• MyBatis中参数为List

    mapper中写接口,必须加上 @Param("partyOrganId"),否则会出错。
    List<EChartsDO> getMemberByAge(@Param("partyOrganId") List<Long> partyOrganId);

    <sql id="WhereClause">
        where isdel='N'
    <if test="partyOrganId!= null">
    AND party_organ_id in
    <foreach collection="partyOrganId" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">
     <select id="getMemberByAge" resultMap="ExtResultMap" parameterType="java.util.List">
    select text,count(id) count,total,ROUND(count(id)/total*100,1) percent from
    (select case when TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthday, CURDATE()) BETWEEN 18 AND 29 then '18-29岁'
    when TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthday, CURDATE()) BETWEEN 30 AND 39 then '30-39岁'
    when TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthday, CURDATE()) BETWEEN 40 AND 49 then '40-49岁'
    when TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthday, CURDATE()) BETWEEN 50 AND 59 then '50-59岁'
    when TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthday, CURDATE()) BETWEEN 60 AND 69 then '60-69岁'
    when TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthday, CURDATE()) BETWEEN 70 AND 79 then '70-79岁'
    when TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, birthday, CURDATE()) > 80 then '80岁以上' end as text,id,
    (select count(id) from common_party_member <include refid="WhereClause" />) total
    from common_party_member <include refid="WhereClause" />
    )t GROUP BY text
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yyjspace/p/11605968.html
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