• poj3384



      1 /*
      2   Time:2013-04-11 19:02:48
      3   State:Accepted
      4 */
      5 #include<iostream>
      6 #include<cstring>
      7 #include<cstdio>
      8 #include<cmath>
      9 #include<algorithm>
     10 #include<set>
     11 #include<string>
     12 #include<cstdlib>
     13 #define eps  1e-9
     14 #define maxn  210
     15 using namespace std;
     17 int ln, q[maxn], top,  bot, n, ord[maxn], tot;
     18 double maxdist, r;
     19 struct point{double x, y; } p[maxn];
     20 struct line { 
     21              point a, b; 
     22              double angle; 
     23 } ;
     24 line l[maxn], l1[maxn];
     26 void add_line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 ){
     27      l1[ln].a.x = x1;
     28      l1[ln].b.x = x2;
     29      l1[ln].a.y = y1;
     30      l1[ln].b.y = y2;
     31      l1[ln].angle = atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);  
     32      ord[ln] = ln;
     33      ++ln;
     34 }
     36 void init(){
     37     double x1 , y1, x2, y2, dd;
     38    // scanf("%lf", &r);
     39     for (int i =0;  i < n; ++i){
     40             scanf("%lf%lf",&x1, &y1);
     41             p[i].x = x1;
     42             p[i].y = y1;  
     43     }    
     44     ln = 0;
     45     p[n] = p[0];
     46     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
     47         add_line(p[i + 1].x,  p[i +1 ].y, p[i].x, p[i].y);
     49 }
     51 int dblcmp(double k){
     52     if (fabs(k) < eps) return 0;
     53     return k > 0 ? 1 : -1;
     54 }
     56 double multi(point p0, point p1, point p2){
     57     return (p1.x-p0.x)*(p2.y-p0.y)-(p1.y-p0.y)*(p2.x-p0.x);    
     58 }
     60 bool cmp(const int u, const int v){
     61      int d = dblcmp(l[u].angle - l[v].angle);
     62      if (d == 0) return dblcmp(multi(l[u].a, l[v].a,l[v].b)) > 0;
     63      return d < 0;
     64 }
     66 void get_point(line l1, line l2, point& p){
     67      double  dot1,  dot2;
     68      dot1 = multi(l2.a, l1.b, l1.a);
     69      dot2 = multi(l1.b, l2.b, l1.a);
     70      p.x = (l2.a.x * dot2 + l2.b.x * dot1) / (dot1 + dot2);
     71      p.y = (l2.a.y * dot2 + l2.b.y * dot1) / (dot1 + dot2);
     72 }
     74 bool judge(line l0, line l1, line l2){
     75      point p;
     76      get_point(l1, l2, p);
     77      return dblcmp(multi(p, l0.a , l0.b)) < 0;  
     78 }
     80 void nowline(double d){
     81     double datax, datay,  dx, dy;
     82     for (int i = 0; i < ln ;++i){
     83         dx = l1[i].b.x - l1[i].a.x;
     84         dy = l1[i].b.y - l1[i].a.y;
     85         datax = dy/ sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) * d;
     86         datay = dx/ sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) * d;
     87         l[i].a.x = l1[i].a.x - datax;
     88         l[i].a.y = l1[i].a.y + datay;
     89         l[i].b.x = l1[i].b.x - datax;
     90         l[i].b.y = l1[i].b.y + datay;
     91         l[i].angle = l1[i].angle;
     92         ord[i] = i;
     93     }
     94 }
     96 bool SAI(double mid){
     97      nowline(mid);
     98      sort(ord, ord + ln , cmp); 
     99      int i, j;
    100      for (i = 0, j = 0; i < ln; ++i)
    101          if (dblcmp(l[ord[i]].angle - l[ord[j]].angle) > 0)
    102              ord[++j] = ord[i];
    103      ln = j + 1;
    104      q[0] = ord[0];
    105      q[1] = ord[1]; 
    106      bot = 0; 
    107      top = 1;
    108      for (int i = 2; i < ln ; ++i){
    109          while (bot < top && judge(l[ord[i]], l[q[top - 1]], l[q[top]])) --top;
    110          while (bot < top && judge(l[ord[i]], l[q[bot + 1]], l[q[bot]])) ++bot;
    111          q[++top] = ord[i];         
    112      }
    113      while (bot < top && judge(l[q[bot]], l[q[top-1]], l[q[top]])) --top; 
    114      while (bot < top && judge(l[q[top]], l[q[bot+1]], l[q[bot]])) ++bot;
    115      tot = 0;
    116      q[++top] = q[bot];
    117      for (int i = bot; i < top; ++i){
    118         get_point(l[q[i]],l[q[i+1]], p[tot++]);
    119      }
    120      return 1;
    122 }
    125 void solve(){
    126      SAI(r);
    127      double x1, y1, x2, y2, dist = -1.000, dd;
    128      for (int i = 0; i < tot; ++i)
    129        for (int j = i; j < tot; ++j){
    130            dd = sqrt((p[i].x-p[j].x)*(p[i].x-p[j].x)+(p[i].y-p[j].y)*(p[i].y-p[j].y));
    131            if (dd > dist){
    132                   dist = dd;
    133                   x1 = p[i].x;
    134                   y1 = p[i].y;
    135                   x2 = p[j].x;
    136                   y2 = p[j].y;
    137            }
    138      }
    139      printf("%.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf\n",x1, y1, x2, y2);
    141 }  
    143 int main(){
    144     freopen("poj3384.in","r",stdin);
    145     freopen("poj3384.out","w",stdout);
    146     while (scanf("%d%lf", &n, &r) != EOF){
    147        init();
    148        solve();
    149      }
    150     fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout);       
    151 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yzcstc/p/3015807.html
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