• ffmpeg 编码(视屏)

    分析ffmpeg_3.3.2 muxing 



      1 int main(int argc, char **argv)
      2 {
      3     OutputStream video_st = { 0 }, audio_st = { 0 };
      4     const char *filename;
      5     AVOutputFormat *fmt;
      6     AVFormatContext *oc;
      7     AVCodec *audio_codec, *video_codec;
      8     int ret;
      9     int have_video = 0, have_audio = 0;
     10     int encode_video = 0, encode_audio = 0;
     11     AVDictionary *opt = NULL;
     12     int i;
     14     /* Initialize libavcodec, and register all codecs and formats. */
     15     av_register_all();
     17     if (argc < 2) {
     18         printf("usage: %s output_file
     19                "API example program to output a media file with libavformat.
     20                "This program generates a synthetic audio and video stream, encodes and
     21                "muxes them into a file named output_file.
     22                "The output format is automatically guessed according to the file extension.
     23                "Raw images can also be output by using '%%d' in the filename.
     24                "
    ", argv[0]);
     25         return 1;
     26     }
     28     filename = argv[1];
     29     for (i = 2; i+1 < argc; i+=2) {
     30         if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-flags") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-fflags"))
     31             av_dict_set(&opt, argv[i]+1, argv[i+1], 0);
     32     }
     34     /* allocate the output media context */
     35     avformat_alloc_output_context2(&oc, NULL, NULL, filename);
     36     if (!oc) {
     37         printf("Could not deduce output format from file extension: using MPEG.
     38         avformat_alloc_output_context2(&oc, NULL, "mpeg", filename);
     39     }
     40     if (!oc)
     41         return 1;
     43     fmt = oc->oformat;
     45     /* Add the audio and video streams using the default format codecs
     46      * and initialize the codecs. */
     47     if (fmt->video_codec != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
     48         add_stream(&video_st, oc, &video_codec, fmt->video_codec);
     49         have_video = 1;
     50         encode_video = 1;
     51     }
     52     if (fmt->audio_codec != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
     53         add_stream(&audio_st, oc, &audio_codec, fmt->audio_codec);
     54         have_audio = 1;
     55         encode_audio = 1;
     56     }
     58     /* Now that all the parameters are set, we can open the audio and
     59      * video codecs and allocate the necessary encode buffers. */
     60     if (have_video)
     61         open_video(oc, video_codec, &video_st, opt);
     63     if (have_audio)
     64         open_audio(oc, audio_codec, &audio_st, opt);
     66     av_dump_format(oc, 0, filename, 1);
     68     /* open the output file, if needed */
     69     if (!(fmt->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)) {
     70         ret = avio_open(&oc->pb, filename, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE);
     71         if (ret < 0) {
     72             fprintf(stderr, "Could not open '%s': %s
    ", filename,
     73                     av_err2str(ret));
     74             return 1;
     75         }
     76     }
     78     /* Write the stream header, if any. */
     79     ret = avformat_write_header(oc, &opt);
     80     if (ret < 0) {
     81         fprintf(stderr, "Error occurred when opening output file: %s
     82                 av_err2str(ret));
     83         return 1;
     84     }
     86     while (encode_video || encode_audio) {
     87         /* select the stream to encode */
     88         if (encode_video &&
     89             (!encode_audio || av_compare_ts(video_st.next_pts, video_st.enc->time_base,
     90                                             audio_st.next_pts, audio_st.enc->time_base) <= 0)) {
     91             encode_video = !write_video_frame(oc, &video_st);
     92         } else {
     93             encode_audio = !write_audio_frame(oc, &audio_st);
     94         }
     95     }
     97     /* Write the trailer, if any. The trailer must be written before you
     98      * close the CodecContexts open when you wrote the header; otherwise
     99      * av_write_trailer() may try to use memory that was freed on
    100      * av_codec_close(). */
    101     av_write_trailer(oc);
    103     /* Close each codec. */
    104     if (have_video)
    105         close_stream(oc, &video_st);
    106     if (have_audio)
    107         close_stream(oc, &audio_st);
    109     if (!(fmt->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE))
    110         /* Close the output file. */
    111         avio_closep(&oc->pb);
    113     /* free the stream */
    114     avformat_free_context(oc);
    116     return 0;
    117 }



     1 // a wrapper around a single output AVStream
     2 typedef struct OutputStream {
     3     AVStream *st;
     4     AVCodecContext *enc;
     6     /* pts of the next frame that will be generated */
     7     int64_t next_pts;
     8     int samples_count;
    10     AVFrame *frame;
    11     AVFrame *tmp_frame;
    13     float t, tincr, tincr2;
    15     struct SwsContext *sws_ctx;
    16     struct SwrContext *swr_ctx;
    17 } OutputStream;




      创建一个视屏轨道和音频轨道:add_stream(&video_st, oc, &video_codec, fmt->video_codec);



     1 static void add_stream(OutputStream *ost, AVFormatContext *oc,
     2                        AVCodec **codec,
     3                        enum AVCodecID codec_id)
     4 {
     5     AVCodecContext *c;
     6     int i;
     8     /* find the encoder */
     9     *codec = avcodec_find_encoder(codec_id);
    10     if (!(*codec)) {
    11         fprintf(stderr, "Could not find encoder for '%s'
    12                 avcodec_get_name(codec_id));
    13         exit(1);
    14     }
    16     ost->st = avformat_new_stream(oc, NULL);
    17     if (!ost->st) {
    18         fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate stream
    19         exit(1);
    20     }
    21     ost->st->id = oc->nb_streams-1;
    22     c = avcodec_alloc_context3(*codec);
    23     if (!c) {
    24         fprintf(stderr, "Could not alloc an encoding context
    25         exit(1);
    26     }
    27     ost->enc = c;
    29     switch ((*codec)->type) {
    30     case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO:
    31         c->sample_fmt  = (*codec)->sample_fmts ?
    32             (*codec)->sample_fmts[0] : AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP;
    33         c->bit_rate    = 64000;
    34         c->sample_rate = 44100;
    35         if ((*codec)->supported_samplerates) {
    36             c->sample_rate = (*codec)->supported_samplerates[0];
    37             for (i = 0; (*codec)->supported_samplerates[i]; i++) {
    38                 if ((*codec)->supported_samplerates[i] == 44100)
    39                     c->sample_rate = 44100;
    40             }
    41         }
    42         c->channels        = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(c->channel_layout);
    43         c->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO;
    44         if ((*codec)->channel_layouts) {
    45             c->channel_layout = (*codec)->channel_layouts[0];
    46             for (i = 0; (*codec)->channel_layouts[i]; i++) {
    47                 if ((*codec)->channel_layouts[i] == AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO)
    48                     c->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO;
    49             }
    50         }
    51         c->channels        = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(c->channel_layout);
    52         ost->st->time_base = (AVRational){ 1, c->sample_rate };
    53         break;
    55     case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO:
    56         c->codec_id = codec_id;
    58         c->bit_rate = 400000;
    59         /* Resolution must be a multiple of two. */
    60         c->width    = 352;
    61         c->height   = 288;
    62         /* timebase: This is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms
    63          * of which frame timestamps are represented. For fixed-fps content,
    64          * timebase should be 1/framerate and timestamp increments should be
    65          * identical to 1. */
    66         ost->st->time_base = (AVRational){ 1, STREAM_FRAME_RATE };
    67         c->time_base       = ost->st->time_base;
    69         c->gop_size      = 12; /* emit one intra frame every twelve frames at most */
    70         c->pix_fmt       = STREAM_PIX_FMT;
    71         if (c->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO) {
    72             /* just for testing, we also add B-frames */
    73             c->max_b_frames = 2;
    74         }
    75         if (c->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO) {
    76             /* Needed to avoid using macroblocks in which some coeffs overflow.
    77              * This does not happen with normal video, it just happens here as
    78              * the motion of the chroma plane does not match the luma plane. */
    79             c->mb_decision = 2;
    80         }
    81     break;
    83     default:
    84         break;
    85     }
    87     /* Some formats want stream headers to be separate. */
    88     if (oc->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER)
    89         c->flags |= AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
    90 }

    5:创建完音频,视屏轨道后,则打开视频,音频编码器,准备编码数据 open_video(oc, video_codec, &video_st, opt);


     1 static void open_video(AVFormatContext *oc, AVCodec *codec, OutputStream *ost, AVDictionary *opt_arg)
     2 {
     3     int ret;
     4     AVCodecContext *c = ost->enc;
     5     AVDictionary *opt = NULL;
     7     av_dict_copy(&opt, opt_arg, 0);
     9     /* open the codec */
    10     ret = avcodec_open2(c, codec, &opt);
    11     av_dict_free(&opt);
    12     if (ret < 0) {
    13         fprintf(stderr, "Could not open video codec: %s
    ", av_err2str(ret));
    14         exit(1);
    15     }
    17     /* allocate and init a re-usable frame */
    18     ost->frame = alloc_picture(c->pix_fmt, c->width, c->height);
    19     if (!ost->frame) {
    20         fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate video frame
    21         exit(1);
    22     }
    24     /* If the output format is not YUV420P, then a temporary YUV420P
    25      * picture is needed too. It is then converted to the required
    26      * output format. */
    27     ost->tmp_frame = NULL;
    28     if (c->pix_fmt != AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P) {
    29         ost->tmp_frame = alloc_picture(AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, c->width, c->height);
    30         if (!ost->tmp_frame) {
    31             fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate temporary picture
    32             exit(1);
    33         }
    34     }
    36     /* copy the stream parameters to the muxer */
    37     ret = avcodec_parameters_from_context(ost->st->codecpar, c);
    38     if (ret < 0) {
    39         fprintf(stderr, "Could not copy the stream parameters
    40         exit(1);
    41     }
    42 }

    注意:static AVFrame *alloc_picture(enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height),创建一个指定格式,宽和高的帧。


     1 static AVFrame *alloc_picture(enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height)
     2 {
     3     AVFrame *picture;
     4     int ret;
     6     picture = av_frame_alloc();
     7     if (!picture)
     8         return NULL;
    10     picture->format = pix_fmt;
    11     picture->width  = width;
    12     picture->height = height;
    14     /* allocate the buffers for the frame data */
    15     ret = av_frame_get_buffer(picture, 32);
    16     if (ret < 0) {
    17         fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate frame data.
    18         exit(1);
    19     }
    21     return picture;
    22 }



    1 if (!(fmt->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)) {
    2         ret = avio_open(&oc->pb, filename, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE);
    3         if (ret < 0) {
    4             fprintf(stderr, "Could not open '%s': %s
    ", filename,
    5                     av_err2str(ret));
    6             return 1;
    7         }
    8     }



    1 ret = avformat_write_header(oc, &opt);
    2     if (ret < 0) {
    3         fprintf(stderr, "Error occurred when opening output file: %s
    4                 av_err2str(ret));
    5         return 1;
    6     }



     1 while (encode_video || encode_audio) {
     2         /* select the stream to encode */
     3         if (encode_video &&
     4             (!encode_audio || av_compare_ts(video_st.next_pts, video_st.enc->time_base,
     5                                             audio_st.next_pts, audio_st.enc->time_base) <= 0)) {
     6             encode_video = !write_video_frame(oc, &video_st);
     7         } else {
     8             encode_audio = !write_audio_frame(oc, &audio_st);
     9         }
    10     }

      分析static int write_video_frame(AVFormatContext *oc, OutputStream *ost),编码一帧视屏,并且送入muxer(复合器),编码完成返回1,否则返回0


    static int write_video_frame(AVFormatContext *oc, OutputStream *ost)
        int ret;
        AVCodecContext *c;
        AVFrame *frame;
        int got_packet = 0;
        AVPacket pkt = { 0 };
        c = ost->enc;
        frame = get_video_frame(ost);
        /* encode the image */
        ret = avcodec_encode_video2(c, &pkt, frame, &got_packet);
        if (ret < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error encoding video frame: %s
    ", av_err2str(ret));
        if (got_packet) {
            ret = write_frame(oc, &c->time_base, ost->st, &pkt);
        } else {
            ret = 0;
        if (ret < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error while writing video frame: %s
    ", av_err2str(ret));
        return (frame || got_packet) ? 0 : 1;

      创建一帧数据:frame = get_video_frame(ost);


     1 static AVFrame *get_video_frame(OutputStream *ost)
     2 {
     3     AVCodecContext *c = ost->enc;
     5     /* check if we want to generate more frames */
     6     if (av_compare_ts(ost->next_pts, c->time_base,
     7                       STREAM_DURATION, (AVRational){ 1, 1 }) >= 0)
     8         return NULL;
    10     /* when we pass a frame to the encoder, it may keep a reference to it
    11      * internally; make sure we do not overwrite it here */
    12     if (av_frame_make_writable(ost->frame) < 0)
    13         exit(1);
    15     if (c->pix_fmt != AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P) {
    16         /* as we only generate a YUV420P picture, we must convert it
    17          * to the codec pixel format if needed */
    18         if (!ost->sws_ctx) {
    19             ost->sws_ctx = sws_getContext(c->width, c->height,
    20                                           AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P,
    21                                           c->width, c->height,
    22                                           c->pix_fmt,
    23                                           SCALE_FLAGS, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    24             if (!ost->sws_ctx) {
    25                 fprintf(stderr,
    26                         "Could not initialize the conversion context
    27                 exit(1);
    28             }
    29         }
    30         fill_yuv_image(ost->tmp_frame, ost->next_pts, c->width, c->height);
    31         sws_scale(ost->sws_ctx,
    32                   (const uint8_t * const *)ost->tmp_frame->data, ost->tmp_frame->linesize,
    33                   0, c->height, ost->frame->data, ost->frame->linesize);
    34     } else {
    35         fill_yuv_image(ost->frame, ost->next_pts, c->width, c->height);
    36     }
    38     ost->frame->pts = ost->next_pts++;
    40     return ost->frame;
    41 }

      使用static void fill_yuv_image(AVFrame *pict, int frame_index, int width, int height)填充一帧数据。


     1 static void fill_yuv_image(AVFrame *pict, int frame_index,
     2                            int width, int height)
     3 {
     4     int x, y, i;
     6     i = frame_index;
     8     /* Y */
     9     for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
    10         for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
    11             pict->data[0][y * pict->linesize[0] + x] = x + y + i * 3;
    13     /* Cb and Cr */
    14     for (y = 0; y < height / 2; y++) {
    15         for (x = 0; x < width / 2; x++) {
    16             pict->data[1][y * pict->linesize[1] + x] = 128 + y + i * 2;
    17             pict->data[2][y * pict->linesize[2] + x] = 64 + x + i * 5;
    18         }
    19     }
    20 }

      当编码成功后,使用自定义函数 write_frame(oc, &c->time_base, ost->st, &pkt),将一帧数据包写入上下文。


     1 static int write_frame(AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx, const AVRational *time_base, AVStream *st, AVPacket *pkt)
     2 {
     3     /* rescale output packet timestamp values from codec to stream timebase */
     4     av_packet_rescale_ts(pkt, *time_base, st->time_base);
     5     pkt->stream_index = st->index;
     7     /* Write the compressed frame to the media file. */
     8     log_packet(fmt_ctx, pkt);
     9     return av_interleaved_write_frame(fmt_ctx, pkt);
    10 }



    1 av_write_trailer(oc);



     1 /* Close each codec. */
     2     if (have_video)
     3         close_stream(oc, &video_st);
     4     if (have_audio)
     5         close_stream(oc, &audio_st);
     7     if (!(fmt->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE))
     8         /* Close the output file. */
     9         avio_closep(&oc->pb);
    11     /* free the stream */
    12     avformat_free_context(oc);



    1 static void close_stream(AVFormatContext *oc, OutputStream *ost)
    2 {
    3     avcodec_free_context(&ost->enc);
    4     av_frame_free(&ost->frame);
    5     av_frame_free(&ost->tmp_frame);
    6     sws_freeContext(ost->sws_ctx);
    7     swr_free(&ost->swr_ctx);
    8 }
    作者:长风 Email:844064492@qq.com QQ群:607717453 Git:https://github.com/zhaohu19910409Dz 开源项目:https://github.com/OriginMEK/MEK 本文版权归作者和博客园共有,欢迎转载,但未经作者同意必须保留此段声明,且在文章页面明显位置给出原文连接,否则保留追究法律责任的权利. 感谢您的阅读。如果觉得有用的就请各位大神高抬贵手“推荐一下”吧!你的精神支持是博主强大的写作动力。 如果觉得我的博客有意思,欢迎点击首页左上角的“+加关注”按钮关注我!
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