• pic18f46j50一些驱动总结



    #include <xc.h>
    #include <plib.h>
    void capture2Init(void);
    void capture2Start(void);
    void capture2Close(void);
    /** void capture2Init(void);
    * @param a param描述参数
    * @return return void
    * @see
    * @note
    void capture2Init(void)

    TRISA1 = 1; //设置为输入
    CCP2IE = 0;
    CCP2IF = 0;
    CCP2IP = 1; //优先级设置为高
    CCP2CON = 0;
    CCP2CONbits.CCP2M = 0X04; //falling edge capture Mode;5,rising
    RPINR8 = 1; //IC2R<4:0>此处选择RP1.可以选择多任意一个RPx作为输入捕获
    PPSLock(); //锁住Io remap
    TCLKCON = 0X12; //OK,选Timer3,PWM也用到此寄存器不可乱改
    TMR3H = 0;
    TMR3L = 0;
    T3CON = 0B00000011;//crystal driver on ,RD16,TMR3ON = 1;
    CCPR2H = 0;
    CCPR2L = 0;

    /** void captureStart(void);
    * @param a param描述参数
    * @return return void
    * @see
    * @note
    void capture2Start(void)
    PIE2bits.CCP2IE = 1; // Enable the interrupt
    /** void captureClose(void);
    * @param a param描述参数
    * @return return void
    * @see
    * @note
    void capture2Close(void)
    PIE2bits.CCP2IE = 0; // disEnable the interrupt



    #include <xc.h>
    #include <plib.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    // #pragma config statements should precede project file includes./编译配置报表应先于项目文件包括。
    // Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF. /项目使用枚举而不是#定义和关闭。
    #pragma config DEBUG=ON //必须使能DEBUG,否则调试有异常
    #pragma config XINST=OFF //不使用扩展指令集

    #pragma config PLLDIV=3 //Oscillator divided by 3 (12 MHz input)
    #pragma config OSC=HS //High-Speed Crystal/Resonator mode,PLL always disabled, crystal/resonator connected between RA6 and RA7
    对于EC 和HS 模式,可以使用PLLEN(软件)或PLLCFG (CONFIG1H<4>)位来使能PLL。对于 INTIOx 模式(HF-INTOSC):
    1.有PLLEN 可以使能PLL(PLLCFG 会被忽略)。
    2.当振荡器配置为内部振荡器(FOSC<3:0> = 100x)时,只有在HF-INTOSC 频率为4、8 或16 MHz 时才能使能PLL。。*/、

    #pragma config DSBOREN=OFF //关闭欠压复位,BOREN=OFF;BODEN=OFF为PIC16F877A的欠压复位使能端。
    #pragma config WDTEN=OFF //关闭看门狗
    #pragma config WDTPS=256 //WDT后分频比为1:256约为1.024S
    #pragma config STVREN=ON //堆栈下溢、满不会导致复位
    // CONFIG5L//看门狗关闭 上电延时定时器打开 低电压复位禁止 没有代码保护
    #pragma config CP0=OFF //代码保护关闭/代码保护00800-01fff(禁用)
    #pragma config WPCFG=OFF //不写保护/不写保护00800-01FFF-03FFF(禁用)
    #pragma config WPDIS=OFF

    void delayms(uint ms);
    static void sys_init(void);
    extern void USART1Init(void);
    unsigned char msg[] = "Hello ";
    uchar T1count = 0, rx1_cnt = 0;
    uchar rx1_buf[USART_CONTS_MAX] = { 0x00 };
    unsigned int capCont = 0;
    u16Union_t captureDataOrig[CAPTCONTMAX];
    uchar portbData = 0;
    /** 主函数main
    void main(void)

    uint i;
    while (1)
    PORTBbits.RB4 = !PORTBbits.RB4;
    USART1Send(msg, 7);
    void delayms(uint ms)
    uint i;
    TMR1IE = 0;
    TMR1IF = 0;
    for (i = 0; i<ms; i++)
    TMR1L = 0xC0;
    TMR1H = 0x63; // 10ms //按照4MHZ实测准确
    T1CON = 0B00000111;
    while (!TMR1IF);
    TMR1IF = 0; //必须软件清零
    T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 0;
    T1CON = 0B00000110;

    /** static void tmr0_init(void)
    static void tmr0_init(void)
    TMR0L = 0xDF;//5ms
    TMR0H = 0xB1;
    T0CON = 0b00001000;
    T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 1;

    /** static void sys_init(void)
    static void sys_init(void)

    ANCON0 = 0XFF;//先禁止掉ADC功能,设置为io功能
    ANCON1 = 0X1F;
    PORTB = 0xFF;
    RCON = 0x80; //0x80;IPEN=1 interrupt priority enble,
    IPR1bits.RCIP = 1; //优先级设置 0,低优先级
    INTCON2bits.TMR0IP = 0; //优先级设置 1,低优先级
    CCP2IP = 1; //优先级设置 1,
    CCP1IP = 1; //优先级设置 1,
    //INTCON2=0x00; //中断使能设置,0禁止;1使能
    TRISB4 = 0; // led, 0是输出!
    TRISB5 = 0; // led, 0是输出!

    INTCON = 0b11110000;//INT0 IE=1打开全局中断,TIM0中断

    /** void interrupt high_isr (void)
    * 串口1 接收数据中断
    void interrupt high_priority high_isr(void)
    if (PIR1bits.RC1IF == 1)
    rx1_buf[rx1_cnt] = RCREG1;
    if (rx1_cnt < USART_CONTS_MAX)
    PIR1bits.RC1IF = 0;

    if (CCP2IF == 1)
    CCP2IF = 0;
    if (capCont < CAPTCONTMAX)
    captureDataOrig[capCont].m_u8Array[1] = CCPR2H;
    captureDataOrig[capCont].m_u8Array[0] = CCPR2L;
    capCont = 0;
    if ((CCP2CON & 0x0f) == 0x04)//目前这种方式造成不准确。
    CCP2CONbits.CCP2M = 0X05; //上升沿
    CCP2CONbits.CCP2M = 0X04;//下降沿
    TMR3H = 0;
    TMR3L = 0;
    if (INT0IF) //总是高优先级
    INT0IF = 0;

    /** void interrupt high_isr (void)
    * T0 中断

    void interrupt low_priority low_isr(void)
    if (PIR1bits.TMR2IF == 1)
    PIR1bits.TMR2IF = 0;
    if (INTCONbits.TMR0IF == 1)
    TMR0L = 0xDF;//5ms
    TMR0H = 0xB1;
    if (T1count>50)
    T1count = 0;//1500ms
    RB5 = !RB5;
    INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;

    if (RBIF == 1) //PORTB口RB电平变化中断
    RBIF = 0;
    portbData = (PORTB & 0XF0);
    if (RB4 == 0) // 有键按下



    #include <xc.h>
    #include <plib.h>
    void PWM_Init(void);
    void PWM_setDutyCycle(uint DutyCycle);
    void PWM_setPeriod(uchar newPeriod);
    /** void PWM_Init(void)
    * @param a param描述参数
    * @return return void
    * @see
    * @note
    void PWM_Init(void)

    TRISB3 = 0;
    CCP1CONbits.CCP1M = 0X0C;
    PSTR1CONbits.STRA = 1;
    RPOR6 = 14;//RP6引脚对应第14个功能,即PWM输出
    TCLKCON = 0X12;
    T4CONbits.T4CKPS = 0;
    T4CONbits.TMR4ON = 1;
    /** void PWM_setPeriod(uchar newPeriod)
    * @param a param描述参数
    * @return return void
    * @see
    * @note

    void PWM_setDutyCycle(uint DutyCycle)
    uint newDutyCycle;
    newDutyCycle = ((DutyCycle << 3) + (DutyCycle << 2));
    CCPR1L = (newDutyCycle >> 2);
    CCP1CONbits.DC1B = 0x00;
    CCP1CONbits.DC1B |= newDutyCycle;

    /** void PWM_setPeriod(uchar newPeriod)
    * @param a param描述参数
    * @return return void
    * @see
    * @note
    void PWM_setPeriod(uchar newPeriod)

    uchar Period;
    Period = newPeriod + newPeriod + newPeriod;
    PR4 = (Period - 1);


    #ifndef _SYSALL_H_
    #define _SYSALL_H_
    #ifndef __18F26J50
    #define __18F26J50
    typedef unsigned int uint;
    typedef unsigned char uchar;
    #define USART_CONTS_MAX 32
    #define CAPTCONTMAX 500

    * u16Union_t
    * 方便不同的任务访问,特别适合既要比较又要存贮序列化的场合

    typedef union {
    uint m_Uint;
    uchar m_u8Array[2];
    } u16Union_t;

    void delayms(uint ms);
    void USART1Send(char * data, uint length);
    void PWM_Init(void);
    void PWM_setDutyCycle(uint DutyCycle);
    void PWM_setPeriod(uchar newPeriod);

    void capture2Init(void);
    void capture2Start(void);
    void capture2Close(void);

    #endif // _AS10F200_H_

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhihui-3669/p/13041384.html
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