• iOS开发 Swift开发数独游戏(四) 游戏界面的界面与逻辑








    模型初始化包括背景色、填数操作 和 边框粗细的调整










       1:  import Foundation
       2:  import UIKit
       3:  class UnitCell: UIButton {
       4:      var numberAvailable = true
       5:      var superDelegate:SNNUnit?
       6:      // MARK: - 隐藏所有标记
       7:      func hideAllMarks(){
       8:          for view:UILabel in self.subviews as [UILabel]{
       9:             view.hidden=true
      10:          }
      11:      }
      12:      // MARK: - 添加标记
      13:      func addNumberMark(i:Int){
      14:          hideNumberBig()
      15:          for view:UILabel in self.subviews as [UILabel]{
      16:              if view.text == String(i){
      17:                  if view.hidden {
      18:                      view.hidden = false
      19:                  }
      20:  //                else{
      21:  //                    view.hidden = true
      22:  //                }
      23:                  break
      24:              }
      25:          }
      26:      }
      27:      // MARK: - 锁定单元格
      28:      func lockUnit(){
      29:          self.enabled = false
      30:          self.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor()
      31:      }
      32:      // MARK: - 设置特定的数字
      33:      func setCertainNumberBig(v:Int){
      34:          hideAllMarks()
      35:          self.setTitle(String(v), forState: UIControlState.Normal)
      36:          self.setTitleColor(UIColor.blackColor(), forState: UIControlState.Normal)
      37:      }
      38:      // MARK: - 隐藏数字
      39:      func hideNumberBig(){
      40:          self.setTitle("", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
      41:      }
      42:      // MARK: - 初始化单元格
      43:      func initCells(){
      44:          hideAllMarks()
      45:          hideNumberBig()
      46:          self.enabled=true
      47:          self.layer.borderWidth=1
      48:          self.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
      49:          self.titleLabel?.text = ""
      50:          self.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(UIFont.systemFontSize()+25.0)
      51:      }
      53:  }


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    具体结构为一个UnitCell内部包含9个label,一个子label Size10*21,UnitCell长宽 60*60。


    Screen Shot 2015-03-06 at 9.44.04 AM


    Screen Shot 2015-03-06 at 9.47.40 AM松开后弹出对话框,为事件取名,我们把他取名为onUnitCellTouch



       1:  //
       2:  //  S9Unit.swift
       3:  //  sudoku-v02
       4:  //
       5:  //  Created by 张泽阳 on 2/14/15.
       6:  //  Copyright (c) 2015 张泽阳. All rights reserved.
       7:  //
       9:  import Foundation
      10:  import UIKit
      11:  /**
      12:      包含9个单元格(UnitCell)的九宫格
      13:  */
      14:  class S9Unit: UIView {
      15:      // MARK: - 初始化单元格
      16:      func initAllCells(){
      17:  //        self.layer.borderWidth=2
      18:          for unit:UnitCell in self.subviews as [UnitCell]{
      19:  //            println("S9's subviews:\(unit.description)\n\(unit.tag)")
      20:              unit.initCells()
      21:          }
      22:          self.layer.borderWidth=2
      23:      }
      24:      // MARK: - 取得指定tag单元格
      25:      func getTheUnit(j:Int) ->UnitCell{
      26:          for view:UnitCell in self.subviews as [UnitCell]{
      27:              if view.tag==j{
      28:                  return view
      29:              }
      30:          }
      31:          println("Impossible!!!!!!!!!")
      32:          return UnitCell()
      33:      }
      34:  }


    Screen Shot 2015-03-05 at 5.32.43 PM

    每个UnitCell要设置 Tag,方便编程时获取,我们这里把第一个tag设置为0……第9个设置为8



       1:  //
       2:  //  S99Unit.swift
       3:  //  sudoku-v02
       4:  //
       5:  //  Created by 张泽阳 on 2/14/15.
       6:  //  Copyright (c) 2015 张泽阳. All rights reserved.
       7:  //
       9:  import Foundation
      10:  import UIKit
      11:  /**
      12:      包含9个九宫格(S9Unit)的九宫格
      13:  */
      14:  class SNNUnit: UIView {
      15:      // MARK: - 初始化单元格
      16:      func initAllCells(){
      17:  //        self.layer.borderWidth=3
      18:          self.hidden = false 
      19:          for s9view:S9Unit in self.subviews as [S9Unit]{
      20:  //            println("S99's subviews:\(s9view.description)\n\(s9view.tag)")
      21:              s9view.initAllCells()
      22:          }
      23:          self.layer.borderWidth=4
      24:      }
      25:      // MARK: - 取得指定tag单元格 i,j:i大格j小格
      26:      func getTheUnitCell(i:Int,j:Int) -> UnitCell{
      27:          for s9view:S9Unit in self.subviews as [S9Unit]{
      28:              //            println("S99's subviews:\(s9view.description)\n\(s9view.tag)")
      29:              if s9view.tag==(90+i){
      31:                   return s9view.getTheUnit(j)
      34:              }
      35:          }
      37:          println("Impossible!!!\(i) \(j)")
      38:          return UnitCell()
      39:      }
      41:  }


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    Screen Shot 2015-02-24 at 9.49.16 PM




    Screen Shot 2015-03-06 at 9.59.33 AM



    Screen Shot 2015-03-06 at 10.21.56 AM




    Screen Shot 2015-03-06 at 10.25.11 AM 添加如图Button,背景设置为网上找的一张图片。设置TouchUpInside事件名称为onTouchCancelButton,并加上outlet方便调取。


    右上角加上这两个Button,设置TouchUpInside名称分别为 onAnswerAsked 和 onExitTouched。




       1:  //
       2:  //  ViewController.swift
       3:  //  sudoku-v02
       4:  //
       5:  //  Created by 张泽阳 on 2/13/15.
       6:  //  Copyright (c) 2015 张泽阳. All rights reserved.
       7:  //
       9:  import UIKit
      10:  class ViewController: UIViewController,remainProtocol,UIAlertViewDelegate {
      11:      // MARK: - 变量
      12:  //    var pickedNumberArray =  Array <Array <Int>> ()
      13:  //    var pickedMarkerArray =  Array <Array <String>> ()
      14:      var currentPickingUnitCell:UnitCell? = nil
      15:      var prePass = pass(mytitle: "", isPassed: false, prob: "", solves: [""])
      16:  //    var cellTemp:UITableViewCell?
      17:  //    var preInitials:Array <Array <Int>> = Array <Array <Int>>()
      18:      var remainCells = 81
      19:      var isSucc = false
      20:      var notErr = true
      21:      var remainCellsCounter:RemainCellsCounter? = nil
      22:  //    var unavailableNums = Array <Bool> ()//标记每次不可选的数字 如果选的话就错了
      23:  //    var errPosition = Array<(Int,Int)>()
      24:      // MARK: - 实现代理方法,处理成功时的方法
      25:      func remainZero() {
      26:          if notErr {succ()}
      27:      }
      28:      func succ(){
      29:          savePassedByMD5(prePass.problem)
      30:          isSucc = true
      31:          UIAlertView(title: "祝贺你", message: "成功解决这个数独游戏题!", delegate: self, cancelButtonTitle: "确定").show()
      32:      }
      33:      // MARK: - 保存通过关卡的状态
      34:      func savePassedByMD5(pro:String){
      35:          var md5 = (pro as NSString).md5()
      36:          //        NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().
      37:          //        println(NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().boolForKey(md5))
      38:          NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setBool(true, forKey: md5)
      39:          NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().synchronize()
      40:          //            boolForKey(md5)
      42:      }
      43:        // MARK: - 标记视图的相关操作
      44:      @IBOutlet weak var myMarkers: UIView!
      46:      @IBAction func onTouchMarkerUnitCell(sender: UnitCell) {
      48:  //            println("onTouchMarkerPicker")
      49:  //            println("\(sender.tag) curr=\(currentPickingUnitCell?.tag)")
      50:              currentPickingUnitCell?.addNumberMark(sender.tag)
      51:              disableMarkerPickerAndNumberPicker()
      52:              currentPickingUnitCell = nil
      54:      }
      55:          func enableCancelButton(){
      56:          cancelButton.enabled = true
      57:      }
      58:        // MARK: - 数字选择视图的相关操作
      59:      @IBOutlet weak var myNumberPickerView: NumberPickerView!
      60:      @IBAction func onTouchNumberPicker(sender: UIButton) {
      61:  //        println("touched number picker")
      62:  //        println(" tag = \(sender.tag)")
      63:          if currentPickingUnitCell?.titleLabel?.text == "" {
      64:  //             --remainCells
      65:              currentPickingUnitCell?.setCertainNumberBig(sender.tag)
      66:              disableMarkerPickerAndNumberPicker()
      67:              checkTotalAgain()
      68:              remainCellsCounter?.dec()
      69:          }else{
      70:              currentPickingUnitCell?.setCertainNumberBig(sender.tag)
      71:              disableMarkerPickerAndNumberPicker()
      72:              checkTotalAgain()
      73:              remainCellsCounter?.notChanged()
      74:          }
      75:  //        checkNumberAvailable(sender.tag)
      78:  //       println("remainCells\(remainCellsCounter?.count)")
      79:      }
      80:      // MARK: - 使标记视图和数字选择视图可以点击
      81:      func enableMarkerPickerAndNumberPicker(){
      82:  //        cancelButton.enabled = true
      83:          cancelButton.hidden = false
      84:          currentPickingUnitCell?.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
      85:          for view in myMarkers.subviews as [UnitCell] {
      86:              view.enabled = true
      87:          }
      88:          myMarkers.hidden = false
      89:          for view in myNumberPickerView.subviews as [UIButton] {
      90:              view.enabled = true
      91:          }
      92:          myNumberPickerView.hidden = false
      93:          var (i,j) = getIJwithCertainUnitCell(currentPickingUnitCell!)
      94:  //        println("i\(i) j\(j)")
      95:  //        disableCorrespondingButtonWithIJ(i,jj: j)
      96:          //MARK TODO 参数标记需要优化
      97:  //        makeUnavailableButtonWithIJ(i,jj: j)
      98:      }
      99:      // MARK: - 使标记视图和数字选择视图不可以点击
     100:      func disableMarkerPickerAndNumberPicker(){
     101:          cancelButton.enabled = false
     102:          cancelButton.hidden = true
     103:          currentPickingUnitCell?.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
     104:          for view in myMarkers.subviews as [UnitCell] {
     105:              view.enabled = false
     106:          }
     107:          myMarkers.hidden = true
     108:          for view in myNumberPickerView.subviews as [UIButton] {
     109:              view.enabled = false
     110:          }
     111:          myNumberPickerView.hidden = true
     112:          currentPickingUnitCell = nil
     113:      }
     115:      func checkTotalAgain(){
     116:          for i in 0...8 {
     117:              var t = 0
     118:              for j in 0...8 {
     119:  //                println("i,j\(i),\(j)  \(getTheUnitCell(i, j: j).titleLabel?.text)")
     120:                  if getTheUnitCell(i, j: j).titleLabel!.text!.isEmpty {
     121:                      continue
     122:                  }
     123:                  var k = getTheUnitCell(i, j: j).titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!;
     124:                  var m = t&(1<<k)
     125:                  if m != 0 {
     126:                      notErr = false
     127:                      return
     128:                  }else{
     129:                      t+=1<<k
     130:                  }
     131:              }
     132:          }
     133:          for i in 0...8 {
     134:              var t = 0
     135:              for j in 0...8 {
     136:                  if getTheUnitCell(j, j: i).titleLabel!.text!.isEmpty {
     137:                      continue
     138:                  }
     139:                  var k = getTheUnitCell(j, j: i).titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!;
     140:                  var m = t&(1<<k)
     141:                  if m != 0 {
     142:                      notErr = false
     143:                      return
     144:                  }else{
     145:                      t+=1<<k
     146:                  }
     147:              }
     148:          }
     149:          for a in 0...8 {
     150:              var t = 0
     151:              for b in 0...8 {
     152:                  var ii = (a/3)*3+b/3
     153:                  var jj = (a%3)*3 + b%3
     154:                  if getTheUnitCell(ii, j: jj).titleLabel!.text!.isEmpty {
     155:                      continue
     156:                  }
     157:                  var k = getTheUnitCell(ii, j: jj).titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!;
     158:                  var m = t&(1<<k)
     159:                  if m != 0 {
     160:                      notErr = false
     161:                      return
     162:                  }else{
     163:                      t+=1<<k
     164:                  }
     165:              }
     166:          }
     167:          notErr = true
     169:      }
     170:      // MARK: - (废弃)给定i,j坐标搜索无效的数字并禁止点按
     171:      func disableCorrespondingButtonWithIJ(ii:Int,jj:Int){
     172:          for i in 0...8 {
     173:              if i == ii {continue}
     174:              var unit = getTheUnitCell(i, j: jj);
     175:              if unit.titleLabel?.text != "" {
     176:  //                println(unit.titleLabel?.text)
     177:                  clearMarkerPickerAndNumberPickerWithNumber(unit.titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!)
     178:              }
     179:          }
     180:          for j in 0...8 {
     181:              if j == jj {continue}
     182:              var unit = getTheUnitCell(ii, j: j);
     183:              if unit.titleLabel?.text != "" {
     184:                  clearMarkerPickerAndNumberPickerWithNumber(unit.titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!)
     185:              }
     186:          }
     187:          var si = ii/3*3
     188:          var sj = jj/3*3
     189:          for i in si...si+2 {
     190:              for j in sj...sj+2 {
     191:                  if (i == ii)&&(j == jj) {continue}
     192:                  var unit = getTheUnitCell(i, j: j);
     193:                  if unit.titleLabel?.text != "" {
     194:                      clearMarkerPickerAndNumberPickerWithNumber(unit.titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!)
     195:                  }
     196:              }
     197:          }
     199:      }
     200:      // MARK: - (废弃)使标记视图和数字选择视图的某些数字不可选择
     201:      func clearMarkerPickerAndNumberPickerWithNumber(i:Int){
     202:  //        println("clear \(i)!!!")
     203:          for view in myMarkers.subviews as [UnitCell] {
     204:  //            println(view.tag)
     205:              if view.tag == i {
     206:                  view.enabled = false
     207:  //                println("view enable \(view.enabled)")
     208:                  break
     209:              }
     210:          }
     211:          for view in myNumberPickerView.subviews as [UIButton] {
     212:  //            println(view.tag)
     213:              if view.tag == i {
     214:                  view.enabled = false
     215:  //                println("view enable \(view.enabled)")
     216:                  break
     217:              }
     218:          }
     219:      }
     220:      // MARK: - 视图初始化相关操作
     221:      @IBOutlet weak var s99unit: SNNUnit!
     222:      @IBOutlet weak var cancelButton: UIButton!
     223:      override func viewDidLoad() {
     224:          super.viewDidLoad()
     225:  //       println(prePass.problem)
     226:          initAllMyCells()
     227:  //        initUnavailableNums()
     228:           remainCellsCounter = RemainCellsCounter(delegate1: self)
     229:          //TODO 
     230:  //        initArrays()
     231:  //        initArrays
     232:          initArrays(prePass.problem)
     233:  //        remainCellsCounter?.count = remainCells
     236:      }
     237:      // MARK: - 设置点击取消按钮时的操作
     238:      @IBAction func onTouchCancelButton(sender: UIButton) {
     239:          currentPickingUnitCell?.initCells()
     240:  //        ++remainCells
     241:          remainCellsCounter?.inc()
     242:          disableMarkerPickerAndNumberPicker()
     243:          checkTotalAgain()
     244:      }
     248:      // MARK: - 数组初始化
     250:      func initArrays(withCertainInitials:Array <Array <Int>>){
     251:          for i in 0...8 {
     252:              for j in 0...8{
     253:                  if withCertainInitials[i][j]==0 {
     254:                      continue
     255:                  }else{
     256:                      lockUnitCell(i,j: j)
     257:                      setUnitCellWithNumber(i,j: j,v: withCertainInitials[i][j])
     258:                  }
     259:              }
     260:          }
     261:      }
     262:      func initArrays(withString:NSString){
     263:          for i in 0...8 {
     264:              for j in 0...8{
     265:                  var t:String = withString.substringWithRange(NSMakeRange(i*9+j, 1))
     266:                  var cnum = t.toInt()
     267:                  if cnum == 0 {
     268:                      continue
     269:                  }else{
     270:                      lockUnitCell(i,j: j)
     271:                      setUnitCellWithNumber(i,j: j,v: cnum!)
     273:                  }
     274:              }
     275:          }
     276:      }
     279:      // MARK: - 单元格相关操作
     280:      @IBAction func onUnitCellTouch(sender: UnitCell) {
     281:          //        println("touched remainCells\(remainCells)")
     282:          //        println(" tag =\(sender.superview?.tag) \(sender.tag)")
     283:          if (sender == currentPickingUnitCell) {
     284:              //            println("same!")
     285:              currentPickingUnitCell = nil
     286:              sender.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
     287:              disableMarkerPickerAndNumberPicker()
     288:              return
     289:          }
     290:          if currentPickingUnitCell != nil {
     291:              currentPickingUnitCell?.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
     292:              currentPickingUnitCell = nil
     293:          }
     295:          currentPickingUnitCell = sender
     296:  //        clearUnavailableNumber()//每次按下不同的单元格无效数字需清空
     297:          enableMarkerPickerAndNumberPicker()
     298:          if currentPickingUnitCell?.titleLabel?.text != "" {
     299:              enableCancelButton()
     300:          }
     302:      }
     304:      //UnitCell Ops
     305:      func getTheUnitCell(i:Int, j:Int)->UnitCell{
     306:          var a = (i/3)*3+j/3
     307:          var b = (i%3)*3+j%3
     308:  //        println("(\(i),\(j))-> \(a), \(b)")
     309:         return s99unit.getTheUnitCell(
     310:         a
     311:          ,j: b
     312:          )
     314:      }
     315:      func getIJwithCertainUnitCell(unit:UnitCell)->(i:Int,j:Int){
     316:          var b = unit.tag
     317:          var a = unit.superview!.tag % 10
     318:  //        println("touch unit a\(a) b\(b)")
     319:          var ii = (a/3)*3+b/3
     320:          var jj = (a%3)*3 + b%3
     321:          return (ii,jj)
     323:      }
     324:      func setUnitCellWithNumber(i:Int,j:Int,v:Int){
     325:          var unit = getTheUnitCell(i,j: j)
     326:          unit.setCertainNumberBig(v)
     327:  //        --remainCells
     328:          remainCellsCounter?.dec()
     329:      }
     330:      func lockUnitCell(i:Int,j:Int){
     331:          var unit = getTheUnitCell(i,j: j)
     332:          unit.lockUnit()
     333:      }
     334:      func highlightUnitCell(cell:UnitCell,withColor:UIColor){
     335:          cell.backgroundColor = withColor
     336:      }
     337:      func initAllMyCells(){
     338:          s99unit.initAllCells()
     339:          for markerView in myMarkers.subviews as [UnitCell]{
     340:              markerView.layer.borderWidth=1
     341:  //            markerView.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: "banBack"), forState: UIControlState.Disabled)
     342:          }
     343:          for numPickerView in myNumberPickerView.subviews as [UIButton]{
     344:              numPickerView.layer.borderWidth = 1
     345:  //            numPickerView.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: "banBack"), forState: UIControlState.Disabled)
     346:          }
     348:          disableMarkerPickerAndNumberPicker()
     350:      }
     351:      // MARK: - 退出按钮操作
     352:      @IBAction func onExitTouched(sender: UIButton) {
     353:  //        println("t")
     354:  //        self.navigationController?.popToRootViewControllerAnimated(true)
     355:  //        self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion:^{
     356:  //            
     357:  //            })
     358:          self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: { () -> Void in
     359:              if self.isSucc {
     360:              NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("reload", object: self)
     361:              }
     362:          })
     363:      }
     364:      // MARK: - 看答案按钮相关操作
     365:      @IBAction func onAnswerAsked(sender: AnyObject) {
     367:  //        var alert:UIAlertView!
     369:          if prePass.solves.count>1 {
     370:               UIAlertView(title: "看答案", message: "确认看答案?", delegate: self, cancelButtonTitle: "取消",otherButtonTitles:"答案一","答案二").show()
     371:          }else{
     372:               UIAlertView(title: "看答案", message: "确认看答案?", delegate: self, cancelButtonTitle: "取消",otherButtonTitles:"答案一").show()
     374:          }
     377:      }
     378:      var currentAns = 0
     379:      // MARK:  alertview代理实现
     380:      func alertView(alertView: UIAlertView, clickedButtonAtIndex buttonIndex: Int){
     381:  //        println("touched \(alertView.title) \(buttonIndex) \(alertView.buttonTitleAtIndex(buttonIndex))")
     382:          if alertView.title == "看答案" {
     384:  //          
     385:              if alertView.buttonTitleAtIndex(buttonIndex) != "取消" {
     386:                  currentAns = buttonIndex - 1
     387:                  self.performSegueWithIdentifier("ans", sender: nil)
     389:              }
     391:          }
     392:      }
     395:      // MARK:  设置看答案时传递的参数
     396:      override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
     397:          if segue.identifier == "ans" {
     398:              var detailViewController:ShowAnswerController! = segue.destinationViewController as ShowAnswerController
     399:              //            var index = self.tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow()
     400:              detailViewController.ans = prePass.solves[currentAns]
     401:              //            detailViewController.cellTemp = (sender as UITableViewCell)
     403:          }
     404:      }
     405:      override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
     406:          super.didReceiveMemoryWarning()
     407:          // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
     408:      }
     409:      // MARK: - 不用的代码以作备用
     410:      func junks(){
     411:          //    override func targetViewControllerForAction(action: Selector, sender: AnyObject?) -> UIViewController? {
     412:          //        return ShowAnswerController()
     413:          //    }
     414:          //Initials
     415:          //    func initArrays(){
     416:          //        for i in 0...8
     417:          //        {
     418:          //            pickedNumberArray.append(Array(count:9,repeatedValue:0))
     419:          //        }
     420:          //        for i in 0...8
     421:          //        {
     422:          //            pickedMarkerArray.append(Array(count:9,repeatedValue:""))
     423:          //        }
     424:          //    }
     425:          /*
     426:          var boxLength = min(Int(self.view.frame.width)/5,Int(self.view.frame.height)/5)
     427:          println(boxLength)
     428:          var i=0,j=0
     429:          var marginY = (Int(self.view.frame.width) - boxLength*3)/4
     430:          var marginX = (Int(self.view.frame.height) - boxLength*3)/4
     431:          //        for i in 0...8 {
     432:          //            var sudokuView:UIView = UIView()
     433:          //            sudokuView.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
     434:          //            sudokuView.frame = CGRectMake(
     435:          //                margin*CGFloat(i-1)+CGFloat(boxLength*(i%3))
     436:          //                ,margin*CGFloat(i-1)+CGFloat( boxLength*(i/3))
     437:          //                , CGFloat(boxLength), CGFloat(boxLength))
     438:          ////            sudokuView.
     439:          //            self.view.addSubview(sudokuView)
     440:          //            }
     442:          for i in 0..<3 {
     443:          for j in 0..<3 {
     444:          var sudokuView:UIView = UIView()
     445:          sudokuView.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
     446:          sudokuView.frame = CGRectMake(
     447:          CGFloat(boxLength*(i)+(i+1)*marginY)
     448:          ,CGFloat( boxLength*(j)+(j+1)*marginX)
     449:          ,CGFloat(boxLength), CGFloat(boxLength)
     450:          )
     451:          sudokuView.layer.borderWidth=2
     452:          sudokuView.layer.borderColor=UIColor.blackColor().CGColor
     453:          self.view.addSubview(sudokuView)
     454:          }
     455:          }*/
     457:          //        println(((self.view.subviews.first) as UIView).description)
     458:          //         println( ((self.view.subviews.first) as S99Unit).isKindOfClass(S99Unit) )
     459:          //        (self.view.subviews.first as S99Unit).initAllCells()
     460:          //        for view in self.view.subviews{
     461:          //            println(view.description)
     462:          //            if view.tag==1000 {
     463:          ////                    view.name
     464:          //                println(view.name)
     465:          //                (view as S99Unit).initAllCells()
     466:          //            }
     467:          //        }
     468:          //        println(s99unit .isKindOfClass(SNNUnit))
     469:          //        println(s99unit .isKindOfClass(UIView))
     470:          //        println(s99unit)
     472:          //        myMarkers.layer.borderWidth=2
     473:          ////        myMarkerPickerView.backgroundColor = UIColor.brownColor()
     474:          //        for markerView in myMarkerPickerView.subviews as [UnitCell]{
     475:          //            println("got 1 unit\(markerView.description)")
     476:          //            myMarkerPickerView.bringSubviewToFront(markerView)
     477:          //            markerView.hidden = false
     478:          //            for eachUnit in markerView.subviews as [UILabel]{
     479:          //                eachUnit.hidden = false
     480:          //                eachUnit.layer.borderWidth=2
     481:          //
     482:          //            }
     483:          //            markerView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
     484:          //            markerView.layer.borderWidth=2
     485:          ////            markerView.frame = CGRectMake(CGFloat(715), CGFloat(20), CGFloat(60), CGFloat(60))
     486:          //        }
     487:          /* // MA_RK: -给定i,j坐标搜索无效的数字并标记
     488:          func makeUnavailableButtonWithIJ(ii:Int, jj:Int){
     489:          for i in 0...8 {
     490:          if i == ii {continue}
     491:          var unit = getTheUnitCell(i, j: jj);
     492:          if unit.titleLabel?.text != "" {
     493:          //                println(unit.titleLabel?.text)
     494:          markNumUnavailable(unit.titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!)
     495:          //                clearMarkerPickerAndNumberPickerWithNumber(unit.titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!)
     496:          }
     497:          }
     498:          for j in 0...8 {
     499:          if j == jj {continue}
     500:          var unit = getTheUnitCell(ii, j: j);
     501:          if unit.titleLabel?.text != "" {
     502:          //                clearMarkerPickerAndNumberPickerWithNumber(unit.titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!)
     503:          markNumUnavailable(unit.titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!)
     504:          }
     505:          }
     506:          var si = ii/3*3
     507:          var sj = jj/3*3
     508:          for i in si...si+2 {
     509:          for j in sj...sj+2 {
     510:          if (i == ii)&&(j == jj) {continue}
     511:          var unit = getTheUnitCell(i, j: j);
     512:          if unit.titleLabel?.text != "" {
     513:          //                    clearMarkerPickerAndNumberPickerWithNumber(unit.titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!)
     514:          markNumUnavailable(unit.titleLabel!.text!.toInt()!)
     515:          }
     516:          }
     517:          }
     519:          }*/
     520:          /*  // MA_RK: - 标记无效数字
     521:          func markNumUnavailable(n:Int){
     522:          //        unavailableNum ^= n
     523:          unavailableNums[n] = true
     524:          }
     525:          // MA_RK:  检查所选数字是否有效
     526:          func checkNumberAvailable(n:Int){
     527:          //        return (unavailableNum&n != 0)
     528:          if unavailableNums[n] == true {
     529:          notErr = false
     530:          }
     531:          }
     532:          // MAR_K:  清空无效数字标记
     533:          func clearUnavailableNumber(){
     534:          var i = 0
     535:          for i=0;i<unavailableNums.count;++i {
     536:          unavailableNums[i] = false
     537:          }
     538:          }
     539:          // MA_RK:  初始化无效数字
     540:          func initUnavailableNums(){
     541:          var i = 0
     542:          for i=0;i<10;++i{
     543:          unavailableNums.append(false)
     544:          }
     545:          }
     546:          */
     547:      }
     548:  }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zeyang/p/4317503.html
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