• Asp 使用 Microsoft.XMLHTTP 抓取网页内容无乱码处理,并过滤须要的内容

    Asp 使用 Microsoft.XMLHTTP 抓取网页内容。并过滤须要的内容

    Asp 使用 Microsoft.XMLHTTP 抓取网页内容无乱码处理,并过滤须要的内容


     Dim xmlUrl,http,strHTML,strBody
     xmlUrl = Request.QueryString("u")
     REM 异步读取XML源
     Set http = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") 
     http.Open "POST",xmlUrl,false
     http.setrequestheader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0"
     http.setrequestheader "Connection", "Keep-Alive"
     http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
     strHTML = BytesToBstr(http.ResponseBody)
     set http = nothing
     REM 抓取主要内容
     strBody = GetBody(strHTML,"<div id=""Div_newsContentc"" class=""cnt"">","</div>",0,0)
     strBody =Replace(strBody,"(本文首发于","")
     strBody =Replace(strBody,"財富动力网</a>。转载请注明出处。)","")
     strBody =Replace(strBody,"本文首发于,转载请注明出处。

    )","") strBody =Replace(strBody,"財富动力网</a>:http://www.927953.com","") strBody =Replace(strBody,"本文首发于","") Response.Write RegRemoveHref(strBody) REM 获取相应网址响应的HTML Function BytesToBstr(body) dim objstream set objstream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") objstream.Type = 1 objstream.Mode =3 objstream.Open objstream.Write body objstream.Position = 0 objstream.Type = 2 objstream.Charset = "UTF-8" '转换原来默认的UTF-8编码转换成GB2312编码。否则直接用 'XMLHTTP调用有中文字符的网页得到的将是乱码 BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadText objstream.Close set objstream = nothing End Function REM 使用正則表達式。抓取标签之内的的内容 Function GetBody(ConStr,StartStr,OverStr,IncluL,IncluR) If ConStr="$False$" or ConStr="" or IsNull(ConStr)=True Or StartStr="" or IsNull(StartStr)=True Or OverStr="" or IsNull(OverStr)=True Then GetBody="$False$" Exit Function End If Dim ConStrTemp Dim Start,Over ConStrTemp=Lcase(ConStr) StartStr=Lcase(StartStr) OverStr=Lcase(OverStr) Start = InStrB(1, ConStrTemp, StartStr, vbBinaryCompare) If Start<=0 then GetBody="$False$" Exit Function Else If IncluL=False Then Start=Start+LenB(StartStr) End If End If Over=InStrB(Start,ConStrTemp,OverStr,vbBinaryCompare) If Over<=0 Or Over<=Start then GetBody="$False$" Exit Function Else If IncluR=True Then Over=Over+LenB(OverStr) End If End If GetBody=MidB(ConStr,Start,Over-Start) End Function REM 过滤a超链接 Function RegRemoveHref(HTMLstr) Dim ClsTempLoseStr,regEx ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(HTMLstr) Set regEx = New RegExp regEx.Pattern = "<(/){0,1}a[^<>]*>" regEx.IgnoreCase = True regEx.Global = True ClsTempLoseStr = regEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"") RegRemoveHref = ClsTempLoseStr Set regEx = Nothing End Function %>


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhchoutai/p/8283861.html
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