• Go入门笔记-14 EdgeX读取配置文件







     * Copyright 2021 Intel Corporation
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
     * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
     * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
     * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
     * the License.
    package main
    import (
    	bootstrapConfig "github.com/edgexfoundry/go-mod-bootstrap/v2/config"
    // BootStrapperInfo defines the first stage gate info
    // It is the first stage gate of security bootstrapping
    type BootStrapperInfo struct {
    	Host      string
    	StartPort int
    // ReadyInfo defines the ready stage gate info
    // It is the last stage gate of security bootstrapping for
    // Kong, and all other Edgex core services
    type ReadyInfo struct {
    	ToRunPort int
    // TokensInfo defines the tokens ready stage gate info
    // for the secretstore setup (formerly known as vault-worker)
    type TokensInfo struct {
    	ReadyPort int
    // SecretStoreSetupInfo defines the fields related to
    // stage gating the secretstore setup (formerly known as vault-worker) bootstrapping
    type SecretStoreSetupInfo struct {
    	Host   string
    	Tokens TokensInfo
    // DatabaseInfo defines the fields related to
    // stage gating the database bootstrapping
    type DatabaseInfo struct {
    	Host      string
    	Port      int
    	ReadyPort int
    // RegistryInfo defines the fields related to
    // stage gating the registry bootstrapping
    type RegistryInfo struct {
    	Host      string
    	Port      int
    	ReadyPort int
    	ACL       ACLInfo
    // ACLInfo defines the fields related to Registry's ACL process
    type ACLInfo struct {
    	// the protocol used for registry's API calls, usually it is different from the protocol of waitFor, i.e. TCP
    	Protocol string
    	// filepath to save the registry's token generated from ACL bootstrapping
    	BootstrapTokenPath string
    	// filepath for the secretstore's token created from secretstore-setup
    	SecretsAdminTokenPath string
    	// filepath for the sentinel file to indicate the registry ACL is set up successfully
    	SentinelFilePath string
    	// filepath to save the registry's token created for management purposes
    	ManagementTokenPath string
    	// the roles for registry role-based access control list
    	Roles map[string]ACLRoleInfo
    // ACLRoleInfo defines the fields related to Registry's ACL roles
    type ACLRoleInfo struct {
    	// the details about the role
    	Description string
    // KongDBInfo defines the fields related to
    // stage gating the Kong's database bootstrapping
    type KongDBInfo struct {
    	Host      string
    	Port      int
    	ReadyPort int
    type WaitForInfo struct {
    	Timeout       string
    	RetryInterval string
    // StageGateInfo defines the gate info for the security bootstrapper
    // in different stages for services. From the TOML structure perspective,
    // it is segmented in the way that environment variables are easier
    // to read when they become all upper cases in the environment override.
    type StageGateInfo struct {
    	BootStrapper     BootStrapperInfo
    	Ready            ReadyInfo
    	SecretStoreSetup SecretStoreSetupInfo
    	Database         DatabaseInfo
    	Registry         RegistryInfo
    	KongDB           KongDBInfo
    	WaitFor          WaitForInfo
    type ConfigurationStruct struct {
    	LogLevel    string
    	StageGate   StageGateInfo
    	SecretStore bootstrapConfig.SecretStoreInfo
    // UpdateFromRaw converts configuration received from the registry to a service-specific configuration struct which is
    // then used to overwrite the service's existing configuration struct.
    func (c *ConfigurationStruct) UpdateFromRaw(rawConfig interface{}) bool {
    	return false
    // EmptyWritablePtr returns a pointer to a service-specific empty WritableInfo struct.  It is used by the bootstrap to
    // provide the appropriate structure to registry.Client's WatchForChanges().
    func (c *ConfigurationStruct) EmptyWritablePtr() interface{} {
    	return nil
    // UpdateWritableFromRaw converts configuration received from the registry to a service-specific WritableInfo struct
    // which is then used to overwrite the service's existing configuration's WritableInfo struct.
    func (c *ConfigurationStruct) UpdateWritableFromRaw(rawWritable interface{}) bool {
    	return false
    // GetBootstrap returns the configuration elements required by the bootstrap.  Currently, a copy of the configuration
    // data is returned.  This is intended to be temporary -- since ConfigurationStruct drives the configuration.toml's
    // structure -- until we can make backwards-breaking configuration.toml changes (which would consolidate these fields
    // into an bootstrapConfig.BootstrapConfiguration struct contained within ConfigurationStruct).
    func (c *ConfigurationStruct) GetBootstrap() bootstrapConfig.BootstrapConfiguration {
    	// temporary until we can make backwards-breaking configuration.toml change
    	return bootstrapConfig.BootstrapConfiguration{}
    // GetLogLevel returns the current ConfigurationStruct's log level.
    func (c *ConfigurationStruct) GetLogLevel() string {
    	return c.LogLevel
    // GetRegistryInfo returns the RegistryInfo from the ConfigurationStruct.
    func (c *ConfigurationStruct) GetRegistryInfo() bootstrapConfig.RegistryInfo {
    	return bootstrapConfig.RegistryInfo{}
    // GetDatabaseInfo returns a database information map.
    func (c *ConfigurationStruct) GetDatabaseInfo() map[string]bootstrapConfig.Database {
    	return nil
    // GetInsecureSecrets returns the service's InsecureSecrets.
    func (c *ConfigurationStruct) GetInsecureSecrets() bootstrapConfig.InsecureSecrets {
    	return nil
    // GetRoleNames gets the slice of the keys (i.e. the service keys) from map Roles as ACL role names
    func (acl ACLInfo) GetACLRoleNames() []string {
    	roleNames := make([]string, 0, len(acl.Roles))
    	for serviceKey := range acl.Roles {
    		// always converts to lower cases by design
    		roleNames = append(roleNames, strings.ToLower(serviceKey))
    	return roleNames
    func main() {
    	fileName := "./res/configuration.toml"
    	contents, err := os.ReadFile(fileName)
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Println("could not load configuration file (%s): %s", fileName, err.Error())
    	configuration := &ConfigurationStruct{}
    	err = toml.Unmarshal(contents, configuration)
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Println("unable to parse configuration file (%s): %s", fileName, err.Error())
    	//aa := GetBootstrap(s)


    LogLevel = 'INFO'
        Host = "edgex-security-bootstrapper"
        StartPort = 54321
        ToRunPort = 54329
        Host = "edgex-secretstore-setup"
          ReadyPort = 54322
        # this is intended to be the same as Database.Primary.Host/.Port for other services
        Host = "edgex-redis"
        Port = 6379
        ReadyPort = 54323
        # this is intended to be the same as Registry.Host/.Port for other services
        Host = "edgex-core-consul"
        Port = 8500
        ReadyPort = 54324
          Protocol = "http"
          # this is the filepath for the generated Consul management token from ACL bootstrap
          BootstrapTokenPath = "/tmp/edgex/secrets/consul-acl-token/bootstrap_token.json"
          # this is the filepath for the Vault token created from secretstore-setup
          SecretsAdminTokenPath = "/tmp/edgex/secrets/edgex-consul/admin/token.json"
          # this is the filepath for the sentinel file to indicate the registry ACL is set up successfully
          SentinelFilePath = "/edgex-init/consul-bootstrapper/consul_acl_done"
          # this is the filepath for the created Consul management token
          ManagementTokenPath = "/tmp/edgex/secrets/consul-acl-token/mgmt_token.json"
          # this section contains the list of registry roles for EdgeX services
          # the service keys are the role names
              Description = "role for application service of rules engine"
              Description = "role for coredata"
              Description = "role for metadata"
              Description = "role for command"
              Description = "role for notifications"
              Description = "role for scheduler"
              Description = "role for system management agent"
              Description = "role for device virtual service"
              Description = "role for device rest service"
        Host = "kong-db"
        Port = 5432
        ReadyPort = 54325
        Timeout = "10s"
        RetryInterval = "1s"
    # this configuration is just part of the whole go-mod-bootstrap's secret store to have
    # protocol, host, and port of secretstore using in the security-bootstrapper
    # we are not really using the secret store provider from go-mod-bootstrap in the code
    # also this is needed as snap does not have those environments from env-files
    Type = 'vault'
    Protocol = 'http'
    Host = 'localhost'
    Port = 8200




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