- CoreMotion 框架介绍
随着iPhone 4的推出和M7或者M8处理器的使用,苹果增加一个一个专门负责该方面处理的框架,就是Core Motion Framework。它不仅仅提供给你获得实时的加速度值和旋转速度值,更重要的是,苹果在其中集成了很多算法,可以直接给你输出把重力 加速度分量剥离的加速度,省去你的高通滤波操作,以及提供给你一个专门的设备的三维attitude信息!Core Motion可以让开发者从各个内置传感器那里获取未经修改的传感数据,并观测或响应设备各种运动和角度变化。这些传感器包括陀螺仪、加速器和磁力仪(罗盘)。
2. 常用的类或者结构介绍
CoreMotion负责处理四种数据,一种是加速度数据,一种是螺旋仪数据,一种是磁感应数据,还有一种是前三种数据通过复杂运算得到的设备的运动数据。从Core Motion中获取数据主要是两种方式,一种是Push,就是你提供一个线程管理器NSOperationQueue,再提供一个Block(有点像C中 的回调函数),这样,Core Motion自动在每一个采样数据到来的时候回调这个Block,进行处理。在这中情况下,block中的操作会在你自己的主线程内执行。另一种方式叫做 Pull,在这个方式里,你必须主动去像Core Motion Manager要数据,这个数据就是最近一次的采样数据。你不去要,Core Motion Manager就不会给你。当然,在这种情况下,Core Motion所有的操作都在自己的后台线程中进行,不会有任何干扰你当前线程的行为。我们可以进入到CoreMotion.h看到如下:
#import <CoreMotion/CMAccelerometer.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMAltimeter.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMAltitude.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMAttitude.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMAvailability.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMDeviceMotion.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMError.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMErrorDomain.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMGyro.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMLogItem.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMMagnetometer.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMMotionActivity.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMMotionActivityManager.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMMotionManager.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMPedometer.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMStepCounter.h> #import <CoreMotion/CMSensorRecorder.h>
CMMotionManager 设备管理对象
Core Motion框架包含有一个专门的Manager类,CMMotionManager,然后由这个manager去管理三种和运动相关的数据封装类,而 且,这些类都是CMLogItem类的子类,所以相关的motion数据都可以和发生的时间信息一起保存到对应文件中,有了时间戳,两个相邻数据之间的实 际更新时间就很容易得到了。
typedef struct { double x; double y; double z; } CMAcceleration;
// 加速度数据
@interface CMAccelerometerData : CMLogItem { @private id _internal; } /* * acceleration * * Discussion: * 加速度结构体数据 * */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) CMAcceleration acceleration; @end
CMAltitudeData 设备的海拔数据
@interface CMAltitudeData : CMLogItem /* * relativeAltitude * * Discussion: * 海拔 * */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) NSNumber *relativeAltitude; /* * pressure * * Discussion: * 气压 * */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) NSNumber *pressure; @end
@interface CMDeviceMotion : CMLogItem { @private id _internal; } /* * attitude * * Discussion: * 设备状态 * */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) CMAttitude *attitude; /* * rotationRate * * Discussion: * 设备的角速度 * */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) CMRotationRate rotationRate; /* * gravity * * Discussion: * 设备的重力加速度 * */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) CMAcceleration gravity; /* * userAcceleration * * Discussion: * 用户施加的加速度 */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) CMAcceleration userAcceleration; /* * magneticField * * Discussion: * 磁场矢量对象 */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) CMCalibratedMagneticField magneticField NS_AVAILABLE(NA,5_0); @end
- CMGyroData设备的陀螺仪数据
typedef struct { double x; double y; double z; } CMRotationRate; /* * CMGyroData * * Discussion: * 陀螺仪数据 * */@interface CMGyroData : CMLogItem { @private id _internal; } /* * rotationRate * * Discussion: * 数据结构体 * */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) CMRotationRate rotationRate; @end
CMMagnetometerData 设备的磁力数据
typedef struct { double x; double y; double z; } CMMagneticField; /* * CMMagnetometerData * * Discussion: * Contains a single magnetometer measurement. */ @interface CMMagnetometerData : CMLogItem { @private id _internal; } /* * magneticField * * Discussion: * Returns the magnetic field measured by the magnetometer. Note * that this is the total magnetic field observed by the device which * is equal to the Earth's geomagnetic field plus bias introduced * from the device itself and its surroundings. */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) CMMagneticField magneticField; @end
CMPedometerData 用户的行走活动数据,包括:步数,距离,楼层等。
@interface CMPedometerData : NSObject <NSSecureCoding, NSCopying> /* * startDate * * Discussion: * The start time of the period for which the pedometer data is valid. * * This is the start time requested for the session or historical query. */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) NSDate *startDate; /* * endDate * * Discussion: * The end time of the period for which the pedometer data is valid. * * For updates this is the time for the most recent update. For historical * queries this is the end time requested. */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) NSDate *endDate; /* * numberOfSteps * * Discussion: * Number of steps taken by the user. */ @property(readonly, nonatomic) NSNumber *numberOfSteps; /* * distance * * Discussion: * Estimated distance in meters traveled by the user while walking and * running. Value is nil unsupported platforms. */ @property(readonly, nonatomic, nullable) NSNumber *distance; /* * floorsAscended * * Discussion: * Approximate number of floors ascended by way of stairs. Value is nil * on unsupported platforms. * */ @property(readonly, nonatomic, nullable) NSNumber *floorsAscended; /* * floorsDescended * * Discussion: * Approximate number of floors descended by way of stairs. Value is nil * on unsupported platforms. */ @property(readonly, nonatomic, nullable) NSNumber *floorsDescended; /* * currentPace * * * Discussion: * For updates this returns the current pace, in s/m (seconds per meter). * Value is nil if any of the following are true: * * (1) Information not yet available; * (2) Historical query; * (3) Unsupported platform. * */ @property(readonly, nonatomic, nullable) NSNumber *currentPace NS_AVAILABLE(NA,9_0); /* * currentCadence * * * Discussion: * For updates this returns the rate at which steps are taken, in steps per second. * Value is nil if any of the following are true: * * (1) Information not yet available; * (2) Historical query; * (3) Unsupported platform. * */ @property(readonly, nonatomic, nullable) NSNumber *currentCadence NS_AVAILABLE(NA,9_0); @end