How many trials are needed to make a prediction on whether a grid generated with probability p percolates?
How many different values of p should be considered to determine the percolation probability q?
For p=1, the grid will always percolate (there are no blocked locations) and for p=0 the grid will never percolate (all locations are blocked). Intuitively, for values of p close to 1, one expects that the majority of the trials will report percolation and for values of p close to 0 one expects very few percolations.
The goal is to generate a plot whose x-coordinate represents values of p (from 0 to 1) and whose y-coordinate represents q (also from 0 to 1). From the shape of the plot, you will make a prediction of the percolation probability.
Every point in the plot is obtained by running a number of trials. For a certain probability p, assume we are making t trials and s of the t randomly generated grids allow percolation. We set q = s/t and (p,q) is a point in the plot. It would be helpful if there were a formula allowing us to plot this function. However, such a formula does not exist.
Experimentally determine the percolation probability for a grid of size n=25. Remember that you need to decide how many values of p to consider and how many experiments to run for each value of p (you should set this quantity t to at leats 10). Plot the graph using Matplotlib or VPython. Place all code generating the plot into a file experiment_n_fixed.py (this file needs to import all files and libraries you use). In addition to the graph, discuss how you decided on the number of trials used and the probabilities p considered. State the observed percolation probability.
from pylab import *
step = 0.01
trial_count = 100
size = 25
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = 0
results = []
while p < 1:
print 'Running for p =', p, '...'
perc_count = 0
for k in range(trial_count):
g = random_grid(size, p)
flow,perc = percolation_wave(g,trace=False)
if perc:
perc_count += 1
prob = float(perc_count)/trial_count
print 'percolation q=:',prob
p += step
print len(results)
#b = bar(arange(0,1,step), results, width=step, color='r')
plot(arange(0,1,step), results)
ylabel('Percolation Probability')
title('Probability of Percolation')
- N = 1000,M = 1000
- N = 1000,M = 100
- N = 1000,M = 10
- N = 100,M = 1000
- N = 100,M = 100
- N = 100,M = 10
1. N = 1000,M = 1000
6. N = 100,M = 10
7.其实也考虑了N = 10,M = 1000