrate how to set GPIO pin mode and use pin data output control LED.

    Demonstrate PWM function to simulate a DAC output.

    Demonstrate how to set GPIO pin mode and use pin data output control RGBLED.
    Demonstrate RTC application and wake-up function. Smpl_Basic01_SPI_Flash
    Demonstrate how to access SPI Flash through SPI interface and print the test results on both 7-Segments and PC via NUCOM1 port of NuEdu-Basic01 board. Smpl_Basic01_SPI_Flash_w_PDMA
    Demonstrate how to access SPI Flash through a SPI interface with combing PDMA function and print the test results on both 7-Segments and PC via NUCOM1 port of the NuEdu-Basic01 board. Smpl_Basic01_StartKit
    Demonstrate functions of NuEdu-Basic01 via NuEdu-EVB-NUC240.

    Demonstrate the timer periodic mode application and increase the number display on 7-segments from 0 to 99 via NuEdu-EVB-NUC240 and NuEdu-Basci01 boards when timer interrupt occurs. Smpl_Basic01_UART
    Demonstrate a print message through UART port


    Demonstrate a simple printf function to replace the standard printf library for reducing the code size issue.

     SampleCodeRegBased ACMP
    Demonstrate how ACMP[1] works with internal band-gap voltage.

    Show how to wake up MCU from Power-down mode by ACMP wake-up function.

    Use MaskFilter to receive message in Normal mode. This sample code needs to work with CAN_Test_MaskFilter.

    Use message object No.1 to send message objects (ID=0x700~0x70F). This sample code needs to work with CAN_Set_MaskFilter.

    Show the usage of clock fail detector and clock frequency monitor function.

    Implement CRC in CRC-CCITT mode and get the CRC checksum result.

    Implement CRC in CRC-8 mode and get the CRC checksum result.

    Show how to use PWM trigger DAC conversion with PDMA.

    Show how to use PWM trigger DAC conversion with PDMA scatter gather mode.

    Show how to use timer trigger DAC conversion with PDMA.

    Show how to use PWM trigger DAC conversion.

    Show how to use timer trigger DAC conversion.

    Show how to write a data to DAC_DAT to trigger DAC conversion.

    Use ADINT interrupt to do the ADC continuous scan conversion.

    Demonstrate how to trigger EADC by PWM and transfer conversion data by PDMA.

    Demonstrate how to trigger ADC by PWM. EADC_ResultMonitor
    Monitor the conversion result of channel 2 by the digital compare function.

    Trigger ADC by writing EADC_SWTRG register.

    Show how to trigger ADC by timer.

    Configure EBI interface to access MX29LV320T (NOR Flash) on EBI interface.

    Configure EBI interface to access BS616LV4017 (SRAM) with PDMA transfer on EBI interface.

    Implement a code and execute in SRAM to program embedded Flash.
    (Support KEIL® MDK Only)


    Show how to call LDROM functions from APROM. The code in APROM will look up the table at 0x100E00 to get the address of function of LDROM and call the function.

    Implement a multi-boot system to boot from different applications in APROM. A LDROM code and 4 APROM code are implemented in this sample code.

    Show how to read/program embedded flash by ISP function.

    Show the usage of GPIO external interrupt function and de-bounce function.

    Show the usage of GPIO interrupt function.

    Show how to set GPIO pin mode and use pin data input/output control.

    Show how to wake up system from Power-down mode by GPIO interrupt.

    Show how to use I2C interface to access EEPROM.

    Show how a Master uses I2C address 0x0 to write data to Slave. This sample code needs to work with I2C_GCMode_Slave.

    Show a Slave how to receive data from Master in GC (General Call) mode. This sample code needs to work with I2C_GCMode_Master.

    Show a Master how to access Slave. This sample code needs to work with I2C_Slave.

    Show how to set I2C in Slave mode and receive the data from Master. This sample code needs to work with I2C_Master.

    Show how to control SMBus interface and use SMBus protocol between Host and Slave.

    Show how to wake up MCU from Power-down. This sample code needs to work with I2C_Wakeup_Slave.

    Show how to wake up MCU from Power-down mode through I2C interface. This sample code needs to work with I2C_Wakeup_Master.

    Configure SPI1 as I2S Master mode and demonstrate how I2S works in Master mode. This sample code needs to work with I2S_Slave sample code.

    Configure SPI1 as I2S Slave mode and demonstrate how I2S works in Slave mode. This sample code needs to work with I2S_Master sample code.

    Use PDMA channel 2 to transfer data from memory to memory.

    Use PDMA channel 5 to transfer data from memory to memory by scatter-gather mode.

    Use PDMA to implement Ping-Pong buffer by scatter-gather mode (memory to memory).

    Capture the PWM1 Channel 0 waveform by PWM1 Channel 2.

    Demonstrate how to use PWM Dead Zone function.

    Change duty cycle and period of output waveform by PWM Double Buffer function.

    Capture the PWM1 Channel 0 waveform by PWM1 Channel 2, and use PDMA to transfer captured data.

    Use RTC alarm interrupt event to wake up system.

    Show how to access RTC spare registers.

    Get the current RTC data/time per tick.

    Read the smartcard ATR from smartcard 0 interface.

    Show smartcard UART mode by connecting PA.0 and PA.1 pins.

    Implement SPI Master loop back transfer. This sample code needs to connect SPI0_MISO0 pin and SPI0_MOSI0 pin together. It will compare the received data with transmitted data.

    Configure SPI0 as Master mode and demonstrate how to communicate with an off-chip SPI Slave device. This sample code needs to work with SPI_SlaveMode.

    Demonstrate SPI data transfer with PDMA. SPI0 will be configured as Master mode and SPI1 will be configured as Slave mode. Both TX PDMA function and RX PDMA function will be enabled. SPI_SlaveMode
    Configure SPI0 as Slave mode and demonstrate how to communicate with an off-chip SPI Master device. This sample code needs to work with SPI_MasterMode.

    Show how to wake up system form Power-down mode by brown-out detector interrupt.

    Change system clock to different PLL frequency and output system clock from CLKO pin.

    Show how to use the timer2 capture function to capture timer2 counter value.

    Implement timer1 event counter function to count the external input event.

    Implement timer counting in periodic mode.

    Use timer0 periodic time-out interrupt event to wake up system.

    Show how to use auto baud rate detection function. This sample code needs to work with UART_AutoBaudRate_Slave.

    Show how to use auto baud rate detection function. This sample code needs to work with UART_AutoBaudRate_Master.

    Transmit and receive data with auto flow control. This sample code needs to work with UART_Autoflow_Slave.

    Transmit and receive data with auto flow control. This sample code needs to work with UART_Autoflow_Master.

    Transmit and receive data in UART IrDA mode. This sample code needs to work with UART_IrDA_Slave.

    Transmit and receive data in UART IrDA mode. This sample code needs to work with UART_IrDA_Master.

    Transmit LIN header and response.

    Transmit and receive UART data with PDMA.

    Transmit and receive data in UART RS485 mode. This sample code needs to work with UART_RS485_Slave.

    Transmit and receive data in UART RS485 mode. This sample code needs to work with

    UART_RS485_Master. UART_TxRxFunction
    Transmit and receive data from PC terminal through RS232 interface.

    Show how to wake up system from Power-down mode by UART interrupt.

    Implement WDT time-out interrupt event to wake up system and generate time-out reset system event while WDT time-out reset delay period expired.

    Show how to reload the WWDT counter value.


    ACMP     Demonstrate how ACMP works with internal band-gap voltage.

    ACMP_Wakeup   Show how to wake up MCU from Power-down mode by ACMP wake-up function.

    CAN_BasicMode_Receive   Implement receive message in Basic mode. This sample code needs to work with CAN_BasicMode_Transmit.


    Implement transmit message in Basic mode. This sample code needs to work with CAN_BasicMode_Receive.

    Implement receive message in Normal mode. This sample code needs to work with CAN_NormalMode_Transmit.

    Implement transmit message in Normal mode. This sample code needs to work with CAN_NormalMode_Receive.

    Show how to wake up system form Power-down mode by detecting a transition. CLK_ClockDetector
    Show the usage of clock fail detector and clock frequency monitor function. CRC_CCITT
    Implement CRC in CRC-CCITT mode and get the CRC checksum result. CRC_CRC8
    Implement CRC in CRC-8 mode and get the CRC checksum result. DAC_PDMA_PWMTrigger
    Show how to use PWM trigger DAC conversion with PDMA. DAC_PDMA_ScatterGather_PWMTrigger
    Show how to use PWM trigger DAC conversion with PDMA scatter gather mode. DAC_PDMA_TimerTrigger
    Show how to use timer trigger DAC conversion with PDMA. DAC_PWMTrigger
    Show how to use PWM trigger DAC conversion.
    Aug 15, 2015 Page 16 of 22 Rev 3.01.001
    M451 Series
    Show how to use software trigger DAC conversion.

    Show how to use timer trigger DAC conversion.

    Demonstrate how to call ARM CMSIS DSP library to calculate FFT.

    Use ADINT interrupt to do the ADC continuous scan conversion.

    Demonstrate how to trigger EADC by PWM and transfer conversion data by PDMA.

    Demonstrate how to trigger ADC by PWM.

    Monitor the conversion result of channel 2 by the digital compare function.

    Trigger ADC by writing EADC_SWTRG register.

    Show how to trigger ADC by timer.

    Configure EBI interface to access MX29LV320T (NOR Flash) on EBI interface.

    Configure EBI interface to access BS616LV4017 (SRAM) with PDMA transfer on EBI interface.

    Implement a code and execute in SRAM to program embedded Flash. (Support KEIL® MDK Only.)

    Show how to reboot to LDROM functions from APROM. This sample code set VECMAP to LDROM and reset to re-boot to LDROM.

    Show how to read/program embedded flash by ISP function.

    Show the usage of GPIO external interrupt function and de-bounce function. GPIO_INT
    Show the usage of GPIO interrupt function. GPIO_OutputInput
    Show how to set GPIO pin mode and use pin data
    Aug 15, 2015 Page 17 of 22 Rev 3.01.001
    M451 Series
    input/output control. GPIO_PowerDown
    Show how to wake up system from Power-down mode by GPIO interrupt.

    Show how to use I2C interface to access EEPROM.

    Show how a Master uses I2C address 0x0 to write data to Slave. This sample code needs to work with I2C_GCMode_Slave.

    Show a Slave how to receive data from Master in GC (General Call) mode. This sample code needs to work with I2C_GCMode_Master.

    Show a Master how to access Slave. This sample code needs to work with I2C_Slave.

    Show how to set I2C in Slave mode and receive the data from Master. This sample code needs to work with I2C_Master.

    Show how to control SMBus interface and use SMBus protocol between Host and Slave.

    Show how to wake up MCU from Power-down. This sample code needs to work with I2C_Wakeup_Slave.

    Show how to wake up MCU from Power-down mode through I2C interface. This sample code needs to work with I2C_Wakeup_Master.

    Configure SPI1 as I2S Master mode and demonstrate how I2S works in Master mode. This sample code needs to work with I2S_Slave.

    Configure SPI1 as I2S Slave mode and demonstrate how I2S works in Slave mode. This sample code needs to work with I2S_Master.

    Use PDMA channel 2 to transfer data from memory to memory.

    Use PDMA channel 5 to transfer data from memory to memory by scatter-gather mode.

    Use PDMA to implement Ping-Pong buffer by scatter-gather mode (memory to memory).

    Capture the PWM1 Channel 0 waveform by PWM1 Channel 2.

    Demonstrate how to use PWM Dead Zone function.

    Change duty cycle and period of output waveform by PWM Double Buffer function.

    Capture the PWM1 Channel 0 waveform by PWM1 Channel 2, and use PDMA to transfer captured data.

    Use RTC alarm interrupt event to wake up system.

    Show how to access RTC spare registers.

    Get the current RTC data/time per tick.

    Read the smartcard ATR from smartcard 0 interface.

    Show smartcard UART mode by connecting PA.0 and PA.1 pins.

    Implement SPI Master loop back transfer. This sample code needs to connect SPI0_MISO0 pin and SPI0_MOSI0 pin together. It will compare the received data with transmitted data. SPI_MasterMode
    Configure SPI0 as Master mode and demonstrate how to communicate with an off-chip SPI Slave device. Needs to work with SPI_SlaveMode.


    Demonstrate SPI data transfer with PDMA. SPI0 will be configured as Master mode and SPI1 will be configured as Slave mode. Both TX PDMA function and RX PDMA function will be enabled. SPI_SlaveMode
    Configure SPI0 as Slave mode and demonstrate how to communicate with an off-chip SPI Master device. This sample code needs to work with SPI_MasterMode. SYS_BODWakeup
    Show how to wake up system form Power-down mode bybrown-out detector interrupt. SYS_PLLClockOutputChange system clock to different PLL frequency and output system clock from CLKO pin.

    Implement timer1 event counter function to count the external input event.

    Show how to use the timer2 capture function to capture timer2 counter value.

    Show how to use timer0 to create various delay time.

    Implement timer counting in periodic mode.

    Use timer0 periodic time-out interrupt event to wake up system.

    Show how to use auto baud rate detection function. This sample code needs to work with UART_AutoBaudRate_Slave.

    Show how to use auto baud rate detection function. This sample code needs to work with UART_AutoBaudRate_Master.

    Transmit and receive data with auto flow control. This sample code needs to work with UART_Autoflow_Slave.

    Transmit and receive data with auto flow control. This sample code needs to work with UART_Autoflow_Master.

    Transmit and receive data in UART IrDA mode. This sample code needs to work with UART_IrDA_Slave.

    Transmit and receive data in UART IrDA mode. This sample code needs to work with UART_IrDA_Master.

    Transmit LIN header and response.

    Transmit and receive UART data with PDMA.

    Transmit and receive data in UART RS485 mode. This sample code needs to work with UART_RS485_Slave.

    Transmit and receive data in UART RS485 mode. This sample code needs to work with UART_RS485_Master.

    Transmit and receive data from PC terminal through RS232 interface.

    Show how to wake up system form Power-down mode by UART interrupt.

    Implement a USB audio class device with HID key. NAU8822 is used in this sample code to play the audio data from Host. It also supports to record data from NAU8822 to Host.

    Demonstrate how to implement a USB audio class device. NAU8822 is used in this sample code to play the audio data from Host. It also supports to record data from NAU8822 to Host. USBD_HID_Keyboard
    Show how to implement a USB keyboard device. This sample code supports to use GPIO to simulate key input.

    Show how to implement a USB mouse device. The mouse cursor will move automatically when this mouse device connecting to PC by USB.

    Demonstrate how to implement a USB mouse function and a USB keyboard on the same USB device. The mouse cursor will move automatically when this mouse device connecting to PC. This sample code uses a GPIO to simulate key input.

    Transfer data between USB device and PC through USB HID interface. A windows tool is also included in this sample code to connect with USB device.

    Demonstrate how to implement a composite device (HID Transfer and keyboard). Transfer data between USB device and PC through USB HID interface. A windows tool is also included in this sample code to connect with USB device.

    Demonstrate how to implement a composite device (HID Transfer and Mass storage). Transfer data between USB

    device and PC through USB HID interface. A windows tool is also included in this sample code to connect with a USB device.

    Demonstrate how to simulate a USB CD-ROM device.

    Use embedded data flash as storage to implement a USB Mass-Storage device.

    Show how to implement a USB micro printer device.

    Demonstrate how to implement a composite device (USB micro printer device and HID Transfer). Transfer data between USB device and PC through USB HID interface. A windows tool is also included in this sample code to connect with a USB device.

    Implement a USB composite device with virtual COM port and keyboard functions.

    Demonstrate how to implement a composite device (VCOM and HID Transfer). It supports one virtual COM port and transfers data between USB device and PC through USB HID interface. A windows tool is also included in this sample code to connect with a USB device.

    Implement a USB composite device. It supports one virtual COM port and one USB Mass-Storage device.

    Demonstrate how to implement a USB dual virtual COM port device.

    Implement a USB virtual COM port device. It supports one virtual COM port.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhugeanran/p/8508463.html
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