• [笔记].怎样使用Nios II中的Memory Test模板来测试RAM和Flash

    本文简单描述如何使用Memory Test模板来测试RAM和Flash,此处以SDRAM和EPCS为例。

    使用环境:Altera Quartus 9.1 SP1 + Nios II  9.1 Software Build Tools for Eclipse SP1

    步骤1 在SOPC Builder中配置RAM和FLash

    图1 例化epcs控制器和sdram控制器

    图1 例化epcs控制器和sdram控制器

    注意观察epcs控制器和sdram控制器的起始和终止地址。此处epcs controller,例化为epcs,起始地址是0x01002090,终止地址是0x01002097;sdram controller,与epcs类似。当然也可查看之后生成的system.h。

    步骤2 使用Nios II中的Memory Test模板来测试

    1. 使用Memory Test模板创建软件工程

    图2 创建软件工程

    图2 创建软件工程

    2. 编译程序及检查相关设置


    #define ALT_MODULE_CLASS_epcs altera_avalon_epcs_flash_controller
    #define EPCS_BASE 0x1001800
    #define EPCS_IRQ 1
    #define EPCS_NAME "/dev/epcs"
    #define EPCS_REGISTER_OFFSET 512
    #define EPCS_SPAN 2048
    #define EPCS_TYPE "altera_avalon_epcs_flash_controller"

    代码1 EPCS相关的映射

    #define ALT_MODULE_CLASS_sdram altera_avalon_new_sdram_controller
    #define SDRAM_BASE 0x800000
    #define SDRAM_CAS_LATENCY 3
    #define SDRAM_CONTENTS_INFO ""
    #define SDRAM_INIT_NOP_DELAY 0.0
    #define SDRAM_IRQ -1
    #define SDRAM_NAME "/dev/sdram"
    #define SDRAM_POWERUP_DELAY 100.0
    #define SDRAM_REFRESH_PERIOD 15.625
    #define SDRAM_SDRAM_ROW_WIDTH 12
    #define SDRAM_SHARED_DATA 0
    #define SDRAM_SIM_MODEL_BASE 1
    #define SDRAM_SPAN 8388608
    #define SDRAM_TYPE "altera_avalon_new_sdram_controller"
    #define SDRAM_T_AC 5.5
    #define SDRAM_T_MRD 3
    #define SDRAM_T_RCD 20.0
    #define SDRAM_T_RFC 70.0
    #define SDRAM_T_RP 20.0
    #define SDRAM_T_WR 14.0

    代码2 SDRAM相关的映射

    3. 运行程序

    运行程序后,在Nios II Console出现如下字样。

    图3 Nios II Console 显示结果 

    图3 Nios II Console 显示结果



    图4 提示测试EPCS Flash

    图4 提示测试EPCS Flash


    图5 测试EPCS

    图5 测试EPCS



    图6 提示输入测试SDRAM的起始地址

    图6 提示输入测试SDRAM的起始地址

    提示输入其实地址。从system.h可以看到,SDRAM从0x800000开始寻址;在SOPC Builder中,更可以清楚地了解到SDRAM的起始和终止地址。然而,程序是在SDRAM中运行的;如果在此处,直接输入SDRAM寻址的起始地址,有可能引起冲突,以致于程序无法继续运行下去。那我们先测试其他地址开始的内容,此处以0x900000为例。

    图6 提示输入测试SDRAM的终止地址

    图6 提示输入测试SDRAM的终止地址


    图7 输入测试SDRAM的终止地址,显示测试结果

    图7 输入测试SDRAM的终止地址,显示测试结果


    附录1 mem_test.c


     * Copyright (c) 2004 Altera Corporation, San Jose, California, USA.      *
     * All rights reserved. All use of this software and documentation is     *
     * subject to the License Agreement located at the end of this file below.*
     * Description
     * This is a test program which tests RAM and flash memory. 
     * Requirements
     * This is a "Hosted" application. According to the ANSI C standard, hosted 
     * applications can rely on numerous system-services (including properly-
     * initialized device drivers and, in this case, STDOUT).  
     * When this program is compiled, code is added before main(), so that all 
     * devices are properly-initialized and all system-services (e.g. the 
     * library) are ready-to-use. In this hosted environment, all standard C 
     * programs will run.
     * A hosted application (like this example) does not need to concern itself 
     * with initializing devices. As long as it only calls C Standard Library 
     * functions, a hosted application can run "as if on a workstation."
     * An application runs in a hosted environment if it declares the function 
     * main(), which this application does.
     * This software example requires a STDOUT component such as a UART or 
     * JTAG UART, a CFI flash component, and 2 RAM components (one for running
     * the program, and one for testing)  Therefore it can run on the following
     * hardware examples:
     * Nios Development Board, Stratix II Edition:
     * -  Standard (DMA RAM test will not run)
     * -  Full Featured
     * DSP Development Board, Stratix II Edition:
     * -  Standard (DMA RAM test will not run)
     * -  Full Featured
     * Nios Development Board, Stratix Edition:
     * -  Standard (DMA RAM test will not run)
     * -  Full Featured
     * Nios Development Board, Stratix Professional Edition:
     * -  Standard (DMA RAM test will not run)
     * -  Full Featured
     * Nios Development Board, Cyclone Edition:
     * -  Standard (DMA RAM test will not run)
     * -  Full Featured
     * Nios Development Board, Cyclone II Edition:
     * -  Standard (DMA RAM test will not run)
     * -  Full Featured
     * Note: This example will not run on the Nios II Instruction Set Simulator
     * Peripherals Exercised by SW
     * The example's purpose is to test RAM and flash, as well as demonstrate the 
     * use of the DMA controller and flash API in NiosII.
     * The RAM test routine performs the following operations:
     * 1.) Tests the address and data lines for shorts and opens. 
     * 2.) Tests byte and half-word access.
     * 3.) Tests every bit in the memory to store both '1' and '0'. 
     * 4.) Tests DMA access to the memory.
     * IMPORTANT: The RAM test is destructive to the contents of the RAM.  For this
     * reason, you MUST assure that none of the software sections are located in 
     * the RAM being tested.  This requires that code, data, and exception 
     * locations must all be in a memory seperate from the one being tested.
     * These locations can be adjusted in Nios II IDE and SOPC Builder.
     * The flash tests demonstrate the use of the flash programming API.  After the
     * flash device specified is opened, the test routine searches for a block in 
     * the device that is already erased.  This prevents any overwriting of 
     * important data that may be programmed in flash.  When an erased block is 
     * found, the routine performs a test of the flash API calls on that block.
     * The following API functions are then run to test the flash interface:
     * - alt_get_flash_info
     *    This function queries the flash device and collects various information 
     *    about it.  In the example, the results of this query are compared to what
     *    is expected, and an error is reported in the event of a mismatch.
     * - alt_write_flash
     *    This function writes a specified number of bytes to the flash device.  
     *    In the example, this function is called repeatedly in a loop to write a 
     *    lengthy amount of data.
     * - alt_read_flash
     *    This function reads a specified number of bytes of data from the flash 
     *    device.  In the example, alt_read_flash is used to read back and test 
     *    all of the writing routines.
     * - alt_erase_flash_block
     *    This function performs a block erase on the flash device. 
     * - alt_write_flash_block
     *    This function writes an erase block of data to the flash device.  
     * During the test, status and error information is passed to the user via 
     * printf's.
     * Software Files
     * memtest.c - Main C file that contains all memory testing code in this 
     *             example.
    #include "sys/alt_dma.h"
    #include "system.h"
    #include "sys/alt_flash.h"
    #include "sys/alt_flash_dev.h"
    /* Mode parameters for Flash Test */
    #define TEST 1
    #define SHOWMAP 2
    #define CFI 3
    #define EPCS 4
    /* One nice define for going to menu entry functions. */
    #define MenuCase(letter,proc) case letter:proc; break;
    /* Global DMA "transaction finished" flag */
    #ifdef DMA_NAME  
    static volatile int rx_done = 0;
    #endif /* DMA_NAME */  
    *  Function: MenuHeader
    *  Purpose: Prints the menu header.
    static void MenuHeader(void)
      printf("             <---->   Nios II Memory Test.   <---->\n");
      printf("This software example tests the memory in your system to assure it\n");
      printf("is working properly.  This test is destructive to the contents of\n");
      printf("the memory it tests. Assure the memory being tested does not contain\n");
      printf("the executable or data sections of this code or the exception address\n");
      printf("of the system.\n");
    *  Function: MenuBegin
    *  Purpose: Prints the top portion of the menu.
    static void MenuBegin( char *title )
    *  Function: MenuItem
    *  Purpose: Prints selection items in the menu, enumerated by the 
    *           specified letter.
    static void MenuItem( char letter, char *name )
      printf("     %c:  %s\n" ,letter, name);
    *  Function: GetInputString
    *  Purpose: Parses an input string for the character '\n'.  Then
    *           returns the string, minus any '\r' characters it 
    *           encounters.
    void GetInputString( char* entry, int size, FILE * stream )
      int i;
      int ch = 0;
      for(i = 0; (ch != '\n') && (i < size); )
        if( (ch = getc(stream)) != '\r')
          entry[i] = ch;
    *  Function: MenuEnd
    *  Purpose: Prints the end of the menu, then captures and returns
    *           the user's selection.
    static int MenuEnd( char lowLetter, char highLetter )
      static char entry[4];
      static char ch;
      printf("     q:  Exit\n");
      printf("\nSelect Choice (%c-%c): [Followed by ]",lowLetter,highLetter);
      GetInputString( entry, sizeof(entry), stdin );
      if(sscanf(entry, "%c\n", &ch))
        if( ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' )
          ch += 'a' - 'A';
        if( ch == 27 )
          ch = 'q';
      return ch;
    *  Function: MemGetAddressRange
    *  Purpose: Gathers a range of memory from the user.
    static int MemGetAddressRange(int* base_address, int* end_address)
      char line[12];
        /* Get the base address */
        printf("Base address to start memory test: (i.e. 0x800000)\n");
        GetInputString( line, sizeof(line), stdin );
        /* Check the format to make sure it was entered as hex */
        if(sscanf(line, "0x%X", base_address) != 1)
          printf("%s\n", line);
          printf(" -ERROR: Invalid base address entered.  Address must be in the form '0x800000'\n\n");
        /* Get the end address */
        printf("End Address:\n");
        GetInputString( line, sizeof(line), stdin );
        /* Check the format to make sure it was entered as hex */
        if(sscanf(line, "0x%X", end_address) != 1)
          printf(" -ERROR: Invalid end address entered.  Address must be in the form '0x8FFFFF'\n\n");
        /* Make sure end address is greater than base address. */
        if (end_address <= base_address)
          printf(" -ERROR: End address must be greater than the start address\n\n");
    *  Function: MemTestDataBus
    *  Purpose: Tests that the data bus is connected with no 
    *           stuck-at's, shorts, or open circuits.
    static int MemTestDataBus(unsigned int address)
      unsigned int pattern;
      unsigned int ret_code = 0x0;
      /* Perform a walking 1's test at the given address. */
      for (pattern = 1; pattern != 0; pattern <<= 1)
        /* Write the test pattern. */
        IOWR_32DIRECT(address, 0, pattern);
        /* Read it back (immediately is okay for this test). */
        if (IORD_32DIRECT(address, 0) != pattern)
          ret_code = pattern;
      return ret_code;
    *  Function: MemTestAddressBus
    *  Purpose: Tests that the address bus is connected with no 
    *           stuck-at's, shorts, or open circuits.
    static int MemTestAddressBus(unsigned int memory_base, unsigned int nBytes)
      unsigned int address_mask = (nBytes - 1);
      unsigned int offset;
      unsigned int test_offset;
      unsigned int pattern     = 0xAAAAAAAA;
      unsigned int antipattern  = 0x55555555;
      unsigned int ret_code = 0x0;
      /* Write the default pattern at each of the power-of-two offsets. */
      for (offset = sizeof(unsigned int); (offset & address_mask) != 0; offset <<= 1)
        IOWR_32DIRECT(memory_base, offset, pattern);
      /* Check for address bits stuck high. */
      test_offset = 0;
      IOWR_32DIRECT(memory_base, test_offset, antipattern);
      for (offset = sizeof(unsigned int); (offset & address_mask) != 0; offset <<= 1)
         if (IORD_32DIRECT(memory_base, offset) != pattern)
            ret_code = (memory_base+offset);
      /* Check for address bits stuck low or shorted. */
      IOWR_32DIRECT(memory_base, test_offset, pattern);
      for (test_offset = sizeof(unsigned int); (test_offset & address_mask) != 0; test_offset <<= 1)
        if (!ret_code)
          IOWR_32DIRECT(memory_base, test_offset, antipattern);
          for (offset = sizeof(unsigned int); (offset & address_mask) != 0; offset <<= 1)
            if ((IORD_32DIRECT(memory_base, offset) != pattern) && (offset != test_offset))
              ret_code = (memory_base + test_offset);
          IOWR_32DIRECT(memory_base, test_offset, pattern);
      return ret_code;
    *  Function: MemTest8_16BitAccess
    *  Purpose: Tests that the memory at the specified base address
    *           can be read and written in both byte and half-word 
    *           modes.
    static int MemTest8_16BitAccess(unsigned int memory_base)
      int ret_code = 0x0;
      /* Write 4 bytes */
      IOWR_8DIRECT(memory_base, 0, 0x0A);
      IOWR_8DIRECT(memory_base, 1, 0x05);
      IOWR_8DIRECT(memory_base, 2, 0xA0);
      IOWR_8DIRECT(memory_base, 3, 0x50);
      /* Read it back as one word */
      if(IORD_32DIRECT(memory_base, 0) != 0x50A0050A)
        ret_code = memory_base;
      /* Read it back as two half-words */
      if (!ret_code)
        if ((IORD_16DIRECT(memory_base, 2) != 0x50A0) ||
            (IORD_16DIRECT(memory_base, 0) != 0x050A))
          ret_code = memory_base;
      /* Read it back as 4 bytes */
      if (!ret_code)
        if ((IORD_8DIRECT(memory_base, 3) != 0x50) ||
            (IORD_8DIRECT(memory_base, 2) != 0xA0) ||
            (IORD_8DIRECT(memory_base, 1) != 0x05) ||
            (IORD_8DIRECT(memory_base, 0) != 0x0A))
        ret_code = memory_base;
      /* Write 2 half-words */
      if (!ret_code)
        IOWR_16DIRECT(memory_base, 0, 0x50A0);
        IOWR_16DIRECT(memory_base, 2, 0x050A);
        /* Read it back as one word */
        if(IORD_32DIRECT(memory_base, 0) != 0x050A50A0)
          ret_code = memory_base;
      /* Read it back as two half-words */
      if (!ret_code)
        if ((IORD_16DIRECT(memory_base, 2) != 0x050A) ||
            (IORD_16DIRECT(memory_base, 0) != 0x50A0))
          ret_code = memory_base;
      /* Read it back as 4 bytes */
      if (!ret_code)
        if ((IORD_8DIRECT(memory_base, 3) != 0x05) ||
            (IORD_8DIRECT(memory_base, 2) != 0x0A) ||
            (IORD_8DIRECT(memory_base, 1) != 0x50) ||
            (IORD_8DIRECT(memory_base, 0) != 0xA0))
          ret_code = memory_base;
    *  Function: MemTestDevice
    *  Purpose: Tests that every bit in the memory device within the 
    *           specified address range can store both a '1' and a '0'.
    static int MemTestDevice(unsigned int memory_base, unsigned int nBytes)
      unsigned int offset;
      unsigned int pattern;
      unsigned int antipattern;
      unsigned int ret_code = 0x0;
      /* Fill memory with a known pattern. */
      for (pattern = 1, offset = 0; offset < nBytes; pattern++, offset+=4)
        IOWR_32DIRECT(memory_base, offset, pattern);
      printf(" .");
      /* Check each location and invert it for the second pass. */
      for (pattern = 1, offset = 0; offset < nBytes; pattern++, offset+=4)
        if (IORD_32DIRECT(memory_base, offset) != pattern)
          ret_code = (memory_base + offset);
        antipattern = ~pattern;
        IOWR_32DIRECT(memory_base, offset, antipattern);
      printf(" .");
      /* Check each location for the inverted pattern and zero it. */
      for (pattern = 1, offset = 0; offset < nBytes; pattern++, offset+=4)
        antipattern = ~pattern;
        if (IORD_32DIRECT(memory_base, offset) != antipattern)
          ret_code = (memory_base + offset);
        IOWR_32DIRECT(memory_base, offset, 0x0);
      return ret_code;
    *  Function: dma_done
    *  Purpose: Called when a DMA recieve transaction is complete.
    *           Increments rx_done to signal to the main program that
    *           the transaction is done.
    #ifdef DMA_NAME  
    static void dma_done (void* handle, void* data)
    #endif /* DMA_NAME */  
    *  Function: MemDMATest
    *  Purpose: Tests every bit in the memory device within the 
    *  specified address range using DMA.  The DMA controller provides 
    *  a more rigourous test of the memory since it performs back-to-
    *  back memory accesses at full system speed.
    #ifdef DMA_NAME  
    static int MemDMATest(unsigned int memory_base, unsigned int nBytes)
      int rc;
      int ret_code = 0;
      int pattern, offset;
      alt_dma_txchan txchan;
      alt_dma_rxchan rxchan;
      void* data_written;
      void* data_read;
      /* Get a couple buffers for the test */
      data_written = (void*)alt_uncached_malloc(0x1000);
      data_read = (void*)alt_uncached_malloc(0x1000);
      /* Fill write buffer with known values */
      for (pattern = 1, offset = 0; offset < 0x1000; pattern++, offset+=4)
        IOWR_32DIRECT((int)data_written, offset, pattern);
      /* Create the transmit channel */
      if ((txchan = alt_dma_txchan_open("/dev/dma")) == NULL)
        printf ("Failed to open transmit channel\n");
        exit (1);
      /* Create the receive channel */
      if ((rxchan = alt_dma_rxchan_open("/dev/dma")) == NULL)
        printf ("Failed to open receive channel\n");
        exit (1);
      for(offset = memory_base; offset < (memory_base + nBytes); offset += 0x1000)
        /* Use DMA to transfer from write buffer to memory under test */
        /* Post the transmit request */
        if ((rc = alt_dma_txchan_send (txchan, data_written, 0x1000, NULL, NULL)) < 0)
          printf ("Failed to post transmit request, reason = %i\n", rc);
          exit (1);
        /* Post the receive request */
        if ((rc = alt_dma_rxchan_prepare (rxchan, (void*)offset, 0x1000, dma_done, NULL)) < 0)
          printf ("Failed to post read request, reason = %i\n", rc);
          exit (1);
        /* Wait for transfer to complete */
        while (!rx_done);
        rx_done = 0;
        /* Clear the read buffer before we fill it */
        memset(data_read, 0, 0x1000);
        /* Use DMA to read data back into read buffer from memory under test */
        /* Post the transmit request */
        if ((rc = alt_dma_txchan_send (txchan, (void*)offset, 0x1000, NULL, NULL)) < 0)
          printf ("Failed to post transmit request, reason = %i\n", rc);
          exit (1);
        /* Post the receive request */
        if ((rc = alt_dma_rxchan_prepare (rxchan, data_read, 0x1000, dma_done, NULL)) < 0)
          printf ("Failed to post read request, reason = %i\n", rc);
          exit (1);
        /* Wait for transfer to complete */
        while (!rx_done);
        rx_done = 0;
        if (memcmp(data_written, data_read, 0x1000))
          ret_code = offset;
      return ret_code;
    #endif /* DMA_NAME */  
    *  Function: TestRam
    *  Purpose: Performs a full-test on the RAM specified.  The tests
    *           run are:
    *             - MemTestDataBus
    *             - MemTestAddressBus
    *             - MemTest8_16BitAccess
    *             - MemTestDevice
    *             - MemDMATest
    static void TestRam(void)
      int memory_base, memory_end, memory_size;
      int ret_code = 0x0;
      /* Find out what range of memory we are testing */
      MemGetAddressRange(&memory_base, &memory_end);
      memory_size = (memory_end - memory_base);
      printf("Testing RAM from 0x%X to 0x%X\n", memory_base, (memory_base + memory_size));
      /* Test Data Bus. */
      ret_code = MemTestDataBus(memory_base);
      if (ret_code)
       printf(" -Data bus test failed at bit 0x%X", (int)ret_code);
        printf(" -Data bus test passed\n");
      /* Test Address Bus. */
      if (!ret_code)
        ret_code  = MemTestAddressBus(memory_base, memory_size);
        if  (ret_code)
          printf(" -Address bus test failed at address 0x%X", (int)ret_code);
          printf(" -Address bus test passed\n");
      /* Test byte and half-word access. */
      if (!ret_code)
        ret_code = MemTest8_16BitAccess(memory_base);
        if  (ret_code)
          printf(" -Byte and half-word access test failed at address 0x%X", (int)ret_code);
          printf(" -Byte and half-word access test passed\n");
      /* Test that each bit in the device can store both 1 and 0. */
      if (!ret_code)
        printf(" -Testing each bit in memory device.");
        ret_code = MemTestDevice(memory_base, memory_size);
        if  (ret_code)
          printf("  failed at address 0x%X", (int)ret_code);
          printf("  passed\n");
      /* Test DMA access to the RAM if DMA exists */
    #ifdef DMA_NAME  
      if (!ret_code)
        printf(" -Testing memory using DMA.");
        ret_code = MemDMATest(memory_base, memory_size);
        if  (ret_code)
          printf("  failed at address 0x%X", (int)ret_code);
          printf("  passed\n");
    #endif /* DMA_NAME */
      if (!ret_code)
        printf("Memory at 0x%X Okay\n", memory_base);
    *  Function: FlashCheckIfBlockErased
    *  Purpose: Checks the specified flash block to see if it is 
    *           completely erased (all 0xFFFFFFFF).
    static int FlashCheckIfBlockErased(alt_flash_fd* fd, int block, flash_region* regions)
      int i, j;
      int ret_code = 0x0;
      char block_is_erased = 0x1;
      alt_u8 *data_read;
      /* Get a buffer */
      data_read = malloc(64);
      /* Initialize the flag */
      block_is_erased = 0x1;
      for(i = 0; i < regions->block_size; i += 64)
        ret_code = alt_read_flash(fd, ((block * regions->block_size) + i), data_read, 64);
        for(j=0; j < 64; j+=1)
          if(*(data_read+j) != 0xFF)
            /* If this byte isn't erased, then neither is the block */
            block_is_erased = 0x0;
        if (block_is_erased == 0x0)
      /* Block is erased if we indexed through all block locations */
      if(i == regions->block_size)
        ret_code = 1;
        ret_code = 0;
      return ret_code;
    *  Function: FlashTestBlockWrite
    *  Purpose: Tests that the function alt_write_flash_block is
    *           is working properly.
    static int FlashTestBlockWrite(int block, int *error, alt_flash_fd* fd, flash_region* regions)
      int i;
      int ret_code = 0x0;
      int test_offset;
      alt_u8 *data_written;
      alt_u8 *data_read;
      /* Get a couple buffers for the test */
      data_written = malloc(100);
      data_read = malloc(100);
      test_offset = (regions->offset + (block * regions->block_size));
      /* Fill write buffer with 100 values (incremented by 3) */
      for(i=0; i < 100; i++)
        *(data_written + i) = (i * 3);
      /* Write the buffer to flash starting 0x40 bytes from the beginning of the block. */
      printf(" -Testing \"alt_write_flash_block\".");
      ret_code = alt_write_flash_block(fd, test_offset, (test_offset + 0x40), data_written, 100);
      if (!ret_code)
        /* Now read it back into the read_buffer */
        ret_code = alt_read_flash(fd, (test_offset + 0x40), data_read, 100);
          /* See if they match */
          if (memcmp(data_written, data_read, 100))
            printf("  FAILED.\n");
            printf("  passed.\n");
      /* Test unaligned writes */
        /* Erase the block */
        ret_code = alt_erase_flash_block(fd, test_offset, regions->block_size);
        /* Write the buffer to flash on an unaligned address. */
        printf(" -Testing unaligned writes.");
        ret_code = alt_write_flash_block(fd, test_offset, (test_offset + 0x43), data_written, 100);
        if (!ret_code)
          /* Now read it back into the read_buffer */
          ret_code = alt_read_flash(fd, (test_offset + 0x43), data_read, 100);
            /* See if they match */
            if (memcmp(data_written, data_read, 100))
              printf("  FAILED.\n");
              printf("  passed.\n");
      /* Free up the buffers we allocated. */
      return ret_code;
    *  Function: FlashTestReadWrite
    *  Purpose: Tests that the functions alt_write_flash and
    *           alt_read_flash are working properly, as well as tests
    *           that every bit in the specified block can store both
    *           a '1' and '0'.
    static int FlashTestReadWrite(int block, int *error, alt_flash_fd* fd, flash_region* regions)
      int i;
      int ret_code = 0x0;
      int test_offset;
      alt_u8 *data_written;
      alt_u8 *data_read;
      /* Get a couple buffers for the tests */
      data_written = malloc(regions->block_size);
      data_read = malloc(regions->block_size);
      /* Calculate the offset at which the block lives */
      test_offset = (regions->offset + (block * regions->block_size));
      printf("\n -Starting Flash Test.\n");
      printf(" -Testing \"alt_write_flash\" and \"alt_read_flash\".\n");
      /* Fill buffer with incrementing values */
      for(i=0; i < regions->block_size; i++)
        *(data_written + i) = i;
      /* Write the buffer to flash block */
      ret_code = alt_write_flash(fd, test_offset, data_written, regions->block_size);
      if (!ret_code)
        /* Read flash block into read buffer */
        ret_code = alt_read_flash(fd, test_offset, data_read, regions->block_size);
          /* See if they match */
          if (memcmp(data_written, data_read, regions->block_size))
            printf("    pass 1 - FAILED.\n");
            printf("    pass 1 - passed.\n");
        /* Now fill the buffer with decrementing values (invert the incrementing ones) */
        for(i=0; i < regions->block_size; i++)
          *(data_written + i) = ~((alt_u8)(i));
        /* Write the buffer to flash block */
        ret_code = alt_write_flash(fd, test_offset, data_written, regions->block_size);
        if (!ret_code)
          /* Read flash block into read buffer */
          ret_code = alt_read_flash(fd, test_offset, data_read, regions->block_size);
            /* See if they match */
            if (memcmp(data_written, data_read, regions->block_size))
              printf("    pass 2 - FAILED.\n");
              printf("    pass 2 - passed.\n");
        if (*error)
          ret_code = 1;
      /* Free up the buffers we allocated */
      return ret_code;
    *  Function: FlashTestBlockErase
    *  Purpose: Tests that the function alt_erase_flash_block is
    *           is working properly.  Assumes that the specified
    *           flash block contains some non-0xFFFFFFFF data before
    *           this function is called.
    static int FlashTestBlockErase(int block, int *error, alt_flash_fd* fd, flash_region* regions)
      int ret_code = 0x0;
      int test_offset;
      /* Calculate the offset of the block */
      test_offset = (regions->offset + (block * regions->block_size));
      printf(" -Testing \"alt_erase_flash_block\".");
      ret_code = alt_erase_flash_block(fd, test_offset, regions->block_size);
      /* Check that the erase was successful. */
      if (!ret_code)
        if(FlashCheckIfBlockErased(fd, block, regions))
          printf("  passed.\n");
          printf("  FAILED\n");  
      return ret_code;
    *  Function: FlashRunTests
    *  Purpose: Performs a full-test on the Flash specified.  The tests
    *           run are:
    *             - alt_write_flash
    *             - alt_read_flash
    *             - alt_erase_flash_block
    *             - alt_write_flash_block
    static void FlashRunTests(alt_flash_fd* fd, int block, flash_region* regions)
      int ret_code = 0x0;
      int error = 0x0;
      int test_offset;
      /* Calculate the offset of the block */
      test_offset = (regions->offset + (block * regions->block_size));
      /* Test reading and writing functions */
      ret_code = FlashTestReadWrite(block, &error, fd, regions);
      /* Test the erase function */
      if (!ret_code)
        ret_code = FlashTestBlockErase(block, &error, fd, regions);
      /* Test the block write function */
      if (!ret_code)
        ret_code = FlashTestBlockWrite(block, &error, fd, regions);
      /* Erase the block so we dont fill one up each time we run the test */
      printf(" -Returning block %d to its erased state.\n", block);
      alt_erase_flash_block(fd, test_offset, regions->block_size);
      printf(" -Flash tests complete.\n");
      if(ret_code || error)
        printf(" -At least one test failed.\n\n");
    *  Function: GetFlashName
    *  Purpose: Gets the name of the flash to test from the user
    *           Defaults to "/dev/ext_flash", the name of the flash
    *           component in the Nios II example designs.
    static int GetFlashName(char line[30], int flash_type)
      char ch = 0x0;
      int i;
      if (flash_type == CFI)
        printf("\nEnter the name of the CFI flash device to be opened,\n");
        printf("or just press  to open \"/dev/ext_flash\"\n");
      else if (flash_type == EPCS)
        printf("\nEnter the name of the EPCS flash device to be opened,\n");
        printf("or just press  to open \"/dev/epcs_controller\"\n");
      for(i = 0; ch != '\n'; i++)
        ch = getc(stdin);
        if(ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')
          /* Hitting  defaults to the standard component name */
          if( i <= 1 )
            if (flash_type == CFI)
              strcpy(line, "/dev/ext_flash\0");
            else if (flash_type == EPCS)
              strcpy(line, "/dev/epcs_controller\0");
            /* Properly terminate the string. */
            line[i] = '\0';
         line[i] = ch;
      return 0;
    *  Function: FlashErase
    *  Purpose: Erases 1 or all blocks in the specified flash device.
    static void FlashErase(int flash_type)
      alt_flash_fd* fd;
      int test_offset;
      int ret_code;
      flash_region* regions;
      int number_of_regions;
      alt_u8 entry[4];
      alt_u8 flashname[30];
      unsigned int block;
      /* Get the name of the flash we are erasing */
      ret_code = GetFlashName(flashname, flash_type);
      fd = alt_flash_open_dev(flashname);
      if (fd)
        /* Find out some useful stuff about the flash */
        ret_code = alt_get_flash_info(fd, ®ions, &number_of_regions);
        if (!ret_code)
          printf(" -Region has %d blocks.\n", regions->number_of_blocks);
          printf(" -Which block would you like to erase?\n");
          printf(" -> ");
          GetInputString( entry, sizeof(entry), stdin );
          if(entry[0] == 'a')
            printf(" -Erase ALL blocks? (y/n) ");
            GetInputString( entry, sizeof(entry), stdin );
            if(entry[0] == 'y')
              /* Erase all blocks */
              printf(" -Erasing %d blocks.  Please Wait.\n", (regions->number_of_blocks));
              for(block = 0; block < regions->number_of_blocks; block++)
                /* Dont erase it if it's already erased silly. */
                if ((FlashCheckIfBlockErased(fd, block, regions)) == 0)
                  test_offset = (regions->offset + (block * regions->block_size));
                  alt_erase_flash_block(fd, test_offset, regions->block_size);
                /* Just a simple progress meter so we dont get bored waiting for the flash to erase. */
                if(((block + 1) % 80) == 0)
              printf("\n -All Blocks Erased.\n");
              printf("Erased zero blocks.\n");
          /* Just erase one block */
          if(sscanf(entry, "%d\n", &block))
            if ((block >= 0) && (block <= (regions->number_of_blocks - 1)))
              test_offset = (regions->offset + (block * regions->block_size));
              alt_erase_flash_block(fd, test_offset, regions->block_size);
              printf(" -Block %d erased.\n", block);
              printf(" -Block number entered is %d\n", block);
              printf(" -Block number must be between 0 and %d.\n", (regions->number_of_blocks - 1));
        printf(" -Closing flash \"%s\".\n", flashname);
    *  Function: FlashFindErasedBlocks
    *  Purpose: Looks through the specified flash for blocks which 
    *           are completely erased.  If the mode parameter is 
    *           TEST, this function simply returns the index of the 
    *           first block which is completely erased.  If the mode
    *           parameter is SHOWMAP, the function prints a list of 
    *           all blocks, indicating which ones are erased.
    static int FlashFindErasedBlocks(alt_flash_fd* fd, flash_region* regions, int number_of_regions, int mode)
      int region_index, block_index;
      int block_erased = 0x0;
      alt_u8 entry[5];
      unsigned int block;
      /* Currently only supports flashes with 1 region, but region loop is left here for possible */
      /* future implementation */
      for(region_index = 0; region_index < number_of_regions; region_index++)
        printf(" -Checking Region %d for erased blocks.\n", region_index);
        /* SHOWMAP mode has a legend reminding us what little plus and minus signs mean */
        if(mode == SHOWMAP)
          printf("            erased block = '-'\n");     
          printf("          unerased block = '+'\n\n");     
        /* Check those blocks. */
        for(block_index = 0; block_index < (regions->number_of_blocks); block_index++)
          block_erased = FlashCheckIfBlockErased(fd, block_index, regions);
          /* If it's erased and were running in TEST mode, we're done */
          if(block_erased && (mode == TEST))
          /* If in SHOWMAP mode, mark block as either erased or not-erased. */
          else if(block_erased && (mode == SHOWMAP))
            printf("  Block %3d @ 0x%8.8X:\t-\n", block_index, (regions->offset + (block_index * regions->block_size)));           
          else if(!block_erased && (mode == SHOWMAP))
            printf("  Block %3d @ 0x%8.8X:\t+\n", block_index, (regions->offset + (block_index * regions->block_size)));           
        /* Special case if no blocks are erased (TEST mode only)*/
        if(( block_index == ( regions->number_of_blocks )) && ( mode == TEST ))
          printf(" -Found no erased blocks.  Please enter the number of the block\n");
          printf("  you would like to test.  Enter 'q' to quit without testing flash.\n");
          printf(" -> ");
          GetInputString( entry, sizeof(entry), stdin );
          if(entry[0] == 'q')
                block_index = QUIT_WITHOUT_TESTING;
          else if(sscanf(entry, "%d\n", &block))
            if ((block >= 0) && (block <= (regions->number_of_blocks - 1)))
                block_index = block;
              printf(" -Block number entered is %d\n", block);
              printf(" -Block number must be between 0 and %d.\n", (regions->number_of_blocks - 1));
        /* Break out of the region loop if we've found an erased block to test. */
        if(block_erased && (mode == TEST))
      return block_index;
    *  Function: TestFlash
    *  Purpose: Opens the specified flash device.  If the mode
    *           parameter is TEST, the function finds an erased 
    *           block, then tests it.  If the mode parameter is 
    *           SHOWMAP, the function lists all blocks in the flash and
    *           indicates which ones are erased.  The flash is closed
    *           at the end of the function.
    static void TestFlash(int mode, int flash_type)
      alt_flash_fd* fd;
      int number_of_regions;
      int block;
      flash_region* regions;
      int ret_code = 0x0;
      alt_u8 entry[4];
      alt_u8 flashname[30];
      ret_code = GetFlashName(flashname, flash_type);
      fd = alt_flash_open_dev(flashname);
      if (fd)
        printf(" -Successfully opened %s\n", flashname);
        /* Get some useful info about the flash */
        ret_code = alt_get_flash_info(fd, ®ions, &number_of_regions);
        if (!ret_code)
          printf(" -Region 0 contains %d blocks.\n", regions->number_of_blocks);
          block = FlashFindErasedBlocks(fd, regions, number_of_regions, mode);
          /* If we're in TEST mode, ask if this block is okay to test. */
          if(( mode == TEST ) && ( block != QUIT_WITHOUT_TESTING ))
            printf(" -Block %d, at address 0x%X identified.\n", block, (regions->offset + (block * regions->block_size)));
            printf(" -Would you like to test this block? (y/n)");
            GetInputString(entry, sizeof(entry), stdin);
            if ( entry[0] == 'y' && entry[1] == '\n' )
              /* Test that Flash! */
              FlashRunTests(fd, block, regions);
              printf(" -Closing flash device \"%s\".\n", flashname);
        printf(" -ERROR: Could not open %s\n", flashname);   
    *  Function: TopMenu
    *  Purpose: Generates the top level menu.
    static int TopMenu( void )
      char ch;
      /* Print the top-level menu to stdout */
      while (1)
        MenuBegin("      Memory Test Main Menu");
        MenuItem( 'a', "Test RAM" );
        MenuItem( 'b', "Test Flash");
        MenuItem( 'c', "Test EPCS Serial Flash");
        ch = MenuEnd( 'a', 'c' );    
        ch = MenuEnd( 'a', 'b' );
    #endif /* EPCS_CONTROLLER_NAME */
          MenuCase('b',TestFlash(TEST, CFI));
          MenuCase('e',FlashErase(CFI));       /* hidden option */
          MenuCase('m',TestFlash(SHOWMAP, CFI)); /* hidden option */
          MenuCase('c',TestFlash(TEST, EPCS));
          MenuCase('f',FlashErase(EPCS));       /* hidden option */
          MenuCase('s',TestFlash(SHOWMAP, EPCS)); /* hidden option */
    #endif /* EPCS_CONTROLLER_NAME */
          case 'q':    break;
          default:    printf("\n -ERROR: %c is an invalid entry.  Please try again\n", ch); break;
        if (ch == 'q')
        printf("\nPress enter to continue...\n");
        while( (( ch = getc(stdin)) != '\n' ) && ( ch != EOF ));
      return (ch);
    *  Function: main
    *  Purpose: Continually prints the menu and performs the actions
    *           requested by the user.
    int main(void)
      int ch;
      /* Print the Header */
      /* Print the menu and do what the user requests, until they hit 'q' */
      while (1)
        ch = TopMenu();
        if (ch == 'q')
          printf( "\nExiting from Memory Test.\n");
      return (0);
    *                                                                             *
    * License Agreement                                                           *
    *                                                                             *
    * Copyright (c) 2004 Altera Corporation, San Jose, California, USA.           *
    * All rights reserved.                                                        *
    *                                                                             *
    * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a     *
    * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),  *
    * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation   *
    * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,    *
    * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the       *
    * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:        *
    *                                                                             *
    * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in  *
    * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.                         *
    *                                                                             *
    * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.                                                   *
    *                                                                             *
    * This agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State   *
    * of California and by the laws of the United States of America.              *
    * Altera does not recommend, suggest or require that this reference design    *
    * file be used in conjunction or combination with any other product.          *


    1. Altera.Nios II Software Developer's Handbook

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