• 认证系统

    The Auth System   认证系统


    The auth system for Swift is loosely based on the auth system from the existing Rackspace architecture – actually from a few existing auth systems – and is therefore a bit disjointed. The distilled points about it are:


    • The authentication/authorization part can be an external system or a subsystem run within Swift as WSGI middleware
    • 认证/授权部分可以作为一个运行在Swift中作为WSGI中间件的外部系统或子系统
    • The user of Swift passes in an auth token with each request
    • Swift用户在每个请求中会附加认证令牌。
    • Swift validates each token with the external auth system or auth subsystem and caches the result
    • Swif用外部的认证系统或者认证子系统来验证每个令牌并且缓存结果
    • The token does not change from request to request, but does expire
    • 令牌不是每次请求都会变化,但是存在有效期

    The token can be passed into Swift using the X-Auth-Token or the X-Storage-Token header. Both have the same format: just a simple string representing the token. Some auth systems use UUID tokens, some an MD5 hash of something unique, some use “something else” but the salient point is that the token is a string which can be sent as-is back to the auth system for validation.


    Swift will make calls to the auth system, giving the auth token to be validated. For a valid token, the auth system responds with an overall expiration in seconds from now. Swift will cache the token up to the expiration time.


    The included TempAuth also has the concept of admin and non-admin users within an account. Admin users can do anything within the account. Non-admin users can only perform operations per container based on the container’s X-Container-Read and X-Container-Write ACLs. For more information on ACLs, see swift.common.middleware.acl.

    其包含的TempAuth,对于account而言,也有admin和non-admin用户的概念。admin用户拥有账号的所有操作权限。non-admin用户仅可以基于每个容器执行基于容器的X-Container-Read and X-Container-Write的访问控制列表进行操作。对于更多关于ACLs的信息,参见swift.common.middleware.acl

    Additionally, if the auth system sets the request environ’s swift_owner key to True, the proxy will return additional header information in some requests, such as the X-Container-Sync-Key for a container GET or HEAD.

    此外,如果认证系统设置request environ的swift_owner键为True,该代理服务器将在某些请求中返回额外的头部信息,诸如用于容器的GET或HEAD的X-Container-Sync-Key。

    The user starts a session by sending a ReST request to the auth system to receive the auth token and a URL to the Swift system.


    Extending Auth  扩展的认证

    TempAuth is written as wsgi middleware, so implementing your own auth is as easy as writing new wsgi middleware, and plugging it in to the proxy server. The KeyStone project and the Swauth project are examples of additional auth services.

    Also, see Auth Server and Middleware.

    TempAuth被作为wsgi中间,因此实现你自己的认证系统就如同写一个新的wsgi中间件一样容易,然后把它安装到代理服务器上。KeyStone和Swauth项目是另外认证服务器的例子。也可以参见 Auth Server and Middleware.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuxc/p/2203908.html
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