需要文件 : ollydbgvc7.lib Plugin.h
编译环境 VC6.0即可
#include <windows.h> #include "Plugin.h" #pragma comment(lib,"ollydbgvc7.lib") static char g_szPluginName[] = "Hello,world Panda! "; static HWND g_hWndMain = NULL; static HINSTANCE g_hModule = NULL; static char g_szHelloClass[32]; static HWND CreateHelloWindow(void); LRESULT CALLBACK HelloWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HINSTANCE hModule, DWORD reason, LPVOID lpReserved) { if (DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH == reason) { g_hModule = hModule; } return TRUE; } extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Plugindata( char shortname[32]) { strcpy(shortname, g_szPluginName); return PLUGIN_VERSION; } extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Plugininit( int ollydbgversion, HWND hw, ulong * features) { int nRetCode; if(ollydbgversion < PLUGIN_VERSION) return -1; g_hWndMain = hw; nRetCode = Registerpluginclass( g_szHelloClass, NULL, g_hModule, HelloWndProc); if(nRetCode < 0) return -1; Addtolist(0,0,"Hello,World! v1.0"); Addtolist(0,-1," Copyright (C) 2010 Claud"); return 0; } extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Pluginmenu( int origin, char data[4096], void *item) { if(PM_MAIN == origin) { strcpy(data,"0 Hello | 1 About"); return 1; } return 0; } extc void _export cdecl ODBG_Pluginaction( int origin, int action, void *item) { if(PM_MAIN == origin) switch(action) { case 0: CreateHelloWindow(); break; case 1: MessageBox( g_hWndMain, "Writen by Panda", g_szPluginName, MB_OK); break; } } extc void _export cdecl ODBG_Plugindestroy(void) { Unregisterpluginclass(g_szHelloClass); } LRESULT CALLBACK HelloWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { RECT rc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HBRUSH hbr; HDC dc; switch(msg) { case WM_PAINT: dc=BeginPaint(hWnd,&ps); GetClientRect(hWnd,&rc); hbr=CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); FillRect(dc,&rc,hbr); TextOut(dc,100,60, // new line "Hello,world!",strlen("Hello,world!")); DeleteObject(hbr); EndPaint(hWnd,&ps); break; default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd,msg,wParam,lParam); } return 0; } static HWND CreateHelloWindow(void) { HWND hw; hw = CreateWindow( g_szHelloClass, "Message", WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU, 400,400,300,200, NULL, NULL, (HINSTANCE)Plugingetvalue(VAL_HINST), NULL); ShowWindow(hw,SW_SHOWNORMAL); UpdateWindow(hw); return hw; }
下面分析一下 OllySSEH OD插件 原版本为 DLL
#include "stdafx.h" #include <Windows.h> #include <Tlhelp32.h> #define IS_CONTAINED(p1,s1,p2,s2)( ( (LPBYTE)(p1) >= (p2) ) && ( (LPBYTE)(p1) + (s1) ) <= ( (LPBYTE) (p2) + (s2) ) ) #define PluginError -3 #define NOSEH -2 #define ERROR_READING_SEH -1 #define SAFESEH_OFF 0 #define SAFESEH_ON 1 int CheckSafeSEH(LPMODULEENTRY32 lpmoduleentry32) { LPBYTE lpHead; int retval = SAFESEH_OFF; //一开始返回没开启 SAFESEH DWORD i; // Check bounds .. if ( !(lpmoduleentry32->dwSize > sizeof (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER)) || !(lpHead = (LPBYTE)malloc(lpmoduleentry32->dwSize)) ) { return ERROR_READING_SEH; } // Read Module Headers if ( ReadProcessMemory(OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ ,NULL,lpmoduleentry32->th32ProcessID),lpmoduleentry32->modBaseAddr,lpHead,lpmoduleentry32->dwSize,NULL)) //ReadM(lpHead, module->base, lpmoduleentry32->dwSize, MM_RESTORE | MM_SILENT ) ) { PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER lpDOSh; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS lpNTh; PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY lpDD; PIMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY32 lpLCD; DWORD *lpHTable; // Get NT header lpDOSh = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) lpHead; lpNTh = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS) ( (LPBYTE)(lpDOSh) + lpDOSh->e_lfanew ); if (!IS_CONTAINED(lpNTh,sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS),lpHead,lpmoduleentry32->dwSize) ) { free(lpHead); return ERROR_READING_SEH; } // Check DllCharacteristics, is SEH enabled for this image? if ( lpNTh->OptionalHeader.DllCharacteristics & IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH ) { free(lpHead); return NOSEH; } // Get Data directory lpDD = (PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY) &lpNTh->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG]; // Check bounds .. if (!IS_CONTAINED(lpDD,sizeof(IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY),lpHead,lpmoduleentry32->dwSize) ) { free(lpHead); return ERROR_READING_SEH; } // Allocate memory for Load Config Directory if (! ( lpLCD = (PIMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY32 )malloc(sizeof(IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY)) ) ) { //PluginError(); return PluginError; } // Read Load Config Directory if (lpDD->VirtualAddress) { if (ReadProcessMemory(OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ ,NULL,lpmoduleentry32->th32ProcessID),lpmoduleentry32->modBaseAddr + lpDD->VirtualAddress,lpLCD,sizeof(IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY),NULL)) //Readmemory (lpLCD,module->base + lpDD->VirtualAddress,sizeof(IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY), MM_RESTORE | MM_SILENT ) ) { // Do we have a SEH handler table? ;-) if ( lpLCD->SEHandlerTable ) { // Allocate memory for SEHandler Table if (! (lpHTable = (DWORD *) malloc( lpLCD->SEHandlerCount * sizeof(DWORD) ) ) ) { free(lpLCD); return PluginError; } // Read SEHandler Table if ( !ReadProcessMemory(OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ ,NULL,lpmoduleentry32->th32ProcessID),(DWORD*)(lpLCD->SEHandlerTable),lpHTable,lpLCD->SEHandlerCount * sizeof(DWORD),NULL)) //Readmemory (lpHTable,lpLCD->SEHandlerTable,lpLCD->SEHandlerCount * sizeof(DWORD), MM_RESTORE | MM_SILENT ) ) { free(lpHTable); free(lpLCD); return ERROR_READING_SEH; } // Free memory and return success retval = SAFESEH_ON; } } } free(lpHead); free(lpLCD); } else { free(lpHead); retval = ERROR_READING_SEH; } return retval; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { HANDLE handle = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE,12172);//指定PID就可以扫描运行中的程序的SAFESEH开启情况 MODULEENTRY32 moduleentry32 = {sizeof(MODULEENTRY32)}; Module32First(handle,&moduleentry32); do { if (moduleentry32.modBaseAddr) { int flag = CheckSafeSEH(&moduleentry32); switch (flag) { case SAFESEH_ON: printf("%ws SAFESEH_ON ",moduleentry32.szModule); break; case SAFESEH_OFF: printf("%ws SAFESEH_OFF ",moduleentry32.szModule); break; case PluginError: printf("%ws PluginError ",moduleentry32.szModule); break; case NOSEH: printf("%ws NOSEH ",moduleentry32.szModule); break; case ERROR_READING_SEH: printf("%ws ERROR_READING_SEH ",moduleentry32.szModule); break; } } } while (Module32Next(handle,&moduleentry32)); return 0; }
下面分析一下 OllySSEH OD插件