• Opengl绘制我们的小屋(四)第三人称漫游





     1 type ThreeCamera() = 
     2         let camera = new Camera()
     3         let mutable toEye = 1.f
     4         member this.Eye with get() = camera.Eye 
     5         member this.Target with get() = camera.Target
     6         member this.Location 
     7             with get() = 
     8                 let mutable tv = camera.Target-camera.Eye
     9                 tv.Normalize()
    10                 camera.Eye + tv * toEye
    11         member this.ToEye with get() = toEye and set value = toEye <- value
    12         member this.Transelt (x,y,z) = 
    13             camera.Transelt(x,y,z)          
    14         //左右对中心转     
    15         member this.RightAndLeft x =            
    16             let origin = this.Location
    17             let oe = camera.Eye - origin
    18             let length = oe.Length
    19             let oex = Vector2(oe.X,oe.Z)
    20             let oez = Vector2(-oe.Z,oe.X)
    21             let sinLR =length *  float32 (Math.Sin(x))
    22             let cosLR =length *  float32 (Math.Cos(x))  
    23         //得到摄像机新位置
    24             let newEye = oex * cosLR + oez * sinLR + Vector2(origin.X,origin.Z)
    25             camera.Eye <- Vector3(newEye.X,camera.Eye.Y,newEye.Y)
    26         //重新调整摄像机的方向
    27         camera.XAngle <- camera.XAngle + x
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     1     type Camera() = 
     2         let mutable origin = Vector3.Zero
     3         let mutable length = 1.
     4         let mutable yangle = 0.
     5         let mutable xangle= Math.PI/2.
     6         let mutable bThree = true
     7         do
     8             if not bThree then xangle <- Math.PI/2. else xangle <- 1.5*Math.PI            
     9         member this.IsThree 
    10             with get() = bThree 
    11             and set value = 
    12                 //if value then this.Origin <- this.Target
    13                 xangle <- xangle + Math.PI
    14                 bThree <- value
    15         member this.Eye 
    16             with get() = 
    17                 let mutable eye = this.Origin
    18                 if bThree then eye <- this.Direction
    19                 eye
    20         member this.People 
    21             with get() = 
    22                 let mutable people = this.Origin
    23                 if not bThree then people <- this.Direction
    24                 people
    25         member this.Target 
    26              with get() = 
    27                 let mutable target = this.Direction
    28                 if bThree then target <- this.Origin
    29                 target
    30         member this.Origin 
    31             with get() = origin 
    32             and set value = origin <- value
    33         member this.Length 
    34             with get() = length 
    35             and set value = 
    36                 if value < 0. then length <- 0.1
    37                 length <- value
    38         member this.YAngle 
    39             with get() = yangle
    40             and set value = 
    41                 if value > Math.PI/2. then yangle <- Math.PI/2.
    42                 elif value < -Math.PI/2. then yangle <- -Math.PI/2.
    43                 else yangle <- value
    44         member this.XAngle 
    45             with get() = xangle
    46             and set value = 
    47                 if value > 2.* Math.PI then xangle <- value - 2.* Math.PI
    48                 elif value < 0. then xangle <- value + 2. * Math.PI
    49                 else xangle <- value       
    50         member this.PeopleAngle 
    51             with get()=
    52                 let mutable angle = this.XAngle + Math.PI/2.
    53                 angle
    54         member this.Direction 
    55             with get() = 
    56                 let mutable len = 1.
    57                 if bThree then len <- length
    58                 let xyLength = Math.Cos(this.YAngle) * len
    59                 let x:float =float origin.X + xyLength * Math.Cos(this.XAngle)
    60                 let y:float =float origin.Y + len * Math.Sin(this.YAngle)
    61                 let z:float =float origin.Z + xyLength * Math.Sin(this.XAngle)
    62                 Vector3(float32 x,float32 y,float32 z)
    63         member this.Transelt (x,y,z) = 
    64             let sinX = Math.Sin(this.XAngle)
    65             let cosX = Math.Cos(this.XAngle)
    66             let mutable xstep = x * sinX + z * cosX 
    67             let mutable zstep = z * sinX - x * cosX
    68             if bThree then 
    69                 xstep <- -xstep
    70                 zstep <- -zstep
    71             let x1 = float origin.X + xstep
    72             let y1 = float origin.Y + y
    73             let z1 = float origin.Z + zstep 
    74             printfn "angle:%f, sinx:%f, cosx:%f" this.XAngle sinX cosX
    75             printfn "x:%f, y:%f, z:%f" x1 y1 z1
    76             origin <- new Vector3(float32 x1,float32 y1,float32 z1)
    77         member this.Rotate (x,y) =
    78             let xa = this.XAngle + x
    79             let mutable ystep = y
    80             if bThree then ystep <- -y
    81             let ya =this.YAngle + ystep
    82             this.YAngle <- ya
    83             this.XAngle <- xa
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhouxin/p/3430558.html
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