• perl 使用use utf8

    jrhapt12:/home/tomcat> cat a1.pl
    use Encode;
    open (LOG1 ,"<",'/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.55_8082/logs/catalina.out') or die  $!;
                         while (<LOG1>) {
    					#2016-03-09 09:35:12,380 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的验证码为132435,本验证码5分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
    					if ( ($phone) and ($_ =~/$phone/) and ($_ =~/SMSUtils/) ){$str=$_;
    					next if ($str !~ /验证/);
    					print "$str is $str
    					push (@arr1 ,$str);
    					close LOG1;
    print "@arr1 is @arr1
    print "
    jrhapt12:/home/tomcat> perl a1.pl
    $str is 2016-05-01 07:34:45,429 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的验证码为344401,本验证码5分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
    @arr1 is 2016-05-01 07:34:45,429 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的验证码为344401,本验证码5分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
    加上use utf8后,再测试:
    jrhapt12:/home/tomcat> cat a1.pl
    use Encode;
    use utf8;
    open (LOG1 ,"<",'/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.55_8082/logs/catalina.out') or die  $!;
                         while (<LOG1>) {
    					#2016-03-09 09:35:12,380 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的验证码为132435,本验证码5分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
    					if ( ($phone) and ($_ =~/$phone/) and ($_ =~/SMSUtils/) ){print "$_ is $_
    					next if ($str !~ /验证/);
    					print "$str is $str
    					push (@arr1 ,$str);
    					close LOG1;
    print "@arr1 is @arr1
    print "
    jrhapt12:/home/tomcat> perl a1.pl
    $_ is 2016-05-01 07:34:45,429 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的验证码为344401,本验证码5分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
    @arr1 is 
    jrhapt12:/home/tomcat> cat a1.pl 
    use utf8;
    use Encode;
    open (LOG1 ,"<",'/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.55_8082/logs/catalina.out') or die  $!;
                         while (<LOG1>) {
    					#2016-03-09 09:35:12,380 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的验证码为132435,本验证码5分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
    					if ( ($phone) and ($_ =~/$phone/) and ($_ =~/SMSUtils/) ){$str=$_;
    					my $d=encode_utf8('验证');
    					next if ($str !~ /$d/);
    					print "$str is $str
    					push (@arr1 ,$str);
    					close LOG1;
    print "@arr1 is @arr1
    print "
    jrhapt12:/home/tomcat> perl a1.pl
    $str is 2016-05-01 07:34:45,429 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的验证码为344401,本验证码5分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
    @arr1 is 2016-05-01 07:34:45,429 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的验证码为344401,本验证码5分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaoyangjian724/p/6200114.html
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