• 【DRP】-Dao层常用功能代码:增删改查



    1. C(Controller)控制器,主要职责;1、取得表单参数;2、调用业务逻辑;3、转向页面
    2. M(Model)模型,主要职责:1、业务逻辑;2、保存数据的状态
    3. V(View)视图,主要职责:显示


      1 package com.bjpowernode.drp.basedata.dao;
      3 import java.sql.Connection;
      4 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
      5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
      6 import java.sql.SQLException;
      7 import java.util.ArrayList;
      8 import java.util.List;
     10 import com.bjpowernode.drp.basedata.domain.Item;
     11 import com.bjpowernode.drp.util.ApplicationException;
     12 import com.bjpowernode.drp.util.DbUtil;
     13 import com.bjpowernode.drp.util.PageModel;
     14 import com.bjpowernode.drp.util.datadict.domain.ItemCategory;
     15 import com.bjpowernode.drp.util.datadict.domain.ItemUnit;
     17 public class ItemDao4OracleImpl implements ItemDao {
     18     //增加物料信息
     19     public void addItem(Connection conn, Item item) {
     20         String sql = "insert into t_items (item_no, item_name, spec, pattern, item_category_id, item_unit_id) ";
     21             sql+=" values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
     22         PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
     23         try {
     24             //Dao的设计粒度一般是细粒度的,如果没有特殊需求,Dao和Manager粒度可以一样,不同考虑太多
     25             //Dao的设计是比较单纯的,不应该放入过多的业务逻辑(业务规则)
     26             //如果放置了业务逻辑,有些Manager不采用此业务逻辑,这样这个Dao方法就没有复用率了
     27             //对于我们的应用来说Dao最底层的,所以应该越通用越好
     28 //            if (findItemById(conn, item.getItemNo()) != null) {
     29 //                throw new ApplicationException("物料代码已经存在,代码=" + item.getItemNo()  + "");
     30 //            }
     31             pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
     32             pstmt.setString(1, item.getItemNo());
     33             pstmt.setString(2, item.getItemName());
     34             pstmt.setString(3, item.getSpec());
     35             pstmt.setString(4, item.getPattern());
     36             pstmt.setString(5, item.getItemCategory().getId());
     37             pstmt.setString(6, item.getItemUnit().getId());
     38             pstmt.executeUpdate();
     39         }catch(SQLException e) {
     40             e.printStackTrace();
     41             //System.out.println("errorCode=" + e.getErrorCode());
     42             //System.out.println("description=" + e.getMessage());
     43 //            if (e.getErrorCode() == 1) {
     44 //                throw new ApplicationException("物料代码已经存在,代码【" + item.getItemNo()  + "】");
     45 //            }
     46             throw new ApplicationException("添加物料失败!");
     47         }finally {
     48             DbUtil.close(pstmt);
     49         }
     50     }
     51     //删除物料信息数组
     52     public void delItem(Connection conn, String[] itemNos) {
     53         StringBuffer sbString = new StringBuffer(); 
     54         for (int i=0; i<itemNos.length; i++) {
     55             sbString.append("?");
     56             if (i < (itemNos.length - 1)) {
     57                 sbString.append(",");
     58             }
     59         }
     60         String sql = "delete from t_items where item_no in(" + sbString.toString()  + ")";
     61         PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
     62         try {
     63             pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
     64             for (int i=0; i<itemNos.length; i++) {
     65                 pstmt.setString(i+1, itemNos[i]);
     66             }
     67             pstmt.executeUpdate();
     68         }catch(SQLException e) {
     69             e.printStackTrace();
     70             throw new ApplicationException("删除物料失败!");
     71         }finally {
     72             DbUtil.close(pstmt);
     73         }
     74     }
     75     //通过Id查询物料信息
     76     public Item findItemById(Connection conn, String itemNo) {
     77         StringBuffer sbSql = new StringBuffer();
     78         //第一中方法
     79         sbSql.append("select a.item_no, a.item_name, a.spec, a.pattern, a.item_category_id, ")
     80              .append("b.name as item_category_name, a.item_unit_id, c.name as item_unit_name ")
     81              .append("from t_items a, t_data_dict b, t_data_dict c ")
     82              .append("where a.item_category_id=b.id and a.item_unit_id=c.id and a.item_no=?");
     84 //        //第二中方法         
     85 //        sbSql.append("select a.item_no, a.item_name, a.spec, a.pattern, a.category as category_id, ")
     86 //             .append("(select b.name from t_data_dict b where a.category=b.id) as category_name, ")
     87 //             .append("a.unit as unit_id, ")
     88 //             .append("(select c.name from t_data_dict c where a.unit=c.id) as unit_name ")
     89 //             .append("from t_items a where a.item_no=?");
     91         //通常采用日志组件记录,如log4j, 级别:info,debug,error...
     93         PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
     94         ResultSet rs = null;
     95         Item item = null;
     96         try {
     97             pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sbSql.toString());
     98             pstmt.setString(1, itemNo);
     99             rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
    100             if (rs.next()) {
    101                 item = new Item();
    102                 item.setItemNo(rs.getString("item_no"));
    103                 item.setItemName(rs.getString("item_name"));
    104                 item.setSpec(rs.getString("spec"));
    105                 item.setPattern(rs.getString("pattern"));
    106                 //构造ItemCategory
    107                 ItemCategory ic = new ItemCategory();
    108                 ic.setId(rs.getString("item_category_id"));
    109                 ic.setName(rs.getString("item_category_name"));
    110                 item.setItemCategory(ic);
    113                 //构造ItemUnit
    114                 ItemUnit iu = new ItemUnit();
    115                 iu.setId(rs.getString("item_unit_id"));
    116                 iu.setName(rs.getString("item_unit_name"));
    117                 item.setItemUnit(iu);
    118             }
    119         }catch(SQLException e) {
    120             e.printStackTrace();
    121             //记录到日志文件 error
    122             throw new ApplicationException("根据物料代码查询出错,物料代码[" + itemNo + "]");
    123         }finally {
    124             DbUtil.close(rs);
    125             DbUtil.close(pstmt);
    126         }
    127         return item;
    128     }
    129     //根据pageNO、pageSize、condation显示很多物料信息列表
    130     public PageModel findItemList(Connection conn, int pageNo, int pageSize, String condation) {
    131         StringBuffer sbSql = new StringBuffer();
    133         //第一中方法
    134 //        sbSql.append("select a.item_no, a.item_name, a.spec, a.pattern, a.item_category_id, ")
    135 //             .append("b.name as item_category_name, a.item_unit_id, c.name as item_unit_name ")
    136 //             .append("from t_items a, t_data_dict b, t_data_dict c ")
    137 //             .append("where a.item_category_id=b.id and a.item_unit_id=c.id and a.item_no=?");
    139 //        //第二中方法         
    140 //        sbSql.append("select a.item_no, a.item_name, a.spec, a.pattern, a.category as category_id, ")
    141 //             .append("(select b.name from t_data_dict b where a.category=b.id) as category_name, ")
    142 //             .append("a.unit as unit_id, ")
    143 //             .append("(select c.name from t_data_dict c where a.unit=c.id) as unit_name ")
    144 //             .append("from t_items a where a.item_no=?");
    146         sbSql.append("select * ")
    147             .append("from (")
    148                 .append("select i.*, rownum rn from (")
    149                 .append("select a.item_no, a.item_name, a.spec, a.pattern, a.item_category_id, ")
    150                 .append("b.name as item_category_name, a.item_unit_id, c.name as item_unit_name ")
    151                 .append("from t_items a, t_data_dict b, t_data_dict c ")
    152                 .append("where a.item_category_id=b.id and a.item_unit_id=c.id  ");
    153                 if (condation != null && !"".equals(condation)) {
    154                     sbSql.append(" and (a.item_no like '" + condation + "%' or a.item_name like '" + condation + "%') ");
    155                 }
    156                 sbSql.append(" order by a.item_no")
    157                 .append(") i where rownum<=? ")
    158                 .append(") ")
    159                 .append("where rn >? ");
    160         System.out.println("sql=" + sbSql.toString());
    162         //通常采用日志组件记录,如log4j, 级别:info,debug,error...
    163         PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    164         ResultSet rs = null;
    165         PageModel pageModel = null;
    166         try {
    167             pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sbSql.toString());
    168             pstmt.setInt(1, pageNo * pageSize);
    169             pstmt.setInt(2, (pageNo - 1) * pageSize);
    170             rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
    171             List itemList = new ArrayList();
    172             while (rs.next()) {
    173                 Item item = new Item();
    174                 item.setItemNo(rs.getString("item_no"));
    175                 item.setItemName(rs.getString("item_name"));
    176                 item.setSpec(rs.getString("spec"));
    177                 item.setPattern(rs.getString("pattern"));
    178                 //构造ItemCategory
    179                 ItemCategory ic = new ItemCategory();
    180                 ic.setId(rs.getString("item_category_id"));
    181                 ic.setName(rs.getString("item_category_name"));
    182                 item.setItemCategory(ic);
    184                 //构造ItemUnit
    185                 ItemUnit iu = new ItemUnit();
    186                 iu.setId(rs.getString("item_unit_id"));
    187                 iu.setName(rs.getString("item_unit_name"));
    188                 item.setItemUnit(iu);
    190                 itemList.add(item);
    191             }
    192             pageModel = new PageModel();
    193             pageModel.setPageNo(pageNo);
    194             pageModel.setPageSize(pageSize);
    195             pageModel.setList(itemList);
    196             //根据条件取得记录数
    197             int totalRecords = getTotalRecords(conn, condation);
    198             pageModel.setTotalRecords(totalRecords);
    199         }catch(SQLException e) {
    200             e.printStackTrace();
    201             //记录到日志文件 error
    202             throw new ApplicationException("分页查询失败");
    203         }finally {
    204             DbUtil.close(rs);
    205             DbUtil.close(pstmt);
    206         }
    207         return pageModel;
    208     }
    210     /**
    211      * 根据条件取得记录数
    212      * @param conn
    213      * @param queryStr
    214      * @return
    215      */
    216     private int getTotalRecords(Connection conn, String condation) 
    217     throws SQLException {
    218         String sql = "select count(*) from t_items ";
    219         if (condation != null && !"".equals(condation)) {
    220             sql+="where item_no like '" + condation + "%' or item_name like '" + condation + "%' ";
    221         }
    222         PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    223         ResultSet rs = null;
    224         int temp = 0;
    225         try {
    226             pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    227             rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
    228             rs.next();
    229             temp = rs.getInt(1);
    230         }finally {
    231             DbUtil.close(rs);
    232             DbUtil.close(pstmt);
    233         }
    234         return temp;
    235     }    
    236     //修改物料信息
    237     public void modifyItem(Connection conn, Item item) {
    238         String sql = "update t_items set item_name=?, spec=?, pattern=?, item_category_id=?, item_unit_id=? ";
    239         sql+=" where item_no=?";
    240         PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    241         try {
    242             pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    243             pstmt.setString(1, item.getItemName());
    244             pstmt.setString(2, item.getSpec());
    245             pstmt.setString(3, item.getPattern());
    246             pstmt.setString(4, item.getItemCategory().getId());
    247             pstmt.setString(5, item.getItemUnit().getId());
    248             pstmt.setString(6, item.getItemNo());
    249             pstmt.executeUpdate();
    250         }catch(SQLException e) {
    251             e.printStackTrace();
    252             throw new ApplicationException("修改物料失败!");
    253         }finally {
    254             DbUtil.close(pstmt);
    255         }
    256     }
    259 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaolijing/p/3853221.html
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