<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,minimum-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" /> <style> *{ padding: 0;margin: 0; } html,body{width:100%;height: 100%;} div{ text-align: center; } div button{ line-height: 16px; font-size: 16px; padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 5px; background: #e73480; color: white; border: none; } .canvas{ margin: 0 auto; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="canvas"> <canvas id="gobang"></canvas> </div> <div> <button id="regret">悔棋</button> <button id="giveup">认输</button> <button id="restart">再来一局</button> <button id="negotiate">求和</button> </div> </body> <script src="man-machine3.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var gobang = new Gobang("gobang"); document.getElementById("regret").addEventListener("click",()=>{ gobang.regret(); },false); document.getElementById("giveup").addEventListener("click",()=>{ if(confirm("你确定认输吗?")){ gobang.giveUp(); } },false); document.getElementById("restart").addEventListener("click",()=>{ gobang.reStart(); },false); document.getElementById("negotiate").addEventListener("click",()=>{ if(confirm("你确定求和吗?")){ gobang.negotiate(); } },false); </script> </html>
// 五子棋 class Gobang { constructor(canvasId, rowCount = 16) { this.canvasId = canvasId; this.rowCount = rowCount; this.resetData(); } // 渲染页面 renderUi() { //清除之前的画布 this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); // 重绘画布 this.drawChessBoard(); this.drawPieces(); } // 重置数据,再来一局 resetData() { var body = document.documentElement || document.body; var minWidth = Math.min(body.clientWidth,body.clientHeight-50); // 属性 this.pieces = []; // 棋子数组 二位数组[[],[]] 0——空 1——白 2——黑 this.colCount = this.rowCount; // 列数 this.cellWidth = minWidth / (this.rowCount); //每个格子的宽 this.width = this.rowCount * this.cellWidth; // 棋盘的宽 this.height = this.width; // 棋盘的高 this.R = this.cellWidth * 0.4; // 棋子半径 this.hisStatus = []; // 历史记录 history status this.active = 2; // 当前走棋方 this.canvas = document.getElementById(this.canvasId); // canvas DOM this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); // canvas环境 this.victor = 0; // 胜利方 this.canContinue = true; // 是否可以继续下棋(产生赢家以后不可以) this.myPositions = []; // 我方的推荐位置数组 格式:{x:5,y:6,weight:8} this.enemyPositions = []; // 敌方的推荐位置数组 this.init(); } // 初始化数据 init() { this.initCanvas(); this.initPiece(); this.renderUi(); } // 暂时给棋盘中间加一个黑棋 first(){ var center = Math.floor((this.rowCount+1)/2); this.pieces[center][center] = this.active; this.hisStatus[1] = this.deepClone(this.pieces); this.exchange(); } // 设置棋盘的宽高 initCanvas() { this.canvas.width = this.width; this.canvas.height = this.height; this.canvas.addEventListener("click",(e)=>{ // 小心this转移 var offset = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var x = Math.round((e.clientX - offset.left) / this.cellWidth); var y = Math.round((e.clientY - offset.top) / this.cellWidth); // console.log(x,y,"点击位置"); // 走棋 this.goStep(x,y); },false); } // 高亮最近走的棋子 highLight(x,y,oneSide){ var anotherSide = oneSide == 1 ? 2 :1; var length = this.R*0.5; this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.moveTo(x * this.cellWidth - length, y * this.cellWidth); this.ctx.lineTo(x * this.cellWidth + length, y * this.cellWidth); this.ctx.moveTo(x * this.cellWidth, y * this.cellWidth - length); this.ctx.lineTo(x * this.cellWidth, y * this.cellWidth + length); this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.getColor(anotherSide); this.ctx.stroke(); } // 初始化棋子 initPiece() { var initPieces = []; for(let i = 0; i <= this.rowCount; i++) { // 行 initPieces.push([]); for(let j = 0; j <= this.colCount; j++) { // 列 if(i==0 || j==0 || i==this.rowCount || j==this.rowCount){ initPieces[i].push(-1); // 不可以走的位置-1 空0 白1 黑2 }else{ initPieces[i].push(0); // 空0 白1 黑2 } } } this.pieces = this.deepClone(initPieces); this.hisStatus[0] = this.deepClone(initPieces); //this.first(); } // 获取某个棋子的颜色 0——空 1——白 2——黑 getColor (num){ var res = ""; switch(num){ case 0: res = ""; break; case 2: res = "black"; break; case 1: res = "white"; break; case -1: res = "yellow"; break; default: res="red"; // 错误了 } return res; } // 画棋盘 drawChessBoard() { // 背景 this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.rect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.ctx.closePath(); this.ctx.fillStyle = "#0099CC"; this.ctx.fill(); // 画横线 this.ctx.beginPath(); for(let i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { this.ctx.moveTo(0, this.cellWidth * i); this.ctx.lineTo(this.width, this.cellWidth * i); } this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#333"; this.ctx.stroke(); // 画纵线 this.ctx.beginPath(); for(let i = 0; i < this.colCount; i++) { this.ctx.moveTo( this.cellWidth * i, 0); this.ctx.lineTo( this.cellWidth * i, this.height); } this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#333"; this.ctx.stroke(); } // 画一个棋子 drawDot(x, y, r, color) { this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI); this.ctx.closePath(); this.ctx.fillStyle = color; this.ctx.fill(); } // 画所有的棋子 drawPieces(x, y) { //console.log(this.pieces) for(var i = 0; i < this.pieces.length; i++) { // 边界线不让走棋 for(let j=0; j < this.pieces[i].length;j++){ // if(this.pieces[i][j] == 1 || this.pieces[i][j] == 2){ if(this.pieces[i][j] !== 0){ var x = i * this.cellWidth; var y = j * this.cellWidth; // var y = j * this.cellWidth - this.cellWidth/2; this.drawDot(x,y,this.R,this.getColor(this.pieces[i][j])); } } } } // drawOnePiece(i,j){ var x = i * this.cellWidth; var y = j * this.cellWidth; this.drawDot(x,y,this.R,this.getColor(this.active)); } // 判断是否可以走这一步 canGo(x, y) { if(this.canContinue === false){ alert("游戏已结束"); return false; } if(x==0 || y==0 || x==this.rowCount || y==this.rowCount){ alert("边界上不可以走棋哦"); return false; } if(this.pieces[x][y]==0){ return true; }else { return false; } } // 切换角色(换着走棋) exchange(){ this.active = this.active == 1 ? 2 : 1; } // 走一步棋 goStep(x,y) { // 判断这一步是否可以走 if(this.canGo(x,y)){ this.pieces[x][y] = this.active;//添加棋子 // this.drawOnePiece(x,y);//把棋子画上去 this.renderUi(); this.highLight(x,y,this.active); this.hisStatus.push(this.deepClone(this.pieces));//历史记录(悔棋复盘功能使用) this.getVictor();//这里有个坑,棋子还没有画上去,已经把输赢判断了???? this.exchange(); if(this.active == 1 && !this.victor){ // 白棋,机器人 this.helpRecommend(this.active); console.log(this.myPositions,this.enemyPositions) var p = this.bestPosition(); console.log(p); this.pieces[p.x][p.y] = this.active; // this.drawOnePiece(p.x,p.y); this.renderUi(); this.highLight(p.x,p.y,this.active); this.hisStatus.push(this.deepClone(this.pieces));//历史记录(悔棋复盘功能使用) this.getVictor(); this.exchange(); // this.renderUi(); } }else { // alert("这个位置已经被占领了,换个位置走吧"); } } // 悔棋 regret() { if(this.hisStatus.length<=1){ console.log("当前不可以悔棋了"); return; } this.canContinue = true; this.victor = 0; this.hisStatus.pop(); this.hisStatus.pop(); this.pieces = this.deepClone(this.hisStatus[this.hisStatus.length-1]); // this.exchange(); this.renderUi(); } // 重新开始 reStart(){ if(!this.victor){ alert("还没有结束,不能重新开始"); }else{ this.resetData(); } } // 求和 negotiate(){ alert("和棋"); this.resetData(); } // 认输 giveUp(){ this.victor = this.active == 1 ? 2 : 1; this.getWinner(); setTimeout(()=>{ this.resetData(); },60); } // 棋型判断 活三 死三等 都有对称情况 defineType (x,y){ // 类型 权重 棋型 // 活四 8 ?AAAA? // 死四 7 BAAAA?——?AAAAB AA?AA // 活三 6 ??AAA?——?AAA?? ?A?AA?——?AA?A? // 死三 5 BAAA??——??AAAB BAA?A?——?A?AAB BA?AA?——?AA?AB // 活二 4 ?AA???——???AA? // 死二 3 BAA??? AA???? // 活一 2 // 死一 1 } helpRecommend(oneSide){ var enemySide = oneSide == 1 ? 2 : 1; this.myPositions = []; this.enemyPositions = []; var aimArr,standpoint; for(let i=1;i<this.rowCount;i++){ for(let j=1;j<this.rowCount;j++){ // var arr = ["r","rd","d","ld","l","lt","t","rt"]; var arr = ["r","rd","d","ld"]; // 权重相关变量 forward backward center double null var n2f1 = 0.2, // 两头空时 前面第一个空位置的权重 n2f2 = 0.2, // 两头空时 前面第二个空位置的权重 n2b1 = n2f1, n2b2 = n2f2, n1f1 = -0.8, // 一头空另一头是敌方或边界时 前面第一个空位置的权重 n1f2 = -0.8, n1b1 = n1f1, n1b2 = n1f2, dn2c = 0.2, // 有两个片段时 两端都是空的时 中间位置的权重 dn2b1 = 0.2,// 有两个片段时 两端都是空的时 后方第一个位置的权重 dn2f1 = dn2b1, dn1c = -0.5, dn1b1 = -0.5, dn1f1 = dn1b1; if(this.pieces[i][j]==oneSide){ // 我方 aimArr = this.myPositions; standpoint = oneSide; }else if(this.pieces[i][j]==enemySide){ // 敌方 aimArr = this.enemyPositions; standpoint = enemySide; }else{ continue; } console.table([{i:i,j:j,qizi:this.pieces[i][j],standpoint:standpoint}]) for(var d =0;d<arr.length;d++){ var count = 0; count = this.directionCount(arr[d],standpoint,i,j); var nd = this.nd(arr[d]); var h = nd.h; var v = nd.v; // 赢棋的单独写 if(count == 4){ if(this.pieces[i-1*h] && this.pieces[i-1*h][j-1*v] === 0){ // 前1空 this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**5); }else{ if(this.pieces[i+count*h] && this.pieces[i+count*h][j+count*v] === 0){ // 末1空 this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**5); } } continue; }else{ } // 某个方向的末端的推荐权重 (权重暂时认为后方第一个位置和第二位位置一样) 两头空的+0.2 一端空的+0 两端都死的考虑能否凑5个子 if(this.pieces[i-1*h] && this.pieces[i-1*h][j-1*v] === 0){ // 前1空 if(this.pieces[i+count*h] && this.pieces[i+count*h][j+count*v] === 0){ // 末1空 if(this.pieces[i+(count+1)*h] && this.pieces[i+(count+1)*h][j+(count+1)*v] === 0){ //末2空 if(count>=3){ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**(count+n2b1+0.3)); this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+(count+1)*h,j+(count+1)*v,10**(count+n2b2)); }else{ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**(count+n2b1)); this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+(count+1)*h,j+(count+1)*v,10**(count+n2b2)); } }else if(this.pieces[i+(count+1)*h] && this.pieces[i+(count+1)*h][j+(count+1)*v] === standpoint){ // 末2己 let count2 = this.directionCount(arr[d],standpoint,i+(count+1)*h,j+(count+1)*v); if(count+count2 >= 4){ // 可以赢的特殊算 this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**5); }else{ if(this.pieces[i+(count+1+count2)*h] && this.pieces[i+(count+1+count2)*h][j+(count+1+count2)*v] === 0){ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**(count+count2+dn2c)); this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+(count+1+count2)*h,j+(count+1+count2)*v,10**(count+count2+dn2b1)); }else { this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**(count+count2+dn1c)); } } }else { //末2敌或边界 this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**(count+n1b1)); } }else { // 末1敌或边界 末1不可能是己方的 // 末端没有推荐的位置 } }else if(this.pieces[i-1*h] && this.pieces[i-1*h][j-1*v] === standpoint){ // 前1己 这里已经计算过了,跳过逻辑 continue; }else { // 前1 敌方或边界 if(this.pieces[i+count*h] && this.pieces[i+count*h][j+count*v] === 0){ // 末1空 if(this.pieces[i+(count+1)*h] && this.pieces[i+(count+1)*h][j+(count+1)*v] === 0){ //末2空 this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**(count+n1b1)); this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+(count+1)*h,j+(count+1)*v,10**(count+n1b2)); }else if(this.pieces[i+(count+1)*h] && this.pieces[i+(count+1)*h][j+(count+1)*v] === standpoint){ // 末2己 // this.sumWeight(this.myPositions,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**(count+0.1)); let count2 = this.directionCount(arr[d],standpoint,i+(count+1)*h,j+(count+1)*v); if(count+count2 >= 4){ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**5); }else{ if(this.pieces[i+(count+1+count2)*h] && this.pieces[i+(count+1+count2)*h][j+(count+1+count2)*v] === 0){ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**(count+count2+dn1c)); this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+(count+1+count2)*h,j+(count+1+count2)*v,10**(count+count2+dn1b1)); }else {// 两端是死的 中间要么是5要么就没意义 if(count+1+count2 == 5){ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**(count+count2+1)); }else{ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,0); //console.log("中间凑不够5个,中间权重是0"); } } } }else { //末2敌或边界 if(count==4){ // 只有四颗子的时候这个位置才有意义 this.sumWeight(aimArr,i+count*h,j+count*v,10**(count+1)); } } }else { // 末1敌或边界 末1不可能是己方的 // 走不了了 } } // 某个方向的前端的推荐权重 if(this.pieces[i+count*h] && this.pieces[i+count*h][j+count*v] === 0){ // 后1空 if(this.pieces[i-1*h] && this.pieces[i-1*h][j-1*v] === 0){ // 前1空 if(this.pieces[i-2*h] && this.pieces[i-2*h][j-2*v] === 0){ //前2空 if(count>=3){ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**(count+n2f1+0.3)); this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-2*h,j-2*v,10**(count+n2f2)); }else{ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**(count+n2f1)); this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-2*h,j-2*v,10**(count+n2f2)); } }else if(this.pieces[i-2*h] && this.pieces[i-2*h][j-2*v] === standpoint){ // 前2己 // this.sumWeight(this.myPositions,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**(count+0.3)); let count2 = this.directionCount(this.reverseDirection(arr[d]),standpoint,i-2*h,j-2*v); if(count+count2 >= 4){ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**5); }else{ if(this.pieces[i-(1+count2)*h] && this.pieces[i-(1+count2)*h][j-(1+count2)*v] === 0){ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**(count+count2+dn2c)); this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-(1+count2)*h,j-(1+count2)*v,10**(count+count2+dn2f1)); }else { this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**(count+count2+dn1c)); this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-(1+count2)*h,j-(1+count2)*v,10**(count+count2+dn1f1)); } } }else { //前2敌或边界 this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**(count+n1f1)); } }else { // 前1敌或边界 前1不可能是己方的 // 前端没有推荐的位置 } }else if(this.pieces[i+count*h] && this.pieces[i+count*h][j+count*v] === standpoint){ // 后1己 这里已经计算过了,跳过逻辑 continue; }else { // 后1 敌方或边界 if(this.pieces[i-1*h] && this.pieces[i-1*h][j-1*v] === 0){ // 前1空 if(this.pieces[i-2*h] && this.pieces[i-2*h][j-2*v] === 0){ //前2空 this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**(count+n1f1)); this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-2*h,j-2*v,10**(count+n1f2)); }else if(this.pieces[i-2*h] && this.pieces[i-2*h][j-2*v] === standpoint){ // 前2己 // this.sumWeight(this.myPositions,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**(count+0.1)); let count2 = this.directionCount(this.reverseDirection(arr[d]),standpoint,i-2*h,j-2*v); if(count+count2 >= 4){ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**5); }else{ if(this.pieces[i-(1+count2)*h] && this.pieces[i-(1+count2)*h][j-(1+count2)*v] === 0){ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**(count+count2+dn1c)); this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-(1+count2)*h,j-(1+count2)*v,10**(count+count2+dn1f1)); }else { if(count+1+count2 == 5){ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,10**(count+count2+1)); }else{ this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-1*h,j-1*v,0); //console.log("中间凑不够5个,中间权重是0"); } } } }else { //前2敌或边界 if(count==4){ // 只有四颗子的时候这个位置才有意义 this.sumWeight(aimArr,i-2*h,j-2*v,10**(count+1)); } } }else { // 前1敌或边界 前1不可能是己方的 // 前后都是敌,推荐个锤子 } } } } } } reverseDirection(direction){ var rd = ""; switch(direction){ case "r": rd = "l";break; case "rd": rd = "lt";break; case "d": rd = "t";break; case "ld": rd = "rt";break; case "l": rd = "r";break; case "lt": rd = "rd";break; case "t": rd = "d";break; case "rt": rd = "ld";break; default: console.error("输入方向不对,无法反转"); } return rd; } // 方向数字化numberDirection r(1,0) rd(1,1) ld(-1,1) nd(direction){ var res = {h:0,v:0}; // h horizontal v vertical switch(direction){ case "r": res.h = 1; res.v = 0; break; case "rd": res.h = 1; res.v = 1; break; case "d": res.h = 0; res.v = 1; break; case "ld": res.h = -1; res.v = 1; break; case "l": res.h = -1; res.v = 0; break; case "lt": res.h = -1; res.v = -1; break; case "t": res.h = 0; res.v = -1; break; case "rt": res.h = 1; res.v = -1; break; default: console.error("方向输入有误"); } return res; } // 合并同一个位置的权重 sumWeight(arr,x,y,weight){ weight = parseInt(weight); // 这里取一下整,小数看着不爽 var index = -1; for(let i=0,len=arr.length;i<len;i++){ if(arr[i].x==x && arr[i].y==y){ index = i; break; } } if(index!=-1){ // 如果已存在则权重相加 arr[index].weight += weight; }else{ // 如果不存在则添加一条 arr.push({x,y,weight}); } } // 从推荐位置中找出最佳位置 权重最大的位置 bestPosition (){ var myMax=0,myP={},myArr=[]; for(let i=0,len=this.myPositions.length;i<len;i++){ if(this.myPositions[i].weight>myMax){ myMax = this.myPositions[i].weight; myP.x = this.myPositions[i].x; myP.y = this.myPositions[i].y; } } var enemyMax = 0, enemyP = {}, enemyArr = []; for(let i=0,len=this.enemyPositions.length;i<len;i++){ if(this.enemyPositions[i].weight>enemyMax){ enemyMax = this.enemyPositions[i].weight; enemyP.x = this.enemyPositions[i].x; enemyP.y = this.enemyPositions[i].y; } } // console.log(this.myPositions,this.ememyPositions); //console.log("敌方权重最大:"+enemyMax,"我方权重最大:"+myMax); for(let i=0,len=this.myPositions.length;i<len;i++){ if(this.myPositions[i].weight==myMax){ myArr.push(this.deepClone(this.myPositions[i])); } } for(let i=0,len=this.enemyPositions.length;i<len;i++){ if(this.enemyPositions[i].weight==enemyMax){ enemyArr.push(this.deepClone(this.enemyPositions[i])); } } console.log(myArr,enemyArr,"敌方权重最大:"+enemyMax,"我方权重最大:"+myMax) if(enemyMax>myMax){ // 敌方权重最大的地方(有相同位置时,谋求自己的大权重位置) var myMaxW = 0; // 我方在敌方最有位置处的最佳权重 var recommedP = enemyP; for(let i=0, len=enemyArr.length;i<len;i++){ for(let j=0,len1=this.myPositions.length;j<len1;j++){ if(this.myPositions[j].x==enemyArr[i].x && this.myPositions[j].y==enemyArr[i].y){ if(this.myPositions[j].weight>myMaxW){ myMaxW = this.myPositions[j].weight; recommedP.x = this.myPositions[j].x; recommedP.y = this.myPositions[j].y; } } } } return recommedP; }else { // 我方权重最大的地方(有相同位置时,占据敌方的相对大权重位置) var enemyMaxW = 0; // 我方在敌方最有位置处的最佳权重 var recommedP = myP; for(let i=0, len=myArr.length;i<len;i++){ for(let j=0,len1=this.enemyPositions.length;j<len1;j++){ if(this.enemyPositions[j].x==myArr[i].x && this.enemyPositions[j].y==myArr[i].y){ if(this.enemyPositions[j].weight>enemyMaxW){ enemyMaxW = this.enemyPositions[j].weight; recommedP.x = this.enemyPositions[j].x; recommedP.y = this.enemyPositions[j].y; } } } } return recommedP; } } // 获取赢家 getWinner(){ switch(this.victor){ case 0: console.log("还没产生赢家");break; case 1: setTimeout(()=>{ alert("白棋赢"); this.canContinue = false; },30); break; case 2: setTimeout(()=>{ alert("黑棋赢"); this.canContinue = false; },30); break; default:; } } // 判断输赢 getVictor() { //1.找到一个当前棋子,2.判断它的右、右下、下、左下四个方向是否连成5个棋子 var dArr = ["r","rd","d","ld"]; for(var i=1;i<this.pieces.length;i++){ for(var j=1;j<this.pieces[i].length;j++){ if(this.pieces[i][j] == this.active){ for(let k =0;k<dArr.length;k++){ if(this.directionCount(dArr[k],this.active,i,j) == 5){// 右r 下d 左l 上t this.victor = this.active; this.getWinner(); return; } } } } } } // 各个方向连珠数量判断 directionCount(direction,oneSide,i,j){ var count = 0; var nd = this.nd(direction); if(this.pieces[i][j] == oneSide){ count = 1; for(let k=1;k<5;k++){ if(this.pieces[i+k*nd.h] && this.pieces[i+k*nd.h][j+k*nd.v] === oneSide){ count++; continue; }else { break; } } } return count; } // 深拷贝 deepClone(values) { var copy; // Handle the 3 simple types, and null or undefined if(null == values || "object" != typeof values) return values; // Handle Date if(values instanceof Date) { copy = new Date(); copy.setTime(values.getTime()); return copy; } // Handle Array if(values instanceof Array) { copy = []; for(var i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++) { copy[i] = this.deepClone(values[i]); } return copy; } // Handle Object if(values instanceof Object) { copy = {}; for(var attr in values) { if(values.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = this.deepClone(values[attr]); } return copy; } throw new Error("Unable to copy values! Its type isn't supported."); } }