• acl.go

    package acl
    import (
    var (
    // allowAll is a singleton policy which allows all
    // non-management actions
    allowAll ACL
    // denyAll is a singleton policy which denies all actions
    denyAll ACL
    // manageAll is a singleton policy which allows all
    // actions, including management
    manageAll ACL
    func init() {
    // Setup the singletons
    allowAll = &StaticACL{
    allowManage:  false,
    defaultAllow: true,
    denyAll = &StaticACL{
    allowManage:  false,
    defaultAllow: false,
    manageAll = &StaticACL{
    allowManage:  true,
    defaultAllow: true,
    // ACL is the interface for policy enforcement.
    type ACL interface {
    // ACLList checks for permission to list all the ACLs
    ACLList() bool
    // ACLModify checks for permission to manipulate ACLs
    ACLModify() bool
    // AgentRead checks for permission to read from agent endpoints for a
    // given node.
    AgentRead(string) bool
    // AgentWrite checks for permission to make changes via agent endpoints
    // for a given node.
    AgentWrite(string) bool
    // EventRead determines if a specific event can be queried.
    EventRead(string) bool
    // EventWrite determines if a specific event may be fired.
    EventWrite(string) bool
    // KeyRead checks for permission to read a given key
    KeyRead(string) bool
    // KeyWrite checks for permission to write a given key
    KeyWrite(string) bool
    // KeyWritePrefix checks for permission to write to an
    // entire key prefix. This means there must be no sub-policies
    // that deny a write.
    KeyWritePrefix(string) bool
    // KeyringRead determines if the encryption keyring used in
    // the gossip layer can be read.
    KeyringRead() bool
    // KeyringWrite determines if the keyring can be manipulated
    KeyringWrite() bool
    // NodeRead checks for permission to read (discover) a given node.
    NodeRead(string) bool
    // NodeWrite checks for permission to create or update (register) a
    // given node.
    NodeWrite(string) bool
    // OperatorRead determines if the read-only Consul operator functions
    // can be used.
    OperatorRead() bool
    // OperatorWrite determines if the state-changing Consul operator
    // functions can be used.
    OperatorWrite() bool
    // PrepardQueryRead determines if a specific prepared query can be read
    // to show its contents (this is not used for execution).
    PreparedQueryRead(string) bool
    // PreparedQueryWrite determines if a specific prepared query can be
    // created, modified, or deleted.
    PreparedQueryWrite(string) bool
    // ServiceRead checks for permission to read a given service
    ServiceRead(string) bool
    // ServiceWrite checks for permission to create or update a given
    // service
    ServiceWrite(string) bool
    // SessionRead checks for permission to read sessions for a given node.
    SessionRead(string) bool
    // SessionWrite checks for permission to create sessions for a given
    // node.
    SessionWrite(string) bool
    // Snapshot checks for permission to take and restore snapshots.
    Snapshot() bool
    // StaticACL is used to implement a base ACL policy. It either
    // allows or denies all requests. This can be used as a parent
    // ACL to act in a blacklist or whitelist mode.
    type StaticACL struct {
    allowManage  bool
    defaultAllow bool
    func (s *StaticACL) ACLList() bool {
    return s.allowManage
    func (s *StaticACL) ACLModify() bool {
    return s.allowManage
    func (s *StaticACL) AgentRead(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) AgentWrite(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) EventRead(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) EventWrite(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) KeyRead(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) KeyWrite(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) KeyWritePrefix(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) KeyringRead() bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) KeyringWrite() bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) NodeRead(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) NodeWrite(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) OperatorRead() bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) OperatorWrite() bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) PreparedQueryRead(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) PreparedQueryWrite(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) ServiceRead(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) ServiceWrite(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) SessionRead(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) SessionWrite(string) bool {
    return s.defaultAllow
    func (s *StaticACL) Snapshot() bool {
    return s.allowManage
    // AllowAll returns an ACL rule that allows all operations
    func AllowAll() ACL {
    return allowAll
    // DenyAll returns an ACL rule that denies all operations
    func DenyAll() ACL {
    return denyAll
    // ManageAll returns an ACL rule that can manage all resources
    func ManageAll() ACL {
    return manageAll
    // RootACL returns a possible ACL if the ID matches a root policy
    func RootACL(id string) ACL {
    switch id {
    case "allow":
    return allowAll
    case "deny":
    return denyAll
    case "manage":
    return manageAll
    return nil
    // PolicyACL is used to wrap a set of ACL policies to provide
    // the ACL interface.
    type PolicyACL struct {
    // parent is used to resolve policy if we have
    // no matching rule.
    parent ACL
    // agentRules contains the agent policies
    agentRules *radix.Tree
    // keyRules contains the key policies
    keyRules *radix.Tree
    // nodeRules contains the node policies
    nodeRules *radix.Tree
    // serviceRules contains the service policies
    serviceRules *radix.Tree
    // sessionRules contains the session policies
    sessionRules *radix.Tree
    // eventRules contains the user event policies
    eventRules *radix.Tree
    // preparedQueryRules contains the prepared query policies
    preparedQueryRules *radix.Tree
    // keyringRule contains the keyring policies. The keyring has
    // a very simple yes/no without prefix matching, so here we
    // don't need to use a radix tree.
    keyringRule string
    // operatorRule contains the operator policies.
    operatorRule string
    // New is used to construct a policy based ACL from a set of policies
    // and a parent policy to resolve missing cases.
    func New(parent ACL, policy *Policy) (*PolicyACL, error) {
    p := &PolicyACL{
    parent:             parent,
    agentRules:         radix.New(),
    keyRules:           radix.New(),
    nodeRules:          radix.New(),
    serviceRules:       radix.New(),
    sessionRules:       radix.New(),
    eventRules:         radix.New(),
    preparedQueryRules: radix.New(),
    // Load the agent policy
    for _, ap := range policy.Agents {
    p.agentRules.Insert(ap.Node, ap.Policy)
    // Load the key policy
    for _, kp := range policy.Keys {
    p.keyRules.Insert(kp.Prefix, kp.Policy)
    // Load the node policy
    for _, np := range policy.Nodes {
    p.nodeRules.Insert(np.Name, np.Policy)
    // Load the service policy
    for _, sp := range policy.Services {
    p.serviceRules.Insert(sp.Name, sp.Policy)
    // Load the session policy
    for _, sp := range policy.Sessions {
    p.sessionRules.Insert(sp.Node, sp.Policy)
    // Load the event policy
    for _, ep := range policy.Events {
    p.eventRules.Insert(ep.Event, ep.Policy)
    // Load the prepared query policy
    for _, pq := range policy.PreparedQueries {
    p.preparedQueryRules.Insert(pq.Prefix, pq.Policy)
    // Load the keyring policy
    p.keyringRule = policy.Keyring
    // Load the operator policy
    p.operatorRule = policy.Operator
    return p, nil
    // ACLList checks if listing of ACLs is allowed
    func (p *PolicyACL) ACLList() bool {
    return p.parent.ACLList()
    // ACLModify checks if modification of ACLs is allowed
    func (p *PolicyACL) ACLModify() bool {
    return p.parent.ACLModify()
    // AgentRead checks for permission to read from agent endpoints for a given
    // node.
    func (p *PolicyACL) AgentRead(node string) bool {
    // Check for an exact rule or catch-all
    _, rule, ok := p.agentRules.LongestPrefix(node)
    if ok {
    switch rule {
    case PolicyRead, PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.AgentRead(node)
    // AgentWrite checks for permission to make changes via agent endpoints for a
    // given node.
    func (p *PolicyACL) AgentWrite(node string) bool {
    // Check for an exact rule or catch-all
    _, rule, ok := p.agentRules.LongestPrefix(node)
    if ok {
    switch rule {
    case PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.AgentWrite(node)
    // Snapshot checks if taking and restoring snapshots is allowed.
    func (p *PolicyACL) Snapshot() bool {
    return p.parent.Snapshot()
    // EventRead is used to determine if the policy allows for a
    // specific user event to be read.
    func (p *PolicyACL) EventRead(name string) bool {
    // Longest-prefix match on event names
    if _, rule, ok := p.eventRules.LongestPrefix(name); ok {
    switch rule {
    case PolicyRead, PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // Nothing matched, use parent
    return p.parent.EventRead(name)
    // EventWrite is used to determine if new events can be created
    // (fired) by the policy.
    func (p *PolicyACL) EventWrite(name string) bool {
    // Longest-prefix match event names
    if _, rule, ok := p.eventRules.LongestPrefix(name); ok {
    return rule == PolicyWrite
    // No match, use parent
    return p.parent.EventWrite(name)
    // KeyRead returns if a key is allowed to be read
    func (p *PolicyACL) KeyRead(key string) bool {
    // Look for a matching rule
    _, rule, ok := p.keyRules.LongestPrefix(key)
    if ok {
    switch rule.(string) {
    case PolicyRead, PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.KeyRead(key)
    // KeyWrite returns if a key is allowed to be written
    func (p *PolicyACL) KeyWrite(key string) bool {
    // Look for a matching rule
    _, rule, ok := p.keyRules.LongestPrefix(key)
    if ok {
    switch rule.(string) {
    case PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.KeyWrite(key)
    // KeyWritePrefix returns if a prefix is allowed to be written
    func (p *PolicyACL) KeyWritePrefix(prefix string) bool {
    // Look for a matching rule that denies
    _, rule, ok := p.keyRules.LongestPrefix(prefix)
    if ok && rule.(string) != PolicyWrite {
    return false
    // Look if any of our children have a deny policy
    deny := false
    p.keyRules.WalkPrefix(prefix, func(path string, rule interface{}) bool {
    // We have a rule to prevent a write in a sub-directory!
    if rule.(string) != PolicyWrite {
    deny = true
    return true
    return false
    // Deny the write if any sub-rules may be violated
    if deny {
    return false
    // If we had a matching rule, done
    if ok {
    return true
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.KeyWritePrefix(prefix)
    // KeyringRead is used to determine if the keyring can be
    // read by the current ACL token.
    func (p *PolicyACL) KeyringRead() bool {
    switch p.keyringRule {
    case PolicyRead, PolicyWrite:
    return true
    case PolicyDeny:
    return false
    return p.parent.KeyringRead()
    // KeyringWrite determines if the keyring can be manipulated.
    func (p *PolicyACL) KeyringWrite() bool {
    if p.keyringRule == PolicyWrite {
    return true
    return p.parent.KeyringWrite()
    // OperatorRead determines if the read-only operator functions are allowed.
    func (p *PolicyACL) OperatorRead() bool {
    switch p.operatorRule {
    case PolicyRead, PolicyWrite:
    return true
    case PolicyDeny:
    return false
    return p.parent.OperatorRead()
    // NodeRead checks if reading (discovery) of a node is allowed
    func (p *PolicyACL) NodeRead(name string) bool {
    // Check for an exact rule or catch-all
    _, rule, ok := p.nodeRules.LongestPrefix(name)
    if ok {
    switch rule {
    case PolicyRead, PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.NodeRead(name)
    // NodeWrite checks if writing (registering) a node is allowed
    func (p *PolicyACL) NodeWrite(name string) bool {
    // Check for an exact rule or catch-all
    _, rule, ok := p.nodeRules.LongestPrefix(name)
    if ok {
    switch rule {
    case PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.NodeWrite(name)
    // OperatorWrite determines if the state-changing operator functions are
    // allowed.
    func (p *PolicyACL) OperatorWrite() bool {
    if p.operatorRule == PolicyWrite {
    return true
    return p.parent.OperatorWrite()
    // PreparedQueryRead checks if reading (listing) of a prepared query is
    // allowed - this isn't execution, just listing its contents.
    func (p *PolicyACL) PreparedQueryRead(prefix string) bool {
    // Check for an exact rule or catch-all
    _, rule, ok := p.preparedQueryRules.LongestPrefix(prefix)
    if ok {
    switch rule {
    case PolicyRead, PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.PreparedQueryRead(prefix)
    // PreparedQueryWrite checks if writing (creating, updating, or deleting) of a
    // prepared query is allowed.
    func (p *PolicyACL) PreparedQueryWrite(prefix string) bool {
    // Check for an exact rule or catch-all
    _, rule, ok := p.preparedQueryRules.LongestPrefix(prefix)
    if ok {
    switch rule {
    case PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.PreparedQueryWrite(prefix)
    // ServiceRead checks if reading (discovery) of a service is allowed
    func (p *PolicyACL) ServiceRead(name string) bool {
    // Check for an exact rule or catch-all
    _, rule, ok := p.serviceRules.LongestPrefix(name)
    if ok {
    switch rule {
    case PolicyRead, PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.ServiceRead(name)
    // ServiceWrite checks if writing (registering) a service is allowed
    func (p *PolicyACL) ServiceWrite(name string) bool {
    // Check for an exact rule or catch-all
    _, rule, ok := p.serviceRules.LongestPrefix(name)
    if ok {
    switch rule {
    case PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.ServiceWrite(name)
    // SessionRead checks for permission to read sessions for a given node.
    func (p *PolicyACL) SessionRead(node string) bool {
    // Check for an exact rule or catch-all
    _, rule, ok := p.sessionRules.LongestPrefix(node)
    if ok {
    switch rule {
    case PolicyRead, PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.SessionRead(node)
    // SessionWrite checks for permission to create sessions for a given node.
    func (p *PolicyACL) SessionWrite(node string) bool {
    // Check for an exact rule or catch-all
    _, rule, ok := p.sessionRules.LongestPrefix(node)
    if ok {
    switch rule {
    case PolicyWrite:
    return true
    return false
    // No matching rule, use the parent.
    return p.parent.SessionWrite(node)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangboyu/p/7451893.html
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