• Ubuntu下wxWidgets的CSocket编程,简单聊天室



    // Name:        server.cpp

    // Purpose:     Server for wxSocket demo


    // Author:      Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia<guille@iies.es>


    // Created:     1999/09/19


    // Copyright:   (c) 1999 Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia


    //              (c) 2009 Vadim Zeitlin


    // Licence:     wxWindows licence








    // declarations








    // headers




    // For compilers that supportprecompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".


    #include "wx/wxprec.h"

    #ifdef __BORLANDC__

    # pragma hdrstop


    // for all others, include thenecessary headers

    #ifndef WX_PRECOMP

    # include "wx/wx.h"


    #include "wx/busyinfo.h"

    #include "wx/socket.h"

    // this example is currently written touse only IP or only IPv6 sockets, it

    // should be extended to allow usingeither in the future

    #if wxUSE_IPV6

       typedef wxIPV6address IPaddress;




       typedef wxIPV4address IPaddress;






    // resources






    // the application icon



       //#include "../sample.xpm"



    // classes


    // Define a new application type

    class MyApp : public wxApp



     virtual bool OnInit();


    // Define a new frame type: this isgoing to be our main frame

    class MyFrame : public wxFrame





     // event handlers (these functions should _not_ be virtual)

     void OnUDPTest(wxCommandEvent& event);

     void OnWaitForAccept(wxCommandEvent& event);

     void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);

     void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);

     void OnServerEvent(wxSocketEvent& event);

     void OnSocketEvent(wxSocketEvent& event);

     void Test1(wxSocketBase *sock);

     void Test2(wxSocketBase *sock);

     void Test3(wxSocketBase *sock);

    // convenience functions

     void UpdateStatusBar();


     wxSocketServer *m_server;

     wxTextCtrl     *m_text;

     wxMenu         *m_menuFile;

     wxMenuBar      *m_menuBar;

     bool            m_busy;

     int             m_numClients;

     // any class wishing to process wxWidgets events must use this macro





    // simple helper class to log start andend of each test

    class TestLogger



       TestLogger(const wxString& name) : m_name(name)


           wxLogMessage("=== %s begins ===", m_name);




           wxLogMessage("=== %s ends ===", m_name);



       const wxString m_name;





    // constants


    // IDs for the controls and the menucommands



     // menu items 





     // id for sockets

     SERVER_ID = 100,






    // event tables and other macros forwxWidgets






    BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)


     EVT_MENU(SERVER_QUIT, MyFrame::OnQuit)


     EVT_MENU(SERVER_ABOUT, MyFrame::OnAbout)






     EVT_SOCKET(SERVER_ID, MyFrame::OnServerEvent)


     EVT_SOCKET(SOCKET_ID, MyFrame::OnSocketEvent)














    // implementation








    // the application class






    bool MyApp::OnInit()




     if ( !wxApp::OnInit() )


         return false;




     // Create the main application window


     MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame();




     // Show it






     // Success


     return true;








    // main frame






    // frame constructor




    MyFrame::MyFrame() : wxFrame((wxFrame*)NULL, wxID_ANY,


                                 _("wxSocketdemo: Server"),


                                 wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(300, 200))




     // Give the frame an icon


    // SetIcon(wxICON(sample));




     // Make menus


     m_menuFile = new wxMenu();


     m_menuFile->Append(SERVER_WAITFORACCEPT, "&Wait forconnection Ctrl-W");


     m_menuFile->Append(SERVER_UDPTEST, "&UDPtest Ctrl-U");




     m_menuFile->Append(SERVER_ABOUT, _("&About Ctrl-A"),_("Show about dialog"));




     m_menuFile->Append(SERVER_QUIT, _("E&xit Alt-X"),_("Quit server"));




     // Append menus to the menubar


     m_menuBar = new wxMenuBar();


     m_menuBar->Append(m_menuFile, _("&File"));








     // Status bar




    #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR




     // Make a textctrl for logging


     m_text  = new wxTextCtrl(this,wxID_ANY,


                               _("Welcome towxSocket demo: Server "),




                               wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY);


     delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogTextCtrl(m_text));




     // Create the address - defaults to localhost:0 initially


     IPaddress addr;






     wxLogMessage("Creating server at %s:%u", addr.IPAddress(),addr.Service());




     // Create the socket


     m_server = new wxSocketServer(addr);




     // We use IsOk() here to see if the server is really listening


     if (! m_server->IsOk())




       wxLogMessage("Could not listen at the specified port !");








     IPaddress addrReal;


     if ( !m_server->GetLocal(addrReal) )




       wxLogMessage("ERROR: couldn't get the address we bound to");








       wxLogMessage("Server listening at %s:%u",








     // Setup the event handler and subscribe to connection events


     m_server->SetEventHandler(*this, SERVER_ID);








     m_busy = false;


     m_numClients = 0;












     // No delayed deletion here, as the frame is dying anyway


     delete m_server;






    // event handlers




    voidMyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))




     // true is to force the frame to close








    voidMyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))




     wxMessageBox(_("wxSocket demo: Server (c) 1999 Guillermo RodriguezGarcia "),


                   _("About Server"),


                   wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION,this);






    voidMyFrame::OnUDPTest(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))




       TestLogger logtest("UDP test");




       IPaddress addr;




       wxDatagramSocket sock(addr);




       char buf[1024];


       size_t n = sock.RecvFrom(addr, buf, sizeof(buf)).LastCount();


       if ( !n )




           wxLogMessage("ERROR: failed to receive data");








       wxLogMessage("Received "%s" from %s:%u.",








       for ( size_t i = 0; i < n; i++ )




           char& c = buf[i];


           if ( (c >= 'A' && c <= 'M') || (c >= 'a' && c<= 'm') )


                c += 13;


           else if ( (c >= 'N' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'n'&& c <= 'z') )


                c -= 13;






       if ( sock.SendTo(addr, buf, n).LastCount() != n )




           wxLogMessage("ERROR: failed to send data");










    voidMyFrame::OnWaitForAccept(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))




       TestLogger logtest("WaitForAccept() test");




       wxBusyInfo("Waiting for connection for 10 seconds...", this);


       if ( m_server->WaitForAccept(10) )


           wxLogMessage("Accepted client connection.");




           wxLogMessage("Connection error or timeout expired.");






    void MyFrame::Test1(wxSocketBase *sock)




     TestLogger logtest("Test 1");




     // Receive data from socket and send it back. We will first


     // get a byte with the buffer size, so we can specify the


     // exact size and use the wxSOCKET_WAITALL flag. Also, we


     // disabled input events so we won't have unwanted reentrance.


     // This way we can avoid the infamous wxSOCKET_BLOCK flag.








     // Read the size


     unsigned char len;


     sock->Read(&len, 1);


     wxCharBuffer buf(len);




     // Read the data


     sock->Read(buf.data(), len);


     wxLogMessage("Got the data, sending it back");




     // Write it back


     sock->Write(buf, len);






    void MyFrame::Test2(wxSocketBase *sock)




     char buf[4096];




     TestLogger logtest("Test 2");




     // We don't need to set flags because ReadMsg and WriteMsg


     // are not affected by them anyway.




     // Read the message


     wxUint32 len = sock->ReadMsg(buf, sizeof(buf)).LastCount();


     if ( !len )




         wxLogError("Failed to read message.");








     wxLogMessage("Got "%s" from client.",wxString::FromUTF8(buf, len));


     wxLogMessage("Sending the data back");




     // Write it back


     sock->WriteMsg(buf, len);






    void MyFrame::Test3(wxSocketBase *sock)




     TestLogger logtest("Test 3");




     // This test is similar to the first one, but the len is


     // expressed in kbytes - this tests large data transfers.








     // Read the size


     unsigned char len;


     sock->Read(&len, 1);


     wxCharBuffer buf(len*1024);




     // Read the data


     sock->Read(buf.data(), len * 1024);


     wxLogMessage("Got the data, sending it back");




     // Write it back


     sock->Write(buf, len * 1024);






    voidMyFrame::OnServerEvent(wxSocketEvent& event)




     wxString s = _("OnServerEvent: ");


     wxSocketBase *sock;








       case wxSOCKET_CONNECTION :s.Append(_("wxSOCKET_CONNECTION ")); break;


       default                  :s.Append(_("Unexpected event ! ")); break;










     // Accept new connection if there is one in the pending


     // connections queue, else exit. We use Accept(false) for


     // non-blocking accept (although if we got here, there


     // should ALWAYS be a pending connection).




     sock = m_server->Accept(false);




     if (sock)




       IPaddress addr;


       if ( !sock->GetPeer(addr) )




         wxLogMessage("New connection from unknown client accepted.");








         wxLogMessage("New client connection from %s:%u accepted",












       wxLogMessage("Error: couldn't accept a new connection");








     sock->SetEventHandler(*this, SOCKET_ID);


     sock->SetNotify(wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG | wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG);














    voidMyFrame::OnSocketEvent(wxSocketEvent& event)




     wxString s = _("OnSocketEvent: ");


     wxSocketBase *sock = event.GetSocket();




     // First, print a message






       case wxSOCKET_INPUT : s.Append(_("wxSOCKET_INPUT ")); break;


       case wxSOCKET_LOST  :s.Append(_("wxSOCKET_LOST ")); break;


       default             :s.Append(_("Unexpected event ! ")); break;










     // Now we process the event






       case wxSOCKET_INPUT:




         // We disable input events, so that the test doesn't trigger


         // wxSocketEvent again.






         // Which test are we going to run?


         unsigned char c;


         sock->Read(&c, 1);




         switch (c)




           case 0xBE: Test1(sock); break;


           case 0xCE: Test2(sock); break;


           case 0xDE: Test3(sock); break;




              wxLogMessage("Unknown test idreceived from client");






         // Enable input events again.


         sock->SetNotify(wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG | wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG);






       case wxSOCKET_LOST:








         // Destroy() should be used instead of delete wherever possible,


         // due to the fact that wxSocket uses 'delayed events' (see the


         // documentation for wxPostEvent) and we don't want an event to


         // arrive to the event handler (the frame, here) after the socket


         // has been deleted. Also, we might be doing some other thing with


         // the socket at the same time; for example, we might be in the


         // middle of a test or something. Destroy() takes care of all


         // this for us.




         wxLogMessage("Deleting socket.");








       default: ;












    // convenience functions




    void MyFrame::UpdateStatusBar()






     wxString s;


     s.Printf(_("%d clients connected"), m_numClients);


     SetStatusText(s, 1);


    #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR






    // Name:        client.cpp


    // Purpose:     Client for wxSocket demo


    // Author:      Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia<guille@iies.es>


    // Modified by:


    // Created:     1999/09/19


    // Copyright:   (c) 1999 Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia


    // Licence:     wxWindows licence








    // declarations






    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------


    // headers






    // For compilers that supportprecompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".


    #include "wx/wxprec.h"




    #ifdef __BORLANDC__


    # pragma hdrstop






    // for all others, include thenecessary headers


    #ifndef WX_PRECOMP


    # include "wx/wx.h"






    #include "wx/socket.h"


    #include "wx/url.h"


    #include "wx/sstream.h"


    #include <memory>






    // resources






    // the application icon




       //#include "../sample.xpm"








    // classes






    // Define a new application type


    class MyApp : public wxApp






     virtual bool OnInit();






    // Define a new frame type: this isgoing to be our main frame


    class MyFrame : public wxFrame












     // event handlers for File menu


     void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);


     void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);




     // event handlers for Socket menu


     void OnOpenConnection(wxCommandEvent& event);


     void OnTest1(wxCommandEvent& event);


     void OnTest2(wxCommandEvent& event);


     void OnTest3(wxCommandEvent& event);


     void OnCloseConnection(wxCommandEvent& event);




    #if wxUSE_URL


     // event handlers for Protocols menu


     void OnTestURL(wxCommandEvent& event);




    #if wxUSE_IPV6


     void OnOpenConnectionIPv6(wxCommandEvent& event);






     void OpenConnection(wxSockAddress::Family family);




     // event handlers for DatagramSocket menu (stub)


     void OnDatagram(wxCommandEvent& event);




     // socket event handler


     void OnSocketEvent(wxSocketEvent& event);




     // convenience functions


     void UpdateStatusBar();






     wxSocketClient *m_sock;


     wxTextCtrl     *m_text;


     wxMenu         *m_menuFile;


     wxMenu         *m_menuSocket;


     wxMenu        *m_menuDatagramSocket;


     wxMenu         *m_menuProtocols;


     wxMenuBar      *m_menuBar;


     bool            m_busy;




     // any class wishing to process wxWidgets events must use this macro








    // simple helper class to log start andend of each test


    class TestLogger






       TestLogger(const wxString& name) : m_name(name)




           wxLogMessage("=== %s test begins ===", m_name);










           wxLogMessage("=== %s test ends ===", m_name);








       const wxString m_name;








    // constants






    // IDs for the controls and the menucommands






     // menu items






     CLIENT_OPEN = 100,


    #if wxUSE_IPV6














    #if wxUSE_URL










     // id for socket










    // event tables and other macros forwxWidgets






    BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)


     EVT_MENU(CLIENT_QUIT,    MyFrame::OnQuit)


     EVT_MENU(CLIENT_ABOUT,   MyFrame::OnAbout)


     EVT_MENU(CLIENT_OPEN,    MyFrame::OnOpenConnection)


    #if wxUSE_IPV6


     EVT_MENU(CLIENT_OPENIPV6, MyFrame::OnOpenConnectionIPv6)




     EVT_MENU(CLIENT_TEST1,   MyFrame::OnTest1)


     EVT_MENU(CLIENT_TEST2,   MyFrame::OnTest2)


     EVT_MENU(CLIENT_TEST3,   MyFrame::OnTest3)


     EVT_MENU(CLIENT_CLOSE,   MyFrame::OnCloseConnection)


     EVT_MENU(CLIENT_DGRAM,   MyFrame::OnDatagram)


    #if wxUSE_URL






     EVT_SOCKET(SOCKET_ID,    MyFrame::OnSocketEvent)












    // implementation








    // the application class






    bool MyApp::OnInit()




     if ( !wxApp::OnInit() )


         return false;




     // Create the main application window


     MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame();




     // Show it






     // success


     return true;








    // main frame






    // frame constructor


    MyFrame::MyFrame() : wxFrame((wxFrame*)NULL, wxID_ANY,


                                _("wxSocketdemo: Client"),


                                 wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(300, 200))




     // Give the frame an icon






     // Make menus


     m_menuFile = new wxMenu();


     m_menuFile->Append(CLIENT_ABOUT, _("&About Ctrl-A"),_("Show about dialog"));




     m_menuFile->Append(CLIENT_QUIT, _("E&xit Alt-X"),_("Quit client"));




     m_menuSocket = new wxMenu();


     m_menuSocket->Append(CLIENT_OPEN, _("&Open session Ctrl-O"),_("Connect to server"));


    #if wxUSE_IPV6


     m_menuSocket->Append(CLIENT_OPENIPV6, _("&Opensession(IPv6) Shift-Ctrl-O"), _("Connect to server(IPv6)"));






     m_menuSocket->Append(CLIENT_TEST1, _("Test&1 Ctrl-F1"), _("Test basic functionality"));


     m_menuSocket->Append(CLIENT_TEST2, _("Test&2 Ctrl-F2"), _("Test ReadMsg and WriteMsg"));


     m_menuSocket->Append(CLIENT_TEST3, _("Test&3 Ctrl-F3"), _("Test large data transfer"));




     m_menuSocket->Append(CLIENT_CLOSE, _("&Closesession Ctrl-Q"), _("Close connection"));




     m_menuDatagramSocket = new wxMenu();


     m_menuDatagramSocket->Append(CLIENT_DGRAM, _("&Datagramtest Ctrl-D"), _("Test UDP sockets"));




    #if wxUSE_URL


     m_menuProtocols = new wxMenu();


     m_menuProtocols->Append(CLIENT_TESTURL, _("TestURL Ctrl-U"),


                              _("Get data fromthe specified URL"));






     // Append menus to the menubar


     m_menuBar = new wxMenuBar();


     m_menuBar->Append(m_menuFile, _("&File"));


     m_menuBar->Append(m_menuSocket, _("&TCP"));


     m_menuBar->Append(m_menuDatagramSocket, _("&UDP"));


    #if wxUSE_URL


     m_menuBar->Append(m_menuProtocols, _("&Protocols"));










     // Status bar




    #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR




     // Make a textctrl for logging


     m_text  = new wxTextCtrl(this,wxID_ANY,


                               _("Welcome towxSocket demo: Client Client ready "),




                               wxTE_MULTILINE |wxTE_READONLY);


     delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogTextCtrl(m_text));




     // Create the socket


     m_sock = new wxSocketClient();




     // Setup the event handler and subscribe to most events


     m_sock->SetEventHandler(*this, SOCKET_ID);


     m_sock->SetNotify(wxSOCKET_CONNECTION_FLAG |


                        wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG |








     m_busy = false;












     // No delayed deletion here, as the frame is dying anyway


     delete m_sock;






    // event handlers




    voidMyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))




     // true is to force the frame to close








    voidMyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))




     wxMessageBox(_("wxSocket demo: Client (c) 1999 Guillermo RodriguezGarcia "),


                   _("About Client"),


                   wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION,this);






    voidMyFrame::OnOpenConnection(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))








    #if wxUSE_IPV6


    voidMyFrame::OnOpenConnectionIPv6(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))








    #endif // wxUSE_IPV6




    voidMyFrame::OpenConnection(wxSockAddress::Family family)




       wxUnusedVar(family); // unused in !wxUSE_IPV6 case




     wxIPaddress * addr;


     wxIPV4address addr4;


    #if wxUSE_IPV6


     wxIPV6address addr6;


     if ( family == wxSockAddress::IPV6 )


       addr = &addr6;






       addr = &addr4;




     m_menuSocket->Enable(CLIENT_OPEN, false);


    #if wxUSE_IPV6


     m_menuSocket->Enable(CLIENT_OPENIPV6, false);




     m_menuSocket->Enable(CLIENT_CLOSE, false);




     // Ask user for server address


     wxString hostname = wxGetTextFromUser(


       _("Enter the address of the wxSocket demo server:"),


       _("Connect ..."),




     if ( hostname.empty() )












     // we connect asynchronously and will get a wxSOCKET_CONNECTION eventwhen


     // the connection is really established




     // if you want to make sure that connection is established right hereyou


     // could call WaitOnConnect(timeout) instead


     wxLogMessage("Trying to connect to %s:%d", hostname,addr->Service());




     m_sock->Connect(*addr, false);






    void MyFrame::OnTest1(wxCommandEvent&WXUNUSED(event))




     // Disable socket menu entries (exception: Close Session)


     m_busy = true;






     m_text->AppendText(_(" === Test 1 begins === "));




     // Tell the server which test we are running


     unsigned char c = 0xBE;


     m_sock->Write(&c, 1);




     // Send some data and read it back. We know the size of the


     // buffer, so we can specify the exact number of bytes to be


     // sent or received and use the wxSOCKET_WAITALL flag. Also,


     // we have disabled menu entries which could interfere with


     // the test, so we can safely avoid the wxSOCKET_BLOCK flag.




     // First we send a byte with the length of the string, then


     // we send the string itself (do NOT try to send any integral


     // value larger than a byte "as is" across the network, or


     // you might be in trouble! Ever heard about big and little


     // endian computers?)








     const char *buf1 = "Test string (less than 256 chars!)";


     unsigned char len  = (unsignedchar)(wxStrlen(buf1) + 1);


     wxCharBuffer buf2(wxStrlen(buf1));




     m_text->AppendText(_("Sending a test buffer to the server..."));


     m_sock->Write(&len, 1);


     m_sock->Write(buf1, len);


     m_text->AppendText(m_sock->Error() ? _("failed ! ") :_("done "));




     m_text->AppendText(_("Receiving the buffer back from server..."));


     m_sock->Read(buf2.data(), len);


     m_text->AppendText(m_sock->Error() ? _("failed ! ") :_("done "));




     m_text->AppendText(_("Comparing the two buffers ..."));


     if (memcmp(buf1, buf2, len) != 0)




       m_text->AppendText(_("failed! "));


       m_text->AppendText(_("Test 1 failed ! "));








       m_text->AppendText(_("done "));


       m_text->AppendText(_("Test 1 passed ! "));




     m_text->AppendText(_("=== Test 1 ends === "));




     m_busy = false;








    voidMyFrame::OnTest2(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))




     // Disable socket menu entries (exception: Close Session)


     m_busy = true;






     m_text->AppendText(_(" === Test 2 begins === "));




     // Tell the server which test we are running


     unsigned char c = 0xCE;


     m_sock->Write(&c, 1);




     // Here we use ReadMsg and WriteMsg to send messages with


     // a header with size information. Also, the reception is


     // event triggered, so we test input events as well.




     // We need to set no flags here (ReadMsg and WriteMsg are


     // not affected by flags)








     wxString s = wxGetTextFromUser(


       _("Enter an arbitrary string to send to the server:"),


       _("Test 2 ..."),


       _("Yes I like wxWidgets!"));




     const wxScopedCharBuffer msg1(s.utf8_str());


     size_t len  = wxStrlen(msg1) + 1;


     wxCharBuffer msg2(wxStrlen(msg1));




     m_text->AppendText(_("Sending the string with WriteMsg..."));


     m_sock->WriteMsg(msg1, len);


     m_text->AppendText(m_sock->Error() ? _("failed ! ") :_("done "));


     m_text->AppendText(_("Waiting for an event (timeout = 2sec) "));




     // Wait until data available (will also return if the connection islost)






     if (m_sock->IsData())




       m_text->AppendText(_("Reading the string back with ReadMsg..."));


       m_sock->ReadMsg(msg2.data(), len);


       m_text->AppendText(m_sock->Error() ? _("failed ! ") :_("done "));


       m_text->AppendText(_("Comparing the two buffers ..."));


       if (memcmp(msg1, msg2, len) != 0)




         m_text->AppendText(_("failed! "));


         m_text->AppendText(_("Test 2 failed ! "));








         m_text->AppendText(_("done "));


         m_text->AppendText(_("Test 2 passed ! "));








       m_text->AppendText(_("Timeout ! Test 2 failed. "));




     m_text->AppendText(_("=== Test 2 ends === "));




     m_busy = false;








    voidMyFrame::OnTest3(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))




     // Disable socket menu entries (exception: Close Session)


     m_busy = true;






     m_text->AppendText(_(" === Test 3 begins === "));




     // Tell the server which test we are running


     unsigned char c = 0xDE;


     m_sock->Write(&c, 1);




     // This test also is similar to the first one but it sends a


     // large buffer so that wxSocket is actually forced to split


     // it into pieces and take care of sending everything before


     // returning.








     // Note that len is in kbytes here!


     const unsigned char len  = 32;


     wxCharBuffer buf1(len * 1024),


                   buf2(len * 1024);




     for (size_t i = 0; i < len * 1024; i ++)


       buf1.data()[i] = (char)(i % 256);




     m_text->AppendText(_("Sending a large buffer (32K) to the server..."));


     m_sock->Write(&len, 1);


     m_sock->Write(buf1, len * 1024);


     m_text->AppendText(m_sock->Error() ? _("failed ! ") :_("done "));




     m_text->AppendText(_("Receiving the buffer back from server..."));


     m_sock->Read(buf2.data(), len * 1024);


     m_text->AppendText(m_sock->Error() ? _("failed ! ") :_("done "));




     m_text->AppendText(_("Comparing the two buffers ..."));


     if (memcmp(buf1, buf2, len) != 0)




       m_text->AppendText(_("failed! "));


       m_text->AppendText(_("Test 3 failed ! "));








       m_text->AppendText(_("done "));


       m_text->AppendText(_("Test 3 passed ! "));




     m_text->AppendText(_("=== Test 3 ends === "));




     m_busy = false;








    voidMyFrame::OnCloseConnection(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))












    voidMyFrame::OnDatagram(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))




       wxString hostname = wxGetTextFromUser




                             "Enter theaddress of the wxSocket demo server:",


                             "UDP peer",






       if ( hostname.empty() )






       TestLogger logtest("UDP");




       wxIPV4address addrLocal;




       wxDatagramSocket sock(addrLocal);


       if ( !sock.IsOk() )




           wxLogMessage("ERROR: failed to create UDP socket");








       wxLogMessage("Created UDP socket at %s:%u",






       wxIPV4address addrPeer;








       wxLogMessage("Testing UDP with peer at %s:%u",






       char buf[] = "Uryyb sebz pyvrag!";


       if ( sock.SendTo(addrPeer, buf, sizeof(buf)).LastCount() != sizeof(buf))




           wxLogMessage("ERROR: failed to send data");








       if ( sock.RecvFrom(addrPeer, buf, sizeof(buf)).LastCount() !=sizeof(buf) )




           wxLogMessage("ERROR: failed to receive data");








       wxLogMessage("Received "%s" from %s:%u.",










    #if wxUSE_URL




    voidMyFrame::OnTestURL(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))




       // Ask for the URL


       static wxString s_urlname("http://www.google.com/");


       wxString urlname = wxGetTextFromUser




                            _("Enter an URL toget"),








       if ( urlname.empty() )


           return; // cancelled by user




       s_urlname = urlname;






       TestLogger logtest("URL");




       // Parse the URL


       wxURL url(urlname);


       if ( url.GetError() != wxURL_NOERR )




           wxLogError("Failed to parse URL "%s"", urlname);








       // Try to get the input stream (connects to the given URL)


       wxLogMessage("Establishing connection to "%s"...",urlname);


       const std::auto_ptr<wxInputStream> data(url.GetInputStream());


       if ( !data.get() )




           wxLogError("Failed to retrieve URL "%s"",urlname);








       // Print the contents type and file size


       wxLogMessage("Contents type: %s File size: %lu Starting todownload...",




                     static_cast<unsignedlong>( data->GetSize() ));




       // Get the data


       wxStringOutputStream sout;


       if ( data->Read(sout).GetLastError() != wxSTREAM_EOF )




           wxLogError("Error reading the input stream.");






       wxLogMessage("Text retrieved from URL "%s"follows: %s",


                     urlname, sout.GetString());






    #endif // wxUSE_URL




    voidMyFrame::OnSocketEvent(wxSocketEvent& event)




       switch ( event.GetSocketEvent() )




           case wxSOCKET_INPUT:


                wxLogMessage("Input availableon the socket");






           case wxSOCKET_LOST:


                wxLogMessage("Socketconnection was unexpectedly lost.");








           case wxSOCKET_CONNECTION:


                wxLogMessage("... socket isnow connected.");










                wxLogMessage("Unknown socketevent!!!");










    // convenience functions




    void MyFrame::UpdateStatusBar()






     wxString s;




     if (!m_sock->IsConnected())




       s = "Not connected";








    #if wxUSE_IPV6


       wxIPV6address addr;




       wxIPV4address addr;








       s.Printf("%s : %d", addr.Hostname(), addr.Service());






     SetStatusText(s, 1);


    #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR




     m_menuSocket->Enable(CLIENT_OPEN, !m_sock->IsConnected()&& !m_busy);


    #if wxUSE_IPV6


     m_menuSocket->Enable(CLIENT_OPENIPV6, !m_sock->IsConnected()&& !m_busy);




     m_menuSocket->Enable(CLIENT_TEST1, m_sock->IsConnected()&& !m_busy);


     m_menuSocket->Enable(CLIENT_TEST2, m_sock->IsConnected()&& !m_busy);


     m_menuSocket->Enable(CLIENT_TEST3, m_sock->IsConnected()&& !m_busy);


     m_menuSocket->Enable(CLIENT_CLOSE, m_sock->IsConnected());




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    Spring Boot + Redis 实现各种操作
    shell 脚本快速部署 SpringBoot 项目
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangaihua/p/3718086.html
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