#法一:存在缺陷,传入旧值必须符合变量命名规则 def change_name(file_name, **kwargs): '''传入需要修改的文件名,并以keyword(旧字符)= value(新字符)形式传入需要修改的内容''' import os for key in kwargs: old = key new = kwargs[key] with open(rf"{file_name}",mode="rt",encoding="utf-8") as f, open(r".new_swap.txt",mode="wt",encoding="utf-8") as f1: for line in f: new_line = line.replace(old,new) f1.write(new_line) os.remove(rf"{file_name}") os.rename(r".new_swap.txt",rf"{file_name}") change_name("a.txt",n="1",b="2") #法二:新旧交替传入,虽然旧值无限制,但需更改值较多时,易混淆新旧值 def change_name2(file_name,*args): import os if len(args) % 2 == 1: print("输入参数个数有误!") return for i in range(len(args)): if i % 2 == 0: with open(rf"{file_name}",mode="rt",encoding="utf-8") as f, open(r".new.swap.txt",mode="wt",encoding="utf-8") as f1: for line in f: new_line = line.replace(args[i],args[i+1]) f1.write(new_line) os.remove(rf"{file_name}") os.rename(r".new.swap.txt",rf"{file_name}") change_name2("a.txt","a","b","c","d")
2、写函数,计算传入字符串中【数字】、【字母】、【空格] 以及 【其他】的个数
def count(*args): dic = {} l = ["数字","字母","空格","其他"] for s_str in args: dic[s_str] = {}.fromkeys(l,0) s_l = list(s_str) for elm in s_l: if "9" >= elm >= "0": dic[s_str]["数字"] += 1 elif "z" >= elm >= "a" or "Z" >= elm >= "A": dic[s_str]["字母"] += 1 elif elm == " ": dic[s_str]["空格"] += 1 else: dic[s_str]["其他"] += 1 print(f"{s_str}: {dic[s_str]}") count("Who are you, 9527?","I'm your father!") """ Who are you, 9527?: {'数字': 4, '字母': 9, '空格': 3, '其他': 2} I'm your father!: {'数字': 0, '字母': 12, '空格': 2, '其他': 2} """
def length_5(*args): print("长度是否大于5".center(50,"-")) dic = {} for elm in args: if str(type(elm)) in ("<class 'dict'>", "<class 'list'>", "<class 'str'>"): if len(elm) >= 5: if str(type(elm)) == "<class 'list'>" or str(type(elm)) == "<class 'dict'>": dic[str(elm)] = True else: dic[elm] = True else: if str(type(elm)) == "<class 'list'>" or str(type(elm)) == "<class 'dict'>": dic[str(elm)] = False else: dic[elm] = False else: print(f"不可输入{type(elm)}类型") return for key in dic: print(f"{key}:{dic[key]}") length_5("aaa","bbb") """ ---------------------长度是否大于5---------------------- aaa:False bbb:False """
def check_length(c_list): if str(type(c_list)) in ( "<class 'list'>", "<class 'str'>"): if len(c_list) > 2: if str(type(c_list)) == "<class 'list'>": new_list = [c_list[0],c_list[1]] else: new_list = c_list[0:2] return new_list else: return c_list else: print(f"不可输入{type(c_list)}类型") l = {} l = check_length(l) print(l) # [1, 2]
def odd_index(lt): new_l = [] # if not lt: for i in range(len(lt)): if i % 2 == 0: new_l.append(lt[i]) return new_l print(odd_index([1,2,3,4,5,])) # [1, 3, 5]
dic = {"k1": "v1v1", "k2": [11,22,33,44]}
def check_dic(dic_2): for key in dic_2: dic_2[key] = check_length(dic[key]) return dic_2 print(check_dic(dic))