• 带组装6ROS_96通道


    接收端6个ROS, 96个通道,带组装时,事例率一开始为1KHz,后来降为100Hz.  运行时有报错.好像是pmg挂掉了? 


    64 Starting test test_PMG_AGENT on cmm02node05 as /opt/lhaaso/developing/tdaq-04-00-01-juno/installed/x86_64-slc6-gcc44-opt/bin/test_pm   g_agent with parameters  -H cmm02node05
    65 Test test_PMG_AGENT was not started: System call "fork" fails  (Error code = 11) (Resource temporarily unavailable)


    1 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boos  t::thread_resource_error> >'
    2   what():  boost thread: failed in pthread_create: Resource temporarily unavailable


    1 ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:30:05 [void daq::rc::Commander::updateChild(...) at RunController/src/lib/Commander.cc:36] Received exception TI  MEOUT when interacting with RootController


    3 WARNING 2017-Jun-05 20:27:40 [unsigned int histmon::ThreadedDispatcher::do_resource_2_IS_update(...) at histmon/src/ThreadedDispatch   er.cxx:409] Publishing failed for /DEBUG/SFIHistograms/BuiltTime
     4     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:27:40 [void OHProvider::publish(...) at oh/src/core/OHProvider.cxx:76] OH repository 'Histog   ramming' does not exist
     5     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:27:40 [void ISInfoDictionary::update(...) at is/src/infodictionary.cc:238] IS repository 'Hi   stogramming' does not exist
     6     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:27:40 [void ISInfoDictionary::update(...) at is/src/infodictionary.cc:238] CORBA system exce   ption "TIMEOUT(1096024072=Unknown)" has been raised
     7 WARNING 2017-Jun-05 20:30:10 [unsigned int histmon::ThreadedDispatcher::do_resource_2_IS_update(...) at histmon/src/ThreadedDispatch   er.cxx:409] Publishing failed for /DEBUG/SFIHistograms/BuiltTime
     8     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:30:10 [void OHProvider::publish(...) at oh/src/core/OHProvider.cxx:76] OH repository 'Histog   ramming' does not exist
     9     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:30:10 [void ISInfoDictionary::update(...) at is/src/infodictionary.cc:238] IS repository 'Hi   stogramming' does not exist
    10     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:30:10 [void ISInfoDictionary::update(...) at is/src/infodictionary.cc:238] CORBA system exce   ption "TIMEOUT(1096024072=Unknown)" has been raised


    2 ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:27:38 [void DFMHistoThread::publish(...) at DFM/src/DFMHistoThread.cxx:105] DFM histogram: Histograms publicatio  n failed.
    3     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:27:38 [void OHProvider::publish(...) at oh/src/core/OHProvider.cxx:76] OH repository 'Histogr  amming' does not exist
    4     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:27:38 [void ISInfoDictionary::update(...) at is/src/infodictionary.cc:238] IS repository 'His  togramming' does not exist
    5     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:27:38 [void ISInfoDictionary::update(...) at is/src/infodictionary.cc:238] CORBA system excep  tion "TIMEOUT(1096024072=Unknown)" has been raised
    6 ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:30:08 [void DFMHistoThread::publish(...) at DFM/src/DFMHistoThread.cxx:105] DFM histogram: Histograms publicatio  n failed.
    7     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:30:08 [void OHProvider::publish(...) at oh/src/core/OHProvider.cxx:76] OH repository 'Histogr  amming' does not exist
    8     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:30:08 [void ISInfoDictionary::update(...) at is/src/infodictionary.cc:238] IS repository 'His  togramming' does not exist
    9     was caused by: ERROR 2017-Jun-05 20:30:08 [void ISInfoDictionary::update(...) at is/src/infodictionary.cc:238] CORBA system excep  tion "TIMEOUT(1096024072=Unknown)" has been raised


    top - 20:40:48 up 294 days,  9:48,  5 users,  load average: 23.06, 24.28, 17.38
    Tasks: 1533 total,  31 running, 1501 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
    Cpu(s): 11.3%us, 47.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 14.6%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi, 26.8%si,  0.0%st
    Mem:  32980256k total, 31472072k used,  1508184k free,   167576k buffers
    Swap: 33554428k total,      364k used, 33554064k free, 27099532k cached
      PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                                                                  
     3774 lhaaso    20   0 1206m  50m  20m R 100.0  0.2  16:37.41 ReadoutApplicat                                                          
     3775 lhaaso    20   0 1206m  50m  20m R 99.7  0.2  16:34.72 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3906 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  50m  20m R 99.7  0.2  11:53.25 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3787 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  50m  20m R 99.7  0.2  16:33.98 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3789 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  50m  20m R 99.6  0.2  16:33.24 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3788 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  50m  20m R 99.3  0.2  16:33.04 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3911 lhaaso    20   0 1206m  50m  20m R 93.0  0.2  12:56.31 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3913 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  50m  20m R 92.9  0.2  11:21.45 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3902 lhaaso    20   0 1206m  50m  20m R 82.8  0.2  12:37.26 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3912 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  52m  20m R 82.0  0.2  11:54.87 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3790 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  52m  20m R 81.6  0.2  16:28.63 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3904 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  52m  20m R 79.7  0.2  12:18.58 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3901 lhaaso    20   0 1206m  50m  20m R 79.6  0.2  13:18.57 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3903 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  50m  20m R 76.1  0.2  12:34.21 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3905 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  50m  20m R 74.5  0.2  13:00.72 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3909 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  50m  20m R 67.5  0.2  12:16.64 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3915 lhaaso    20   0 1206m  50m  20m R 67.4  0.2  12:07.08 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     3919 lhaaso    20   0 1140m  50m  20m R 58.8  0.2  11:37.32 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     2244 root      20   0     0    0    0 R 24.3  0.0 211:42.94 kondemand/15                                                              
     2230 root      20   0     0    0    0 R 21.1  0.0 197:11.61 kondemand/1                                                               
     2243 root      20   0     0    0    0 R 21.1  0.0 203:05.90 kondemand/14                                                              
     2229 root      20   0     0    0    0 R 18.8  0.0 205:34.95 kondemand/0                                                               
     3916 lhaaso    20   0 1206m  50m  20m R 14.2  0.2   1:49.65 ReadoutApplicat                                                           
     2246 root      20   0     0    0    0 R 12.8  0.0 217:28.06 kondemand/17                                                              
     2233 root      20   0     0    0    0 R 11.1  0.0 177:11.32 kondemand/4                
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zengtx/p/6946087.html
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