• 【转】必知的五条生活教训




    5 life lessons you will learn the hard way

    1.It takes consistent time and effort to be an expert in any area.

    This is the first and foremost thing to keep in mind. People usually get discouraged when it takes more time than they thought it will. One thing to keep in mind is that people refer only to people who have already achieved what you want to be, which most people fail to do. They look at other unsuccessful people and apply those criteria to them even before they take action. Look at any successful person and you’ll notice one thing common in all of them. They took time to learn and mastered their craft like no one else. There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs.

    2.You don't have to live your life in a way society wants you to.

    Decades of old beliefs, superstitions and rituals are being performed these days and are followed blindly without questioning their rationale. Parents sometimes force their children to select a career they don't want because other children have selected that career. Girls are made to follow some rituals in their family which makes no sense to them at all. Worst of all, people follow them without even asking. There is no harm in old rituals and beliefs but when you pursue them before your interest, sooner or later you'll realize that you should first do what you think is right.

    3.We don't care about the things we get easily.

    This is true in all the areas of life. Take health for example. Very few people take their health seriously. They know that if their health is lost, they won’t be happy, still they eat junk food and never exercise, keep accumulating fat and keep spending on weight loss programs. Still nothing works. Why? Because they don’t take their health seriously and the real reason behind that is they have got it for free. We spend thousands on cars and take care of them nicely. Imagine what would have been the price of human body if we had to pay for it? And then imagine how well we would take care of it if we had paid a huge amount of money to get our body.

    4.In a world where everyone is trying to be like someone else, it takes great amount of courage to take the road less traveled.

    In our whole life, we are always asking ten people before taking any step. We always want to validate that we are sure and do not make any mistake. We are too scared to fail hence, we follow the same path that everyone suggests, do the same thing everyone does, take the same career path everyone takes, wear the same clothes everyone wears, and hang out with the same people we work with. Why? Because we are scared. But when you get bored of life, you realize that you are not meant to do what everyone does and that your destiny is different than anyone else’s out there in the world. But the price we pay to realize this is high because it takes a tremendous amount of guts to follow your own trail by listening to your heart.


    5.You have to break the rules sometimes.

    We follow rules so that things are in order and no one is disturbed unnecessarily. This is true in case of traffic and other company rules but when it comes to your life, there are rules made by people who are scared to do something apart from their routine and therefore they made rules to prevent others doing so. But when time passes by and you think you are not being directed towards your goal and these so called rules are your biggest obstacles, BREAK THEM. Sometimes, we need to be bold and act courageously.

    After all, life lessons are always learned the hard way. However, if you are smart enough to learn early and wish not to waste your precious time learning them the hard way, learn them now and apply it to your life as soon as possible.

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