• Go语言*习题练习_1.6并发获取多个URL

    练习 1.10: 找一个数据量比较大的网站,用本小节中的程序调研网站的缓存策略,对每个URL执行两遍请求,查看两次时间是否有较大的差别,并且每次获取到的响应内容是否一致,修改本节中的程序,将响应结果输出,以便于进行对比。

    练习 1.11: 在fatchall中尝试使用长一些的参数列表,比如使用在alexa.com的上百万网站里排名靠前的。如果一个网站没有回应,程序将采取怎样的行为?(Section8.9 描述了在这种情况下的应对机制)。

    package main
    import (
    func fetchUrl(url string, ch chan <- map[string]string) { //使用map记录,url -> response
    	start := time.Now()
    	resp,err := http.Get(url)
    	result := make(map[string]string)
    	if err != nil {
    		result[url] = fmt.Sprintf("http-get: %v",err)
    		ch <- result
    	nbytes,err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard,resp.Body)
    	if err != nil {
    		result[url] = fmt.Sprintf("while reading:%v %v",url,err)
    		ch <- result
    	secs := time.Since(start).Seconds()
    	//fmt.Printf("%v %v %v Bytes %v's
    	result[url] = fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v Bytes %v's",url,resp.Status,nbytes,secs)
    	ch <- result
    func main() {
    	start := time.Now()
    	ch := make(chan map[string]string)
    	count := 0
    	for _,url := range os.Args[1:] {
    		if ! strings.HasPrefix(url,"htto") {
    			url = "http://" + url
    		fmt.Printf("start fetch %v
    		go fetchUrl(url,ch) // 重复3次
    		go fetchUrl(url,ch)
    		go fetchUrl(url,ch)
    		count += 3
    	result := make(map[string]string)
    	keys := []string{}
    	for i:=0;i<count;i++{
    		for k,v := range <-ch {
    			result[k] = v
    			keys = append(keys,k)
    	sort.Strings(keys) //按照url排序
    	for _,k := range keys  {
    		fmt.Printf("%s : %s
    ",k,result[k]) //输出按照URL排序后的结果
    	fmt.Printf("done, use %v seconds",time.Since(start).Seconds())



    go run main.go baidu.com sina.cn 163.com google.cn qq.com weibo.cn
    start fetch http://baidu.com
    start fetch http://sina.cn
    start fetch http://163.com
    start fetch http://google.cn
    start fetch http://qq.com
    start fetch http://weibo.cn
    http://163.com : http://163.com 200 OK 648796 Bytes 0.8530488's
    http://163.com : http://163.com 200 OK 648796 Bytes 0.8530488's
    http://163.com : http://163.com 200 OK 648796 Bytes 0.8530488's
    http://baidu.com : http://baidu.com 200 OK 81 Bytes 0.0630036's
    http://baidu.com : http://baidu.com 200 OK 81 Bytes 0.0630036's
    http://baidu.com : http://baidu.com 200 OK 81 Bytes 0.0630036's
    http://google.cn : http://google.cn 200 OK 3213 Bytes 0.3580205's
    http://google.cn : http://google.cn 200 OK 3213 Bytes 0.3580205's
    http://google.cn : http://google.cn 200 OK 3213 Bytes 0.3580205's
    http://qq.com : http://qq.com 200 OK 248761 Bytes 0.3360192's
    http://qq.com : http://qq.com 200 OK 248761 Bytes 0.3360192's
    http://qq.com : http://qq.com 200 OK 248761 Bytes 0.3360192's
    http://sina.cn : http://sina.cn 200 OK 14147 Bytes 0.1520087's
    http://sina.cn : http://sina.cn 200 OK 14147 Bytes 0.1520087's
    http://sina.cn : http://sina.cn 200 OK 14147 Bytes 0.1520087's
    http://weibo.cn : http://weibo.cn 200 OK 5293 Bytes 0.3700212's
    http://weibo.cn : http://weibo.cn 200 OK 5293 Bytes 0.3700212's
    http://weibo.cn : http://weibo.cn 200 OK 5293 Bytes 0.3700212's
    done, use 0.8830505 seconds


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yzhch/p/6375302.html
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