单例模式(Singleton Pattern)是一种常用的软件设计模式,该模式的主要目的是确保某一个类只有一个实例存在。当你希望在整个系统中,某个类只能出现一个实例时,单例对象就能派上用场。
- 使用模块
- 使用
- 使用装饰器(decorator)
- 使用元类(metaclass)
- 使用类方法
1. 使用__new__()
import threading Lock = threading.Lock() # 加锁为了保证线程安全 class Foo(object): __isinstance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # 如果发现__isinstance 有值了直接返回,不进锁了 if not cls.__isinstance: with Lock: if not cls.__isinstance: cls.__isinstance = super(Foo,cls).__new__(cls) return cls.__isinstance obj = Foo() obj2 = Foo() print(obj,obj2)
2. 模块导入
其实,Python 的模块就是天然的单例模式,因为模块在第一次导入时,会生成 .pyc
文件,当第二次导入时,就会直接加载 .pyc
# mysingleton.py class My_Singleton(object): def foo(self): pass my_singleton = My_Singleton()
将上面的代码保存在文件 mysingleton.py
from mysingleton import my_singleton my_singleton.foo()
3. 使用装饰器
def Singleton(cls): _instance = {} def _singleton(*args, **kargs): if cls not in _instance: _instance[cls] = cls(*args, **kargs) return _instance[cls] return _singleton @Singleton class A(object): a = 1 def __init__(self, x = 0): self.x = x a1 = A(2) a2 = A(3) print id(a1) print id(a2) print a1.x print a2.x ''''' ---------------------------------------- 45838576 45838576 2 2 '''
4. 使用元类
示例化一个类的时候,如果他有元类,先执行元类的__call__方法,cll方法的第一个参数就是子类,先执行子类的__new__,子类没有执行objects的__new__,实例化后执行初始化__init__ ,修改isinstance的值并返回
import threading Lock = threading.Lock() class Singleton(type): def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(cls,"isinstance"): with Lock: if not hasattr(cls,"isinstance"): obj = cls.__new__(cls,*args,**kwargs) obj.__init__(*args,**kwargs) setattr(cls,"isinstance",obj) return getattr(cls,"isinstance") return getattr(cls,"isinstance") class Foo(object,metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): self.name = "zhou" obj = Foo() obj2 = Foo() print(obj,obj2)
5. 使用类方法的单例模式
import threading import time class Foo(object): instance = None lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self): self.a1 = 1 self.a2 = 2 import time import random time.sleep(2) @classmethod def get_instance(cls,*args,**kwargs): if not cls.instance: with cls.lock: if not cls.instance: obj = cls(*args,**kwargs) cls.instance = obj return cls.instance return cls.instance def task(): obj = Foo.get_instance() print(obj) import threading for i in range(5): t = threading.Thread(target=task,) t.start() time.sleep(10) # 实例化时调用get_instance Foo.get_instance()