• 继承和封装

    # class People:
    #     def __init__(self,name,age,sex):
    #         self.name=name
    #         self.age=age
    #         self.sex=sex
    #     def foo(self):
    #         print('from parent')
    # class Teacher(People):
    #     def __init__(self,name,age,sex,salary,level):
    #         # People.__init__(self,name,age,sex) #指名道姓地调用People类的__init__函数
    #         #在python3中
    #         super().__init__(name,age,sex) #调用父类的__init__的功能,实际上用的是绑定方法
    #         #在python2中
    #         # super(Teacher,self).__init__(name,age,sex)
    #         self.salary=salary
    #         self.level=level
    #     def foo(self):
    #         super().foo()
    #         print('from child')
    # t=Teacher('egon',18,'male',3000,10)
    # # print(t.name,t.age,t.sex,t.salary,t.level)
    # t.foo()
    # class A(object):
    #     def test(self):
    #         print('from A')
    #     pass
    # class B(A):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from B')
    #     pass
    # class C(A):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from C')
    #     pass
    # class D(A):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from D')
    #     pass
    # class E(B):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from E')
    #     pass
    # class F(C):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from F')
    #     pass
    # class G(D):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from G')
    #     pass
    # class H(E,F,G):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from H')
    #     pass
    # h=H()
    # # h.test=1
    # # print h.__dict__
    # #新式类的在这中继承结构下,属性的查找关系
    # # h.test()
    # # H->E->B->F->C-G-D-A 广度优先
    # #mro
    # print(H.mro())
    # #coding:utf-8
    # class A:
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from A')
    #     pass
    # class B(A):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from B')
    #     pass
    # class C(A):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from C')
    #     pass
    # class D(A):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from D')
    #     pass
    # class E(B):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from E')
    #     pass
    # class F(C):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from F')
    #     pass
    # class G(D):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from G')
    #     pass
    # class H(E,F,G):
    #     # def test(self):
    #     #     print('from H')
    #     pass
    # h=H()
    # #经典类的在这中继承结构下,属性的查找关系
    # h.test()
    # H-E-B-A-F-C-G-D 深度优先
    # class People:
    #     def __init__(self,name,age,sex,height,weight,permission=False):
    #         self.__name=name
    #         self.__age=age
    #         self.__sex=sex
    #         self.__height=height
    #         self.__weight=weight
    #         self.permission=permission
    #     def tell_info(self):
    #         print('''
    #         ---------%s info
    #         name:%s
    #         age:%s
    #         sex:%s
    #         height:%s
    #         weight:%s
    #         ''' %(self.__name,
    #               self.__name,
    #               self.__age,
    #               self.__sex,
    #               self.__height,
    #               self.__weight))
    #     @property
    #     def name(self):#访问姓名
    #         return self.__name
    #     @name.setter#,修改姓名并加上类型检查
    #     def name(self,val):
    #         if not isinstance(val,str):
    #             raise  TypeError('must be str')
    #         self.__name=val
    #     @name.deleter#删除姓名
    #     def name(self):
    #         if not self.permission:
    #             raise PermissionError('不让删')
    #         del self.__name
    #     @property
    #     def bmi(self):
    #         res = self.__weight / (self.__height ** 2)
    #         return res
    # p=People('z',18,'male',1.75,60)
    # p.tell_info()#访问人的详细信息
    # print(p.name)#访问姓名
    # p.name='x'#修改姓名
    # p.permission=True
    # del p.name#删除姓名
    # print(p.bmi)#访问人的bmi指数



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