• 论文阅读 A Comparative Illustration of AI Planningbased Web Services Composition


    A Comparative Illustration of AI Planning-based Web Services Composition


    ACM SIGecom Exchanges




    Seog-Chan Oh, Dongwon Lee




    根据自动/手动,复杂性,规模对WSC问题进行区分,然后讲述了AI方法对各种不同的WSC问题的适用性,重点研究了AI Planning方法对一般WSC问题的应用。


    1. 文章结构

    Propose the Problem Setting: Find the Restaurant and give the concept of WSC

    Classification of WSC Problem

    Manual vs. Automatic Workflow Composition

    Simple vs. Complex Operator

    Small vs. LargeScale

    Overview of Matching Approaches

    Approach-1: exact match using syntactic equivalence

    Approach-2: approximate match using distance functions

    Approach-3: semantic match using ontologies

    AI-Planning based algorithms for WSC problem

    Graphplan based planning

    SATPlan based reduction

    Integer Linear Programming formulation


    2. Claims

    Web services based e-service workflow problem can be formulated as AI-planning problem

    3. WSC problem classification

    (1) Manual vs. Automatic Workflow Composition

    Manual approach is not appropriate for large-scale WSC problem.

    (2) Simple vs. Complex Operator

    Simple WSC: sequential AND Composition

    (3) Small vs. Large Scale

    Small-scale WSC problem: exhaustive search algorithms

    Large-scale problem: approximate algorithms

    The automatic composition approach can be complementary to the manual approach such that a few feasible workflows generated from the automatic approach are in turn presented to domain experts who may choose one of them, and refine it further manually.

    4. Different WSC problem and the corresponding AI method

    (1) WSC without complex operator:

    heuristic sub-optimal algorithms (e.g. A *)

    (2) Operators are complex and some specific constraint rules must be checked

    rule-based expert systems

    (3) More General WSC problem

    AI planning methods

    5. AI-Planning based algorithms for WSC problem

    Graphplan and ILP are suitable for planning problem with complex operators in a small-scale.

    SATPlan can be used to find sub-optimal compositions for a large-scale problem with complex operator


    A.1 Definition of WSC (Web Service Composition) Problem

    In order to fully satisfy a request r, one has to compose multiple web services, {w1, w2, …, wn } in sequential or parallel way such that:

    (1) ∈{w1,w2,…,wn}, wiin can be grounded when wiout is required at a particular state in composition

    (2) in Uw1out … Uwnout) ⊇rout


    A.2 Background

    (1) The general WSC problem can be reduced to the satisfiabiliy problem[Vossen et al. 1999].

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuquanlaobo/p/597955.html
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