• vba buffer rectangle 矩形外边框

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()


    End Sub

    Sub bufferrectangle()

    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Set pMxDoc = Application.Document

    Dim pMap As IMap
    Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap

    Dim pActiveView As IActiveView
    Set pActiveView = pMxDoc.FocusMap

    Dim pFeatureClassOne As IFeatureClass
    Dim pFLayerOne As IFeatureLayer

    Dim pFeatureClassTwo As IFeatureClass
    Dim pFLayerTwo As IFeatureLayer

    Dim pFeatureClassNew As IFeatureClass
    Dim pFLayerNew As IFeatureLayer

    Set pFLayerOne = pMap.Layer(0)

    Set pFeatureClassOne = pFLayerOne.FeatureClass

    Dim pFeatureCursorOne As IFeatureCursor

    Set pFeatureCursorOne = pFeatureClassOne.Search(Nothing, True)

    Dim pFeatureOne As IFeature

    Set pFeatureOne = pFeatureCursorOne.NextFeature

    Dim xmax As Double
    Dim ymax As Double
    Dim xmin As Double
    Dim ymin As Double

    Dim pPolygonOne As IPolygon
    Dim pPolygonNew As IPolygon

    Dim pOnePoints As IPointCollection
    Dim pNewPoints As IPointCollection
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim count As Integer
    count = 0

    Dim pNewPoint As IPoint
    Dim distance As Double
    distance = CDbl(TextBox1.Text)

    While Not pFeatureOne Is Nothing
       Set pPolygonOne = pFeatureOne.Shape
       Set pOnePoints = pPolygonOne
       For i = 0 To pOnePoints.PointCount - 1
       xmax = findxmax(pOnePoints)
       ymax = findymax(pOnePoints)
       xmin = findxmin(pOnePoints)
       ymin = findymin(pOnePoints)
       Set pNewPoints = New Polygon
       Set pNewPoint = New Point
       pNewPoint.X = xmin - distance
       pNewPoint.Y = ymax + distance
       pNewPoints.AddPoint pNewPoint
        Set pNewPoint = New Point
       pNewPoint.X = xmax + distance
       pNewPoint.Y = ymax + distance
       pNewPoints.AddPoint pNewPoint
       Set pNewPoint = New Point
       pNewPoint.X = xmax + distance
       pNewPoint.Y = ymin - distance
       pNewPoints.AddPoint pNewPoint

       Set pNewPoint = New Point
       pNewPoint.X = xmin - distance
       pNewPoint.Y = ymin - distance
       pNewPoints.AddPoint pNewPoint

       Next i
       Set pPolygonNew = pNewPoints
       Set pFeatureOne.Shape = pPolygonNew
       Set pFeatureOne = pFeatureCursorOne.NextFeature
       count = count + 1
       Label3.Caption = Str(count) & "个feature"


    MsgBox "done!"

    End Sub

    Public Function findxmax(points As IPointCollection) As Double

    Dim xmax As Double
    Dim ppoint As IPoint
    Dim i As Integer

    Set ppoint = points.Point(0)
    xmax = ppoint.X

    For i = 1 To points.PointCount - 1

    Set ppoint = points.Point(i)

        If xmax < ppoint.X Then
        xmax = ppoint.X
        End If

    Next i

    findxmax = xmax

    End Function

    Public Function findymax(points As IPointCollection) As Double

    Dim ymax As Double
    Dim ppoint As IPoint
    Dim i As Integer

    Set ppoint = points.Point(0)
    ymax = ppoint.Y

    For i = 1 To points.PointCount - 1

    Set ppoint = points.Point(i)

        If ymax < ppoint.Y Then
        ymax = ppoint.Y
        End If

    Next i

    findymax = ymax

    End Function

    Public Function findxmin(points As IPointCollection) As Double

    Dim xmin As Double
    Dim ppoint As IPoint
    Dim i As Integer

    Set ppoint = points.Point(0)
    xmin = ppoint.X

    For i = 1 To points.PointCount - 1

    Set ppoint = points.Point(i)

        If xmin > ppoint.X Then
        xmin = ppoint.X
        End If

    Next i

    findxmin = xmin

    End Function

    Public Function findymin(points As IPointCollection) As Double

    Dim ymin As Double
    Dim ppoint As IPoint
    Dim i As Integer

    Set ppoint = points.Point(0)
    ymin = ppoint.Y

    For i = 1 To points.PointCount - 1

    Set ppoint = points.Point(i)

        If ymin > ppoint.Y Then
        ymin = ppoint.Y
        End If

    Next i

    findymin = ymin

    End Function

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangjun1130/p/1874845.html
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